THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE Saturday, March 22, 1919 The Revolutionary Age class to trial complicity and acBut we object We new.
sheviki not alone in Russia, but, more important, in the the proletariat the concept and the action of the polinations and morements represented by these betrayers tical strike a strike in which the workers use their of Socialism. But then bourgeois governments are proindustrial mass action for political purposes. The Chronicle and Interpretation of International Events Perhially stupid; they often don recognize their real proposed general strike to demand tihic release acte Tonite Louis FRAINA Editor The answer of the Soviet Government to this SocialEADMONN MACALPINE. Associate Editor alforcim vestigationecommission was blistering: we will all political prisoners. We must get the industrial niasses into action; we must concentrate our energy Contributing Editors courtesy that we would accord a commission represent upon the mills, shops and mine preparing the final JOHN REED SEN KATAYAMA iny any bourgeois government. This should rouse a struggle. HOURWICH WEINSTEIN sense of shame; but the Socialist counter revoluLUDWIG LORE tonary moderate is dead to shane.
Cottin Defence The Wrong Campaign HE Anarchist who tried to kill Clemenceau, and ISSUED EVERY SATURDAY wounded him Emile Cottin has been conBy Local Boston, Socialist Party Il is being realized that the bourgeois campaign in this country against Bolshevism acopted wrong The condemnation is universally approved by those demned to death by the French Government. Steiner, Business Manager methods and has proven a miserable fizzle. Says the 885 Washington St. Boston, Mass. New York Evening Post of March 18: People have Germany, but who protest who equally approve of the government assassins in ently ainst the Red Bundle orders 2c a copy, Subscription 00 for earned to shrug their shoulders about the Red Terror Terror in Russia.
six months (26 issues)
have poured crimson and vermillion over the original The summary condemnation of Cottin is a clear of justice. He did not kill Clemenceau but red.
Insistence on the imbecile story of a communal he immediately condemned to death. The assassin The Reaction in Germany ownership of women the product possibly of half of Jean Jaures Vilain did kill Jaures; but he was a clozen disordered anarchist a The majority Socialists in Germany, speaking inilku printed against the Bermeople as they are fewerxe been brought to trial. Almost simultaneously with Same editorial kr, are unblushingly defending their policy of mercithe Post makes this excellent point: Incomes the news that Vilain may be brought to suppression. These are the gentlemen who are sistence must not be on the facts of the Red Terror, soon. Is the French Government afraid of revelations, in Russia! The majority but the question whether the Red Terror is being used afraid that proof might be produced of the cialists, through the Ebert Scheidemann Govern to build a new life or chaos. But if the bourgeois of government agents in Joures assa assassination. ment of the People Butchery, have concluded an alnot consist of lies and exaggerations, Cottin act was an act of terror. The French Govliance with the most sinister elements of the old regof what can it consist? The facts and the truth are ernment has answered terror with terror. So be it.
ime against the Spartacan Communists and the Revowith the Soviet Republic and the Bolsheviki; but the We do it is the social war, the corrosive facts and the truth would arouse the lution recent battles in the war have ended sympathy av war we do corruption of bourgeois society.
ceptance of the American proletariat: the bourgeois to the vile hypocrisy of using and a temporary victory for the Government, a Beat comme campaign must be one of lies and slanders. or else the white revolution is developing. crushed, the munists garner new energy and resources from their collapse. But it must collapse anyway, since lies and terror of the motions and condemning the red the Spartacan Conterror of the bou slanders are bound to bring their own refutation. It to the smug moral attitudes bourgeois society assumes proletariat. We do object defeat. There is a new revolutionary movement preterrible dilemma for the ruling class.
paring to establish a Soviet Republic. The Governin the matter of terror. It is true, terror is terror; ment, accordingly, is still considering incorporating but it makes all the difference in the world whether the Soviet Congress as the lower chamber of the parliIn the Shops the terror is used to preserve a corrupt and corrupting anrent. But this compromise must accelerate the de. 1! campaign against American Dolshevism has social system, or whether it is used as a brutal but mand for a real Soviet Government. And, while the curious and interesting developments. That there necessary factor in destroying the old order and creatEbert Scheidemann Government uses murder and tering the is it mighty Bolshevik upsurge among the masses ror to crush the German Bolsheviki, they are trying to The first statement of Cottin, printed elsewhere in impress upon the Allies the idea that, unless Germany ing class is intpotent, ultimately, to tackle the Bolsheis evident. The campaign clearly shows that the rulthis issue of The Revolutionary Age, is a valuable per scoort terms, the Bolsheviki will conquer. It is vik problem, and will be crushed by it. The develop conditions in France, and the light it throws upon the characteristic of the Ebert gangsters to thus play the game of the old regime in all sorts of dark and unscrulous ways. Tlie revolutionary proletariat in ial for immediate action perhaps, as the material out psychology of the Anarchist.
of which can be organized the iron battalions of the Cottin recital of the French Government treatGerniziny will viet net against this infanıy.
roletariat, by means of interpretation and clari of the Russian soldiers in France is terrible. It fication.
Berne and the League is a scathing indictment, a recital of the infamy that The problem is, how to direct and organize this characterizes hovrgeois reaction. We had suspected the THE the un!
social patriots and petty bourgeois Socialists, approvided by a letter to the Boston Herald of March 18, in France; but the actual facts are more terrible than of the League of Nations on the basis of Car shop. The correspondent says: written evidently by a reactionary workman in the rumors. The arrest of the Soldiers Soviet formpropisill.
ed immediately after the March Revolution; the secThey of course, wanted the League to be recy We in the factories feel the Bolshevism menace in the concerning these men, probably con League of peoples, and not of gov.
very air. It isn bazy or indefinite or academic. It demned to torture and death: the arrests and executeftruments, as if that aspiration meant anything or could be realizce while Capitalism controls the world real. organized and practical. The men are reading ions of individual revolutionary soldiers; the massacre The Revolutionary. Agc as they eat their luncheon; they of detachments of Russian soldiers who refused to socially cronomically and politicalh. These social sing revolutionary songs at their work; they hoot and patricais imagine they can influence events by words. jeer as comployers and visitors walk through the buildfight. the campaign to induce them to go to Russia to ings; they circulate notices calling for a nation wide own people and their own comrades, for of by means of the class power of the revolustrike to free Mooney: they post on their benches the counter revolution. the attacks made upon these tionary proletariat. They will not influence the actual circulars calling for freeing of the political prisonsoldiers by French troops to the strains of the Marstructure of the proposedi Jout they will mobicrs: the have let it be known by underground methods seillaise: the lize the unconscious masses in favor of a League that that lahor will not take the fifth Lilverty loan; they bers of the Soviet for refusal to accept the proposal e imprisonment at hard labor of the memfave endorsed and financially supported the Lawrence is a letrayal of the nuasses, a means of preventing the strike, in defiance of its repudiation loy organized labor to send the soldiers to Russia to aid the Czecho Slomasses from engaging in the struggle for the conquest in Lawrence and by the secretary of labor; they openly vaks after Brest Litovsk; and, most infamous of all, of power by the proletariat. The bourgeois League of announce their intention of forcing a revolution and the crile of 10, 000 of these Russian taking it control of industry.
soldiers to Africa mist necessarily be a counter revolutionary os slar all this, and more, is an immemorial indictinstrument. us is proven by the attitude towarel So The correspondent then proccerls to offer suggestions ment of the merciless reaction viet Russia of the Big Five nations organizing it. for action against these aritators. But these are that can This is the government that is a real need for a league of Nations: but it uimportant and stupid. The important thing is: refuses to associate with, Soviet must a League of Nations and not a League agains! Agitation is proceeding in the shops, in the plants.
and Overnment, which the Nations. and a real League can be nothing else where the workers think as aorkers.
These are terrible facts.
than a Lean of Socialist Soviet Nations. The modAnd they must We know of groups mills and shops protest action in the class conscious proletarian.
crate Socialist, in this as in all great issues, is pettyr fellow Workers. One group has distributed ten ize the proletariat, to develop that mass action out of who form small groups to finance agitation among To the Socialist, they are a call to awaken and organbourgenis meifist and reformist, and clirectly counterrevolutionary thousand and copies of The Revolutionary Age twice in which revolutions arise, and which alone alone is an an answer Unkind and Stupid their plant, and two thousand Polshevik pamphlets. to the bourgeois terror. To Cottin, the This is being clone in scores of places, and constitutes however, they were a call to individual action. And, Splendid means of agitation, as of. his own statement indicates, not revolution but a commission to go to Russia to investigate Our agitation must converge on the mills and shops rezonge was the ideological impulse of his deed. There the workers are employed. They may not come Bolslievism. But the rench Government has just rewas in his min. of course, the idea of revolutionbut fused passports to this commission of three.
10 meetings: they may not real Iraflits distributed to revolution under emotional impulse had is not only really unkind, but stupid. Here are men feeling is emotionally conceivable willing to ilo the dirty work of Capitalism. here are listributed in the show interests them, arouses dis considering the infamous acts of the government of men representing a Congress which, through Kaustky think in terms of the industry where ther are employ is the feeling of a man emotionally broken down by cussion, is effective. The workers must be taught to Clemenceau: but it is not a revolutionary feeling, it Eisner. Honderson. Branting. Ramsay Macdonald and cal. think as proletarians. The power of the proletariat the stress of oppression, Renandel. clenounced Molshevism as the ruin of Russia lies in its control of industry: our agitation will and the enemy of Socialism: here are men who are Individual action may appear violently revolutionclovelon into action until we can get the workers to willing to stultify Serialism and mobilize the masses down tools. march out of the nkınts. get other work when mass action is the order of the clay, then the man ary: but when the actual test of the revolution comes, against thr Bolsheviki. and the lirench Government refuses them toassports! The majority at the Herne helitical ers to com outro out into the streets, and develop of individual action becomes Congress which was solid in mass strike of the its fenunciation of the proletariat.
himself. since his milicis reactionary. cannot adapt different from Polsheviki, dlariared that there was 110 need of an inOur Bolshevik poliermit while emphasizing the that of the revolutionary proletariat in action. It is ultimate implications, adjust itself to the requirements significant that in Russia. virtually all the former vestication in the attitude of the Tourcois of immediate acting out of this immediate action, if terrorists, led by Savinkov and Burtsev, were and are reactionary: 1w they appointed the commission as a it is in accord with the revolutionary tendency of the still against the Bolsheviki: they are using the tactic con in the waverinin dırn, after all the report of proletariat, will develop the larger action. At this. of assassination against the members of the Soviet this commission might lie at mens of fighting the Bul moment. one of our imunculate tasks is to arouse in Government are implacably counter revolution. y.
ment the League: Nations brutality, of Tiralle. it cold, e signalizes sease the of comrades in Anarchist, here never