Saturday, March 15, 1919 THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE of in a their Baier Elher in Elberwell known coal We sources from 1860 And not rican movernment states crisis of great and a11 monds to change began with the panic of 1873, or rather with total of 185 trusts, and 250 in 1907. American sta offers to its engineers and workingmen high bonuses the depression which followed it, and which, barring tistics divide all industrial enterprises according to for suggestions tending to perfect the technique of a slight revival of commercial activity in the early whether they are owned by individuals, firms or cor production or to cut down the cost of produceighties and an unusually strong but very short period porations. Corporations in 1904 owned 23. in tion. 13)
prosperity in 1889, affected those 22 years of the 1909 owned 25. or over one fourth of all industtime of the short revival of activity which mal enterprises. clo 1904 these corporations employed adopted the same means to promote industrial efficie Coed so especially in the chemical industry, which has. took the true to the war in religiony ser el bosc laboratorio de los and videos produced concentra la poblaciones han de orde het poder of action. The result of that in 1909, which Ultherr move was a rise in prices which was quicker bonis respectivele de mecand 79 of the in 1998 the formation of two leading group which and stronger than it would have been otherwise, and Trusts and cartels often produce 70 or 80 of the these two groups were allied to two groups of two most of those trusts went down in ignominious bank whole Coal Syndicate in 1893 mined 86. and lion marks: on one side the former Meister works, prices followed, but the traders only saw in that de 95. 47 of that type have gigantic incomes and and on the other, the Alinine and Soda Works of in 1910 of all the coal mined in the rigion. in Chochst and Kassel and Frankfurt on pression sort of pause preceding a new period on the Main prosperity canacity for production is fabulous. In the Ludwigshafen and the former Works And then a second chapter was opened in the his. United States the Standard Oil Col, the feldt. In 1905 the first group, in 1908 the other group, tory of the trusts. Instead of being a passing phe petroleum trust, was organized in 1900. Its capital concluded agreements with one more large chemical nomenon, trusts show themselves one of the funda was 150, 000. 000. It issued 100, 000, 000 worth of plant. The capitalization of each of the two groups mental institutions in economic life. They invade common stock and 106, 000. 000 of prefered stock rose to forty or fifty million marks, after which the one field of industrial activity after another in par Stockholders received the following dividends from ticular the industries which utilize raw materials. As 1900 to 1907: 48, 48, 45, 44, 36, 40, 40, 40 per cent. fixing: in June 1916. a.
two groups began to hold conferencense united in one party ination of the coke syndicate, on the as the beginning of the nineties, we notice the model or a total of 341, 000, 000 in dividends. From 1882 organization all the chemical enterprises of Germany.
of which the syndicate was organized, which was the last word in organization. The sum 606, 000. 000 was paid out in dividends, and the observe a giant process of socialization of all the inof trade at the end of the 19th of 1903 were the work of the century and revival halance added to the capital reserve (8) The Steeldustries. It is principally the technical side and the the crisis Taist, the plants in 1907 as many as 210. 180 laborUnited trusts, at least as far in its various States Steel Corporation, employed improvements in methods which are affected by that as the mining and iron industries were concerned. It process.
was quite an innovation in those days. In our days, many, the ers and clerks. The largest mining concern in Ger are very far from the old system of free comem petition between scattered traders, knowing nothing however, we realize that the largest part of our econ ployed. in 1908, 46, 048 laborers and clerks. 9) In about each other, and producing merchandise for an omic life is, by free competition speaking, no longer dominated for the Steel Trust turned out 9, 000. 000 tons of uncertain market.
generally Concentration has gone so far Accordingly, we can divide the history of mono and ch in 1901, the trust produced 66. that it now enables us to take an alnost accurate in(6)
steel steel vear. 10)
of ali in the the steel produced ventory of all the police raw material, for instinto three periods. the period, extending United States. 11)
ance of all the iron ore fields, not only in one country to 1870. marking the ultimate point in the pectivel 12. and 46. of all the iron vores res huit development in groups of countries, even in the whole world.
trists made to the Amemonopolies were only in the embryonic An official report on that the superiority of the but they only are such resources fully inventoried, ane put under one single control by giant the her of 1873, trusts began to devel trustenver their comnetitors is due to the huge size size monopolistic combinations.
but Markets are appraised, too, and divided up among even of their plants and their superior efficiency. From mena. not established institutions. During the the very hepinning nf its organization the Tobacco those combinations. The monopolies secure the revival of trade which marked the end of the 19th Triet took all possible measures to replace manual hest of skilled labor, the best trained engineers, they century and the crisis of 1900 1003. trusts became labor hv mechanical labor. It bought out for that purchase means of communication the very foundation of transportation, economic life. Capitalism niimoose all the patents covering ever detail of the railroads in the Inited States, steamship lines in then began to transform itself into Imperialism. tobacco industry, spending huge amounts of money Eurone and the United States. Capitalism, in its Trusts agree among themselves as to terms of sale, on these nurchases. Manv natented processess were imperialistic form, organizes a general socialized form credits, etc. They divide the country into territories found to be imperfert and had to be improved by of production, and actually drags capitalists, willywithin whose limits they do not compete among them angineers in the trust employ.
At the end of 1908 mill.
consciously or unconsciously, into a new form ha in the nrofes among the various concerns belonging set up its own forundre machinerv plants and remair socialization. Production becomes communistic, but produced. They fix prices. They divide sole nurnose of huvine nut natents. The trust also free competition to put them into a world of absolute In 1896 there were in Germany 250 trusts (cartels. in emplove some mm neople who devote all their of production remain the nrivate property of a time to trving out and improving new processes for number of individuals. The general structure of (7) But we all know that those figures were the manufacture of cigarettes.
small cioars, plustin svstem of free competition remains standing, hut the far below the truth. Industrial statistics for the vear wranners. hoxes. Atc (12) Other trists retain in domination of a few monopoly holders inon the rest 1907 show that 12. 000 large German cornorations their emplov sn called developing engineers, whose of the community becomes a hundred times heavier, used over 50 of all the available steam and electric duty is to device new methods of production and to a hundred times more obvious, more unbearable.
power. In the United States, there were in 1900 a introduce technical improvements. The Steel Trust (To he continued)
Along the Descent to Disaster THE National Executive Committee of our party By Alexander Stoklitzky hardly had time to develop its opportunistic notice the ability of our leaders to set out revolutionary opment, means the dictatorship of the proletariat?
Are our opportunists ready for this move? Will program of sending delegates to the conference of slogans and demands. Even if we should suppose for they be able to come from words to deeds? No! Of tests in our party at the actions of our leaders, who a moment that our opportunistic elements will not yet, manage by union with the treasonable International Conferto formulate something resembling revolutionary forms of the nur movement still needs the compromise and the reideas at the conference, we still have to depend upon petty cren have drawn our entire movement into the mire, the revolutionary spirit of the small bourgeois, bourgeoisie.
What can we expect from those who called this uosing to us a new as much and as harmful to the cause of simular organizations of the liberal bourgeoisie, which less schemes, pushing our party down the descent, are Revolutionary Marxism in this country, of delegates to the conference of Social Traitors, who is the American Federation of Labor invited by our the sending are counter revolutionary in the full sense of the word. enacted in the epoch when the world war is beginning are still beating around the lackey imperialists in leaders to this conference for the purpose of support.
to bear its fruits Neither the compromises with the small bourgeois their respertive countries.
We speak of the American national inter party con revolutionary slogans? It is laughable, and pacifists, nor the moderate line in action with the painful!
counter revolutionary American Federation of Labor, ference on May 1, which is being called by the Naticnal Executive Committee of our party. On what But let us suppose that this conference, convoked will be able to satisfy the the demand of the moment, upon the initiative of the National Executive Comthe historical break of capitalist society. We like the ground does this committee think it is justified in mittee of our party, will squeeze out from this opRussian Bolsheviki and the Revolutionary Marxists in other countries once for all reject the compromises scent Was the main motive in calling the conference solutions. Then what? What good will these Yesol with the pretty bougeois liberals and keep apart from the reaction?
opinic a in this country againstutions clo? Will the imperialistic bourgeois of this Neither the resolutions of the Cringing perryence to unite all the American proletariat? If the last Will they get scared of public opinion? Absurd! He lourgeois. conference. nor the expressions of good striking than the petition for Amnesty? Revolutionarysian and German revolutions has learned something action. They will be saved only by the revolutionary slogan the situation, who from the experience of the Rust be able to save otur comrades from the claws of reslogans at the present historical epoch are uniting the will say with confidence. that we have passed the Russion proletariat and the proletariat of all Europe.
Are these slogans but empty sounds to our Marxepoch of words and resolutions, long ago, and that not only the noportunists and the small bourgeoisie.
ists and are they unsuited for our proletariat.
thie only thing to which the imperialistic bourgeoisie is who try to cling to the proletarian movement and listening is the revolutionary mass efforts of the poison it with its bankrunt idenlogy, but also we De nur opportunists, by their naiveness, continue to proletariat!
should clean our ranks from that mire, which pushes luclicve in the influence of public opinion upon the We know that our onnortunists will grab these last nur narty on the road of the German Scheidemanns, ortion of Imperialistic bourgeoisie and do they still words. They will call this Cringing petty bourgeois the Russian Mensheviki and the Social Patriots in Topp 10. persuade the enemies of the revolutionary Conference an active mass effort of the proletariat. cther countries.
rrimtariat to take the right way? What indeed do our Put will this conference, which is leaning toward the Before trving to pass anv slogan on to the masses aders want to do at this inter party conference? To pomnormise of liberals and proletariat. be able to adont nur nasty must call its Emergency Party Conpass colorless, thin resolutions? No, they will say and bring into being one of the methods of emanci vention in order to explain once for all its own posito us. ons resolutions will be revolutionary! It is ration of the international Revolutionary Proletariat, tion. To delay this convention is to desert the Interdoubtful! p to the present tine we have failed to the general political strike. which in its logical devel national Proletariat.
means small and in 10 TOO there a corre. regerincties Chihaing peri bo conferences that il not of to