Saturday, March 15, 1919 THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE The Peace Conference in Action HE characters: Lloyd George, Clemenceau, Uncle While this idol is master Musical Comedy in One Act m happy, and everyone dances and Japan. The others, the supers, though still on their feet, are a bit shaky.
By Grisha Korichnevy In Satan grand ball. The fighting increases. All faces are convulsed JAPAN (walking around the table at which sit the My tiny shapely feet with excitement and fury. Through the back door rest of the performers, and while walking makes a And milky hands for you to greet.
with a heavy step enters a Russian Bear, leading a noise anith her slippers, gesticulating strangely, and small Spartacan by the hand. NOW and then firing her robe. CLEMENCEAU Of course! The legitimate desire RUSSIAN BEAR: Brrrr. Brrrr. Brrrr!
Mikado, bánzai, and myself, banzai.
of the companion of my ministerial heart could not Slap grab: Manchuria shall be mine.
bo expressed more eloquently and with greater pathos brrrr? Say something human.
UNCLE SAM: What is the matter? Whadaymean, Slap grab: China shall be mine.
than she just has. Is it not convincing? Are you not Slap grab, slap grab, impressed by artless enthusiasm?
RUSSIAN BEAR: Long live the Russian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic!
Grabi ALL (save japan. Oh yes, indeed! It is very, UNCLE SAM: Well, my dear fellow, it is dangerous LLOYD GEORGE (puts something in his silk top hat, very impressive. We are touched, touched very deeply to talk with you. However, if you wish, let us go to and speaks to himself. Frightf Such lack of indeed!
an island. There we may have a heart to heart talk.
culturel One can easily see she has come from the JAPAN: Understand this, my dear uncouth fellow, you are a Far East: slap grab, and again grab. Wait, will Slap grab: Manchuria shall be mine. wild animal, and we of the higher breed can not talk show you how to slap and grab! will build ships Slap grab: China shall be mine.
to you in a respectable place. Get me?
and ships, of such quantity and quality that you will Slap grab, grab slap. Mephisto runs in. Approaches the bear, bows and be kept in your little island hol: under the Rising Grab!
stands alongside of him. The bear does not notice Sun without a chance of ever getting out. And what him. Both sing, in different tunes. a face! What manners! One is liable to become sick JUGO SLAVIA (sits on a small chair and weeps RUSSIAN BEAR (sings. Long live the Russian Socat the mere sight of her. Again puts something into bitterly. am so small and yet she abuses me the silk top hat. pointing to Italy. Yesterday Uncle Sam made me ialist Federative Republic of Soviets!
MAUPASSANT FRANCE (sits on the lap of Clown away from me. It she does not give it back to me, present of a little cap and now Italy has taken it MEPHISTO (sings. enceas, holding a champagne decanter in her hand. will climb this table and scratch her eyes out. Her The whole of humanity Worships one idol, Do you recall the happy days hat is so big that could casily hide myself in it. Is The idol of gold.
And the magic of my lays?
it not enough for her? Give me back my little cap!
While this idol is master, My tiny shapely feet (Weeps. m happy, and everyone dances And milky hands for you to grect.
In Satan grand ball!
ITALY: Oh, you naughty girl! The milk is still on CLEMENCEAU: Gentlemen, members of the Conferyour lips, and here you come with those pretensions. The duet does not last long. Mephisto bass grows ence! Do you not see how sad is my beautiful France? Be glad that have taken away only your little cap, weaker and fainter, lost in the bear roaring. Satan And do you not divine the reason It is because she JUGO SLAVIA: You Milan witch. Throws an ink, changes now and then to a different costume. His final effort is made in the dress of a Stock Exchange has not Alsace Lorraine. Oh, ma chere France, you will at Italy. broker. Broker Mephisto suddenly, with a falsetto (Italy furiously attacks Jugo Slavia, tears off her shriek, ends his Alsace. How sad are your beautiful eyes and how clothes, Shoes, stockings, etc. Pandemonium breaks siderable size, begins to shrink rapidly and finally song. His figare, hitherto of conpale face, and in your graceful form a forty year loose. Italy and ſugo Slavia are attackedl, now hy one vanishes through the ink wedl. The bear and the Spartacan begin to dance. are unhappy and your soul mourns, for your suffer party, now by another. ings are deep and terrible, they are unlimited. Pours MEPHISTO (his head appearing through the halfchorus of English miners appears on the stage, sursome wine. opened door, Sings. rounds the bear in a ring, and sing: He a jolly MAUPASSANT FRANCE: good fellow.
The whole of humanity (The strains of the International are heard behind Do you recall the happy days Worships one idol, the scenes. The merriment and dancing increase. The And the magic of my lays?
The idol of gold.
curtain falls slowly. your Debs. and the Struggle Against Reaction unanimous vote a the United States Supreme W: or other class conscious worker is backed by his greatest triumph if he can inspire such solidarity BY Court has upheld the ten year sentence imposed the same class tyranny, is an act of war by the capital and labor will have marched forward many steps.
on Eugene Diebs by the Federal Court of Clev ists against the workers. But in its more intimate it may be that behind this act of the Supreme Court eland some months ago. The decision has been hailed phases the case stands alone. Debs, by his length of there lurks executive pardon for Debs but Debs can with unqualified delight by the bourgeois press, though service, by his intellectual integrity, and above all by take care of that. If the workers of America allow a few, more voracious than the rest, have cavilled at his limitless love, holds an unique position. He is the the prison gates to close for one day behind Debs then the fact that the constitutionlity of the Espionage Act, pulsing heart of the rebel wage siave. He voices the indeed they are sunk in lethargy. Monarchical England ancho and play and sun gave five years nine here in vijana was been de fundering blested abortie en established.
Here and shine for childhood; he voices the the woman toiler for laughter, and love, and beauty many gave Liebknecht four years and the workers personal courage and integrity but unfailingly the for womanhood; he voices the inarticulate demand of burst open the prisoa gates before the term was over, writers have answered the call of their class, or, to be the slave man for leisure, and bread and home for Democratic America decrees ten years to Debs, what more correct, the class that employs them. There is manhood, he voices the cry of humanity for economic do the workers say?
the was a matter of military necessity or national emerg Socialist movement and the inspiration of every other The constitutionality or the unconstitutionality of ency, but even the most brazen editorials hastily leave conscious working class organization in the country, the law matters not, what docs inatter is that the applithis phase of the subject.
cation of the law is a class act, an act of aggression by and his imprisonment is a gage Aung at the feet of the bourgeois class against the working class in the The class conscious worker is, however, not dethe workers.
person of its best loved spokesman. Bourgeois democeived by any twist that the cunning of newspaper The imprisonment of every member of our class is fiction for working class consumption.
The practice or the trickery of legal phrascology may em such a gage flung with patrician scorn in the path of law, the impartial law, the will of the jiloy. He recognizes the verdict as an act of war on sentatives, is invoked to cover a people reprethe working class, he knows that Debs is not sentenced ers have yet become sufficiently educated to view it in the rabble but it is not to be expected that the work the class struovwood, in the case of a thousand nameIt in the case of Mooney, in for the protection of the country, in the sense that the this light, a thousand incidents distract their attention the case of tert is generally used, but for protection of of the from the main issue, Debs case, however, is clearer less ones, but in this case it must be clear to even the if cut. There can be but one answer to this assault on dullest worker. Debs is punished for his love and any have had the te ploitation and fol Germanism against Debs. The case is clear cut, for of the sword of our economic might and hurl it temerity to hurl the slander of pro the workers, we must pick up the gage on the point loyalty to his class, for his devotion to the highest ideals of his brothers.
half a century Debs has fearlessly championed the back.
cause of the working class, the class to which he bePresidents and diplomats may speak of liberty in ever so idealistic phrases but so 10:18 as Debs is imlongs and from which he scorned to rise.
Three score years and ten is man allotted span, In crisis his voice, his pen and his powerful Debs has already passed through sixty four years of prisoned even the most gullible must see that their strenuous life and the imposition of a ten year sentwords are a sham and a mockery. Bourgeois demoBurged the workers on towards emancing in the union has been the scene ene of his ence means that he, who loves freedom as it is given fracy and idealism is itself tearing away the scales from the eyes of the workers and this latest act is labors, all over the country the people have foaked its greatest folly.
to hear his voice and never since he first set his face convict cell unless the workers intervene. general The workers must rely on themselves for their own ele alegiance to the cause of the world oppresed. Seraphie by Thie Speine side blombie struck in the class salvation, the first story to ans realization of their It is because of his adherence to this cause that the by the blow that the workers can make effective the free Debs and all his fellor throughout the country sentence was first imposed and its imposition is now confirmed.
withdrawal of their economic power. one day but in so acting thev inove to free themselves from strike, a half hour strike, even a five minute strike industrial serfdom. The gage is thrown Eugene It is true that in its broad aspect the Debs case dif will be sufficient to show that the workers mean bus Debs is to lie in jail for ten years. Take up the fers little from the thousands of others throughout iness. The manifestation of class solidarity will be challenge workers of America, let the general strike the country. Every conviction against a Socialist, enough to ensure success. Debs will have secured be your answer and let it lie swift and sure!
was so in system of have state in