THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE Saturday, March 15, 1919 tains ree capital. this of the dispossessed peas after province rose in the industriel porselen revolte, and throughout the wels clearly on fire that not struggle power.
only then e grace of the munc, and republic The Proletarian Revolution in Russia first stage of the Russian Revolution opens. By Gregory Weinstein sabotage with regard to the revolutionary aspirations of the masses of the people.
stagc that of a completed proletarian revolution. opens on November 7, 1917. But as the acorn conremained without food or ammunition, and the people by revolutionary means. Such, indeed, was the revThe revolution was in danger and had to be saved in itself the mighty oak, so in March 12 are imwere starving olution of November 7, 1917.
plict the events and the conquest of November The The patience of the people became exhausted and Soviet of Workmen s, Soldiers and easants Dele they finally burst into open revolt. Having 110 aims The Revolution of November 7, 1917 brought the gates in cach stage were the determining factor, the of their own in the war, forced into it by the criminal force actual and potential of the proletarian revolution will and greedy appetite of the ruling classes, dying at Russian proletariat into power. The great prophecies and the new communist society.
the front and starring in the rear, the masses of prole ultered by the fathers of Socialism have come true.
On November 7, 1917 an event took place in PetroThe dictatorship of the proletariat has become a fact.
tarians and peasants rose 10 put an end to their suffergrad which was destined to open the road to a new life for mankind. On that day in the capital of RusThe revolution was on, it was begun by the oppress has been set, an act which gave her such an additional sia a state newly delivered from the rule of crowned bourgeoisie. And the fact that on March 12, that is impetus that her boundaries now extend far beyond despots and their favorites the working class wrested the national confines, thereby attaching to her an interbefore the first Provisional Government national character and significance. The Rev. lution power from the bourgeoisie, who, following the fall was formed the Council of Workmen and Solliers has become a Bolshevista Socialist revolutic. The This served as a signal for a general Deputies was already active in Petrograd, that while first step was an actual severance with those forces government that had chained Russia to the war chariot of vorld uprising of the Russian proletariat and the great mass the bourgeoisie was hesitating awaiting the outcome of the battles on the streets of the organ of Imperialism.
peasantry who cast their lot with the revolutionary City after city, province of the people was making de The most vital and fundamental problem that the cisions and carrying them out. showing very new Government faced was the cessation of hostilities.
the weeds both the place where the revolutionary flame originFlowever, it was necessary, in the interests of the inland the process of proletarianism began. The refrom the fallowland of ated and its true character. revolutionary war, with the sparks Labor centers and it government were forced to vacate under the pressure with indignation and dead to the barracks. It fired only one side entered the war with the idea of plung of the toiling people masses. And they vacated, aland injured. The finger the hearts of all oppressed but that also the other side, shouting about its high flame reached out not only to the ideals, in realty was assiduously pursuing a policy of though not without a throne and those around it, but also to all those who annexations This was achieved through the publication Delegates took into their hands the governmental supported the throne and who planned the criminal of the secret treaties concluded by the Allies. cathe The people the common people became war at the expense of the blood and life of the people. mask was torn off the war for liberation. The faiCzarism was conquered masters of the situation. The representatives of the by ry tale about the disinterestedness of the bourgeoisie working class and poorest peasantry took over the Monarch, was forced to meet the street. The lower repulsive face of the imperialist monster, greedy, racomplex governmental machinery in order to utilize it in the interests of those who heretofore had been hypocritically assert their solidarity with the lower classes won out and then the upper classes began to pacious and cruel, appeared before the world in all its ugliness. The international inarauder received This was an expression of revolutionary will and hood of their assertions. In the provisional Govern weapons they had been using was put out of action.
a staggering blow, and one of the most dangerous 1:eroism. By a mighty effort of their muscles, similar ment which was formed there was no place for reto that of the Parisian Communards, the Russian proThe publication of the secret documents decisively presentatives of the revolutionary people. Tur surely destroyed the last ties that bound revolutionary Rusletarians broke the chains with which the ruling class the nervous, weak Kerensky, this one hour revolutionhad bound them, and actively began the work of sia with the imperialists of the Allied Powers. The ist, who became a pitiful puppet in the hands of the «recting the structure of a a new seciety, a society free Soviet Republic formed after the revolution of NovRussian bourgeoisie can not be considered a reprefrom oppression parasitism. The Paris Comember 7, introduced a new type of foreign policy. The sentative of the reyolutionary people.
crushed by the bayonets of the slaves and hireplots and intrigues of diplomats, their gambling with lings of the cruel French bourgeoisie, has come to life emphasized more and more the impossibility of plot And this first step was followed by others which the lives of nations, were abolished. All the subseagain in the cities and villages of Russia, lias come to quent governmental measures of the early emphalife in order to live and hold high the revolutionary ting national unity in a country where the revolution torch over the blood soaked earth, lighting the way was accomplished outside, and in spite of the will of sized her absolute sincerity. the purity of her methods, towards the kingdom of Socialist Brotherhood.
the bourgeoisie. It is not surprising therefore that the at the same bringing to light the falsity, ambiguity and honeymoon of the Revolution was followed by a of the And this torch is still blazing. The Russian bourdiplomacy. The annulment of period of internal struggle which was persistent, the State debts of Russia, the appeal of the Soviet of geois class have not been able to extinguish it. Prematurely old, too weak for the task, they have crawled sharp and full of constant conflicts and bitterness.
to the corners of the earth whence they whine out May 1, July 1, and September 10, these are the erent countries regarding the peace question, the their slanders and venom at the creators of new life. dates dates guide posts which inevitably led to Nov history of the peace negotiations with the Central From behind the bayonets of the invaders summoned On Nov. 1, Paul Milyukov, the servant of owers, and, finally, the attempt to end the war withthe to their aid one can see their wolfish forms and hear imperialistic Russian bourgeoisie, sent a memorany obligations towards the German their howls for vengeance. All their hopes are centerandum to the Allied Powers, stating on behalf of the robbers, all this to a certain degree united the world ed in these bayonets. They are the only salvation; Provisional Government that Russia would carry German Austrian and Allied bourgeoisie the Soviet feverishly they cling to them hoping thus to regain on the war to the bitter end. This was followed by their lost power and once again drive into bondage May and when the soldiers and workers protested, republic, which dared to violate the sacredthe people who have freed themselves from oppression. bri the ness of treaties and the half decayed principles of people the question of of international relations. The Allied diplomats, like in whose hands the power should be in the Pontius Plate, washed their hands of Russia, and the representatives of the or of the bourgeoisie The revolution of November 7, which established the of the revolutionary will of the people; the Soviets.
handed her over to be devoured by the German birls e organs clictatorship of the proletariat was an inevitable teof prey. But they went further than this, and began, On July 1, Kerensky Government ordered an ofsult of the whole course of the Russian revolution. The at first secretly and later openly, an invasion. which, tensive, as if inocking the proletariat and the army according to their plans, was to finally crush the consistent revolutionary forces of Russia were led to Soviet Republic, this step not only by the second act of the revolution, On July 16, the workers and soldiers in Petrograd which began with the extremely started an insurrection which was clearly directed arrayed the bourgeoisie of all countries against the While the foreign policy of the Soviet government overthrow of the Romanoffs, but also by the first act, which took place in 1905. Even then, in 1905, the act against the coalition Government and which showed that the question of transferring the Russian Workers and Peasants Republic, its nternal Russian bourgeoisie cut short the wings of the Russian Soviets can not be evaded by any compromises or power to the policy made the Russian bourgeoisie the most unrevolution. Even then the disgraceful brand of a Judas political subterfuges. on Septembero no, the Kor: compromising though impotent, foe of the republic.
hend. In the face of a revolutionary upheaval it male counter revolutionary bourgeoisic and which aimed ile revolution of November Iscariot appeared as a black spot on its criminal forenilov mutiny: which was cliligently prepared by the lic Sovict Government from the very day following a have been (directed to hicism of an honest inerchant betrayed the in. of the revolutionary conquests oi the people, souk le re building of warris the expropriation of expropriators and towards surgent proletariat to the exccutioners of the Czar.
the economic social structure of The period between the revolutions did not cause the peasants responded by closing their ranks more solidir country along Socialist lines. Socialism, indeed, was Russian bourgeoisie do regret this step. On the conthe by clearing them of the wavering frary; it seened to justify all the expectations and elements and by sending Rolshevist deputies in their chergy and the greatest self secrifice have turned their eyes. Along this difficult way towards the light house, such measures as the transference of the land to the tic industry of the country, which was in its hands, the Russian Revolution took place between these dates government farors and by the high protective tarif, The remaining events of the first eight months of people, nationalization of finances, socialization of was expanding daily. This was hindered, it is true, by and their winding line marks the thorny road through ers control over others, were gigantic strides.
some of the industries and the establishment of a workthe extreme poverty of the internal market and by the which the Russian proletariat came to its infinite stupidity of the Czarist regime. But then it saw wide horizons of conquest and plunder beyond its allies among the moderates in the Soviets were The people demanded peace, and the bourgeoisie and The Russian bourgeoisie is impotent to oppose these steps towards Socialism. Neither the sabotage of the the torders of Russia and the cheering prospects of ciragging out the war. The peasants demantled lane intellectuals, nor the aid of the Czar generals, nor the war came and. brought nothing but bit sembly. While to do the same for thise Constituent is the reacher? bet the pseudo Socialist groups and fr disappointinent. The sores on the body of Rus this Assembly was postponed time and again. The bayonets of the Allied troops, avail.
serecned immediately cropped out. The lack of system insolent bourgeoisie responded to this with the lock Many inonths have passed since the revolution of 2014! organization and the backwardness of the Russian out throughout Russia. All this was sanctioned by Xovember 7th took place. The evil crowing of the conomy, the rapacity of the big and small sharks, the the Provisional Government, in which thVenshe foes of the Russian Soviet Republic has failed. It corruption and treason of the ministers and officials viki and Right Social Revolutionists acted their iniser has not fallen. It lives and calls the whole world to of the Czar. all this came to the surface. The armies able part of screening the real ends of this systematic greediness Ouit assuming around Soviets, a new life.