2 THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE Saturday, March 15, 1919 The Revolutionary Age SEN KATAVANA THE Allies threatened aloe arts of reprisals ageningen the Spartacan communists, is engaged in a oping can be concessions, are abandoning their Rosa In its theory: It is a 02 five of We have won.
itical prisoners. This protest strike, if it is general The League of Nations, under Capitalism, is necesin action and in demands, will mark a new chapter in sarily bourgeois. It is a tragic deception, it cynical Amercan labor history the first American political brayal of the aspirations of the masses. League Chronicle and Interpretation of International Events strike. The political strike is a necessary instrument of Socialist nations that is the prirpose and the of the proletarian struggle: the workers must use their struggle of the revolutionary proletariat LOUIS FRAINA Editor economic power for political purposes.
EADMONN MACALPINE. Associate Editor Contributing Editors Fear Chastens Them Tragic Lessons JOHN REED HE conscious German proletariat, marshalled by HOURWICH the WEINSTEIN. Scheidemann Co. warned the proletariat that if it didn behave, if it became tragic struggle against the bourgeois Socialist LUDWIG LORE Bolshevik, the Allies woull crush Germany. But reaction. Acquiring new energy and initiative out of while the Bolshevik menace in German; was still its previous defeats, the revolutionary proletariat of ISSUED EVERY SATURDAY largely able. Butential, the Allies were rigorous orous and inplac Germany has for two wecks been fighting a desperate By Local Boston, Socialist Party now that Bolshevisni in Ger Germany is devel fight in the general civil war that has Nared up in all Steiner, Business Manager the Allies arë more considerate. districts, and particularly in Berlin.
making threats 885 Washington St. Boston, Mass.
of terrible reprisals. They alread Bolshevism as the the People Butchery, the gangsters of Ebert, ScheiIt is an implacable struggle. The Government of Bundle orders 2c a copy, Subscription 00 for devil dreads holy water, and fear chastens them. Cap demann Co. liave organized efficiently the massacre six months. 26 issues)
italism respects power alone, a threat to its suprem of the Revolution. They have disarmed all the revThe proletariat olutionary troops: they have placed the loyal troops must recognize this fact; it must porver which alone can wring concessions from Cap and, under the direction of the Socialist Noske, these We need to have the clear party note sounded italism and ultimately annihilate the accursed system. troops are crushing the revolutionary masses. And not and our position sharply defined as an unthis government, which is mnssacring the Revolution, compromising revolutionary party if we are to Bourgeois League which was responsible for the assassination of Karl take and hold our rightful place in the international movement. We have got to plant our Luxemburg, which has issued HE League of Nations, mythical bringer of a the order Shoot on sight and is murdering prison, barty upon the rock if it is not to be swept away mythical universal, peace is promoting licesenters, has the impudence to accuse the Spartacans of in the oncoming tempest. EUGENE DEBS, of civil savagery.
massacre of the revolutionary February 15, 1919.
groups disagree about the League but they agree on forces, the Ebert Scheidemann government has the one thing: the promotion of bourgeois supremacy support of Junkerism and Capitalism in Germany, of How this is to be accomplished is tha basis of the the Allies, of reaction in all the world. This is their disagio Constitution of the League of NaSocialism!
Lenin on Imperialism tions The struggle which is now raging in Germany has Ithis issue The Revolutionary Age starts the pub than at the hands of its ensmics. This alone would universal consequences. and it has particular consclication of imperialism the Final Stage of Cap indicate its inherent defects.
quences for Soviet Russia. The Allies are afraid to italism, by Lenin. This great study, which will be Does han componentionate che friends of the League ist republic: but they are developing a new polie charge that too much power is send sufficient troops to crush the proletarian Socia completed in about twelve instalments, is an important given the other nations?
contribution to Socialist economic answer: the Executive Council controls, and of tire against Russia: to use the bourgeois Socialist clear, unassailable analysis of the economic basis of nine members will represent Great Britain, crnment of Germany in an offensice against Soviet Imperialism, of its character and purposes. On the France, Italy. Japan and the United States. This Russia. Open arowal of this new policy has been basis of economics, of the facts of production, Lenin being so, it is not a League of Nations, but an impe in certain quarters. Food is being rushed proves that Capitalism has become parasitic and is rialistic alliance against the nations.
Germany. Secretary Lansing the other day delivered verging on collapse that Imperialism is the final stage an address in Paris which the Boston Globe thus sumDc:s an opponent of the League charge that it invades national sovereignty. the friends of the marizes: German militarism is brought the objective conditions for the Social Rev.
for the final struggle against the capitalist reign.
League answer: not at all, cach nation is still sove smashed. Germany is suffering. When we look at But national class. Lenin study clinches the point, and, sovereignty must necessarily devastated France we see liow Germany leserves to with his pamphlet on the State and the Reunimetish national sovereignty, hence any real League is a League of Nations: tions: Capitalism cannot relin suffer. But now we find ourselves in a unique dilem(just published by The Class Struggle) contains the ma. Germany has no money to pay damages, and, impossible while Capitalism endures.
the whole unless we lift her out of the nire, we shall have a content of the position of revolutionary Socialism.
Does an opponent of the League charge that it second Russia on our hands.
The German Government must be used and aided to crush Bolshevism in ist who wishes to adapt theory and practice to the compels, disarmament: its friends answer that disarmanent is to a point consistent with national safe Germany; then, is being declared, it will be used to requirements of the revolutionary epoch into which ty. The interpretation of this could allow for large crush Bolshevism Russia: Marsliall Hindenburg is the proletariat has now emerged.
anisin The New York World, in its March issue. cle the Ebert Scheidemann gangsters finish the dirty work, as organizing an army for the joly. After Reaction Prepares clares that the arguments used against the proposed they will be discarded by the imperialistic reaction.
THE American proletariat is in a state of awaken care incenfica of the large are comieniasticise care din studente which will take control: after Ciermany has done the economic problems which Capitaiism appears incom Federal Constitution, and infers that inasmuch as the weight of impositions by the imperialistie league petent to solve. Congress impoten: to understand. Dis Lederal Constitution Propkid, the League Coustic Vations. That is the plan. The revolutionary strug astrous conomic conditions are ahead. Revolutionary ideas and concepts of revolutionary action are making bourgeois siN. Precisely work to promote the gle of Socialism is international.
their impress upon the minds of the American work The supremacy: Convention, which adopted what It won work, we feel confident. The revolutionis now the Constitution of the nited States, was a Strikes assume a more menacing character. Revary masses in Germany have not spoken their final olutionary agitation is active. The answer of the reaction against the ideals of the American Revolu ord, by any means; Socialist Russia can take care of government and Capitalism is repression, as usual.
tion. The men The Espionage Laws, more repressive than the Alien opposed the with real revolutionary spirit violently herself; and the struggle has not yet started in other Constitution, which was the expression of nations.
and Sedition laws of the early days of our Republic. in counter a revolutionary movement to repress the But the situation is tragic, and instructive This are signing of the Armistice President Wilson told Con rights was the dominant ickea of the Convention, the Socialism of the social patriots is being dised to gress. Thus the war comes to an end. The governcon general opinion being that property is the main object pcrialistic bourgeoisie. These Socialist laugmen ment has released some political prisoners and lowergoverment.
tise means and a savagery that the bourgeois would il the sentences of others, but the majority are still in Federal Constitution and Government, which have prison: while those who have secured clemency are worked to promote bourgeois supremacy and pro the masses. Is it clear that the Socialism of the not dare use: the camouflage of Socialism deceives not the ones of revolutionary convictions. The canperty rights.
paign for drastic laws against agitators is developing sident of the whited Statesin Division and Germany everywhere is the worst enemy of the Let us cite authority. Woodrow Wilson, now Pre social patriots, of majority Socialism in Russia and Cand Congress will proletariat in action?
some states, as in Oregon, laws has these laws: in been passed that Reunion The federal government wasn by intention a demoprevent agitation, compel it to become secret. period cratic government. In plan and structure it had been That is not all. The centre Socialists, the Indoof severe repression is coming, is here. Reaction premeant to check the sweep and power of popular pendents captained by Haasc, Kautsky co. are pares; we must prepare the proletariat and Socialism. majorities. The goverment had, in fact, the interest equally betraying the proletarian revolution. They of the mercantile and wealthy classes. Originally con hesitate and compromise. They attack the Ebert Giova ceived in an effor to accommodate comercial disputes The Mooney Strike between the states, it had len urned to ception lw a crament but they refuse to lireet the action of the minority. rder. Corplan! accesive leader proletarian masses. They use revolutionary phrases The preparations for the general strike on July to ship of able men representing a ruling but avoid revolutionary Icels: and this demoralizes demand the release of Tom Mooney are not very The Il orld comparison, while maladroit for its the masses. They swing to the left, and at the cruapparent. Some here, somehow the whole thing is being sabotare. It was stupid. in the first place, to consciously the bourgeois motives of the proposed indecision and compromise. The Independents are own purposes, is very appropriate. It indicates. un cial moment of action they hesitate and swing back to designate July a national holiday. But it was done, name of Nations. The eace Conference is a counmasters of words: they are pretty bourgeois in spirit in wars that are clark and mysterious. It is up to the fer prvolutionary body; it abandons even the ordinary and action.
rarlical ments in the labor movement and the Social bourgeois liberal ideals that provided the war its The lessons of the German Revolution are tragic.
to it that there arc larse demonstrations on July the swmen and now idology. The League of Nations is meant to check of 110111ar njorities (in action but useful. Clearly, emphatically, they indicate and a gencral strike on July The locals of the So through actual or 10tential proietarian revolution. right and centre Socialism are crually unfit to cialist Party, unless they are vellow, must develop it has been originated and organized upon the initi clirect the proletariat to the monest of pwer. Tu campaign to set the unions to strike, to get inorgan ative and primarily in the int: rest of the mercantile the betrayers of the proletariat. Revolutionary See izerd worker: 10 strike This is one of our most im rdealthy classes. lipept to senatico lov a minorialism must wage uncompromising This in this moment. Ind musi broaden itrunder the concertel and erresive badership of Socialismi as an indispensabile preliminar lli ihr soup of the strike to include the release of all pol able men representing at ruling class.
cmancipation of the proletariat.
wreck a reported ers.
of large scope.
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