8 THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE Saturday, March 8, 1919 Program of Revolutionary Socialism IN aggressive a new, more general and interes only through state mass its call for an International Communist Congress by the dictatorship of the proletariat in the process letariat, annihilates bourgeois democracy, annihilates of revolutionary Socialism, the Communist Party of the Social Revolution. The Social Revolution is all the institutions, ideology and social superstitions of Russia (Bolsheviki) includes the elements of no longer an aspiration of the future: it is a fact of of the bourgeois regime in the process of making the immediate, palpitant reality, and must determine our the Left Wing of the American Socialist Party (tenrevolution and establishing the society of communist dency represented by Debs and the Socialist immediate policy and tactics. Our immediate demands Socialism, in which alone full and free democracy may accordingly, are measures calculated to develop the function through the abolition of all class distinctions Propaganda League. moral and physical class consciousness of the prole and class rule.
The Socialist Propaganda League was organized about tariat, preparing the proletariat for the general revolutionary struggle.
7: The recognises that Imperialism four years ago. In January 1917 it began to issue a and State Capitalism are one and indivisible, meaning weekly paper, The Internationalist, which in May. The strives for the unity of indust the climax of the power of Capitalism and the capital1917 became The New International with Louis rial action and Socialist politics into the general mass Fraina as editor. The League and The New Interaction of the proletariat and of revolutionary Social Imperialism means Capitalism at the cliniax of its ism.
national represented the extreme left of the American development; State Capitalis is the government movement; it accepted the Bolshevik program long letariat meets the bourgeoisie in a general political tarian groups within the state and against the proleThrough revolutionary parliamentary action the pro, of expression of Imperialism, uniting all non prolebefore the Bolsheviki conquered power; The New In class struggle, and parliamentary action, if ivetariat of unskilled labor, and, moreover, establishing ternational favored the Bolsheviki at a time when no ly Socialist, may.
international of inother American Socialist paper did, at a time when tionary, concentration more efficiently for the immedi control. State Capitalism is not Socialism, and never the New York Call editorially stigmatized the Bolshe. proletariat one through its industrial unions, the Capitalism, builds the material viki as anarchiists. The League was the only Ameri are struggle against that in the preliminary Pentation of the proletariat, there must be waged an agCapitalism, which intensify the subjection and exploican Socialist organization to agitate in favor of the of the Social Revolution may seize and operate inSoviet proposal for an armistice on all belligerent dustry, and which integrates the general struggle of gressive, unrelenting struggle through industrial unions fronts issued in December, 1917It is interesting to note that, when they were in this government of communist Socialism; through mass must be overthrown, and substituted by industrial selfgovernment of the workers.
country Alexandra Kollontay, Boucharin and action the proletariat unites all its forms of action The urges upon the proletariat coF. Rosin, all of whom occupy high positions in the struggle the great mass of unorganized workers, and operation with such groups and classes in colonies and Soviet Government, were members of the Socialist organizes into one general revolutionary movement all backrcard countries. which are the objectives of Propaganda League. The principles of the organi the latent powers of the proletariat for action and the Imperialism, that wage the struggle against exploitazation are elaborated in Fraina book Revolutionary the proletariat becomes the arbiter of its own activity tion and imperialistic Capitalism.
Socialison, authorized and issued by the Central Exeand hreaks through the conservatism of intrenched Imperialism internationalizes the class struggle, and cutive Committee of the League. The League is organizations and opportunist officials. The unity of Inperialism must be fought by means of the internastill in existence, but its paper is no longer published, all means of proletarian action is an indispensable tional class struggle of the proletariat. We must carry since The Revolutionary Age expresses its policy.
condition for the Social Revolution.
on the struggle against Imperialism by waging aggressively the class struggle within our own national fronIn January, 1918, The Socialist Propaganda League The stands for direct industrial and tiers, and we must carry on the struggle against Imissued a Manifesto incorporating its principles and political action of the workers with full control by the perialism by arousing and co operating wit protactics, which follows in full: rank and file of all representatives and officers.
letarian class struggle in the undeveloped countries, Until the workers consciously and directly carry on which Imperialism seeks to subjugate and exploit.
The conditions of Imperialism inean Capitalisin at their industrial and political struggles, confusion and This implies the international solidarity of the prolethe climax of its development, and the maturity of the compromise will persist. Democracy, the democracy tariat in action.
proletariat for the Social Revolution. These condi of action and control, is absolutely necessary The opposes all imperialistic wars tions bring a new epoch in history the epoch of the Direct industrial action means mass action. No de and favors all revolutionary wars of the oppressed pendence leaders and dickerings with the emfinal revolutionary struggle of the proletariat against lovers: the workers must act as a mass, independently against the oppressors, and for Socialism.
Capitalism; the epoch of the Social Revolution.
and aggressively. Direct political action means poliImperialistic wars are waged exclusively for agThe revolutionary epoch determines the character cies inseparably united with the industrial strugglegression and for the more intensive exploitation of of the struggle and tactics of the proletariat and of politics free from anv taint of compromise, opportun the world proletariat. The defense of the country ism, or dickering with the capitalist state.
under Imperialism is a fraud: its Socialism; it means the reconstruction of Socialist purpose is the enthusiasm and moral energy of the mas masses for policy, the abandonment of the process of growing The oproses all forms of opportunconquest and spoliation. Revolutionary wars waged into Socialism, which in practice makes Socialism a ism. sorial Imperialism and social patriotism, and par by the revolutionary proletariat for revolutionary purpart of the capitalist and imperialistic state, and the ticularly opposes the insidious opportunisin operating poses are, however, in strict accord with Socialism overwhelming necessity of Socialism adopting immeunder the guise of Marxian phrases.
and the aspirations of the international proletariat.
date revolutionary purposes and tactics.
Socialism is everywhere divided into three groups: the right, the avowed adherents of war, Imperialism cils of Workers in the preliminary stages of the Social The urges the organisation of CounThe Socialist Propaganda League of America, ac and a nolicy of bringing Socialism by the co opera Revolution.
cordingly, in conformity with the new requirements tion of classes: the center, the representative and the international policy of revolutionary Social atronhied Marxism which is neither revolutionary nor The revolution of the proletariat annihilates the ism, as consistently practiced by the proletarian rev of Marx. and which precisely because it uses revoluiparliamentary regime and its state. The parliamenttionary Marxian olution in Russia, declares: phrases its in arv regime is the expression of bourgeois democracy: criticism of the right but refuses to accept the new conditions of Socialist its division of functions into legislative and executive The accepts the new forms and tactpolicy, is particularly dangerous and the left, the of ics of the class struggle against Capitalism.
opposition the legislature talks and represents the Imperialism mites all layers of the ruling class international solidarity of the proletariat, and which autocratically. The proletarian revolution cannot seize tice which cleaves firmly to the class strumple and pretence of democracy, while the executive acts into one general mass of reactionary interests; the arlants its policy to the new revolutionary epoch. No small and independent capitalist groups cease compromise, no bourgeois opportunist tactics, but the use it for its own purpose: this machinery of the bourtheir struggles against Big Capital and compromise immediate revolutionary struggle against Capitalism geois state is destroyed. new form of government in Imperialism. Moreover, the policy of Imperialism in practice as determined by the conditions of immemust be organized, consisting of the industrially ordiate action develoning into the general mass action of panized workers. uniting democratically within itself sie into the imperialistic state, making the great in the Social Revolution.
the functions of legislature and executive as was dustrial proletariat of unskilled labor, the done by the proletarian revolution in Russia.
duct of concentrated Capitalism, the immedist pro The denounres hourgcois demorpotential revolutionary class upon which Socialism racy, bourarnis disarmament and a league of nations The organises to wage a strugale on tico fronts, inside and outside of the Socialist Party. means calculated to dociere the workers and perof the class struggle mean no compromise whatever petuate Carilalism.
The organization is formed to work in the Socialist with any non proletarian social groups, mean the rin Bourgeois democracy is a fraud in itself, and under Party as well as independently of the party. The relenting, uncompromising struggle against Capitalism Imperialism promotes the most brutal interests of the task ahead is the revolutionary reorganization of the SOand all its overt and covert allies. Reliance ruling class. Disarmament under Capitalism is an imAmerican Socialist movement. We do not confine our cialism rejects any and all entangling perialistic proposition: the workers must acquire the efforts within the Socialist Party, however, because cur armaments for their own nurnoses. The acccpts the Social Revolution purpose is to arouse the general mass action of Arniament of the proletariat out of which revoluiions arise, and conas the basis for its immediate demands in the class struggle.
establish the Revolution, defend the Revolution of non Socialist nations.
Capitalism is not an abstraction, it is a concrete bourgenisie of these nations in and to conquer the with the struggles and aspirations of the industrial in co operation with its ite proletariat force. To avoid the everyday struggle against Cap proletarint. Disarmoupant mon nnir be the nolier of 12. The picdars itself to support a wc italişm by rejecting immediate demands means that. Socialist state after all Socialist states have Sorialist Internationnl the immediate purposes and Socialism becomes ipso facto either a bourgeois pro izerd into a proletarian Icague of nations. Moreover. policy of which shall be in arrord soith the new free position, or a sect for the propaganda of dogmatic damneraci hecomes the last bulwark of lefense of olutionary choch: which shall. ronsequently. reiect affirmations. Our immediate demands, however, are Canitalism, shake! bu the oncoming nroletarian rere any and all compromise and shal! saor the internanot demands made in a dicker with the capitalist state. alutinn frmocraer is nisert to mislear the macers. The tional class struggle through the general revolutionary hut demands that will be the first measures introduced Sncial Revolution, through the vicintorship of the pro oss action of the proletariat.
to enlist 10. formerly IT.
the pickstarite is here the top dine methosuboreenimiento servertly our prganization, is constartline front of attacks organ.