Saturday, March 8, 1919 THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE The Humanity of Lawrence in Action police.
work rica but over the average AmeBreaking units HE working masses in the United States are By Richard Hansen down of women with babies in their arms by mounted awakening. In rapid succession events are passing before our eyes. While the spectacular geninterests. It is an easy matter to pluck out the leaders, When the strike began on February 3, there was no eral strike in Seattle was commanding the attention to imprison, deport or execute them, but no power on organization of any strength among the textile workPattersom and then in Butte and Lawrence. Now working one and Rosa Luxemburg were brutally of these members subsequently turned strike breakers.
earth can deport or exterminate the whole awakened ers. The group had been disbanded and the while the Lawrence Harbor is tied up by strike which is characterized as murdered by the German capitalists and their henchi The only other organization consisted of a a Bolshevik outbreak.
Each and everyone of these events are parts of the and Ledebour thrown into prison, but the Spartacans concerned chiefly in Fonducting Da educational great labor unrest that is sweeping not only over Ame are even now massing for the victorious assault on the among their respective nationalities. In view the world. They appear as separate citadel of power. The removal of the leaders did not of these facts this struggle has tremendous import, a and distinct events having no connection with each lessen the revolutionary spirit of the masses but on struggle where Jew and Gentile, Catholic and Protestsymptomatic of the whole situation and this is the removal of Debs and Haywood only serves to swell splendid solidarity against their common enemy, the reason they are receiving such wide attention in spite the ranks of the revolutionary proletariat of America.
All movements that are built solely on the person to be stronger than all the ties of language, tradition, reason Supaper conspiracy of silence, this is the Baker dispatches troops to quell the uprising in in Seattle, this is why the Textile Junkers of An Appeal respiral and race.
of industrial America, just as as the textile capEngland have mobilized the police force of all The paramount need of the Lawrence Strikers is italists are flesh and bone of American Capitalism.
the cities of Massachusetts to put down the rebellion funds without financial assistance the workers will be The strikers were as patriotic as seriously handicapped in their fight. Though the spirit the in Lawrence.
and morale of these workers is magnificent this alone is rican worker, they gave their sons and brothers to the The situation is pregnant with tremendous possibinot sufficient, these men, women and children must be army, they bought liberty bonds, they were proud of lities. It commands the interest of the entire country, fed. Many of the more class conscious labor unions being American born or naturalized citizens, they but especially is it interesting to those who witnessed are rallying to their support but the expenses of this believed in American democracy and justice. That or took an active part in the great Russian upheaval fight are enormous. If every reader of The Revolu was five weeks ago of 1905, who have seen the first disconnected local tsonary Age, would contribute a dollar the workers outbreaks become general, who have watched the Five weeks ago they were blind to the class struggle.
slow would be enabled to start a reserve fund which would Today they see. They are learning a great lesson and give them a sense of financial security.
of clouds in the oppressive atmosphere and so Send contributions to Silin, 885 Washington St. they remain solid and unwavering. The mills then beheld them bursting forth into the magnificent are Boston, Mass.
at a standstill, or if operating they produce only noise tempest that shook the whole rotten structure of moninstead of cloth. All the of the valiant efforts of the genial French and German alities of great leaders are bound to fail, but when the America are on the side of the strikers. Labor unions mass itself moves into action it is invicible, then every are sending funds in spite of the official attitude of the bankers were unable to restore it.
victimized comrade is supplanted by a thousand others.
A, of and the cowardly stand of the Lawrence The storm of social revolution is sweeping over the And the dominant feature of the present sporadic Central Labor Union. The Cigarmakers of Boston world and America has not escaped. The clouds are struggles in America is their mass character: and Lowell have subscribed 3, 000 and all class congathering here even though the workers themselves The Textile strike in Lawrence, Mass. is a typical scious workers are rallying to the aid of the strikers.
are unaware of the fact. And no force on earth can example.
This struggle is a test case, the outcome of this fight avert the coming storm. To those whose mtinds have Here is a human mass of 30, 000 workers unor will affect the 700, 000 textile workers of America, been steeped in the the ability of social revolution is difficult to understand, tongues, split into a number of antagonistic religions Lawrence workers win this strike it will be a mighty ganized. free for all brought about the inflamatory spee children. For five weeks they have defied the reduce wages all over country. Victory in Lawches and writings of agitators, they are unable to greedy industrial barons, backed by the power of the rence spells inspiration and a brighter future for provisualize the revolution in action the great mass press the pulpit and the mobilized police of the entire letarian America.
individuals are of but little moment.
SK The same great unrest is rampant in other textile have been rushed to Lawrence. Every centers. Lowell is entering the struggle with the in.
The strikes that are even now sweeping over the thing has been been placed at at the country are largely the uprising of the masses them class, even the services of the disposal of the master creased demand for a 44 hpur week and 25 per cent so called labor organ increase in wages and there is a growing tendency to selves. Great leaders are little heard of in these te izations have been utilized to crush the workers and make this a general demand for the whole textile cent struggles, the Department of Justice has seized drive them back to the mills at reduced wages. A general strike would make the textile think the matter over and come to terms. The diction of the court district, Haywood and Mooney and have been treated as enemies and outlaws. The even though there is a period of slackness. If notvictims to the same fate. The masses of the workers and their families constitute the majority of the popu there is the alternative that will eliminate unemployare without great leadership and are consequently lation of Lawrence. The benefits of democracy are ment and want for ever. The workers are learning thrown back upon themselves; they are becoming self evidenced by the breaking up of peaceful pickt lines, what this alternative is, every strike furnishes further conscious and developing a consciousness of their class the prohibition of meetings and parades and the riding education.
How the Machine Works An Eyewitness on Russian Atrocities The following converting there was as vivid plight on the THE one sided and prejudiced information about fialer Democrats. and Socialist Revolutionaries, the ican Federation of Labor. country, invariably speaks of the atrocities which terrorist, a Minister of War under Kerensky, and an CHICAGO, Feb. 26. Maurice Mossey Enright, labor agent and slayer of two men in gunmen fights the Bolsheviki:commit upon members of the capitalist accomplice of General Korniloff. This renegade was several years ago, wanted in connection with the shootbarbarities which are perpetrated upon the masses of country lay not in the twaddle of the Mensheviki and ing of three men Tuesday night in a factional quarrel even Socialist Revolutionaries, but in the reinstatement of the whenever; of officers in their rights.
as in the case of Samara, Simbirsk, Kazan, the Journeymen Plumbers Union, was found yesterday in hotel probably fatally wounded by bullet that the Siberian towns, it succeeds for a time in capturing itself. The ranks of the army began to be filled by report says: The bourgeoisie has now armed had passed through the right lung. police guard was stationed at his bed side. Enright refused to say who government machinery. Numerous instances could volunteers from the Tchinovnik class and from stuwounded him.
dents and schoolboys, sons of the well to do all of Enright killed William (Dutch) Gentleman and Vinlaw der practiced by the White Guarda in such class, bent Altman in barroom fights Revolution and restoring the cases; but it will be sufficient to quote the latest which ing the Social times the Steamfitters Union. He was have come to hand. At one time the important Volga the old shoulder straps, but sleeve shields with of the old regime. The officers put on, not, indeed, convicted and sentenced to Joliet Penitentiary for life.
Former Governor Dunne pardoned him in 19193. who had succeeded in wresting it from the local so and saluting was restored. An officer casino made Enright was accused of Tuesday night shooting by viet; however, they again lost it a short time afterIs appearance in the main street bearing the in Smythe, one of the leaders of a wards. In the Isvesitya of October and an Plumbers Union, who, with Stephen Kelliher, a union ness describes the rule of the Kazan bourgeoisie dureye wit name of Cold Times. And everything went, as in the old times. Mobilised soldiers, workers, and organizer, seriously wounded.
ingeth peasants were beaten in in the face as of old, and unIt is interesting One simply shivers at the recollection of the first bridled tyranny and licence became the order of the professional murderers who have terrorized the fank days of the rule of the members of the so called day. Workers continued to be arrested and shot, and and file of the Chicago Union movement for years has Ward and house committees Sheviki at their head, were arrested. Orders were even members of the Labor Conference, with Menbecame agents of the okhrana (secret police. and met the fate he and his kind have so often visited upon terrible was the fate of the class conscious workers. posted up in the streets of Kazan ordering the workers others. Outsiders always put the question, when we The committees would denounce threse men to the are engaged in criticising the corrupt junta who domall arms on pain of being shot, and threatsay is true about young White Guardsmen, who then went about the ening, in case they should again revolt, to destroy the the thuggery and corruption which permeate the on!
factories and the working class quarters.
working class quarter by patt Such was the restored bourgeois regime in one of how is it the clean and honest men do not played throughout by the Mensheviki (Moderate so the largest towns in Russia, and such it was and still Gomperian machine. with assistance of the Czecho Slovaks and the politiThe above news item regarding the fate of Mos inal gang of business agents and officials who dominate cal and financial encouragement of the diplomatic resey Enright is the answer. This foul creature has the majority the locals of the International Unions, presentatives of the Allies. It also shows what would been for years engaged as a professional thug to over not only of Chicago but throughout the country. We happen in Russia on a national scale if Admiral Kolawe the rank and file of various unions and intimidate will return to this vital matter in future issues. tchak, the latest adventurer and favorite of the Allies, them from attempting to overthrow the corrupt crimJIM LARKIN. were to overthrow the Soviet regime. same de industry is capable of granting such as modest demand, to be and destroy upon good 1911, when he was he agent for group in the to sive up artillery fire.