THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE Saturday, March 8, 1919 The Angelic Capitalists and the Atrocious Bolsheviki OR the past year or so we have been incessantly By Freidberg history was committed. On all sides, whether GerThis article is written by a young man, yet in his man or English, whether Austrian or Russian, whether committed by the Brisheviki of Russia. The teens, who has been completelj blind since his carly French or Turkish, the opposing interests were those people who go under this name are known in America childhood.
of capital; and, in most cases, the people were not as fanatical revolutionaries, mad with the lust for also to give the Gerinan manufactụrers a chance to even given a chance to say what they thought of the destruction. They are said to be a menace to civilizaexport their products. Was it the German people proposition of plunging Europe into the bloodiest, tion and all the age long institutions of liberty and who wanted the Balkans? What good would the people blackest and most malicious war of history.
justice (if such institutions can be said to exist. They of Germany have derived from the Balkan states, if Did these resolute, steady minded, and wellhave the reputation of wanting to replace the rule of Germany clid own them? What good would the Berlin bred men who started the war fight it out amongst law and order by a reign of terror and chaos All to Bagclad railway have done the German working themselves, since it was all for their interests? No; these sinister stories and erroneous rumors have cloudnian? Did he desire to secure the markets of the East? they had to stay at home, sitting around on soft ed the minds of the American people as to the real No; it was only another scheme through which capital cushions, they used their weapons, which they haul tendencies and aims of the Bolsheviki.
might be centralized in the hands of a few. It was been training for many years. They sent out millions shall endeavor, through a comparison, to show only another means of exploiting the people, not only of men rank upon rank of them to murder each how really atrocious the Bolsheviki are and how of their own country but also of other countries. Was other. Had these men any quarrel with each other?
wonderfally angelic their bitterest opponents, the it the German people who wanted the ports of Belgium No; but, led on by press and by orators, hirelings of capitalists, are the capitalists of all countries, whether and Holland. No; it was the capitalists again, who capital, they believed that they were fighting for the Asiatic, European, or American.
wished to better their facilities for making money at good of humanity and for the glory of their country.
Let me ask, who started the European war? Most the expense of the Belgian, Dutch, and German people. The men who commit such crimes as the European Americans will answer, the Germans started it. It is war for their own interests and sinister aims make a Was it the Russian people who wanted the Balkans true that the Kaiser and his gang meant to gain by and Constantinople? No. They have positively shown plaything of national patriotism.
plunging Europe into the bloodiest conflict history had that they did not. Russia declared that she had to The allied capitalists have attained their aims, but ever seen; but were there not some on the opposite protect her little cousin, niece, nephew, or whatever what is the workinan share of the spoils? The comside who meant to either gain by the war, or to hold she called Serbia. It seems that the Russian nobility have to pay in sweat and taxes that which his fathers inon man; no matter on which side he may be, will what they had already gained by the same methods?
and Czarists liad a warmer spot in their hearts for It is admitted by all authorities that behind the Constantinople than for the fortunes of their dear were either forced or tricked into destroying. The pretex of the murder of the Archduke of Austria and little Serbia. This is proved by the fact that the poor man share in the spoils of war will be devastathis wife there was the fundamental cause of commer Russian armies instead of trying to protect Serbia, untold misery and poverty. It is asked, why should ed homes and heaped up taxes, which will produce cial and territorial gain and acquisition for Germany. commenced to fight their way through the Caucasus The Germans wanted to build the Berlin to Bagdad region, hoping in this way to reach the shores of the there be misery and poverty, when there is such a railroad, in order that they might have access to the Bosphorous. When this plan of attack failed, she splendid opportunity for employment? Oh yes, there markets of the East. In order to do this the Central tried to get to Constantinople by way of Rumania. will be work enough and more than enough; but first Powers had to control the Balkans. By allying them and little Serbia was left out in the cold to shift for the people must support thousands of crippled, blinded, selves with Turkey the Germans could still better com herself. There was a great deal of talk about the kininsane, feeble minded men, products of the war. Then, pete with the English for the markets of the East. ship and lovable relations between the Serbians and secon the governments the different belligerent They could also, by controlling Constantinople, threacountries have borrowed millions and billions of dolthe Russians. This was perfectly true; but this fact ten English commerce on the Mediterranean. Here was used by the men whose selfish interests were in lars, which, although used to advance the interests of the interests of England and Germany clashed. volved in possessing the Balkans and Constantinople. italist because he is the man who holds the governthe capitalists, the laborer will have to pay to the capA third party now comes upon the scene. This is They used the best ideals and highest aspirations of Russia. She has always had interests in the Balkans, the Russian people for furthering their own sinister ment bonds, in most cases; though in America and and she wanted to get possession of Constantinople so and diabolical schemes. They made the people of the France some of the bonds are held by the rank and that she might have an outlet to the sea in that quarter allied countries and of Russia believe that they were file of the people.
of the globe. Here, in Constantinople and the Balkans, going into the war to fight Germany and Austria in The war was caused for and resulted in the extenRussian and German interests were at variance.
sion of the facilities of the rich to become richer and order to save their little neighbor Serbia.
Germany wanted to extend her colonial possessions, What the hoodwinked Russian soldier really fought the poor to become poorer. Was it fought for Deand, as there was no more land which was unclaimed, for was the better facilities for the Russian capitalist fought for commercialism and the interest of capital.
mocracy, Humanity, or Liberty? It was caused by and she consequently coveted the colonies of other powers.
to exploit the Russian and Balkan people. Both GerGermany also desired to control the ports of Belgium man and Russian capitalists coveted Constantinople Now let us turn our thoughts to the Bolshevik atroand Holland, in order to extend her commerce in the and the Balkans. The difference was, that the Germans cities. The Russians were oppressed, and had been West, and to build a larger navy in order to protect started the fight, because they thought that hy so doing oppressed for the past four centuries. They saw their chance in 1917, and revolted, first against the Czarist she feared that the Germans would outstrip her West they could get ahead of the Russians.
Now, the English merchant and manufacturer step regime, which meant the political and industrial subern commerce. Here again Gerinan and English in in to protect their interests. Then comes the French jugation of the people; then they revolted against the terests clashed.
Two other factors enter into the make up of the mines of Alsace Lorraine. Does it make much cliffercapitalist, who desires to make money out of the rich Kerensky government, which meant a somewhat mo«lified form of the Czar regime. In the European cause of the war. Italy has always claimed the Austwar about ten million men were killed or wounder, ence to the workers those mines whether they are rian ports of Fiume, Trieste and Pola on the Adriatic, owned by Germany or France. He will be exploitedl vation and suffering of the wonien and children in the and we do not know and cannot conceive of the starFrance, ever since the Franco Prussian war has been and kept on insufficient wages in ither case. One may belligerent countries. In the first place this was only watching for an opportunity to regain Alsace Lor possibly be better than the other, but the worker cerraine.
a struggle between nations, where most of the soldiers tainly did not wish to enter tipo a career of bloodBriefly outlined, these are some of the causes, which who fought on either side, knew very little of the shed and murder to make a change from a French grievances which they thought themselves to be setting started the great world war. Each of the above mento a German task master.
aright. Secondly, it was fomented by a few and cartioned nations, having opposing interests, strained them Lastly was it the Italian people who wanted the ried on for their interests. The Bolsheviki in their selves to prepare for the conflict which they knew to Austrian ports on the Adriatic? No: here again we efforts to gain control in Russia and to maintain that be inevitable. France extended the period of service have the capitalists manufacturer and merchant, and people. They have starved none. The starvation control have caused the death of about in her army, and thus built up a standing army of four who wanted to extend their facilities for making in Russia has been brought about million men. England enlarged her navy. Germany money at the expense of their people.
ade of the Russian ports. In the first place the Bolenlarged her navy, and trained her army to the highest To back up the merchant and manufacturer come struggle is international point of efficiency. Russia too built up a colossal the bankers and brokers, who know that the govern the second place, every ussian worker knows what army. This all resulted in the great crash of 1914.
ments must borrow money to carry on the war, and is fighting for. The Bolsheviki are in truth very Let us now take a look into the real facts and see atrocious. They have put to death in the most bruta that they will get good interest. Then those people manner, twenty thousand people. The capitalist is in who really caused all this pandemonium in Europe. who have their money invested in industries which truth very angelic. He has put softly to sleep, with Did the majority of the German people want to com are suited for war were ready and eager to make their cannon and machine gun, ten million men. They have mit suicide? Let us examine the matter more closely. fortunes, or rather to multiply their fortunes. Rcas. very amiably, and in a very angelic manner, starved Let us find if the people of any of the belligerent the truth about the Bethlehem steel and the record out whole nations of children and women. Judge the countries deliberately wanted to bring about, for a of the Krupp manufacturers in Germany. Then the period of four long years, the wholesale slaughter of noble, high minded, high browed statesman, diplomat, If these capitalists, Czars, Kaisers, Kings, junkers find it necessary and even very convenient to murder men and the wholesale starvation of women and child politician does as the man with the money millions men, if these high minde liberal, and tells him to do, for upon pleasing this nian cepends deep thinking statesmen, politicians, and diplomats Was it the German people who wanted to extend his notoriety, honorable position, etc.
find it impossible to negotiate and make a peaceful settlement of the dispute. how can they expect the German trade at the cost of others? Xo; it was the Any just and clear minded reader will see that it Bolsheviki to do any better the Bolsheviki, whom German manufacturers and merchants, who desired was not through the will of the people of any of the they have always looked upon as ignorant, uneducated, to enlarge their trade and thus fill their pockets, and conflicting countries that this most infamous crime of vodka saturated, and vicious Russian peasants. twenty thoussheviki a great struggle. In truth, oh reader ren.