2 THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE Saturday, March 8, 1919 The Revolutionary Age war.
Party: sia and Germany there is no place for the middle of, Armed intervention accelerated the revolution in the road parties so henceforth in the International Russia, making many wavering elements rally to the there can be no straddling the fence.
Soviet Government; it is accelerating the oncoming Chronicle and Interpretation of International Events During the last four years Socialism has become a proletarian revolution in other nations. The attitude living vital movement, a movement for which men and of the Allies and Germany revealed the purposes of Louis FRAINA Editor women are fighting and dying, and the movement to Capitalism and Imperialism, emplasized that the isEADMONN MACALPINE Associate Editor which humanity is steadily turning for the solution of sue is now international Capitalism aguinst internaContributing Editors its problems. Today Socialism is fighting in operi tional Socialism. Alien troops are still at Archan fight against the combined capitalist forces of the gel, Vladivostok and Odessa. But for how much JOHN REED Sen KATAYAMA world, in Russia and Germany the Socialists are wag. longer? HOURWICH WEINSTEIN ing a desperate fight with their backs to the wall, the LUDWIG LORE of compromise is gone, those who are not with us Industrial Parliaments are against us. Where they struge their acting THE intensity of the industrial unrestedingt Einsten ISSUED EVERY SATURDAY relentless logic of events have forced the wavering to By Local Boston, Socialist Party moderates have lined up with Capitalism. Fliese purpose was to allay the unrest, indicated that a real liament on February 27. This Parliament, while its Steiner, Business Manager 885 Washington St. Boston, Mass. throughout the world and the Berne Conference, the industrial crisis is on, of which the faring im of great strikes is another indication.
Bundle orders 2c a copy, Subscription 00 for national, has clearly shown where the moderates. attempt to resurrect the Second Inter This Industrial Parliament, an adaption of the six months (26 issues)
stand, even in those countries where the class struggle Industrial Councils idea decided upon by the British is in a coinparatively passive stage. The Berne Con Government about two years ago, was composed of 500 delegates of organized labor and 300 delegates of letariat, the Communist Congress is called to perfect the employers. The parliament decided upon motion We need to have the clear party note sounded this instrument of the revolution.
The Social patriots. the betrayers of the workers composed of 30 delegates each of labor and capital, to of Arthur Henderson, to elect a committee of sixty now and our position sharply defined as an uncompromising revolutionary party if we are to during the long years of the war, have chosen to join into the causes of industrial unrest, the gentake and hold our rightful place in the internaeral conditions of industry, unemployment and meastional inovement. We have got to plant our language of Socialism but their deeds are dictated by ures for its prevention, and methods for cooperation barty upon the rock if it is not to be swept away their masters. The Communist Congress, called by the between labor and capital. The committee will rein the oncoming tempest. EUGENE DEBS, Bolsheviki, is called not in amplificaton of the Berne port to another session of the Industrial Parliament February 15, 1919.
Congress but against it. There can be not unity beton April ween these two bodies, but on the contrary relentless The sessions of the Parliament indicated that the official trades unions officials and the employers are Political Action each They Are Still There!
eager for industrial peace, each are in dread of a proletarian revolution. The union delegates were To continually stating that Socialism is a political THE war against Russia continues. The most con very moderate, John Robert Clynes warning labor not temptible and brutal phase of this war is the bloc to demand too much in too brief space of time.
movement and that the party is a political party only kade of Russia, a blockade the purpose of which is to Tribune, said: The labor leaders are much more modBut Arthur Draper, in a cable to the New York we would draw attention to the following paragraph starve the Russian people into submission. Allied warfrom The Call, the organ of the British Socialist erate than the workers and are rather doubtful of ships and troops at Archangel. Vladivostok and Odessa their ability to hold them in check. Bear these figures in mind when, on the reassembl plug up Russia outlets to the world. Capitalism The trades union officials the Parliament insisted ing Parliament, you hear all about the People trial disorganization and Voice. There are 20, 000, 000 electors in the United upon the state ownership of mines, railways and merstarvation in Russia. and then refuses to allow SoKingdom. At the General Election only 9, 690. 109 food in the markets of the world. This blockade viet Russia to purchase agricultural machinery and cantile transportation. But these demands are reof pudiated by larger minority of the workers, who are against it.
the Coalition has a majority of over 250 in the House of Commons. Conference in Paris, the saine conference that is frame administration of industry. The parliament is acOn a rough estimate it took 27, 000 votes to elect a ing a League The attitude toward Rus cepted by the union officials, but is being repudiated candidate sia indicates the character of this League a combi to seat a Coalition candidate. No wonder 10, 309, 891 ation of capitalist nations against the peoples, against ciliation with capital. delegate of the Transport workers decided to do their voting in the shops of Workers Federation bitterly attacked the resolution Socialism, against the proletarian revolution whenever Glasgow, Belfast and London.
the Revolution may appear.
for an investigating commission declaring: The conWe would add, however, for the benefit of those was stated that Allied troops were to ference has been called for the purpose of side tracking all the efforts of the men and women workers to who are opposed to political action that The Cat! be withdrawn from Russia. But the fighting still advocates the use of the ballot as one of the weapons improve themselves.
on. Moreover, reports come that the Peace Conferthe workers must learn to use.
ence proposes to reconsider its plans about Russia: The Parliament was a temporary victory for the and the clamor for larger armed intervention has union officials and the employers for the union offiPrinkipo acquired larger scope. In this war. the Soviet troops. cials, in that it maintained thrir prestige: for the em inspired hv the revolutionary suirit, are proving victor: plovers, in that they have secured a renite from large It would seem that the much heralded Prinkipo com ious. while the main Bolshevik army is being held in strikes, particularly in the case of the miners. The ference was to be delegated to the realm of forgotten reserve for action. if necessary, with tive revoluționary most serious problem of the British Government is to holding such a conference at Prinkipo filter through any of Germany when the Spartacans conquer maintain the authority of the reactionary union offipower.
rials: the revolt against these misleaders is assuming the colums of the press from time to time accompan By all the means in their power, the Allies are actformidable pronortions, they have been repudiated in ied by conjectures concerning the suitabilty of this inv aryl intriguing against Soviet Russia. The Christi strike after strike, the workers turning to mass action, or that spot as the seat of the conference. It would be interesting to know what developments have caused ania Social Demokrater published the following item and they are becoming the bulwark of capital against erently. proletarian revolution.
Prinkipo to be unsuitable.
Berlin, January 27. Alleging that Russian prison In his address to the Parliament, Lloyd George said: As a matter of faot the Allies are not anxious to crs of war in Germany are being sent home only in confer with the Bolsheviki. The offer of such a con It is not for the Government to dictate to either caperiler to strengthen the military forces of the Bolsheviki, the Allied representatives on the Armistice Comital or labor, but to be impartial. capitalist govference, it would appear, was merely a trick and was macle on the supposition that the Bolsheviki would re mission demander last Saturday that the return of erumentimpartial! The bourgeois state is the enemy Russian war nrisoners should stop. Tlie German Comfuse to attend. Then a new and more powerful offenof the proletariat, the instrument for the coercion of mission protestel pvainst this order, declaring that the proletariat: is sive could be started aganst the Russian workers under its principal function. In its such an act would Icad to revolt as the Russian prisit cover of the argument that the Bolsheviki were uncannot be impartial; and the action of oners lave for some time been notified of their inwilling to debate the matter. But the shoe is the povernment during the recent creat strikes is proof pending return.
other foot now. Soviet Russia is quite of this. Yet the whole idea of the Industrial Parto state The Allies usurp control of the scie! that the linliament. held under Government auspices and. com her case in the open. she is willing to meet the Allies perial Government stole from Russia they insist that German troops remain in the Baltic provinces to trolled by the Government, is based upon this idea of and discuss her position. And the Allies, with all the cards stacked in their favor, with the control of the The proletariat must the impartiality of the state.
rotect the power of the reactionary barons; they are wage war upon the state as the organ of the ruling of the world, with the power to present most using every means to crush Soviet Russia. But they class, to organize for the conquest of power, the defavorably their side of the case to the workers of the arefraid to 11se real armed force, an army of two struction of the bourgeois state and the construction world, well they have discovered that Prinkipois million men, for that would produce revolt in their unsuitable of the new proletarian state of the organized prosuch a conference and naturally it will our countries: instead they try starvation. writer ducers.
take thein quite some time to find another place where in Colliers for March said: There pre plenry of people here who press for armed The Industrial Parliament is a higher developIn the meantime they are trying their best to over intervention in Russia. But anybody with any scholarment of the American Civic Federation. It will foundthrow the Bolsheviki and then of course there would ship in the background of his thinking knows that the er upon the rock of the class struggle, which prevents Think which caused the rench Revolution to drag the realization of harmony between labor and capital: be no necessity for conferring with them. But then along for twenty vears was the effort to stop it from other things inight lappen in the meantime. routside, the effort of the other nations of Europe the aristocracy of may probable. Capitalism, verging on colit out with armer forers. There The Communist Congress lapse because isn a nation in Eurone which at this moment would its own industrial insolvency and the developing revolt of the workers will try scheme after care to summin its army to march into Russia. It worldn army rising un scheme to prevent revolution. But all that Capitalism Party of Russia. for an International Socialist od announcing it wouldn mo. The peoples, can accomplish, with the co operation of reactionary Congress draws the line sharply between revolutionary the masses who make armies are in Fimne a hout trades unionism and petty bourgeois Socialism. is Socialists and thirse social patriots, bourgeois liberals muel. pposed to serving their men to firlit the Rus to receive the proletariat temporarily only temporaand intellectual riff raff who have hitherto called sians as are nur perle at fiome. The lain truth is rily. The world has definitely emerged into a revolu.
themselves Socialists and who have entered our movethat in most of the European countries there is among the mosses. certait simnuhy with Bolshevism.
tionary epoch: and the proletariat must prepare itself, ment only to betray it in the first crucial test. is in :t least a lisition to give the Russians a chairean Awill prepare for uncompromising war upon Capitalism.
the actual scenes of the revolutionary struggle in Rus sce low it works riitt.
for ihe conquest of power and Socialism.
Recently, it that very nature on the il cuite willing at most, it sta risk the per of