The Revolutionary Age Chronicle and Interpretation of International Events Vol. I, No. 21 Saturday, March 8, 1919 Price Cents We Must Have a National Emergency Convention HE decision of the National Executive Committee movement. It is the duty of the menibership to boy ports the supposition that the proposition of conductof the Socialist Party to hold an Amnesty Con cott this bourgeois convention, a duty to themselves ing a national referendum on the question of a convention in Chicago on May 1, in conjunction and to the majority of the comracles in whose name vention is practically without support.
with non Socialist organizations is a deliberate attempt this body is called into being.
We have been informed that Comrade Germer has to head off the demand of the rank and file for a The necessity of action to obtain the release of all now made an objection to the Local Queen County National Convention of the party. From all over those imprisoned for the expression of their economic, motion on the ground that it was initiated by a delecountry the demand for a National Emergency Con political or religious opinions is great, but the neces gate body, thus after time has been wasted in informvention is heard though all reference to its desirability sity of keeping our movement in line with the marching the locals and branches of the objection to the is carefully omitted from the majority of the official of our comrades in other lands is greater. Besides Boston motion and drawing attention to the Queen organs of the party.
there is absolutely no reason to suppose that a National County motion as one that could le seconded, the latSeveral branches and locals have passed resolutions Emergency Convention would not take the matter of ter is to be ruled out of order and further time wasted.
favoring the holding of such a convention but with the our imprisoned comrades under consideration, and It is peculiar, to say the least, that Comrade Germer exception of Local Queen County, New York, none further, there is no reason why, if the delegates so could see that the Boston motion was not properly of these resolutions were properly drawn and were decide, ways and means of co operating with other formulated but that his parliamentary vision was blurconsequently ruled out on various technicalities, organizations interested in the amnesty demand could red in regard to the Queen County motion until it though there was no doubt whatever as to the in not be devised by the National Emergency Conven had received enough support to warrant its being tention of the framers of the resolution or their right tion.
placed before the party membership. If, as is stated in to be considered responsible members and bodies of National Emergency Convention does not pre Comrade Germer quotation above, he called attention the party. For example the City Central Committee clude the consideration of a general amnesty demand, to the motion as one that could be properly seconded of Local Boston forwarded such a resolution to the while the holding of an Amnesty Convention was it would seem that his objection is out of order at this National Executive Committee early in January but it late date. But perhaps points of order are only used was ruled out on the ground that a delegate body had against the membership!
The following resolutions were adopted for national However, to avoid further misunderstanding, we no right to frame such a resolution. This resolution referendum by the Central Branch of Local Boston was published in The Revolutionary Age, accompanied Socialist Party and seconded by Lettish Branch No. ask that the first two resolutions of the Central Branch (350 menbers) and by the Esthonian Branch (25 memhy an article calling for endorsement of the resolution of Local Boston printed in the box on this page be bers)
by locals and branches. Such endorsement was given seconded by branches and locals throughout the coun(1) That the Socialist Party International Deleby a considerable number of party bodies, clearly show gates now being elected stand instructed to participate try and such seconds immediately forwarded to the ing that it voiced the sentiments of at least a consider only in an International Congress or Conference called National Office and that copies of the same be sent to able minority of the national membership but the or participated in by the Communist Party of Russia this paper or to the secretary of the Central Branch (Bolsheviki) and the Communist Labor Party of Gerwishes of the membership apparently do not count with many (Spartacans. of Local Boston, 885 Washington Street, Boston, the E, 2) That the National Executive Committee shall Mass. And in view of the statement by Comrade Gercall immediately upon the adoption of this referendum Although it is admitted officially that there is conmer: So far we have not received a complaint against an emergency national convention of the Socialist Party siderable sentiment for the calling of a National Em to de convened in Chicago, Minneapolis or some adyour action, from the comrades thus written to. It jacent city.
ergency Convention, a motion to that effect proposed would be well for these branches to register an emCOMMENT by Comrade Katterfield, a member of the is phatic protest agaist this whole proceeding which is The international situation is a call for action. Great voted down only receiving the vote of Comrade Wa problems are pressing upon the party the party must nothing other than an attempt to avoid calling a Nagenknecht, while the suggestion for an Amnesty Conreorganize and adapt itself to new conditions.
tional Emergency Convention by those who are afraid It is imperative that the Socialist Party prepare itself, vention, made up of various non Socialist elements to that it unify itself, that it formulate a policy expressing of the stand such a convention will take.
gether with the Socialist Party, given by Comrade the requirements of the situation and the mature judgeA further motion by Katterfield: That in the event ment of the membership as expressed through a conWilson, who is not a member of the is carthat the motion to hold a special Socialist Party Convention ried, even Comrade Katterfield subsequently changvention is submitted for membership referendum, the The following resolution was also adopted by the ing his vote to favor the motion. It is not claimed Central Branch for State Referendum Executive Secretary shall notify the states immedithat the membership of the party have demanded the That the State Executive Committee stands instructed ately regarding their apportionment of delegates reto call an emergency state convention in April in holding of such a convention but it is carried neverceived a tie vote of for and against with members Boston.
theless in spite of the sentiment for an emergency not voting and consequently no action was taken.
Comrade Goebel explained his vote which was negaparty convention. The resolution of the delegates of clearly intended to be considered by the membership tive as follows: vote against this because regard Local Boston, backed by several locals and branches of as a substitute for the party convention. The national the party, is rejected even when its sentiment is proit as an adroit attempt to influence the vote on the Executive Secretary has issued the following comproposition for a National Convention, inasmuch as perly laid before the by a member of that mncnt the of body, while the suggestion made by Comrade Wilson, calling for election of delegates to the convention at There is but one proposed national referendum the same time as vote whether we shall have it, will speaking for nobody but himself, is carried in formal properly initiated calling for a convention. It was motion.
make many think it an assured thing, and therefore submitted by Local Queen County, New York, and useless to oppose, even though their judgment be that The resolution offered by Local Queen s, has how published in the January issue of the Bulletin. Today this is not yet the time for such a convention.
ever now received the requisite number of seconds and we received the first second to the motion so the propoThe calling of a Emergency Convention is a vital must be put to a referendum of the membership. But, sition of conducting a national referendum on the necessity to the welfare of the Socialist Party. The ever the advocate of strict parliamentary procedure question of a convention is practically without sup National Executive Conmittee has shown by its wavand constitutional law, except in such minor mat port. The Boston Resolution was adopted by the ering attitude, by its inaction, and most of all by its ters as the election of delegates to an International City Central Committee of Local Boston and submit decision to line up with the Scheidemanns, Huysmans Conference or the decision to align our party with a ted for the consideration of your committee only. and Hendersons in the reactionary Berne Conference, gang of international assassins, Comrade Germer Delegate bodies cannot initiate referenda. We have that it is unable to handle the present situation. Its rules that the inotion will first have to be published in received letters endorsing the action taken by the Bos reactionary attitude is in a large measure responsible the official Bulletin, thereby causing a delay of 15 ton Comrades. In reply we have explained that we for the ommission of the party as a whole from the days or more. In other words everything is to be done could not accept seconds to the resolution. We called Bolshevik call for an International Communist Conto aid the holding of an Amnesty Convention, which the attention of those seconding the Boston resolution gress and consequently the classing of our movement apparently nobody, outside a few officials, desire, to the motion adopted by Local Queen County, and by the revolutionary Socialists of Europe with the sowhile everything is to be done to delay the referen cxplained the action taken by your committec in call cial traitors. It remains for the membership of the clum for a National Emergency Convention which is ing for an Amnesty Conference. So far we have 110t party, which has stood true to our historic purpose in backed l» the requisite number of Party branches received a complaint against your action, from the the times of stress to take the immediate management and locals.
comrades thus written to. Our italics the first of the party into its own hands. National EmergThe decision to hold an Amnesty Convention is an two for conparison, which is odious, and the last to ency Conference is the best instrument for such acatteinpt to use the comrades whose adlierence to party draw attention to the obvious inierence. tion. It is for the rank and file to assert themselves principles las landed them in jail as a means of cle The Local Qucen County motion subsequently re now and insist that such a body be called into being feating the wishes of the revolutionary section of the ceived the requisite endorsement which of course sup without further delay.