a Britain 18 force Saturday, March 1, 1919 THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE to crush Socialism and promote its own Imperialism should pursue an aggressive world policy. And while in its own way.
it talks self determination in Europe it holds in Bolshevikjabs In another part of his address, the President said: bondage millions of our neighbors in adjoining lands; while it talks of freeing mankind, it enslaves the work the people are in the saddle then we must come But you understand that the nations of Europe have again and again clashed with one another in competitive ing class in our own country; while it talks peace, it to the conclusion that in Lawrence the cossacks are interest. It is impossible for men to forget those sharp is developing the reserves for new industrial wars, the people.
issues that were drawn between them in times past. It financial aggression, Imperialism and war.
is impossible for men to believe that all ambitions have nathe United States, our Capitalism, has has no territoall of sudden been foregone. They remember territory that was coveted; they remember rights that it Judging from Congress and the Senate if the rial stake in Europe; but it has a stake in the division was attempted to extort; they remember political amof the world; it has a stake in Leigue of Nations produces as much harmony abroad bitions that it was attempted to realize, and, while they suppressing the proletarian revolution. it has a stake as it does at home, we are of opinion that all true believe that men have come into a different temper, in preventing its European rivals from being aggran pacifists will urge the continuance of the war.
they cannot forget these things, and so they do not cfized. That is its stake at the Peace Conference.
resort to one another for a dispassionate view of the matters in controversy. They resort to that nation The policy of the United States in the war was an which has won the enviable distinction of being re idealistic.
At any rate we are sure that the musical world is garded as the friend of mankind.
settlement that would mean neither an aggrandizeil glad that it was 101 called the Concert of Nations.
The implication is that the United States has never nor a crushed Britain; neither an aggrandized coveted or seized territory. The war with Mexico, in Germany nor a crushed Germany but a balance of 1848, it is admitted by historians, was an act of bri power: two rivals neutralizing each other, instead In view of the President Boston speech we wonder gandage. Then there was the war with Spain, an adone big rival. Force of circumstances impelled it to are the deportations one of America delicate ways venture in developing Imperialism, and the seizure of go further; and now it is allied with the four great of sending freedom to Europe.
tempted, and prevented only by fortunate circum of the world, to crush revolutions and stake out Perlaps the freedom that has gone to Europe acams.
for war against Mexico and the seizure of that coun The war has made the United States the dominant counts for the shortage here.
try in the interest of American Imperialism. The industrial and financial power; and it will prepare President says not a word about the Republics in Cen itself to become the dominant naval power. Its indus Every aspect of this ill fated league seems to cause tral America and the Carribbeans, which are abso try has developed a new efficiency; its reserves of trouble the Boston Transcript has just discovered lutely under the control of the United States, armed surplus capital are enormous; it must have new out that it is a British League of Nations and not a Wil being used to terrorize the people.
its son league at all.
its surplus capital; it must become the No; America is not the friend of mankind; it is absorption of ducts, new investment markets for the in words, but not in deeds. Acts speak louder than most aggressive of all imperialistic nations. This acwords; while negotiating to free the small people standi pace; and it must find outlets, a must which will The ofter of the Bolshevik Government to exchange Europe, why not free the small two American citizens for Mooney and Debs arouses America and the Carribbeans from the yoke of Ameri produce financial and territorial aggressions. Eccomic indignantly asks Are Mooney and Debs Russian citigreat wrath the part of the press. One editorial can militarism and Imperialism: To discover Amerithe United States is belligerent; and ca son at the Peace Conference, but the acts of Capitalism It is, morcover, becoming the centre of reaction, the America has withdrawn their citizenship and if Russia at home. its aggressive Imperialism, its repression of nation wherein the final struggle between Socialism is quick enough to pick up the good things we discard the proletariat, its jailings and deportations.
we should take the loss in good part and determine to profit by our experience.
there is one characteristic that America today appears here is January 11 issue The New Republic says: If destiny of the worldse waged, which will decide the How can it be otherwise, under the systein of Capnot to present, that Imperialism. It then says that italism and Imperialism? How can the multiplying con no competent psychologist or historian looks to surAfter all both Mooney and Debs are citizens of the tradictions and antagonisms of bourgeois society be ended upon the basis of a rapacious Capitalism?
face indications only for a revelation of the real charworking class, that the reason they have been proseacter of a man or a nation, still less for a revelation of Under Capitalism, there is no way out. Economic cuted and that the reason Russia is interested in them.
destiny. It proceeds: and financial aggression, territorial and military aggression, and new wars: all this is inevitable while We have a vivid sense and impression of unbounded Capitalism and Imperialism are in control. The pro We will have to revise our opinion of the Bolshepower. We raised great armies, and man for man, we are firmly convinced they were of us good fighting letariat must organize itself for the conquest of Capi wili Hithadhort they quality as ever moved upon the earth. We exhibited coltalism and Imperialism. As cre (XO! loin RCS litty losal industrial strength. Ja science and invention, in mechanical skill and organizing ability, we accomplished. cd. Det vart. LUN! isi are marvels, so we believe Our financial achievement was prodigious. We developed strength beyond our belief, MASSACHUSETTS NOTICE a. ein ricon l elingrad nevertheless we feel balked. The war ended before we At its last session, the of Local Boston, we learn from the press reports.
had proved to the world the existence of the might we Socialist Party, decided to endorse the following were conscious of bearing within us. Our Allies tc nominees for members of the State Executive Comiterate that we did extraordinarily, well in the war.
Yes, but nothing like what we could have done, and mittee of the party in Massachusetts: Chester Bixby; Even Leon Trotzky, who when in this country was shall do next time. Next time: but there is to be no Colyer: Julius Cornell; Louis Henderson; invariably referred to as a dirty foreigner, has apnext time. Are we not entering now upon an ere of Charles Jansen; Frank Mack; William Sharpshooter parently mended his ways. He has a special manipermanent peace? Yes, if our European Allies will For the Committee: Amy Colyer, Secretary Pro. curist all to himself. It is at least pleasing to know it so; but if they do not will it, there are hundreds of Tem.
the hand that signs the death warrants of the bourthousands of young Americans of just the most active and energetic type, the men most likely to color our geoisie is dressed in the approved bourgeois fashion, political thinking in the next generation, who will not dispatch to the London Daily News from Arthur and we are awaiting with interest the announceinent shrink from the thought of a war in which we may really make good.
Ransome reports that the union of other Socialist by our manicurist that she will clip nails a la Trotzky parties with the Bolshevik government is now in at the usual prices.
This is an indication of the belligerent psychology course of progress. The Mensheviks Party Commitin the American ruling class, provocative of war. The tee has declared against intervention. At the same Lenin, however, does not seem to be so fastidious New Republic places the onus of war or peace upon time the powerful Co operative Societies have de regarding his personal appearance but confines himthe European nations; but this is a begging of the cided to abandon their policy of neutrality and to self to the more substantial things of life.
question, since Imperialism is international. It then put the whole of their experience at the service of the He is strong on menu, spending 60, 000 roubles proceeds to show the necessity of a large navy, we Soviets in the work of establishing Labor Com a month for food which doubtless leaves hin very litshall seek to build, not merely a powerful navy, but munes.
tle to squander un personal adorment. All of which an all powerful one. Secretary Daniels and his naval just goes to show that you can change hunan naprogramme are symptomatic. The New Republic ture.
proceeds. Behind the American pavy of the future and the American mercantile marine stands American export The Sinn Feiners cannot accuse the Peace Conferindustry, bursting with energies demanding a vent. Be ence of discourtesy. They have at least got an achind American industry stands American finance, capanowledgement of their memorial. Might we venture cious enough, when it gets through with war priorities, BROOKLYN LABOR. LYCEUN the opinion that the Peace Conference, and particulto float the commerce of a world. Shall not American goods penetrate every market within reach of the salt arly that portion of it which represcats Britain, paid seas? Shall not the American financier take mortgages 949 Willoughby Avenue much more attention to the Belfast Strike than to all upon whatever properties can be made to serve as the petitions and memorials that have been presentert guaranties for purchases? And shall we not find oursince the sittings began.
selves holding virtual mortgages on backward and im Monday, March 10th, P.
provident governments, and thus driven to meddle with political concerns, after the manner of every imperial nation since the days of Rome?
to discuss memorial always in iles refusal, industrial action Quite unconsciously America is being drawn toward always throutens refusal.
Imperialism. The logic of defence urges an all powerful navy. predominant merchant marine is a corollary of naval supremacy. The extension throughout the Press reports say that the Soviets won full powers world of American industrial and financial power is not only a natural consequence of sea power, but there is an in Munich. No wonder Herr Scheidleniann felt the inherent force of expansion operating from within.
ground shaking underneath his feet. We imagine the There you have it, in spite of its dodging the real Prominent speakers will address the meeting shaking must have become a regular carthquake by now.
issue. America is imperialistic; America is potential of aggression.
ADMISSION BY PARTY CARD ONLY As the Senate is about to conclude its inquiry into The United States was drawn into the war because Bolshevism and as we are convinced that inquiries are it was part and parcel of the imperialistic interests of necessary to the public welfare, if for nothing else the world; it was drawn into the war because its Arranged by Left IVing Section Greater than to keep its mind off inore important things. We splendid isolation had ceased, and its developing are shortly going to conduct our own inquiry into commercial and industrial supremacy required that it Democracy in this column.
ca, we shall oppose revolutionnainst ciamperial AmeriN. City Membership Meeting The Loft Wing Movement