2 THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE Saturday, March 1, 1919 The Revolutionary Age de changes in Maladivostok noe het ented by the JOIIN REED a again a genism He opposed the was idol of the repudiasince its. oppression and torments of the proletariat are counter revolutionary governments there maintain linendurable. Wat did they expect? That after uned in power by the bayonets of the Allies? Labor, loosing the most terrible instruments of destruction, Chronicle and Interpretation of International Events speak!
the masses should scruple to use these instruments for the spoliation of the people against the masters?
Louis FRAINA Editor Lloyd George Wilson Capitalism has itself armed the proletariat now the EADMONN MACALPINE Associate Editor proletariat raises its arms against Capitalism.
Contributing Editors HE most important aspect of the war was the The assassination of Premier Eisner, as well as of conscious use governments made of democracy other officials of the Socialist Government, was a SEN KATAYAMA and petty bourgeois Socialism in the prosecu conspiracy of monarchial forces. In the reaction that HOURWICH WEINSTEIN tion of an imperialistic war. It was a democratic followed, the masses again attempted to seize control; LUDWIG LORE war in this sense, that the belligerent governments the Munich Soviet proclaimed a proletarian dictatorused the ideaology of democracy and even Socialism ship; and a new and implacable struggle developed.
ISSUED EVERY SATURDAY to get their peoples to carry on.
Simultaneously with the development of a brutal proletarian revolution by uniting with the petty bourBy Local Boston, Socialist Party Imperialism, there develops the instinctive revolt of geois majority Socialists in the organization of Steiner, Business Manager the working class against its repression and torments. coalition cabinet, repudiating proletarian dictator885 Washington St. Boston, Mass. The capitalist class must reckon with this. There ship.
develops, accordingly, a deceptive democracy in the But the proletarian revolutionary struggle has Bundle orders 2c a copy, Subscription 00 for fared up in violent intensity. An appeal has been issix months. 26 issues)
geois democracy is absorbed by Imperialism, and be sued by the Spartacans and left Independent Socialcomes the instrument for the promotion of Imperial ists to overthrow the Government of Saxony; a This development is typical in Great Britain, and communications are being cut. Plauen and other indusWe need to have the clcat party note sounded now and our position sharply defined as an unalmost as typical in the United States.
trial centres are reported under Spartacan control.
compromising revolutionary party if we are to Lloyd George was the director of the war, the man Left Independents in Leipsic have issued a manifesto the Constituent by take and hold our rightful place in the interna who seduced the masses and whose prestige gave the against the Government organized tional movement. We have got to plant our war an appearance of democracy. Lloyd George was Assembly, and demanding its overthrow. Even Haase barty upon the rock if it is not to be swept away originally an insurgent demócrat. an enemy of the has bitterly attacked the new Government, which is in the oncoming tempest. EUGENE Debs, Tories and the aristocratic and moneyerl democracy. loyal army under Hindenburg, to crush. the Boer War: he plumed himself upon the proletarian revolution.
February 15, 1919.
representing the poor and the oppressed: he bit The civil war in Germany rages. Scheidemann says: denounced by the reactionary powers as an The ground is shaking under our feet. The Soenemy of society. Then came the imperialistic war; cialist Noske is being laishly praised by the bourgeois The Torrent of Words and LOPES development of Lloyd George and more intense.
hecame the centre of it all, the press for his excellent methods of restoring order.
The to whom he offered the Deonle But the Spartacans renew their activity, more general was a beautiful day in Boston, upon Woodrow 111 as a sacrifice matter, but represents the surrender not a personal In Bavaria itself, a struggle has broken out between cynic has said that words were made to conceal of hourgeois democracy to Imperialism, its amalga the Soviet and the Government. The Soviet is armthought; in the President case, words are used in mation with Imperialism, ing the proletariat; and although the government remasterly way to conceal lack of thought. America Woodrow Wilson was elected to office as an insurwas nothing but indefinite phraseology. Americane sterolate creation Henlencun credo corporate wealth, and the Spartacans. The Munich Soviet still persists in its purporate wealth denounced him. He a is in birth; all civiFreedom, of the rights The Constituent Assembly marked a distinct swing lization must guarantec peace; a eulogy of the Peace of the people. of emocracy and the predatory charto the right. It was dominated hy reactionaries: the Conference all this and more vas in the President acter of Big Business. His clenouiciation of the Six attitude of Ebert. Scheidenann Co. of the Social Da adelress: and all this nicais nothing. What is the lower loan 10 China was acclaimed as a peace to be preserved? tion of imperialistic diplomacy and as opening a new. in romparison, the policy of Kerensky was ultra revoluWhat of the economic problems and antagonisms that tionary. This, together with reactionary plots and the split the ratine wner Capitalism? Mr. Wilson evades President on the platform. He kept us out of war. social and economic crisis, produced a new spirit of against the candidate of Big Business, Charles Evans revolt among the masses.
wehg in his address was Hughes. And then the country went to war: Mr.
15. Le rire il proceedings or Wilson used democracy in the service of the war and hly to coptrol and the Soviets would have to be abanOne thing was clear: allow the Constituent Assemle results ni le protests of the Peace Confer Imperialism; and recently, his Government approved doned. The Soviets and the Constituent Assembly are to know nothing trust all to Woodrow WVilson! Cieremperialistic loan to China by American finanince: that wouki be prenature. In other words, we of an cannot exist together: one or the other must go. But To make the world safe for democracy. These two democrats dominate the Peace Conthe niasses feel that the Soviets are their own their Open covenants of peace openly arrived at diplo ference and direct its policy against the peoples, the move to dissolve the Soviets is a reactionary coup. nwn peculiar instruments of action: thev feel that macy shall always proceed openly and in the public against democracy, against Socialism.
and as this feeling develons and becomes clear, the This is the universal tendency in imperialistic pa Soviets will be compelled to swing more and more to tions: bourgeois democracy is corrunt, reactionary: it the left, rintil they will have to usurp power. The exGovernments and Peoples is the miserable agent of Imperialism. The prole ietence of the Soviets is a guarantee that sooner or tariat must not be seduced by this fraudulent demo later, the Snartacan nolicy will control THERE was a very interesting passage in the Pre cracy. As acainst it, the militant proletariat must siclent address: Vhen speak of the nations clevelop the conscious, revolutionary struggle for The situation is still notential of proletarian revoof the world do not speak of the Governments of Communist Socialism.
Pention. Capitalism tremhles at the spectre of revoltithe world. speak of the people who constitute the Hinnary Communism. The struggle is not over: it is inet etartin the nations of the world. They are in the saddle and they are going to see to it that iſ their present GovThe Terror of Revolt do not do their will, some other Govern. INSTEAD of being allayed, the apprehensions of inments shall. Splendid. Init inept. Does Clemenceau Imperial America represent the prople of France this reactionary and ternational Capitalism are being increased by events. his Boston address, President Wilson played imperialistie politician? Lloyd George mandate re Everywhere unrest and revolt are developing acutely, many variations upon the theme of an idealistic presents only a small portion of the British people. in Russia the masses are still in control, and becoming and disinterested America. The United States, acAnrerican celegation at the Peace Conference a forinidable enemy of the bourgcois League of Na cording to him, has no aggressive purposes and no selrepresents Woolrow Wilson alone. Tt is simply a tions. in France potential revolution has thrust forth fish plans to promote; it is the harbinger of clique of the people of the world an imperialistic its ciread hand through the attempted assassination of order; it was the United States that showed Europe clique that is assenbled at Paris. There is just one one Premier Clemenceau; and Rumania Com what the war was really about, and our country has munist revolts government that really represents the neople, in fact George warns the people that civil war impends, where there shall be no war and no aggression. Said are action. in Great Britain, Lloyd the task of using its influence to bring about a world and in policy, and that is the Soviet Government of Roussin. The proletariat task is to see te it that while labor marshalls its iron battalions for the great the President. some other Carernment shall niake peace their struggle: and in Germany the assassination of the 090 Soviet Governments Premier of Bavaria, Kurt Eisner, has unloosed the In the midst of it all, every interest seeks out, first of all, when it reaches Paris, the representatives of the revolutionary energy and indignation of the masses. United States. Why? Because and think am statBorreanis society, which complacently accepted the ing the most wonderful fact in history because there Deporting Civil Rights terror of four and a half years of brutal war, is aghast is no nation in Europe that suspects the motives of the United States.
THE Govermeni decins deiermined to cleport alien at these dread acts of revolt. The London Daily agitators. The President returns home and speaks hross recently said: Perhaps. but Russia is a nation, and Soviet Russia eloquently of and civilization: but deporta The attempt tipon Premier Clemenceau life and the stuspects, and suspects justly, the motives of the tions proceed.
ppt of assassination of Premier Kurt Eisner of Bavaria United States of our Capitalism. Among the interanswer to his hd these cleeds of reaction are the words of males one think that whole world is crazy. what with ests that seek out the representatives of the United of democracy. Some have alpenlution and anarchy in eastern Europe, the renewed ready been deported: others are being deprived of States are the agents of Czarism and Capitalism in in Germany and the threat of a vast strike elementary, civil rights it is is not alicu agitators who Russia: and these are heard and dealt with. among in pland. The world seems to be turning upside are really being reportel, lut what remnants of civil Either citizens twn rears hence will say we wer the interests are Capitalism in Germany, which apliberty remained in this country. A:ld these leporta11 mad or on the nther and man will be gripping. peals to the American representatives to help them tions are carried ou secretly and instally. The Imerecriuent for anv enemiy that might crush Bolshevisni in Germany. In its attitude toward la presling his care, without any knowledge that the Russian and German Capitalism, America is not unrican Government was the most repressive during the groa: war took place. Tu je a time when all men should selfish. since the retention of Capitalisni in those two war: since the armistice other Governments have reall to the cause of sanity and order.
laxed their repression. It is has not a supine nations means a view lease of life for Capitalism in But the cause of sanity and order is the thing that the United States. The motives of the United States proletariat invites repression, Wir these to be provoked the war, since it means Capitalisnı: it is the deported are soine Russians will these be sent to are not suspert in this sense: tha: it has no territorial same thing that is provoking universal revolution. ambitions in Europe: but it has another ambition view new in liberty קוויי:ו:1 1, 14