AnarchismBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFranceGermanyImperialismLeninMarxismSocialismSocialist PartySovietStrikeWorkers PartyWorking Class

W TI Lenin a gress aty peace, for of or pursued Saturday, February 22, 1919 THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE riage a mockery, Capitalism attributes all these vile struggle against all Imperialism was imperative this Bolshevikjabs things to the Soviets.
was not in the consciousness of these Socialists.
Congress is Capitalism corrupt, perverted, bank The Congress, moreover, indulged in the misE lave decided that comment from us on the rupt. It investigates but the prole riat is preparing crable activity of discussing the League of Nations Senate Coinmittee which is investigating Bolfor action.
they approve of the League of Nations under shevism and the witnesses who have appeared Their attitude was clearly that of before it this week would be painting the lily and to Which International?
President Wilson, the attitude of bourgeois democracy the rainbow adding another hue.
and reaction. It was not a Congress of Socialists, but HE facts of the war and of the developing proof bourgeois liberals. It was a congress of treason lots of people in the United States are foregomg to Socialism.
letarian revolution stress the need of international solidarity and action: Socialism is not SoBut what could one expect? The Socialists redinner but Senator Borah is apparently the only one who gets any publicity out of it.
ciaism, but a mserable petty bourgeois thing, unless had been cleary counter revolutionary durpresented it is international in purposes and in action.
ing the war: convening in an international congress Socialism, accordingly, must have an international could not and did not alter their poiicy. They had We wonder how the idea got around that a League been united with bourgeois democracy: they mainof Nations mcant a league of all nations?
expression. But the International of Socialism must be a real International, an International pledged to tained that unity. The Austro German delegates the proletarian revolution, and not an aggregation of were afraid of the penalty that might be imposed If it was a league of all nations there would be petty bourgeois Socialists, social reformers and so upon them by defeat; the Allied Socialists were afraid nothing to be in league against.
cial patriots.
that their nations would be deprived of the fruits The International Congress which has been of victory.
Now that the Gerinan workers are finding out that holding sessions at Berne is the final proof of the Europe was on the verge of the proletarian revolu being good in the Ebert Scheidemann sense is not fact that moderate Socialism is petty bourgeois and tion; and these Socialists act against the revolu going to save them we wonder what they will do?
counter revolutionary. It is not clear whether it was tion, dicker and compromise with Capitalism. The called by the Inter Allied Labor and Socialist Consituation insisted upon the struggle for a revolution German Assembly Quit: In Mourning After Arby Camille Huysmans of the old Internapeace; but this Socialist mistice says a headline. Which is this bourgeois tional Bureau, or by both. But the old International Congress favored a bourgeois peace, a At Socalist meeting in Paris, at which Thomas, impetus given by them to the Spartacan movement?
Wilson peace. Assembly mourning most the Armistice terms of the and its Bureau are dead dead through their own criminal activity in supporting the war and disruptRenaudel and Longuet were shouted down, the reving the international solidarity of Socialism. They olutionary Socialist Loriot issued the slogan that the have no mandate to represent Socialism; they have Congress did not issue. President Wilson is an able coming to Boston and will deliver a public address on Who said secret diplomacy? President Wilson is no mandate to call an International Congress that a man who is seeking to save the bourgeoisie, but he the Peace Conference. Isn that open diplomacy?
revolutionary Socialist can respect. Let the dead must not be followed. The moment has come to bury their dead.
choose between him and Lenin. But this policy was The New York Tribune in a recent issue gives a Whom did this congress consist of? It consisted of too revolutionary and aggressive for the yellows ar niap of the world showing the territory controlled by the reactionary Labor Party of England, and its Berne.
the League of Nations and it marks this territory bourgeois Henderson; of reactionary British Trades The Berne Congress is the last convulsive gasp the old International. Its corpse is now a stinking Vlack. Alore Bolshevik propaganda. of the Ebert Scheidemann Socialists; of the nions Socialists of France who are favoring a carrion. There must be a new International, an In Wilson Mr. William Hard writing in the New Republic peace; of the wholly reactionary Hjalmar ternational of revolutionary Socialism, of the final Branting of other right and centre Socialists, strugle and victory, suggests that perhaps Mr. Hoover was slightly misall of whom either favored the war of This problem of the International is an acute one.
understood when Senators seemed to assume that he would take a loaf of bread and show it to Lenin a counter revolutionary policy of bour It is the test of one revolutionary convctions. Our and offer to let him have it if he would stop being geois pacifism. The final act of stultification per party by the usurpatory action of the in a Bolshevik.
formed by the Congress was its desperate efforts to designating three delegates to represent the Soget Samuel Gompers our ultra reactionary, un cialist Party at the Berne Congress, is officially comspeakable Gompers to participate. That the Indemitted to the yellow International. This act the No wonder Seattle labor leaders are annoyedpendent Socialist Party of Germany participated Mayor Hansen is getting all the publicity and credit party must emphatically repudiate.
is for breaking the strike.
another indicaton of the fatal compromise policy of We do not want an International of the socialthat party That Fritz Adler participated is an indi patriots, of moderate petty bourgeois Socialism. We cation of his uncertain temperament, and does not do not want a centre International of Zimmerwald We hope that Herr Scheidemann will enter a vigalter the character of the Congress.
and the Independent Socialists of Germany. We want orous protest against Emperor President Ebert turnThis Congress did not include the Bolsheviki and and will have a revolutionary International, ing Bolshevik and confiscating 1, 000, 000 marks a the Spartacans in its call as well it might, since International which recognizes the revolutionary year.
these courageous, intelligent representatives of revo character of our epoch, of those Socialists who will As we have often remarked before these Bolshelutionary. Socialism would never commit stultification consciously and aggressively wage the revolutionary by participating in such a Congress, and have repudia stronger cannot be any compromise on this issue.
viki are a poor lot no matter what way one looks at ated the have established a dictatorship in Russia and have been acting the park Times publishes the of despots for some the Socialist Party of Switzerland repudiated the There cannot be any compromise with the past. The Congress as reactionary: Revolutionary Socialism old International expressed moderate Socialism; it everywhere has repudiated the congress. The became an obstacle to the revolutionary development even the school children. Surely there is something news that the Bolsheviki are arming the workers and Belgian Socialist Party refused to participate because of the proletariat, petty bourgeois and counter revnot because these were yellow Socialists, but because of life itselt, Marxism and Socialism, perverted to get thing so foolish. They invariably disarm the people the petty bourgeois International, are coming into The Berlin Vorwaerts, the Ebert Scheidemann orof do exactly as they are told. Now that the people their own, vital and vitalizing, preparing to storm gan, counter revolutionary during the war and after the bastions of international Imperialism. In this Russia are being armed and, as we know from the the war, said just before the Berne Congress con great struggle, we must use the revolutionary spirit press reports, that the Bolsheviki represent nobody, vened: of Socialism, we inust abandon the old compromising throw almost any day.
we may await with confidence their complete overGerman Socialists will accept with deep satisfaction policy, we must repudiate whoever and whatever hesthe summons addressed to them. From the first day of the war it has been their passionate effort to reunite the itates and wavers.
torx threads of international relations and to give their There is new International, which does not have In view of the fact that some of the European foreign comrades an account of their attitude. Upon hold a Congress order to realize itself the In countries have refused to accept the deportees and the fate of Germany and the result of peace depends to an endless extent the future of Socialism. To save ternational of revolutionary Socialism in every coun.
that Congress is determined to ship them out of the Germany from the downfall with which a peace of viol try, which does not yearn for showy conferences, but country we are beginning to glimpse what is meant ance threatens her is to save the world and Socialism.
which wages the Socialist, proletarian war against by the freedom of the seas.
We trust in world Socialism, not Bolshevism, but in a This Socialism and these groups, and peaceful democracy of labor which will come sooner or later. Our italics. these alone, are worthy of organizing the Third In McEntee, Business Agent of the New York The unctuous hypocrisy and nationalistic spirit of ternational.
District of the International Association of Machinthis pronunciamento are not its most important At its recent congress in Moscow, the Communistists, is reported as saying that have been unable to Icarn of any labor men who were deported or are features. Clearly, it indicates that the Berne Congress Party of Russia decided to convoke an International was to act against Bolshevisni. And it did! The ma Congress at which revolutionary Socialism alone will in danger of deportation and thinks that the members jority of the were against the Bolsheviki, participate. It issued a program for international of the Micrometer Lodge are wrong in characterising Bolshevism was the affair as a against the delegates eile of the bourgeois press: Labor Party of Germany. Socialist struggle and that gentlemen of Mr. McEntee ilk will find that their revolutionary Socialism based upon the programs of shameful act. Mr. McEntee has denounced in the gutter the Communist Party of Russia and the Communist apparently a very narrow conception of the term which declares that at this Perhaps after a few more Seattles, particularly by Hjalmarhang of Sweden. Arthur had said: problem of the best ernational ideas must undergo a thorough revision. What does toward best police is the struggle for the overthrow of the international at the conference. The only policy of the system of proletariat is to struggle for the seizure the immediate task of the the Micrometer Lodge say?
Socialist toward Bolshevism in Russia is to pursue revolutionary power and the dictatorship of the proletariat; that The press first reported that Premier Clemenceau not to discuss in conferences the form of condemna: it is necessary to disarm the bourgeoisie and arm the assailant was a workman, then he became a Russian, tion or of camouflage. The decision was to designate against Capitalism; that a fight without mercy muse proletariat as a phase of initiating the final struggle now, he is a moderate anarchist, tomorrow he may a commission to become a Socialist or an and then we would study.
Clearly a have another exuse for the deportations.
revolutionary the act!
The delegates indul in the highly Socialist actrevolution.
ivity of discussing responsibility for the war that This is the policy of the international proletariat. Mrs. Inch threatens to name rich men says the is to say, whether the Central Powere or the Allies The Bolshevik Spartacan International is an Inter New York World. We had no idea the Bolsheviki had were responsible. The French and German So national of revolutionary Socialism.
become so powerful. Such a threat in Moscow, accialists had lively tilts on this problem. That Imper Which International, comrades of the Socialist cording to all accounts, would make anyone tremble, ialism was responsible, and that the revolutionary Party?
but in New York.
an to Capitalism.