BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismFranceGerman RevolutionImperialismItalySocialismSocialist PartySovietStrikeViolenceWorking Class

2 THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE Saturday, February 22, 1919 all but The League come The Revolutionary Age reaction as well as cowardice, and says: In the main, they seem to be without popular support. We Congress Investigates Chronicle and Interpretation vf International Events cafect that dehest doeslackite to inspire respect and Thingoniere is intellectuait, Sterites and morally confidence and depend altogether on external force Louis FLAINA Editor to establish their rights.
corrupt. It has no conception of the problems EADMONN MACALPINE. Associate Editor of the day: the only role it can play, apparently, is The American Government has announced that its the role of marplot.
Contributing Editors troops are to be withdrawn in the spring, when Scort NEARING Congress had practically nothing to do with the LUDWIG LORE weather will permit; in the meantime two companies of engineers are sent to Archangel to facilate this management of the war. When the President wanted JOAN RED SEN KATAYAMA departure.
war, it declared war; when the President asked for HOURWICH WEINSTEIN conscription. Congress adopted the Conscription Act; Still, fighting proceeds against the Soviet Republic.
when the President demanded new authority, it was The Soviet Republic is still isolated from the world; granted; and when the President usurped power, ISSUED EVERY SATURDAY it cannot communicate freely with the world, nor purchase food and machinery. Is it the purpose of Congress did not protest. It was an impotent and By Local Boston, Socialist Party despicable Congress, too ignorant and provincial to the Allies to isolate Russia, and starve it? Promises Steiner, Business Manager influence the course of events.
and proclamations are frequent but alien troops are 885 Washington St. Boston, Mass. still at Archangel and Vladivostok!
The war ends, but the impotence of Congress does not end. The American delegates to the Peace Con Bundle orders 2c a copy, Subscription 00 for ference were chosen by the President, Congress besix months (26 issues)
Our ing shoved aside. Congress protested, but that didn alter things in any way. Just prior to his departure for Europe, President Wilson put the whole matter cialist Party is developing intense resentment of reconstruction up to Congress; but in two months We need to have the clear party note sounded against it among the party members. This resent Congress has done absolutely nothing on this matter; now and our position sharply defined as an unment is preparing to burst forth in a struggle for the soldiers and sailors are being demobilized. unemploycompromising revolutionary party if we are to capture of the party for the party, for revolutionary men is increasing; great problems are ahead but take and hold our rightful place in the internaSocialism.
Congress does absolutely nothing except indulge in tional movement. We have got to plant our The armistice and the German Revolution came in talk, and cheap and uninteresting talk at that.
barty upon the rock if it is not to be swept away November; great events requiring great action but The Congress of these United States is intellectuin the oncoming tempest. EUGENE DEBS, our was dumb and inert. No clear call to ally, morally and politically bankrupt.
February 15, 1919.
action; no call for an immediate emergency National During the war Congress demonstrated its incaConvention of the party. The had neither nacity to cope with elemental forces and problems.
initiative nor courage in the great crisis.
So it talked and held investigations. League for Camouflage Local after local of the party demanded an emer Now that the war is over, a new elemental force gency convention; but the E, at its January and problem disturbs the world the problem of laTHE draft of the constitution of the League of session refused to issue the call, and instead issued Nations is ready. The most vital provision of Everywhere there is unrest, strikes and industrial a call for an amnesty convention in May, together the constitution is that providing that the League. with bourgeois liberal organizations. The intent was revolts: and this is expressing itself in an acceptshall have an Executive Council of representatives clear: to satisfy the membership with a convention, ance of Bolshevism and Bolshevism is revolutionary Socialism. This force is done to tain, France, Italy and Japan. The control of the matters cannot be discussed at this amnesty con conquer Capitalism, to transform the world; it is affairs of the League is in this Executive Council. vention; and, moreover, the issue of political pris an acute danger to Capitalism. Congress feels this and this Council consists of five nations! The oners should be a class and Socialist issue for the force, senses its danger. but is impotent to deal with of Nations, as projected, follows closely the tendency party. We must end the dickering and compromising it, cannot deal with it, because it is an inevitable exof modern trust Capitalism the Big Five hold with bourgeois liberals, who are potentially counter pression of the collapse of Capitalism and the needs majority stock, while all the other nations who may revolutionary. On this head, the Detroit Socialist of the working class. So Congress investigates!
in will constitute Party has sent the following resolution to the Na The Senate, just now, is investigating Bolshe. tional Secretary: vism. It is a very peculiar investigation. All the powers is not a League of Nations but a League We, the Executive Committee of Local Wayne old wives inyths and rumors that have been floating against the nations. It is an alliance of the victors County (Detroit. at our regular meeting January 30, about in the press these two years are coming before in the war, for world dominion; it is, moreover, a TOT9, protest against the action of the National Exethe Senate as if something new. Rumor is accepted camouflage to disguise the imperialistic appetites cutive Committee in calling so called Convention in of as fact, vituperation as argument.
the powers and to satisfy the longings of the association with reactionary bourgeois organizations of Every witness all kinds, and failing to call a regular Convention, which that the Senate Committee has heard is masses, who have bled in the war, for permanent; convinced is so urgently needed at this time to thrash out liffi that Bolshevism is peace. It is a a deception and betrayal Capitalism cultirs arising within our ranks due to the world situaoppressing the Russian people, and the Senators are equally convinced. but tion.
can do nothing else but deceive and betray the masses.
still the Russian people accept the Bolsheviki, fight As against this League against the nation, our for Other locals have protested against this conven and die mula is: overthrow of Capitalism and Imperialism tion: and they have protested, moreover, against ozein government. Poor souls, they do not know how as the necessary preliminary to the organization of the arbitary act of the is designating Algeron inuch the Senate a League of Nations through international Commun Lec. John Work and James Oneal to represent It is. useless consider in detail the lies and slandist Socialism.
ilie party at the Berne Congress, and against parti ers which are offered as feast to the Senate. But cipation in the Berne Congress.
one thing is interesting: the story of sexual immoralIndustrial Revolution According to our party constitution, the ity in Russia.
has no right to select international delegates. When It is an indisputable fact of history that every revIN an interview, Mayor Ole Hansen, of Seattle, declares that the recent strike of 70, 000 workers was the motion to designate delegates was submitted to olutionary movement, whether religious or social, has the member Katterfield called the s an attempted revolution. The plan was to start been accused of immorality and sexual debauchery attention to the unconstitutionality of the motion, and the revolt here and have it spread to other cities.
by the master class. The early Christians were stigrefused to vote. Comrade Katterfield was right; but The intent, openly and covertly, was for the over matized as sexual degenerates; and the accusations throw of the industrial system: here first, then he should have gone a step further. and appealed to about their orgies would make spicy reading. Sexual everyMayor Hansen admits that there was no The niemhership to prevent the from usurp debauchery and perversion were attributed to the violence in the strike yet boasts openly of the fact ing authority: there must be mass action in the party communist and religious movements in the Middle that were to be used by the ainst our reactionary officials.
Ages and to the French Revolution. Socialism, since municipal government. The Scattle strike dià not The attitude of the is determined by the its inception, has been stigmatized as a movement industrial system; but it fact that the majority of its members are adherents for sexual promiscuity.
mous factor in revolutionizing the consciousness and of moderate Socialism, and they are acting to prevent Why is this? Every master class is itself a class of modes of action of the American proletariat. The the revolutionary sentiments the party from con sexual degenerates, and imagines that its opponents Seattle strike, apparently. caved in because of the quering the party. They are moderates; they have are also. Accusations of sexual immorality accomplearnt nothing and forgotten, nothing; they are not lish two purposes: they arouse indignation, and at imposed, and because is seems the workers were not in harmony with the revolutionary ideals and policy the same time they titillate the passions of the mob.
yet prepared to conre to grips with the enginery of re 110w vitalizing the international movement. They are There is a perverse sexual satisfaction in this sort pledging our party to the counter revolutionary Berne of thing: it clearly stigmatizes the mind of the master when the the union officials and all other traitors will be Congress to the yellow International.
swept aside; the day will come when the proletariat There is real activity the party intense revoluIt was said that Socialism meant sexual promisis prepared to seize power: and then we shall have tionary aspirations. But all this finds no expression cuity: that it meant every woman for every man, the industrial revolution, and Socialism. In the in in our on the contrary, the is and that children should become the property of the terval prepare!
camper on the party. The activity of the party locals state. You have a Socialist regime in Russia; presto!
is isolated; there is no national unity of action. The. decrees are produced which incorporate these They are still There! should have issued a call to the great ideas! This, in spite of the fact that the actual de. it did not: it is paltering, evading. There crees on marriage and divorce of the Soviet GovT!
HERE is. at this moment, an utter confusion conis die pro proletarian revolution, there is the problem of erument are availableclecrees which are human and cerning the Allies policy toward Soviet Russia. the new International; there are great strikes, civilized, infinitely superior to the laws of capitalist Secret diplomacy is in action. Rumors are that the developing mass action but our does not society, and recognizing the purity of the sexual rePrinkipn conference is to be abandoned: is this be eet: it represses.
cause the Bolsheviki scorcel by accepting? Another The present we are convinced, does not Capitalism, itself a dictatorship. accuses the Sorumor is that a new conference will belield soinerepresent the party. It must be repudiated. The viels of being a dictatorship: itself a breeder of terwhere else. enhership has it in its power to elect revolutionary rorism, Capitalism indulges in righteous indignation The New York Horld. February 18, accuses the Socialists to the EC at the coming referendumi. int the terrorisin of the Soviets; itself degrading factions opposed to the Soviets of being tainted withi It should, it must.
sex, prostituting women, and inaking love and marLeague that is controle de minority stockholders. max a vile where an enor