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. THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE Saturday, February 15, 1919 The Holy Trinity of Capital a to them as Paris tion.
By Nicholas Hourwich OLY TRINITY these are the three con motion picture of the confidence which the working ferences now being held in Europe: in Paris, though to the proletariat, fighting for its emavripation, masses and the Socialists are alleged to feel towards the peace conference, the international more contemptible and repulsive is the picture of the the gathering in session at Paris and its child the social patriotic congress at Berne, Switzerland, and congress of the social traitors of all countries now in league of nations (which is to all appearances not the German National Assembly. To a certain extent session at Berne. This congress was called with the destined to be born at all. an equality can be traced among these three parties obvious and only purpose of strengthening the position Instead, however, of the touching enactment of an they compose an actual trinity, for they have, as act of reconciliation of classes, the Berne confercause to save capitalist society and its foundations ence began with quarrelling and the flinging of mutual Withdraw from Berne!
coming red Bolshevist menace. The whole from accusations by thiese Socialists of the home pot. bourgeois world looks its only salvation, Resolution adopted by the General Conference quarreling and recriminations which only add a but, alas, each one of them is destined to become a of the Central Executive Committees of the Rus greater degeneration of social patriotism in the eyes sian, Lettisk, Ukrainian, Estonian and Lithuan.
grave of all these hopes and strivings.
ian Federations of the American Socialist Party, of the working, masses. True, all these veterans February 9, 1919.
and leaders of the Second International, becoming Take, for instance, one of the confenences the wiser. tried to reconcile matters and conclude peace conference. Here is gathered the very The so called International Socialist Congress. ap temporarily song sort of a compromise. The vocab cream and pride of the whole bourgeois diplomatic parently called upon the initiative of the social patriotic Inter Allied Labor and Socialist Conference, aculary of these sham internationalists, world brilliant speakers whose hair has grown gray cepted by Camille Huysmans, secretary of the defunct with such words as enemy, eneme previously rich country, changin the political struggle, adroit diplomats and learned International, and now in session at Berne, is a counter ed over night to words more appropriate to the ocprofessors. Great importance was attached to this revolutionary Congress of Socialists most of whom casion, but the general picture remained unchanged.
conference. So many hopes were centered on it. With during the war supported their imperialistic government.
The reconciliation became a deep interest its sessions were anticipated. It really The Berne Congress has denied participation to the language of these Berne delegates is not that of Inpromised to become the centre of the world attenCoinmunist Party of Russia (Bolsheviki) and the Comternational Socialism but the vulgar language of namunist Labor Party of Germany (Spartacans. and is tionalism and patriotism. On all participants in this itself repudiated by these two organizations of revNow that it has gathered, great God, what bitter congress lies the mark of Cain, the mark of socialolutionary Socialism.
disapointment at the very beginning! With all the The Berne Congress, moreover, is repudiated by the pomposity and solemnity attending it, with all the Italian Socialist Party, the Swiss Socialist Party, and With the same object of saving the German bourgeapparent importance of the questions under discusby revolutionary Socialism everywhere; it harbors elements violently opposed to the Bolsheviki; it favors a oisie and with it the world bourgeoisie from the growsion, the sessions of the conference are pale, mono bourgeois League of Nations, instead of a Socialist ing proletarian wave the German National Assembly tonous and gray, less interesting anr provocative of League of revolutionary nations; it is promoting a was gathered at Weimar. The German bourgevisie greater amount of yawning than even the sessions of fraudulent bourgeois democracy instead of the proletarthe American Congress. It seems as though the del. jan revolution: it favors a Wilson peace phrases inand its henchmen succeeded in triumphing over the gates themselves have no faith in the measures they stead of a Lenin peace of revolutionary deeds; it is a vipers nest of social patriots and betrayers of Socialdissolved. In it the German bourgeoisie will get back all are trying to carry into life.
its rights which were lost during the revolution.
They obviously feel that they are deciding matters The Socialist Party of the United States, toy partici The working class in the person of the Central Exewithout the presence of the master and that when pating in this Congress of the great betrayal, stultifies itself abarrions the revolutionary implications of the cutive Committee now holding sessions at Berlin, not this master shall become audible, all their plans and St. Louis resolution on the war; and acts directly rainbow dreams will come to nought, hence the pale against the proletarian revolution in Russia and in Ger. fulness declares its readiness to lay dowching the rughts ness and absence of fire in their speeches, and the many, and against the developing world revolution. to the all national institution. thereby again givBe it therefore, resolved: wavering and urcertainty of their decisions. The ing proof to the correctness of our assumption that Paris conference has died before it reached matur That the Socialist Party shall refuse to participate not every Soviet, but only Soviets sharing the view of in the Bernc Congress; we demand the immediate It has not succeeded in diverting the the attention withdrawal of the credentials issued to John Work, the principle of dictatorship of the proletariat, is of the peoples from that sole corner, oasis on the Algernon Lee and James Oneal.
thic real exponent of the interests of the workers in earth globe, where the fire of the hope of all toilers We demand that our party participate only in a their fight for liberation.
really burns the Russian Soviet Socialist Republic Congress in which participate the Communist Party in All things show apparently the success of the GerStill less hope is there that the conference can carry Russia and the Communist Labor Party of Germany, who in their revolutionary deeds express the policy of man bourgeoisie. Here, on the Weimar national asout its main task to strengthen the foundations of real Socialisin and the New International.
sembly the sad eye of the world bourgeoisie can rest.
the decaying capitalist society, which is already creak We demand, an immediate emergency National But.
ing in all directions.
even on the apparently calm German horiConvention of the Socialist Party to discuss these and zen oftener and oftener begins to flare up lightning, other vital problems, and to draw the party together And, as though in revenge for the fact that they for the revolutionary struggle which is coming which have not succeeded in astonishing the world and the working class of Germany will correct all its past is here. set fire to the waters, the representatives of all bourAnd this new storm is not a good omen geois powers now gathered in Paris have begun to for the German bourgeoisie.
quarrel among themselves over the straightening out of social patriotism and opportunism in countries The three strategic points of the world Duurgeoiof accounts, thereby still more increasing the uni and of attempting to win back the lost confidence of sieParis, Derne and Weimar with historical inversal hopelessness of the international situation. the workers thus saving them from the contamina critableness are destined to become the three grave No less sadder and hopeless to the bourgeois ere tion of Bolshevism. This congress had to enact a crosses in the cemetery of world capitalism.
The Bolsheviki Repudiate the Berne Congress THE Central Committee of the Russian Commun ter revolutionaries organizing themselves for the pur against participation in the conferences of falsely ist (Bolshevik) Party in a manifesto on the pro pose of forming leagues against the proletarian rev called Socialists. The Russian Communist (Bolshevik. posal to call together an International Conference at olutions the world over, the Communists of all coun arty refuses to take part in these conferences which Lausanne declares that the project cannot be con tries must rapidly close their ranks around the third abuse the name of Socialism. It invites all those who sidered even attempt to revive the Second InIesir International already in fact, existing. This thire the third Revolutionary Internati shall ternational. The latter ceased to exist the International las nothing in common with the avowed live to take the same line; the task of this third Interfirst days of August.
when the representatives Socialist Imperialists or with the pseudo revolution rational being to hasten the conquest of power by of the majority of nearly all the Socialist ary Socialists, who in reality support the former when the working class.
ed over into the ranks of their Imperialist Govern they refuse to break with them and who do not recoil ments. The The Communist parties of Finland, Esthonia, Limade to revive this attempts thuania, of White Russia, the Ukraine, Poland, and tional, for which agitation has been carried on in all Ilolland are at one with the Russian Communist ments standing mid way, which, not recogniz. arty. The latter also regards as its associates the nevertheless in Germany, the Communist ing openly Imperialist Socialism, third revolutionary International.
Hi Gerinan Austria and other revolutionary proleta. attempts made to go back to the pre war situatio: in rian clements of the countries in the Harian nupire: the Left Social Democrats of Sweden, regarding the labor movement crashed against the Grand Opera House he Revolutionary Social Democracy of Switzerland Imperialist policy of the official parties which could and Italy. the followers of Maclean in England, of to restore the International. fearing, as they did, that Des in America, of Loriot in France. In their per Corner of Dover and Washington Streets this might tend to weaken the war policy sons the third International which is at the head of Boston, Mass.
ernment and the working class working in unison. To the world Revolution already exists.
counteract these attempts the Imperialist Socialist It the present noment when the Socialist Imperialparties undertook to change the conditions of Sunday, February 16, 1919 repreists of thic Entente, who formerly hurled the most the national sections in the old Internaat P.
violent accusations against Scheidemann, are about tional. The last so called inter Allied conferences in 1o unite with him and to break the power of Socialthe Entente cot:ntries made it clear that this change IME KAPLAN had been effected. Great Britain was represented ism in all countries, the Communist Party considers General Secretary Lawrence Strike Committee, fiat imity for the World Revolution is an indispensa motley organization in which the Socialist parties and other prominent speakers able condition for its success. Its most dangerous could play no direct role. Italy was represented by ENCINY now is the Yellow International of the Socialiner whose party never before belonged to the Inter Auspicez Boston Local Socialist Party ist traitors thanks to whom Capitalism still succeeds national and whose presence compelled the absence of in keeping it considerable portion of the working class the official Italian Socialist Party. America was repreADMISSION FREE under its influence. For the conquest of power by sented by Gomers representing associations which the workers let us carry on an implicable struggle never had anything to do with the Socialists.
Against those who are leceiving them against the As against the International of traitors and counpseudo Socialist traitors.
an 1914, the whilst not Mass Meeting had no Spartacus group The aff creating of the Cov