Saturday, February 15, 1919 THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE The Character of the Russian Revolution TH Russia the phases enormous character lem.
soldiers against the cout the che workmen control of industry; the constituent of HE first anniversary of the Bolshevik Revolu From the Moscow Pravda, October 28, 1918 measures to realize the einancipation of the working tion of November 7, 1917, was celebrated uniclass and realize communism. The organizations and versally in Russia. Prior to and during the course of the celebrations a food of inquiries poured the plot of Kornilov: the surrender of Riga to the institutions established through the November Revin to the Regional Committee of the Communist ParGermans by Kornilov to frighten the Revolution, Kor olution as means of realizing mass emancipation, and ty of Bolsheviki. information and sug; nilov rebellion and his campaign against Petrograd; the contrast in the position of the toilers before and after the Bolshevik Revolution.
gestions concerning the Democratic Congress and the Preliminary Parliathe character of the event and ment all these events were, on the one hand, an 2) The basic principles of the Declaration of the should be emphasized. The Bolshevik Revolution was an historical Rights of the Toilers and the constitution of the Soopen organization and campaign of the counter revof event importance, and its still olution against the workers and peasants, and, on the viet Republic as expressing the movement for emanmatter of discussion. The Regional Committee, accordingly, workother, a growth toward the Revolution of Novem. cipation.
ed out a summary of the points to emphasize in speak During this critical period the Mensheviki and the ber under the slogan, All power to the Soviets. The Significance of the Bolshevik Revolution ing and writing about that great proletarian event.
for the International Proletarian Movement The Revolutionary Age re prints this document as Social Revolutionary party were openly allied with the counter revolution.
1) The November Revolution in Russia has been of interest to all workers and Socialists: 5) The November Revolution the organization a stimulus to the workers in other nations, awakening An Historical Survey of the Bolshevik in Petrograd of the Military Revolutionary Comthem and putting before them the issue of the destRevolution mittee; the uprising of the masses and the overthrow ruction of Capitalism and war as a immediate probA preliminary outline of the character of the Revof the government of Kerensky; the sessions of the 2) The Bolshevik Revolution prepared the way olution of March, 1917: 1) characterize the activity Peasants and Soldiers, the first Provisional Government (Lvov Milyukov)
of for the organization of the Third International, the the heroic struggle of the workmen and ers, and International of Revolutionary Socialism, and this as well as the Coalition Government (Kerensky) as 6) The bourgeois in marks the beginning of the end of Capitalism and composition and policy, emphasizing Congress decreeing all power to the SoImperialism.
attempts of these governments to degrade the Revviets; the organization of Rey: ment, the Council of People Commissaires, the de 3) The development of the proletarian revolution olution to their imperialistic aims the great demonthe land to the in the West and the oppositional, counter revolution.
stration of May 3 against the imperialistic policy peasants, on peace, and ary attitude of the imperialists of all countries toward of the Government and Milyukov, and the offensive 1; discuss the international character of the Assembly, an organ of bourgeois power and against peace (Brest Litovsk negotiations. Soviet Russia is convincing proof of the great influ.
ence of our Revolution on the workers of the world.
Revolution as indicated in the declarates, March of the Petrograd Soviet of Workmen the workmen and peasants revolution, and its dissolution by the Council People Commissaires; Our New Problems and the Conditions 27, 1917, calling upon the international proletariat the acca securing a respite for reorganization, and of the Brest Litovsk treaty, as a of their Realization to question I) The main problem organizing the defense of 2) The land question and the labor revolutionary propaganda against Soviet Russia against international Imperialism. It santry and proletariat)
were questions identified with is necessary to form a mighty Red Army, and to general economic problems; emphasize the utter reGerman November Revolution in the Ukraine and organize aid for the workers of the West in their 7) The fusal of the Provisional Government to act on the developing revolutionary act on against the imperialdemands of the workers and peasants the bourgeoi the Don, its defeat there owing to the bourgeois alliistic war and Imperialism.
to starve the Revolution, 8) The intelligentsia sabotage and its opposition 2) The conditions necessary to realize this funthe Government arresting land committees of the peadamental task are, among revolution, proof of its beingo?
sants which seized the lands, etc.
others: completing the orpetty bourgeois counter revolutinary group chained ganization of the whole economic life on Socialist principles, unity of the workmen and poorer peasants. the counter revolutionary character of the bourgeois parties. 9) The subsequent events and tactics of the left military training for all toilers, continuing the reetc. the treason of the Mensheviki and the Social Revolutionists who accepted acterize them as a petty bourgeois party, and their Social Revolutionists (uprising in July, 1918) char lentless struggle against the bourgeoisie and for an iron dictatorship of the proletariat the bourgeo. government and a bourgeois policy; the revolutionary consistency of the Bolshevik tactics as counter revolutionary. Intervention and 3) Finally, it is necessary to point out that our a revolutionary course.
the Czecho Slovaks.
ultimate goal Communism can be realized only on July, 1917 10) The fundamental decrees issued by the So conditions that the international proletariat revolution in the development viet Government, measures to restore the country, point of the Russian Revolutioning shall triumph, or have begun to triumph.
the offensive of July 1, to restore discipline in the place all power in the masses, and develop communist Accordingly, all for the world Revolution. army and placate the Allies; the mass demonstrations Socialism In all their speeches the comrade azitators must of July 16 17, the Government use of troops and The Achietments of the November point out the influence of the imperialistic war on the counter revolutionary gangs against the workers, and Revolution origin and progress of the Bolshevik Revolution, the measures of repression used, against the revolu 1) The November (Bolshevik) Revolution is a In proposing this plan to the comrade agitators, the tionary masses: the reactionary sweep after July: the Socialist Revolution which placed the land and the Regional Committee at the same time considers it Moscow Conference, at which the bourgeois reaction factories, and all state power, in the hands of the toil necessary that the local organizations shall define and the counter revolutionary generals dominated; ers. The substance of the Soviet decrees as Socialist the celebrations and the character of the slogans.
means of (peat the struggle to the proletarian which on all issues, pursuedong, as marking a Soviet Russia Speaks to Britain Britain to the runwarranted act of maggression Rame officers.
TN order to obtain the consent of the workers of copy of a leaflet, printed in English, dropped they hope you will bring. Who else is welcoming you?
over the British lines on the Vologda Front, by The ex landlords of Russia, who are expecting you against us, your Government gives the following Bolshevik aeroplane. Like leaflets are also printed to restore to them the land, forests, and mines which as their reasons for landing troops in our country: in French, Italian, Russian, and even Japanese. are now the property of the whole Russian people. That they have come to stamp out anarchy and restore order.
cur social and economic life in such a manner to se Workmen Governments and compel us to become It is not true. Your Government and the French cure to the workers the products of their labor. Your their wage slaves again. The chinovniks, the exGovernment is Government are themselves responsible for what dishelping to do this. It has sent you officials of the Czarist Government, who want you here order there is in Russia. Ever since the Revolution Your Government is bere to prevent our doing it.
to restore to them their soft jobs, to resume their old co operating with the Czecho Slovaks, who are the agents of the French and British Governments of bribery and corruntion for which Russia in supthe past was notorious. Yes, this crowd, with their have been conspiring with the counter revolutionaries, the workers obtained an eight hour day. It has been hangers on, are very pleased to see you here.
giving them moral encouragement and financial asThey abolished. All working class organizations, Trades will Aatter you and make a fuss of you; all the sistance for the purpose of undermining the power of our Workinen Government and they have a supreme contempt for you, for you are to bring about Czecho Slovaks go they suppress our Workmen only working men whoin they are using as their tools.
its downfall. Your Government and the French Gov Councils, and establish in their stead an oligarchy of The Russian commander at your head, General Gurko ernment are co operating with the Czecho Slovaks, Your is a reactionary of the worst descr ntion. He was who have blocked the pplies: speculators, capitalists, and ex Czar the access to The arrested by Kerensky for his monarchist propaganda.
Government will use you to do the same in serious food shortage in our country is aggravat and Central Russia.
If The your Government was ents of your Government helped hiin to escape.
ing the disorganization. If there is disorder your His only object in joining you is to use you to restore Governments are responsible for it. Remember when Government of the workers and Peasants and would recognize the Soviet the Czar.
Government enters a one country where there has been a revolution for the purpose of Comrades! Do not put your trust in this reactionrestoring reorganize our railways and industries. We, in order, it always means that they intend to crush ary gang. Do not permit yourselves to be used as the fact, invited your Government to enter into business the Revolution. That is what the German Governrelations with us that would have been to our mutual tools of the enemies of liberty. Never let the shameful advantage.
But ment did in Poland, in the Ukraine, in the Baltic ProGovernment made no reply.
your thing be said that the English workers permitted vinces, and in Finland. That is what your GovernNo your Government does not want to help the Rusthemselves to be used to crush the Russian Revolument wants to do in Russia. They do not want to sian people. It is helping to fasten the yoke of capi tion.
restore order. They want to restore the Czar.
Fellow workers! Be loyal to your class and refuse talism and Czarisin on them again.
That the Allied invasion of Russia is welcomed to do the dirty work of your masters. That they have come to help the Russian people. by the Russian people.
In the first place is it helping to bring war amongst It is not true. Who is welcoming your landing. Signed) LENIN. President of the Council a people already exhausted by war? We do not want of Peoples Commissaires. few starving peasants. whom your Government war. We want peace. We want to be left alone to bribed with promises of food. These poor people are (Signed) TCHITCHERIN. Peoples Commisconsolidate the gains of our Revolution, to reorganize not glad to see you. They are only eager for the food saire of Foreign Affairs.
Our food same in North help the Russian people to