CapitalismCommunismMarxSocialismSocialist PartySovietWorkers PartyWorking Class

Saturday, February 15, 1919 THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE Soviet Republic for Britain! mind at the divisions.
Communal tual development adult in mausted coffers.
The Parliamentary vote As a me by its its remedial Introduction Manifesto of the Socialist Labor Party with the sub divisions into which the life of the ComELLOW workers of Britain, The air of Europe of Great Britain mune is divided.
These sub divisions are is quivering with revolution!
And not alone the air, but the whole land owning be in the hands of an over bearing class of State of. a) The ordered demand of the Communes to satficials living on the workers backs.
isfy their wants.
and capital class of this country are quivering with icar at the unforeseen results of the European War.
The State and its administration for the bureau b) The methods of production and distribution.
cratic class; industrial labour for the working class.
Immediately following the armistice the Priine MinThe Communal Councils form Departments of Sup ister proclaimed the speedy dissolution of the GovThat is the finality of State and Guild Socialism. ply, Labour, Public Health and Sanitation.
ernment, hoping that in the psychological moment, Industrial Socialism or Communism The Department of Supply is concerned with the victory. and the resulting disturbance to the public The Industrial Socialists or Communists declare fuel. light, water, and all the products of industry distribution of food, clothing, house accommodation, mind, the capitalist class woukl snatch another victhat in order to emancipate themselves the working polls. Obtaining a new lease of power they tory class must abolish the entire capitalist system of pronecessary to the life of the Communes.
woukl be enabled to re establish their system of soduction, distribution and exchange. With it will disThis department is sub clivided into its essential ciety on the old basis.
appear the capitalist State and the division of society Accordingly they proclaim themselves to be recon itto classes. The new society will be a Co operative distribution of the labour available in each commune.
The Department of Labour is concerned with the structionists, as if, forsooth, it was some extraneous Connonwealth, wherein the land and the means of force that has disrupted their society not the con production and distribution will be controlled by, and The Department of Public Health and Sanitation scious, deliberate actions of the capitalist ruling on behalf of, the whole of the people by the demo concerns itself with all methods for the preservation class of Europe who, arming their workers to the cratic vote of all its adult members. The production of public health.
The District Councils form corresponding departteeth, let war loose upon their unhappy countries in of the struggle for markets for their products and wealth and goods will be for their use value for consumption, ments, and in addition form Departments of Roads, for themselves.
nomic Fellow workers, what is the society that Mr. Lloyd omic equality The Central Executive forms Central Departments These are the objectives of the Co operative Com for the Production and Supply of all essentials to George and the Coalition Government wish to recon monwealth: Within industry to increase production struct?
life. These Central Departments form the in order to give ample leisure to all its members for link between the Industries and the Communes.
strikes and lock outs, unemployment and poverty, is the capitalist system, the society that produces the enjoyment of life, and to further their intellec The actual working of these Councils would be One thing alone can save them and that is the will Each dult member of the soniewhat on these lines: The Communal Departof the workers of Britain to replenish their Co operative Common ments of Distribution would affect the details through wealth functions as a co controller of its society and the Communal as a co worker in its industries. Depots to the members of the comFellow workers. shall we sweat and toil for these mune. The supply to the depots from the Communal men to replace their worn out machinery and to warehouses would be by requisition to the correspondThe control of the Co operative Commonwealth is by the democratic vote of its adult members.
build up for them their neglected industries?
Communal Departments. The latter would obtam not a democratic frantheir so, then within a brief period we shall glut the en waw making machine the working class in capitalist institution Parliament is purely ir supplies through the Communal District Supply markets, trade will decline, and unemployment and a who would tabulate and submit their mento to from time to time to the Central Supply beggarly State pittance will be our reward, whilst our ction and to adapt capitalist society to any new Departments.
masters will be living luxuriously on the wealth we environment or situation brought about by one de The Central Departments would also tabulate the have created for them.
velopment of the capitalist mode of production. The immediate and future wants of the Communes, and Mr. Lloyd George makes certain glowing proposals, working class electors and over comgive the necessary orders to the various Communal because of this quivering revolutionary air. His plete power to their masters who are also in possession industries for a supply of their products. They would promises of high wages, shorter hours, and increased of the means of production. Accordingly, within Parproduction are shrieking absurdities. During the war liament, the capitalist class adjusts and controls capialso act as Supply Departments to distribute raw mawe worked long hours and increased production, and talist society in its own interests. At the same time terial and labour to the industries as required.
the capitalist class promptly blew our products to Just as the great armies of militarist Europe have by softening the economic hardships inflicted on the heen workers by what it terms reform legislation, the smithereens, and called for more.
supplied with the essentials from the centralised workers are deceived into the belief that Parliament, control of the munitions of war through the various Judge, then, between the proposals of the Industrial departments and sub divisions of Army Supply and Socialists or Communists and the economic fallacies and plausible rhetoric of Mr. Lloyd George and the of all the same legislation will relieve them ultimately Transport, in order that each unit of the armies shall evils that capitalism upon them.
However essential Coalition ruling class. On the one hand lies an opParliament is the be supplied with food, clothing, arins, etc. so will the capitalist class, it is unnecessary in a society where all portunity for the workers of Britain to emancipate men, women, and children of the Communes be supthemselves from all the evils that now threaten them, plied from the Communal Industries through the women are socially and economically equal. Within and to form a society of free men and women living the Co operative Commonwealth there is no class to Communal Departments of Supply and Distributionin their own land and enjoying the fruits of their indominate and only with this difference that they will be supplied acdustry in comfort and leisure. democratic franchise is a vote by which every cording to their expressed wants and not according to On the other hand capitalist employment and all holder has direct the will of bureaucrats and army generals.
control over the whole social that it means to the working class social degradation, within the distribution, and administration. The Methods of Production and Distribution order of producerative Commonwealth, in poverty, and economic servitude.
central legislating body whose legislation is adminThe next step is to discuss the second sub division.
Choose, then, fellow workers, the choice is here and istered by local bodies, the whole social order must be (b) The methods of production and distribution decentralised and local councils elected. These coun upon the basis of economic equality.
State, Guild and Industrial Socialism cils, linked together, formulate their demands which Let us turn for a moment to the capitalist system of are executed by a central body under their direct con the production of commodities. Raw material enters The Socialists of Britain have three schools of trol. In other words the Co operative Commonwealth the factory and is operated upon by the labour of the thought. The State, the Guild, and the Industrial a Republic of Soviets or Communal Councils. workers with the aid of inachinery: The resulting proSocialists. The State and Guild Socialists base their The Communes in Britain would comprise areas duct is ideas on the economics of the capitalist system. The approximating to the Parliamentary constituencies.
sold either directly to the consumer or usually to a middleman who disposes of the goods through the Industrial Socialists frame their future society on the Every adult member of 21 years possess the vote usual trade channels. The price of the commodity is economics of Karl Marx.
on a residential qualification.
deterinined by the value of the average socially necesThe State Socialists declare that the State must Each Commune elects a Communal Council to deal sary labour embodied in its reproduction, but usually control industry, that the private employer shall be with its wants. Also each Commune elects one of its fluctuates above or below that value according deeliminated or given a maximum of profit, and that the irembers to Conimunal District Council whose area mand and supply: The owner of determines workers shall be suitably clothed, fed, and sheltered. of administration is determined by dividing Britain his profit by the difference between the cost producThe Guild Socialists divide society into three cate into ten Communal Districts.
tion of his commodity and the prodirealised by its gories, the State, the Consumer, and the Guilds. The The members of each communal District elect two sale. He deterinines his cost follows: latter are subdivided into Guilds of Industries, decid representatives to an Executive Council.
Cost of raw materials and depreciation of machin ing their own conditions of labour and wages, whilst Each Commune elects a representative to the Comcry and rent and repair of factor the prices of their products are fixed by consultation munal Congress.
and agreement between themselves, the State and the Accordingly by direct Communal vote there results: tisements, etc. and wages paid to workers.
consumer, the State acting as a sort of referee or arbiAbout 800 Communal Councils.
surplus value trator. The whole machinery of production and dis Ten District Councils.
extracted from his workers. For in this cost of protribution is leased to the Guilds by the State, and part One Executive Council.
duction new values are created in the first five of their profits provide for its upkeep and administra One Communal Congress.
These values have already been created by tion, the remainder belongs to the Guild producing The functions of these Councils are as follows: other labour. Therefore the only source of his profit The Cominunal Councils are concerned with distriBoth State and Guild Socialists are putting the new bution.
product and the price paid to his producing workers wine of Socialism into old capitalist bottles. They The District Councils with supply.
for the hire of their labour power. He can increase declare that under Socialism goods will be produced The Central Executive with centralised production bis profit therefore by three methods. 1st by increasfor the market for profit, and wages will be paid to the and supply, and also functions as the Executive of the ing the length of the working day: 2nd by a reduction workers. Profit and wages mean capital, whether Communal will as expressed by the Communal Con in wages. 3rd by inereasing the productivity of his owned by State or Guild or private capitalist. gress.
Both State and Guild Socialists asszime a clashing The Comniunal Congress decides upon all matters, Within the Co operative Commonwealth the rent of of interests between consumer and prolucer. Their relative to the united Communes, that is all questions land and the extraction of surplus value is abolisher minds are still in the class ruled capitalist systein, with concerning the social and industrial relations of the But the Communal Industries must still produce its strikes and lock outs and the haggling of the mark meinbers of the Co operative Comnionwealth and plus products over and above those essential to. ets. What do they mean by the State? They mean their relations with the inhabitants of other territories. the needs of the producing workers. Therefore that the direction of the whole economic problem shall The detailed work of these Councils is concerned possible at this period in Capitalist Society tn. inflicts and men exploit.
in place of a now.
is a capital of as expenses and cost of distributoconary and administration no them.