Saturday, February 8, 1919 THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE Britain and Russia URING my eleven year service under the hate Bolshevism a product of reaction workForeign Office in parts ranging from the EquatBy Douglas Young ing upon national war weariness and popular disor to the Arctic Circle, have seen how the (Mt. Young, as the British Consul, was in sole charge content. But am convinced that the policy or abdirection of foreign affairs is the close preserve of an of British interests in Archangel from December, sence of policy of the British Government as regards exclusive class bureaucracy; and how matters vitally 1917, until the military occupation on August Russia is responsible for having strengthened Bolaffecting international relations are decided by officials, 1918.
shevism by forcing the Soviet Government to adopt often of minor rank, who, for the most part, have The British Government having completely failed cruel and inexcusable measures for its self presoryno first hand knowledge of the countries on which to understand the cause and significance of the Rus ation, and incidentally for placing Russia still more they are experimenting, and who ignore, if they do sian Revolution and the ideals and aims of the Soviet under the heel of Germany and for slamming the not actually resent, any suggestions or advice from Government, proceeded to suppress any news or any door in Russia in our own faces against British pol outsiders who happen to possess such knowledge. expression of opinion which did not coincide with itical and commercial influence in that country. beThe plea of State Secrecy is used by this bureau their preconceived ideas, and was therefore calculated lieve that Bolshevik propaganda has had as much to cracy to conceal its blunders, which often involve to expose that blunder; and, further, they proceeded do with the sudden collapse of Germany as our milithe lives of thousands of the people. Our diplomatic to misrepresent and blacken every action of the Soviet tary operations. And am afraid that, at the moment representation abroad is also the exclusive preserve of Government, giving either deliberately untrue or evathe most urgent problems of domestic reconstruction a caste, the members of which in most cases do not sive replies to the few independent members of all are awaiting settlement at home, we shall fritter away even speak the language of the country in which they parties who have tried by questions in Parliament to our strength and resource in a vain attempt to restore reside, and who gather their knowledge within the four extract the truth, though there is, of course, always order in the Russian Colossus; and that if we do this walls of their Chancellories or in the Court or aristothe possibility that Ministers have not been allowed we shall sooner or later provoke an outbreak of Bolcratic circles which they exclusively frequent. by their officials to know what was going on.
shevism in the United Kingdom, thus realising the In my three years service as British Consul at The Archangel expedition, considered only as a aim of the extreme Russian Bolsheviks of spreading Archangel during the war, have seen the money of military enterprise, and apart from questions of mortheir ideas throughout Western Europe.
the British taxpayer squandered with the most cynical alty or political expediency, is already admitted even Russia cannot be invaded and conquered by a few indifference by a similar bureaucracy established by by its militarist sponsors to be an even greater fiasco thousand men. The distances are enormous: the difother departments.
than micht have been anticipated. It is actually in ficulties are great: the Bolsheviki are strong and are The British Government played a dirty; double game danger of being thrown out into the White Sea, leav growing stronger. It is not a question of restoring with the Soviet Government in Russia. First they ing the civil ponulation of Archangel to the vengeance order in Murman or the Crimea. It is a question at gave a solemn assurance, which was published over of the Bolsheviks. And this failure is due primarily least of penetrating to Moscow. That means war on my name in the Archangel. Press, that they had no to the fart that our naive authorities grossly undera large scale it may be years of war. It means the annexationist intentions and that they would not in estimated not only the moral force but also the military sacrifice of thousands of lives and millions of money, terfere in the internal affairs of Russia. This was power of the Soviet Government, apparently helieving with heaven knows what purpose or result. There accepted by myself and by every man who read it, that in its stronghold at Moscow, 700 miles from cannot be limited intervention. If it continues it must and who was not concerned with the niceties of dip Archangel, the walls of Bolshevism would fall to the be on a large scale with all the consequences that lomatic quibbling, as meaning that the British Govground at the approach from the White Sea of a implies.
ernment intended no military action against the Soviet few hrass hats and a nond script force of a few There is another alternative. believe that if a Government. Then they stabbed that Government in hundred men scraped together.
delegation, composed not of bureaucrats or militarists the back by forcing a landing of Allied troops at have seen in Archangel a British general acting but of broad minded representatives of all British Archangel under a specious pretext.
toward the Russian population in their own country political parties, were to meet a Soviet delegation in So far from the Soviet Government having violated as desnotically as any Czar and conducting himself a nentral country an understanding might be swiftly the sanctity of the British Embassy at Petrograd, the as snndalnusly as any of the Russian penerals of reached after a few hours deliberation. And believe Embassy no longer existed, as its personnel had igno the old regime who were a common subiect of super that that understanding might be acceptable alike to miniously fled the country some months previously, ior criticism on the part of British residents in Russia. orr extreme Socialists and to British capitalists whose and official representatives of the British Admirality One can only conclude from this that the war amainst sole interests in Russia seem to be to get their money and War Office were abusing diplomatic privilege to Priscian militarism has created a Whitehall militar. back and to secure a field for making more.
which, in fact, they had no claim to organize, ism little better than the Potsdam variety, and a Brit Litvinoff is reported to be in Stockholm offering conjunction with Russian counter revolutionaries, ish hureaucracy perhaps less cnrrunt. but hardly less to open negatiations. It is for British public opinion under cover of the Embassy building, a plot to over incompetent than that of St. Petersburg.
to see that the opportunity for retrieving a ghastly throw the Soviet de facto authorities in Archangel Thinkett ie the district in Indian where the Rritish War honor is not missed.
blunder and for removing a stain on our national and elsewhere.
Office. Admiralty. Foreign Office. Htc. are situated.
The Height of Impudence to work sense may eat.
Place Lawrence, Mass. February 5th, the Year No, forbid. I, the great Peter Carr, forbid you to fighting for democracy in France they should fight of Our Lord 1919.
so assamble, for you 35. 000 slaves who don want for democracy at home. The citizens of Lawrence Personde Peter Carr, City Commissioner and (egregious foot, what these thirty ought to insist that Peter Carr should be relegated one hundred thousand citizens mostly five thousand want is to work that they may eat. but to that obscurity which he so well adorned and from wage slaves.
Peter savs that the assembling of these 35. 000 would which he should never have emerged. This slave intimidate those who do want to work! Srch is minded creature that might at one time have been STRIKE of thirty five thousand of the wage slaves Peter Carr and the vile bunch of political grafters and a man and who bears an Irish name, is a type of to demand the same monotonous conditions of capitalist milt owners and mouth patriots and Irishman that brings the Irish name and tradition existence, same miserable housing conditions, same fiteers who control that city.
into contempt. We hope that every citizen, with a beggarly mess of pottage, same sense destroying movAnother reason he says why they shall not parade is of decency will mark their disapprobation of ing pictures, same character destroying pool parlors flors becarse these thixty five thousand slaves are foreign this Junker Carr, not Curr, by demanding his recall thereat, same old drab, soul destroying hymn singing round had lot. Yet, a few months ago, Peter and a and saloons, same tin chapel bell ringing and attendance and that at once. And further that the punishment pulpit punching, me:k and huntble, obey your masters, may fit the crime, we suggest that Peter Carr be given few political thugs were boosting the loyalty of these a job at some useful labor in the mills and that he praise the lord, order yourselves humbly before your sam thirty five thor sand foreigners, and how each he compelled to attend nicht school that there he betters, order of things, with this one exception that of them had boucht liberty bonds, paying fifty lear may these daring rebels on strike who comprise 31 different fiteers for 45. or 47. so that they and their children ties. As a means to that end he be compelled to write learn the meaning of citizenship and its responsibilinationalities had the audacity to ask for a shorter working week by hours, so that they might get Over five thousand of the sons of these fathers out every day (that is to sav when he has learned to little more fresh air in their lungs and a larger asure read and write the Declaration of Independence or their relatives went to France to fight for moand of recreation and a few hours more of the warmth of the Constitution of the United States, so that when cracy and the richt to parade in their own city of he rises to a position where he the sun. Ia a moment of reason they have the audacity to think they have the right to parade through latives of the thirty five thousand strikers whinen missioner he may be able to write his own renly and fitted to resume the responsibility of City Comthe city which they built by their slave labor.
to So humbly, like the submissive slaves that they are, and a few years agn for Ireland good and who it is a rennest from his fellow citizens without having they approach with that humility which only the work to call in the assistance of the Chamber of Commerce ing class seems to possess, the nonenity Peter Carr, 110t America and therefore not a citizen of the city of and the capitalists of Lawrence. In the meantime, Lawrence. Mass. refuses those workers the right to while he does usurp the position of Commissioner for Mass. the modern Pooh Bah, and beg to ask His all. parade. We understand that this matter is now before oueht to Ir compelled to learn how to write his own the rood name and credit of Lawrence, Peter Carr overwrought frames to the public, but Petermind and the courts as to whether he is a citizen or not, and if unctuous, rigidly, righteous manner, which so well Commissioner and therefore no legal right to permit rom he has no legal rieht to hold the position of City name legibly.
So we give our modern Pooh Bah, Peter Carr, City becomes to him, not caring to offend the asthetic soul or forbid a parad. but whether a citizen or not, matters Corrmissioner of Lawrence, the loud Ha! Ha. reof his masters. the capi of the mills purpose.
minding him that when he is dead forgotten the of Lawrence, in a letter which he had neither the If this unintelligent prehistoric minded creature is men who are now leading the strike and the strikers ability to formulate nor the penmanship to indite, allowed to interfere with the liberty of 35 thousand will be held in honor by the future citizens of Lawreplies in His autocratic Prussian manner and says: 11seful men and women it is full time that instead of rence, Mass.
TIM LARKIN of citizenship alleged on vood to