Saturday, February. 1919 TIIE REVOLUTIONARY AGE strength for struggle for sian people.
pills and we have come to the conclusion it is better tilled but the harvest will be worthy of the laborers. in the city dil. Ti the debtor could not comply with to starve idle than to starve working. conference should be called in Boston or some liis pledge then thic ist or usurer came with the other central point, the militant rebels in the industry policemen and the last pour cow or anything that The Strike Committee has issued a statement which should be invited to such a conference and plans might Ire found in the hulse was taken away in spite we quote in part as follows: should be formulated to take up this essential work. uf the prayers and crying of the women and children.
The textile workers of Lawrence are on strike to secure 48 hour week with 54 hour pay. The hour Comrades who are interested and who can give Xow, Catherine Breslikurskaya, dun you know that day has been won by practically all the skilled workers themselves or their money for this purpose should the children of the Russian peasants were dying by of the country without a reduction in total wages. It immediately communicate with this paper.
ilic millions under the age vi live years? Don you has been recognized by the National War Labor Board know, old woman, that the babies were fcd on rhye as an efficiency standard even under the necessities of war production. It has resulted in increased production An Open Letter to bread which the mothers chewed with salt, then took wherever put into operation under favorable conditions.
this masticated bread and tied it into a small rag thus Textile workers need the hour day even more than Katherine Breshkovskaya making a kind of nippule for the babies to suck and thus other workers ecause their work is mostly monotonous machine work. To accept the 48 hour week without the This open letter to Catherine Breshkovskaya, the loc enabled to leave them to go to work in the fields?
hour pay would prevent them from earning money grandmother of the Russian Revolution, is written Don you knw that the kussian peasant mothers which they sorely need for their families as soon as the by a Russian woman, who has already reached an age gave birth to as of children, and ilsat they crossed mills become busy enough to need them.
when the women of the working class are old, the age themselves and thanked Guil wlien their babies died, To those who argue that the workers could strike of 57. She has suffered in Russia for opposing the for higher wages when the mille do become busier, we regime of the Csar. In Russia she was a member of flieving in tient Trul terey with those little things towok them back tu liis juaraclise you know all answer that the workers will not be in so good the working class, in America she still belongs to that condition this catering Breitkovskaya, Ini still you are coming to strike after the period of unemployment class, and although she is not one of the leaders, still which we are facing, as they are right now. To accept she knows whereof she speaks.
to America atid being that they send troups over to merely a 48 hour week now, when we are in a strong Breshkovskaya is entitled to her opinion regarding Russia to return the hands and facturies tu the big position to endure the difficulties of striking, is to use the Bolsheviki and the Soviet Government, but if sko Bau wers and bourgeoisie, taking from the mass of our for nothing and to waste it without securstill loves Russia, the Russia for which she suffered, thie Russian people what they have produced through ing a real betterment of our condition she must not allow herself to be made a tool of those countless ages by the sweat of their brows and under That the real struggle of the Lawrence workers is interests who would restore the Czar, return the land a living wages may be realized from the Cosuditions which meant sacrifice of hope, comfort and following facts: The 31st Annual Report of the Stato the land barons and the factories to the industrial even life, and at last after centuries of sweating, tistics of Manufactures for Massachusetts reports that barons.
bleeding and dying those ignorant, helpless martyrs in 1916, 70 of the adult male wage carners in the of their masters have awakened and liave taken contcotton industry of the state and 63 of the adult male OME months ago wrote you an open letter wage earners in the woolen industry earned less than rol of Russia in the interests of the whole of the which was published in the American Russian 15 per week and that 54 of these cotton workers and people and not for the few parasites who have lived 47 of these woolen workers received less than 13 Socialist papers. Many events have happened since per week.
then Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht two and enjoyed on the suffering and agony of thic RusTaking the American Woolen Company as a repreof the loftiest of the human species have been killed sentative corporation in the textile industry and we by an irresponsible mob who had been incited to action In my first letter explained to you what is meant have the following facts presented by Amos Pinchot by such traitors as Scheidemann, Ebert and their like. by the class sernikTom it to wars that you have not in his open letter to Claude Kitchin of Aug. 19 1918, urging heavier taxes on excess war profits. The pre My first letter was written with some hope and Moll that you can weerstand. Oh, you would war average annual net earnings (i. for the years faith in your honesty and intellect. Today, again, you umber and the il pell and your like, Kreprekin, 1911, 1912, 1913) of the American Woolen Co. were are being used as a tool by the ambition and power lehen, allers will let pelle like my 1, 754. 793. The net earnings of this company in 1917 craving representatives of Capitalism, in their wild sli, te run like mand licar la factory whistle are reported as 13, 883, 156. If we deduct 50 of this desire to poison the minds of the American workers lains all that niluluse my job if shenzhen total to cover war taxes, contributions and all other possible war time expenditures, there remains still over against the grand and glorious Soviet Republic. Hence happen to be late. You could understand like mysix millions of excess profits which the workers of must use more plain language in this letter to you.
May years that able to rely Lawrence have helped to product. see that you came via Siberia. That means that es ist love. fotle swier uw privilege of Under these conditions it may readily be seen that the invaders at Vladivostok gave you a free hand to selling my lalor swer al ser much per day, crawl the strike is really a protest against unemployment and advocate the suppression and murder of the majority and cringe for the apportunity to work or must the denial of work to those who need it to buy bread of the Russian population 65 per cent of whom are for their children. Today from 50 to 75 of the starve. Viel llind people would understand if mill workers of Lawrence are idle or on part time with workers and peasants.
you had to dye your luair and paint your checks and greatly reduced incomes. Without going into the quesYou dare to say that all the lies and slander of the ceck out your lovely for the sake of carning your tion as to the exact source of the blame for this con Capitalist Press are true and that even peasants are daily breach, is the old folks in America have to do.
dition, the fact remains that thousands of workers are killed by these murderous Bolsheviki. To explain, denied the opportunity to sell their labor power, when They must have a job or starve and to be able to be the cost of living is unusually high. If we were chattel just as the whole humanity is divided into two classes exploited by some kind heartel master they must slaves, food, clothing shelter and work would be pro the oppressors and the oppressed, so are the Ruslook youthith and ensure 10 the inaster iliat they can vided. As wage earners we are the victims of the most sian peasants divided into two factions, viz: the stand the terrible grind of industrialism. But you cruel form of sabotage which modern society can im plain working peasants the majority and the soMadame Bresitkovskaya have successfully evaded the pose. We know that the world needs immense quanto called fists the rural usurers who are hated even ities of woolen and cotton goods. We know that the ranks oi the proletarians and been always able to raw material and the labor is available to product worse than the lords. No wonder those fists were killed as they were the Shylocks of Russian peasget enough money for your adventures, even to these against an economic system last days when you are well subsidized loy reactionary and against economic conditions which allows this kind antry. Most of the peasants had to buy grain from of treatment of the workers. We believe that it is waforces to enable you to reach America and poison tha Christmas until the next year crop was to hand. Havnecessary and we plan to unite the workers of Lawrence Titinds of the people with your sobbing and cryinginto one large local unjon in order that we may have ing no money to pay for same they borrowed the. clever actress playing her last game.
the power to win a living wage and the right to be congrain from the local usurers. The peasant debtors sidered and consulted in the vital affairs of the industry were compelled to guarantee their loan by some do But what is 1! 1e use of such lyfucrisy? The masters of which we are part.
cument pledging themselves to return the grain at of the world are using you to gain their ends. The The real cause of the present condition of the extensively high interest or do some work in lieu of vertirow of the Soviet suministration in Russia textile workers, from North Carolina to the Canadian same. For one bushel of rhye a poor woman had to means the introduction of capitalisin in its stead and border, is in our opinion, that the organization scythe about one and a half acres in the summertime the lorrors, and slums, and the filth and discasc which functioning in this industry is unsuited to the deve or work daily for 14 or 16 hours per day for the are its concomitants.
lopment of the industry. It might have been suitable miserable amount of oc. Of course the usurer charg Ilowever your sobbing and crying and appeals canin the early days of the hand loom period but it is not ed for his grain twice as much as the regular dealer 1106 stem the tide of Social evolution. It is now simply fitted to cope with the highly centralized factory and a question lwtween the capitalists or the world and the machine production of the present day. The so called workers. The former arc desirous of intervention in leaders of the textile unions are onc eyed men in a The Revolutionary Age Book Department Russia so that they can draw big dividends from kingdom of the blind. They have less than twelve RUSSIA AND THE LEAGUE their invested capital, the latter, the workers, must per cent of the workers in this industry organized, OF NATIONS oppose them if they wish to survive as a happy and they have neither capacity or vision and so long as The Soviets note to President Wilson and healthy people.
they can get sufficient dues collected from the brow Russia reply to the Neutral Countries.
beaten workers to pay their office expenses and pro Price 5c each.
The international working class stands in your way.
vide them with fat salaries these leaders (moryah) CHAPTERS FROM MY DLARY Mark you! The workers of the whole world arc realare perfectly satisfied with the present order of things.
By Leon Trotzky izing that they have to do just the same as was donc Steps must be taken immediately to get this industry Price roc cach.
in Russia, that is take all that they have produced during centuries and therefore belongs to them and organized on a proper basis. That is the task facing Ready shortly them only, and then force the parasites and usurers, the revolutionary working class movement of this The Social Revolution in Germany your friends, to go to work or to dic. What is useless country. The workers are ready. All that is required By LOUIS FRAINA and rotten must vanish this law of nature you ought are teachers and financial backing. The field is un to know, you intellectual servants of parasites.
these goods. We protest against which allo