TAB RIVOLUTIONARY AGS Saturday, May Prospects of the Proletarian Dictatorship ANY people honestly believe that the German By Richard Hansen Moscow Conference. So they are now in Germany, Revolution received a decisive reverse when preparing for a real Constituent Assembly of the the City Hall of Berlin, the Post and Wireless did not have at their disposal developed means of bourgeoisie.
offices and a number of other public buildings were agitation and propaganda. They found themselves It is interest to note, that the Assembly is going to recaptured by the bourgeoisie a week ago.
unprepared and poorly equipped when the great storm meet in Weimara small country town of about burst forth. They were, comparatively, just small 30, 000 inhabitants. The German bourgeoisie is not The martyr deaths of Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg were heralded by the capitalist press and groups in a number of great industrial centers like going to take chances. The place must be safe enough.
celebrated by Capitalism the world over as the end of Berlin, Bremen, Leipsig. Stuttgart and Hamburg, with Weimar is safe, it can be flooded with white guards Bolshevism in Germany.
only half a dozen nationally known leaders (beside to keep the working men of the town at a safe distAnd the moderate Socialists are becoming loud Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg there are Clara ance from the meeting hall of the Imperial Constiwith their pity and morals and wise advice. Didn Zetkin, Franz Mehring and a few others. all of whom tuent Assembly! The dangers of prompt dissolution.
wo warn you they lament. that the Proletarian were either in jail or under indictment. They did as it took place in a great city like Petrograd, and as Dictatorship won work in Germany. Didn we not have either press or funds.
it could happen in Berlin or Hamburgare greatly prove that it is a purely Russian affair and very harm Second, their opponents the German Mensheviki diminished.
ful at that. Didn we insist that Bolshevism is no of the Scheidemann, Ebert and Kautsky type were The capitalists are so much pleased with the Weifood in a developed country. and that every nation equipped with a huge modern party machine, having mar affair, that they even dream of choosing for their has to make its revolution in its own peculiar way, a hundred daily and weekly newspapers and maga. spokesman the well known junker Herr Nauman in that. and so on! This peculiar way being, of zines, an army of trained public speakers, organizers place of the traitor Socialist Ebert.
The recent white guard victory in Berlin is a Phyrcourse, the same old uniform and very unpeculiar and writers. For four years they have enjoyed all way of compromise and opportunism for all the countthe privileges and support, that a modern capitalist ric victory. One more like it and they are lost.
state could furnish to its faithful servants. They had ries on earth.
All the causes of the Revolution continue at hand.
The bourgeoisie and the moderate Socialists are also the support of the leaders of the reactionary The revolutionary class is in a process of finding itself, of organizing for the final act of scizing power leaving nothing undone in order to keep down and union (the squad of German Gomperses. if possible kill the revolutionary spirit of the working lesson of the Russian Revolution. They armed them capitalist state, for the setting up of Proletarian DicThird the German capitalists had profited by the for the complete and irrevocable destruction of the class. They are and always have been unanimous in selves; they were quick in putting in the field regi tatorship the only possible way of solving the great postponing the revolution; always ready to declare it off; always alert to the folly and crime and prema in order to prevent the arming of the working class. transition from Capitalism to Socialism as it was ments of well bred white guards. They did everything question of this decisive period of human history, turity of the outbreaks.
The German Bourgeoisie did not insist even on having pointed out by Karl Marx and Fr. Engels after the So they were after the Paris Commune of 1871; a coalition Cabinet, but intrusted all the power of French Revolution of 1848 51 and the Paris Comso after the great Russian Revolution of 1905. And state to the hands of a purely Socialist government. mune of 1871, and as it has been accomplished in so they are now They were not disgusted at being governed by Social practise on a very large scale in Russia with such a The Bolsheviki according to them have been ists, provided that these were not Socialists at all glorious success.
nothing but outrageous trouble makers and disrupters but flesh and bone of the bourgeoisie itself, faithfully The tragic end of Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg of the peaceful and orderly process of the Russtan performing the counter revolutionary job for the will only further the Proletarian Revolution instead Revelation during the last two years. Up to the bourgeoisie. Neither did they want to postpone the of interfering with it, as the counter revolutionists present moment the Proletarian Dictatorship is berng Constituent Assembly.
apparently expected. They were just two most bedenounced and fought against as well in liberal and Having all this in mind we will not wonder at the loved, most conspicuous of a multitudinous army.
reactionary capitalist press as in moderate Socialist failure of Bolshevism and Proletarian Dictatorship Their silent lips are calling all the working men of and Anarchist publications and from their platforms. in Germany. On the contrary, we have reason to Germany and of all countries of the world to rise up The Spartacans (German Bolsheviki) were treated be amazed at the splendid growth, of the great pro and to make an end of the capitalist regime of blood in the same way as their Russian comrades. Instead gress that Bolshevism has made in the late dominion and starvation. This eloquent and solemn call is irof understanding, they were faced with misrepre of the Hohenzollerns. We can but observe with gra resistible. Their uncompromising spirit, the consistsentation and instead of support in their struggle tification the mighty headway that the idea of Pro ency of their words and deeds will remain as a bright against Capitalism they are denounced by all shades letarian Dictatorship made in Germany during the inspiration for millions of men.
of moderate Socialists and Anarchists.
brief space of two months.
The army of Spartacans have grown since these The German Bolsheviki have to face much greater The present situation in Germany is very much like brutal murders took place. They have taken possesodds, than their comrades in Russia.
that of Russia after the suppression of the first Bol sion of Bremen and Cuxhaven (naval base on North First, they did not have any elaborate organiza sheviki outbreak in Petrograd, July 16, 1917. Sea. They are reported to be dangerously strong tion of their own, having split away only recently from The capitalists and traitor Socialists became awfully and active in Berlin and Hamburg.
the old party, which turned traitor to the cause of busy at that time in Russia, conducting an efficient The world is moving on with an amazing velocity on the working class and Socialism. Consequently, they election campaign to an improvised Assembly the toward Bolshevism, toward Proletarian Dictatorship.
Karl Liebknecht Words EN was in Berlin in December, 1915, By John Reed which, like Lenin in Russia. would have been of inW went to see Karl Liebknecht. He had an office sent out to Holland, and which was even then being calculable value in the establishment of the new order in a district Social Democratic headquarters, in the published all over the world, especially by the Allied in Germany, of which Karl Liebknecht was the flampoorer section of the city on a street, remember, capitalist press then calling him the bravest of the ing prophet.
which looked very like Washington Street in Boston.
brave. So it was more or less natural that should Liebknecht was arrested, and while being taken in It was a large, bare room, the walls hung with pictures ask him whether his attitude of extreme hostility to an automobile to prison by a group of armed volunof Bebel and the elder Liebknecht, and memorials the War and the Government was still the same.
teers. no doubt aristocratic young officers. was of historic events in the great history of the German There is no other attitude for a Social Democrat shot while trying to escape when the automobile Social Democracy.
to take, he said, with a faint smile of amusement.
broke down crossing the Tiergarten. In other words, Liebknecht sat at a table in the middle of the room. As each problem of capitalist aggression arises, it he was taken to a quite spot and simply murdered.
the lower half of his face faintly illuminated by a must be met full and squarely. In spite of the pro beaten to death by a white collar mob, and her Rosa Luxemburg met a more terrible fate. She was green shaded lamp. He wore a semi military coat digious influence brought to bear in all countries buttoned up to the neck. There were dark circles of the world upon their peoples, the international body thrown into the canal.
under his eyes, but that was all the evidence of fait working class is still not convinced that this War is It was the bourgeoisie of Berlin, of Germany, of the world the bankers, business men, officers, resgue about him. His hand played nervously with a their War. As representative of the workers, vorec pectable people. who actually did the killing.
paper cutter as he talked; his eyes never left mne. this sentiment.
But it was the Ebert Scheidemann Government, His face was dark and full almost round with a And the chances of world Revolution?
the Kaiser Socialists, so long detested by the Allied gentle expression. To my mind. he answered serenely, nothing capitalist press who by suppressing the revolt of The door to the inner hall had been left open. It else can come out of the War.
was empty, except for two or three forlorn looking This is practically all of our conversation. Other troops, allowed that mob to shoot hol in Karl Liebthe German working class with the a. of the Kaiser women in widows weeds, who were sitting sadly questions which asked him, which if he had answerknecht back and trample the life out of Rosa Luxand motionless on chairs along the wall, waiting for ed, might have revealed the plans and projects of the emburg. And the Allied capitalis press applauds.
some official of the branch on business connected with movement, or the work then being done, he refused What the capitalist newspaper have to say about death benefits.
to answer. After all, he did not know me. it is a matter of comparative in urence to us. We The war? asked, pointing toward them. Lieb Rosa Luxemburg never knew, but from talks are occupied with a closer and ure dangerous enemy knecht nodded. The best of us he said slowly, in about her with comrades who did. have come to in our own ranks the moderate Socialists, who, to halting English interlarded with German words. think of her as one of the great constructive brains their other crimes against the workers, have now had not seen the statement which Liebknec. had of the Left Wing movement in Europe an intellect added the crime of murder.