BolshevismBourgeoisieDemocracyFranceGermanyImperialismItalyLeninRosa LuxemburgSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStrikeTrotskyWorking Class

The Revolutionary Age Bolshevikjabs 2 THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE Saturday, February 1, 1919 over night. The unnatural alliance of Socialists with the bourgeois imperialists cannot stand before the following from the press Chronicle and Interpretation of Events in Europe. workers once they see clearly. In the first days of Louis FRAINA.
Editor ing the masses. Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg to the Chapel of the Capuchins in Vienna for internEADMONN MACALPINE. Associate Editor fearlessly devoted themselves to the task of awaken ment, the commanding officer of the Life Guards, clad ing the proletariat to the real situation. But such a in black and steel, thundered with his mailed fist at the Contributing Editors Scott NEARING LUDWIG LORE task takes time. In Russia where the dourgeoisie was barred gate, asking for the body to be admitted. SEN KATAYAMA comparatively weak and unorganized this task took monk within, according to the rite, asked in Latin. JOHN REED over six months. How well Liebknecht, Mehring, Who is it? Thereupon the officer answered: FranN. HOURWICH WEINSTEIN Rosa Luxemburg, Klara Zetkin and the Spartacans ciscus Josephus primus. Austriae Imperator, Rex generally, succeeded, can be judged from the extent Hungariae, Bohemiae, Illyriae, etc.
ISSUED EVERY SATURDAY of the fighting in Berlin a few weeks ago and by the know him not, the monk answered. Speak By Local Boston, Socialist Party number of towns throughout Germany, particularly in again. Then another offic said in a low voice: Steiner, Business Manager the north, where the dictatorship of the proletariat is Franciscus Josephus, a poor erring wanderer, is soek885 Washington St. Boston, Mass. actually in operation. But those sections of the work ing rest. Throwing open the gates the monk replied: Bundle orders 2c a copy, Subscription 00 for ers which were not reached by the Spartacus Group Bring him in. Fake humility.
six months (26 issues)
while Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg were alive, are now rallying to the standard of revolutionary SoSaturday, February 1, 1919 cialism, awakened to the realities of the situation by After evacuating Petrograd last week the Bolsheviki their deaths.
have now returned, but it is reported that this time The press reports: Strikes of miners on a great they have not unpacked their baggage, as they expect The Future Belongs to the People scale have broken out in Germany, extending to nearly to evacuate again shortly.
HE future belongs to the people, declared every colliery district in Germany. The movement, which originated as a protest against the killing of Trotzky is reported to be in flight once more, but Liebknecht when he was liberated from prison Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg, is of a political we are glad to see that he took enough time to liberby the German junkers in a frantic effort to character, directed against the Ebert Scheidemann ate Lenin, who is reported to be conquering all before stay the Revolution that a few days later flamed Government. In Upper Silesia fresh strikes have him in the north. The rest in prison apparently did throughout Germany. And today, awakened to the broken out and nearly 150, 000 miners are idle. him a lot of good.
truth of his words by his brutal murder and the sav The employees of the famous Deutsche Kaiser mine have issued a declaration that their action is a demonage lynching of Rosa Luxemburg, the proletariat of With Lloyd George keeping one eye on the strike stration against the government. At Remscheld bulletins and the other on the Sinn Feiners it no Germany are moving to action and the ultimate conthere is a general strike as a protest against the kill wonder that the Peace Conference is going by the quest of power that will ensure the future for the ing of Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg. In Ber board.
lin the electrical workers, the bank clerks, the street Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht have fallen. car and subway employes, the telephone operators, We think that some kind hearted person should victims of the desperate savagery of the bourgeois the waiters, the gas and municipal workers, and vari bring him the recent election returns to relieve his ous others are on strike with the result that the city mind and show how solidly the country is behind him.
classes, who feel that their power is on the wain.
is completely tied up. The German proletariat is beAlthough they have succeeded in striking down these ginning to move. The future belongs to the two valiant fighters, in a physical sense, they have not people.
The Massachusetts legislature has appropriated succeeded in killing their ideas or their words. On But it is not alone in Germany that the workers are 10, 000 in order to find jobs for the discharged solthe contrary, Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg awakening. Britain has over 150, 000 workers on diers, according to press reports. Why not make the speak with voices that now echo round the world. strike, with the railroad workers threatening to stop appropriation larger and employ all the soldiers to get Socialism does not mean the conveying of Parlia work at any moment; while in Ireland, the biggest jobs for one another? It would be quite in line with industrial center in the country, Belfast, is paralyzed: diers would get something more out of it than the our present ways of doing things and at least the solments and the enactment of laws; it means the overover 100, 000 men and women are out the city is in throw of the ruling classes by the proletariat, said darkness and clashes between the strikers and the pleasure of advertising how much politicians are inRosa Luxemburg on her release from prison which police and military are of daily occurrence. In Italy terested in them.
took place about the same time as Liebknecht was the situation is admittedly critical; in France mass freed. They both threw themselves into the struggle strikes are looming ahead; in Austria, the press re Moscow, January 30, Lenin has returned to Rus and around them centered the revolutionary prole ports that over 150, 000 are idle in and around Vienna, sia from a two week vacation in Spain. He was tariat, and the fight against majority Socialism, which while in Rumania the peasants are openly in revolt very much surprised to hear that during his absence having acted ever since the outbreak of the war to against the landed classes. If these strikes were Trotzky had arrested him.
prevent the revolution, now sought to divert it into the solely confined to demands for higher wages or shorter The news of the two billion roubles printed in the blind alley of bourgeois democracy. They both fell, hours the situation would not be remarkable, but even United States by the Russian Embassy at Washvictims to the rage of the reactionary forces, but in so the bourgeois press admits that the underlying causes ington and shipped to Siberia was received here with falling they sealed the fate of the bourgeoisie and its of the unrest is dissatisfaction with the various gov the greatest enthusiasm. Since the Soviet governapologist, majority Socialism.
ernments. There is no doubt that all these strikes are ment now owns all property this money will eventually The Constituent Assembly, the instrument of reac the aftermath of the war and are symbolical of the be received in the form of taxes. It is reported that tion, has proved true to its mission and Germany awakening of the working masses of a realization of it will be used to redeem the French bonds.
faces a bourgeois capitalist government, as both the truth of Karl Liebknecht words, The future beNo answer has been returned to the invitation of Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg foretold. The bour longs to the people. This in itself is encouraging, but the Peace Conference to send delegates to Princes geoisie and Majority Socialism have triumphed at signs are not wanting that the masses are going beIsland because the Soviet government realizes that the polls. But the proletariat is massing for ac yond the words of Liebknecht phrase, are catching every lo miles the Allies are forced to retreat in Rustion. The future belongs to the people! the inference the inference that if the future belongs sia will bring the conference between the Russian All over Germany the workers are conducting mass to the people, the people must conquer power in order strikes, strikes against the bourgeoisie and against the to ensure that they will control what belongs to them.
delegates and the Allied representatives 10 miles majority Socialists. Already these strikes are taking In 1915 Liebknecht replied to John Reed query renearer Moscow, and as the Soviet government has on the character of mass demonstrations; tomorrow garding the chances of world Revolution by saying: spent quite a lot of money in railroad fares when these demonstrations will become mass uprisings To my mind nothing else can come out of the war. Trotzky and Lenin were gadding about the country these are the revolutionary movements of the prole. He saw clearly then and his vision was not dimmed and even visiting remote parts of the world, it has tariat and then the ballot box triumph will become when he was released from prison. But, unlike many decided to wait and put the burden of expense on ignominious defeat others who foresaw revolution as the result of the war, the Allies.
At Bremen, Cruxhaven, Dusseldorf, Hamm, Bres Liebknecht had a very clear idea of how the revolulau. Remscheld, throughout the coal mining regions and tion would operate. He called for a revolt against It is rumored that Sir Edward Carson is opposed the big industrial districts the workers are bringing the government while the war was at its height, and to the establishment of a Soviet in Belfast.
their economic might to bear, and before this might was sent to prison as a result. Released from prison the proclamations of governments, the ballot box vic by the approach of the revolution he had called for.
To the list of our special colored Terrors we have tories, the convening of Parliaments and the enact he sounded the call to further action by his words: ment of laws are helpless. In revolutions as in The future belongs to the people.
now added the Orange Terror they are breaking peace, or during imperialistic wars the bourgeoisie is Liebknecht words were not so much windows in Belfast.
statement helpless once the workers realize their power and de of fact based on the recognition of the trend of events; cide to use it. The mighty Hindenburg line which they were and are a slogan, a call to action to the Arising out of the Peace Conference this interesting Allied generals pronounced as almost impregnable workers to take over the power and mould the future query presents itself to us: Does five constitute a diccrumbled before the will of the proletariat, almost to their desires.