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next war.
Saturday, January 26, 1919 THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE can substantiate the sentiments expressed in this very wise it is true that the skilled workers and the prole Councils of Workers and Soldiers Deputies! be the note, that they can recognize the absolute right of tariat of Germany have been trained to believe that if rallying cry of the masses, the signal for their revothe Russian people to direct their own affairs without they were able to obtain equal suffrage and similar re lutionary intervention and the establishment of the dicdictation or direction of any kind from outside. forms they could remedy their ills, whereas in Russia tatorship of the proletariat.
Only their actions give the key to the attitude of the peasants and the industrial proletariat suffered unthe associated powers towards Russia. Alien troops der no such illusion.
Bolshevikjabs are still in Archangel and Vladivostok.
This tendency in Germany to believe wholly in the The Situation in Germany efficacy of purely political action is reflected in the PORTUGAL is certainly distinguishing berselt, world thrones When actually in action, as during the days preceding she re builds a throne and re crowns a king.
ITH the majority of the returns for the Na the deaths of Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg, tional Assembly already in it seems clear that the Independents invariably fought alongside of the As the war was to make the world safe for de whatever may be the final outcome of the Spartacus, but when any opportunity, however slight, mocracy we don see how Portugal recent action voting the Assembly will be about evenly divided be offered for a relapse from action to political barter can be considered in any other light than that of an tween Majority Socialism and bourgeois reaction. ing the Independents faſtered and were lost. More Whether or no the Majority Socialists show a big gain than any other single party the Independent Socialists in the districts not yet heard from, it is already evi have been responsible for holding the proletarian But maybe like George, Albert, the Emperor of dent that they will have no mandate for the introduc masses in lease; they speak the language of revolution, Japan, et al. Manuel is a democrat.
tion of Socialism, even were they so inclined. but they use the actions of compromisers.
All that can eventuate from the National Assembly But apart from these aspects of the situation the real Now that the Red Terror has become prominent is a compromise reform program which, if allowed to difference between the task ahead of revolutionary and everybody knows all about it public interest is bego into effect, would leave Capitalism even more se. Socialism in Germany and the difficulties which con ginning to wain, so The New York World discovers cure than it was under the regime of the Kaiser. The fronted the Bolsheviki prior to November, 1918, in something else: Terrorism has begun in Ireland, two returns to date are 167 seats for the various bourgeois Russia, is the fact that the Bolsheviki had a rallying policemen were shot Tipperary. We would lice parties, 132 for the majority Socialists and for cry in the longing of the masses for peace, and the vito be the first in the field with something, so we the Independent Socialists. This means that although tal necessity of the land to the peasants.
suggest that in future when righteous indignation is the majority Socialists can form a government they Peace, bread and land was the rallying cry of the wanted against the Irish the press refers to the Green can be defeated every time they attempt anything in Bolsheviki and the war weary, hungry workers and Terror.
the nature of radical legislation. The situation now peasants flocked to their standards. In Germany it stands as it might have stood had the Reichstag sud is reaction that promises peace. Be good and the AlBut, after all, we don see why such a fuss should denly decided to become democratic, pension the lies will feed you is the slogan of majority Socialism be raised about two policemen being killed in Ireland.
Kaiser, and establish a government along the lines of while the Spartacus Group can only offer the masses Ireland supplies police to many countries, so why France, England or America; it can not be considered the stormy path of revolution in the immediate future, shouldn she kill a couple every now and then if she in any way the fruits of a revolution in the Socialist although they hold the key to ultimate freedom.
wants to The actions of the National Assembly will do much This Assembly will not make any fundamental to clarify the situation. The superficiality of the pro people of Kansas to prepare for the next war. But We see that Major General Wood is urging the change in the basis of the structure of society in Gergram of majority Socialism will develop out of the surely there is some mistake, didn sombody sy many, the wage system will remain, private property Assembly. The workers will find that they are to be there wasn going to be is still inviolate and state Capitalism looms ahead.
cheated of the fruits of the revolution, that they have The change is in reality no more fundamental than The Bolsheviki have evacuated Petrograd again.
the change from a conservative to a liberal administra deposed the Kaiser in a blaze of civil war, only to return to the toil of the factories and thie scant subsis. They certainly are a changeable sort of people.
tion in England or from a republican to a democratic administration in America. The Germans have ac will awaken to the fact that the National Assembly is tence of the pre war, pre revolutionary period. They complished nothing more than the British Labor Mr. Theodore Shonts of New York, who edits not the instrument of revolution, that they are to be papers for a living and crushes people in the subway Party expected to accomplish through the agency of cheated out of the substance of their victory by the for amusement, is out with the announcement that if the ballot in the last elections. This is the situation in Germany today from the point of view of the Na shadowy phrases of bourgeois democracy. Then will the city takes control of the subways it will cost the the slogan of the Spartacides: The factories to the public 150 every time they take a dive underground, tional Assembly, from the purely superficial aspect.
workers, the land to the peasants! All power to the But there has been a revolution in Germany. And but being a public spirited man he also says that he there is still a revolutionary situation there, a situawill run the subways and only charge 7c, that is more than usual.
tion not reflected by the election returns, but by the strikes that are sweeping over the land like wildfire and by the dictatorship of the proletariat that is in operaGeorge Creel has written an article on his own work and, as modesty forbids him to boost it, he re tion in the north.
For the Benefit of the fers to a German staff order against it which he claims According to the press reports the majority Social ists are in control; according to the election returns The Revolutionary Age proves its effectiveness. It might prove that the Gier man staff had more consideration for the public than majority Socialism is sharing popularity about evenly with the combined bourgeois parties, but the National Dudley Street Opera House American newspaper editors, but then it might provo Assembly is to be held at Weimar.
113 119 Dudley St.
a lot of things. He goes on to tell us that the pam phlet told the truth in short, sharp sentences. This is the key to the real situation in Germany.
January 27 to February 2, 1919 these pamphlets were as true as the sentences in the The government if it was in control, or even if it was Sisson documents were short, why.
confident of being able to withstand attack, would not Concerts, Plays and Dances contemplate moving the Assembly from the capital.
The widespread strikes and the situation in the cities Great Bazaar All Through the Week The Textile Manufacturers Association does not of the north indicate that the removal of the seat of (For particulars see circulars)
favor an eight hour day, according to the press. We understand that the workers do favor it. Some side the Assembly is due to the fear of the government that Red Week Wil Terminate has got to change its taste in hours. The American the proletariat may march into action at any moment. inWoolen Mills want their employees to discuss the It is one of the peculiarities of peoples that they Liebknecht. Luxemburg Memorial matter in a friendly and helpful way. good way, are unable to learn from the experience of others.
thoroughly democratic and everything, would be to With the exception of the Spartacides, the groups in put it to a vote. Give the bosses a vote apiece and the Germany appear to have learned nothing from the ex.
workers a vote apiece.
periences of Russia; they are determined to go through inthe same devious paths and learn the lesson for themWe would recommend to plotless story writers that selves. Though it would be folly to maintain that the they should read the results of the investigation at two countries parallel each other in particulars, yet in cor. Washington and Dover Sta. present going on in Washington into the general the problems that are now facing Germany are Sunday, February 2, at p.
propaganda. No one would ever have expected that the same as those which faced Russia in the first a labor organization would be so spectacular or so in months of the revolution. It is true that Germany Speakers volved. We find the names of such respectable people has a strong petty bourgeois class of small property as Frank Walsh, Dr. Percy Stickney Grant, Proowners and skilled workers, and also a strong upper Jim Larkin fessor John Dewey and Walter Weyle mentioned middle class, factors that were lacking in Russia, but Ludwig Lore in the same breath as Dynamite Louise, Leon it is also true that Germany has a large industrial Nicholas Hourwich Trotzky and Alexander Berkman. It is true that it proletariat capable of quicker organization and Eadmonn MacAlpine not quite clear who Dynamite Louise is or just how quicker action than the agricultural proletariat, or Admission to Mass Meeting Free she earned her picturesque sobriquet, but doubtless peasants, which formed the majority in Russia. Likeshe was mixed up in some terrible affair. Red Week Mass Meeting Grand Opera House