2 THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE Saturday, January 25, 1919 MR Rusia peace and an opportunity to find her way out of the first years of the war.
her present troubles. Chronicle and Interpretation of Events in Europe, The Hearst papers refer to the article as putting. They invite every organized group that is now exercising or attem the ban on war legends at the peace table, but alto exercise political authority or military Louis FRAINA Editor control anywhe. Siberia, or within the boundaries of though the main substance of the articles deal with European Russia as they stood before the war just conEADMONN MACALPINE Associate Editor actual facts and could doubtless be supported by docu cluded, except in Finland, to send representatives, not exContributing Editors mentary evidence. they will not put the ban on war ceeding three for each group. to Princes Island, Sa of Scott NEARING LUDWIG LORE legends, nor will they even stop the circulation of Marmora, where they will be met by representatives of SEN KATAYAMA the associated JOHN REED peace legends. Every war brings similar revelations powers, provided in the meantime there is a truce of arms amongst the parties invited and that HOURWICH WEINSTERN when it is over, but just the same when governments all armed forces anywhere sent or directed against any decide to go to war again they will use the same people or territory inside the boundaries of European ISSUED EVERY SATURDAY inethods and the people will believe them so long as Russia as they stood before the war, of against Finland, By Lo Boston, Socialist Party or against any people or territory whose autonomous Capitalism exists. Apeople who allow themselves Steiner, Business Manager action is in contemplation in the fourteen articles tapon to be exploited in the workshops and factories, who 885 Washington St. Boston, Mass.
which the present negotiations are based, shall be meansubmit to continual want in their daily lives, who swal while withdrawn and aggressiye military actions ceas.
Bundle orders 2c a copy. Subscription 00 for low the legends of their masters with regard to the sir months (26 issues)
Beneath these fine phrases lies, what? When the things of life with which they are familiar will not associated powers decided on intervention in Russta Saturday, January 25, 1919 cease to believe legends about those things which they do not understand. If people can be made to believe behind those honeyed words were the guns and bayotheir declarations were filled with honeyed words and War Legends that Capitalism with its attendant unemployment, nets of invading armies.
starvation, crime and black hideousness is something TR. GEORGE BERNARD SHAW is writing a that they themselves desire, they can easily be made to They regard the Russian people as their friends, series of articles for the Hearst papers in which believe any fable told them about the people of some not their enemies. Was it on account of this regard he makes some very interesting disclosures. It will other part of the globe.
that the people of Vladivostok marched with the red doubtless come as a surprise to many of those worthy There is only one way to put the ban on war legends, coffins of their dead, their dead who died defending the persons who have so often indicted Gerinany and or peace legends: the establishment of a system of Soviet against the Czecho Slovak and Japanese troops?
particularly those so called Socialists who saw the society wherein it will be unnecessary to spin these Is it on account of this regard that the Russian peasant end of civilization if Germany was not crushed to legends. Shaw shows clearly that as long as we have said: We listen and strain to hear the sound of the know that Mr. Shaw is now publicly stating that conflicting groups of interests so long we will have peasants and workers of other lands coming to the Belgium was caught Between the pass and points of war. The only way to avoid war is to abolish these rescue. But it is in vain. All we can hear is the sound 11. ighty oppasites. that she had no choice in the mat conflicting groups and this can only be accomplished of the guns in the north. Are they the friends of ter at all and that the Allies told her. in effect. that by the intervention of the revolutionary proletariat Russta who bring the sound of the guns to the in the event of a German invasion England would deand the introduction of Socialism.
Russian workers and peasants?
fend the soil of Begium. invited or uninvited, and the They recognize the absolute right of the Russian Belgians resigned themselves their fate accordingThey Are Still There!
people to direct their own affairs without dictation ly. He further states that General French and other or direction of any kind from outside. Was it beofficers were instructed to prepare themselves for the cause they recognized this right that the great powers command of the expeditionary force by studying the WITH a flourish of trumpets the press announces that the Supreme Council of the Peace Con of the world shipped their soldiers across the wintry ground of Flanders. The result was when the ference has decided to recognize the Russian Revo seas to Northern Russia, that England attempted to war broke out England was, up to the limit of her enlution, but a perusal of the official text wirelessed to force the peaceful young men of Canada to sail with gagements, by far the best prepared of all the belliger Russia reveals the fact that the only recognition acarms in their hands for Russian ports, that the assoents.
corded to the Revolution is that the Allies have de ciated powers supported the Czecho Slovaks when In other words. Shaw proves that Belgium was cided that a revolution actually has taken place in they attacked the local Soviets on their supposed merely filling lier usual role the role in fact for which Russia. That the Great Powers recognize the Revolu peaceful march through Russia?
she is maintained, of supplying the battleground for tion in the sense that the term recognition is usually They recognize the revolution without reservation Europe. Any student of government of course understood in international affairs is by no means and will in no way and in no circumstances aid or knows that nations do not go to war for heroic pur clear. All the recognition accorded to Russia is the give countenance to any attempt at a counter revoluposes, but for material reasons, just as every student prudging recognition that Manufacturers Associa tion. Is it because of this that the associated powers of history knows that the great powers of Europe fre tions accord to strikers that they are unable to beat have supported every makeshift government that was quently picked out Belgium as the scene of battle, but or starve into submission.
formed behind their bayonets? Is it because they as Shaw points out it is necessary to have some high The note to Russia is teening with the fine phrases will not aid counter revolution that the press of the idealistic legends to talk about in order to force the of diplomatic language: Allied countries have lauded to the skies every Czarist common people into fighting and paying for the war The single object the representatives of the associated adventurer who set up a dictatorship, that the assoSocialists invariably pride themselves on the fact that powers have had in mind in their discussions of the ciated powers have treated with every counter revthey are concerned only with the realities of the situacourse they should pursue with regard to Russia has been olutionary group in the country?
tion and not at all with the camouflage that invariably to help the Russian people, not to hinder them or to It is not their wish or purpose to favor or assist covers the real motives of government; and the ex interfere in any manner with their right to settle their any one of the organized groups now contending for own affairs in their own way.
cuses, both writen and spoken, of the various socialthe leadership and guidance of Russia against the patriots now reveal them as either liars or impostors. They regard the Russian people as their friends, not their enemies.
others. Is it because of this wish that the armies of Shaw does not attempt to prove that Germany is not They recognise the ahsolute right of the Russian people the associated nations have waged war almost exclusguilty of most of the things charged against her, any to direct their own affairs without dictation or direction ively against the Bolsheviki and the Soviets, that the more than the Socialists who opposed the war in all of any kind from outside. They do not wish to exploit powers invite every little group that has organized itself or make use of Russia in any way.
countries attempted to prove it, but what he does prove in some isolated spot, with the help of Chinese meris that the whole affair was a conflict between two sets They recognize the revolution without reservation and cenaries and Cossack bandits, to attend this conference will in no way and in no circumstances aid or give counof imperialists, that under the present system of soor equal terms with those who made the revolution tenance to any attempt at a counter revolution.
ciety it was unavoidable, that both groups of beland who during the weary months have consolidated It is not their wish or purpose to favor or assist any ligerents recognized that it was unavoidable, and that me of the organized groups now contending for the leaderand defended the revolution with their lives? Is it it was only narrowly averted on a number of previous ship and guidance of Russia as against the others. Their because of this wish that throughout the press of the occasions.
sole and sincere purpose is to do what they can to bring associated nations the Bolsheviki have been slandered He goes on to show that in each of the groups of and vilified while the Czar and his junkers are the belligerents there were exactly the same main elements: heroes of countless sentimental stories?
those who wanted the war immediately and those who The Revolutionary Age Book Department Is it because of all these fine sentiments that the wished to put it off as long as possible. Haldane and RUSSIA AND THE LEAGUE associated powers demand a truce wherever the BolAsquith, according to Shaw, belonged to the latter OF NATIONS sheviki are suppressing the counter revolution and do element, while the jingoes were for war immediately.
The Soviets note to President Wilson and 11ot speak about a truce in Siberia where their armies The jingoes, on the other hand, were eager for a Russia reply to the Neutral Countries.
are operating against the Soviets. Why is Siberia fight with Germany. Many of them advocated a surPrice 5c cạch.
specifically mentioned when speaking of the repreprise attack on the German fleet about a year before CHAPTERS FROM MY DIARY sentation and ignored when speaking about the territhe war. Among those who wished to avoid plungBy Leon Trotzky tory where the truce and withdrawal of troops shall ing into the war, he classes the commercial non interPrice 100 each.
be effective?
ventionists. who objected to meddling in contiReady shortly There is only one way in which the associated pownental quarrels, and knew that huge profits could be The Social Revolution in Germany ers can prove their oft expressed fhendliness towards made out of a war by neutrals supplying the combatBy LOUIS FRAINA the Russian people: they can withdraw their troops ants with war materials. On their position need not from Russia. It is only by such withdrawal that they