Saturday, January 18, 1919 THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE dangers.
revolutionary and dictatorial means of the proletariat, bringing about of the various democratic reforms alliance of the Social Democrats and the bourgeoisie.
that means is entirely outside the consciousness and should be done through the Diet. The coservative Secondly, we wished to avoid the breaking of the practicability of the social democrats; that begins Socialists thought it very necessary that in this red labor party into two bitterly opposing, parues, even where the action of the social democrats ends. senate inspired by revolution, there should be some in this instance our trend was in the direction of the Consistent relatively of the social democrats to the representative of the peasantry. With this in view, Social Democrats and not towards Marxism. Truly at most, just as passive as the conforma conference was held during the weck of the general we hindered historical progress, which had ripened ing of a forbearing historian to the past revolutions. strike, attended by the conservative Socialists, and into unavoidable conditions, by avoiding this break revolution is born and not made, is the favorite the peasants, and of other progressives. The result social democrats, who invited the representatives of in the ranks of labor; but this action made it possible for labor to progress in the lines of revolution. This phrase of the social democrats, for nothing to advance of this conference was that Comrade Tokoi went to organization was unable to proceed because it had to the revolution concerns it. According to its nature, would sooner hinder than aid a revolution (the same question the officials of the senate if they wished to support two opposing principles. Its collapse was as a general strike and other semi revolutionary mass revolutionary desire of the revolutionary Socialists to parliamentarism and craft unionism. The aspiraactions. This is very clear if we look at the prac was to bring to life the coalition senate of the spring in tions of election returns surely decreased; but for the ticability of social democracy; revolutionary action disa more complete form, through the aid of the Socialist true progress of labor and the strengthening of class turbs this purpose and threatens to end it. As it is immajority, leaving out the most conservative.
war, this break was a sure beneht. By this bieak labor possible to determine the outcome of the revolution in Under favorable circumstances, this might have been would have been frced from injurious and obstructadvance, whether it will be a success at the first attempt and not a failure, it always appears possible tha!
the direct result of the November revolution. Noth ing clements which would not have been so dangerous ing more. The labor movement of Finland could ac to a workers revolutionary class struggle while in the the organised activity and political achievements, the quire nothing more. Part of the organized workers, bourgeois ranks as in the ranks of the workers. It is organisation, buildings, libraries, newspapers, reforms, without doubt, would have demanded a further step to democratic institutions, rights, etc. of the social dembe taken, but the easily satisfied majority could have revolution however we strovo. History alone would activity of the social democrats. In the life of social appeased this demand and lenced the revolutionary dictate it. We should have done our part in aiding foice af the proletariat, by turning immediately after history, history cannot democracy these have developed in the line of self inits duty empty handhaving attained their aim, against the desire of the rev ed. Even though a great ice flow in the current of terests, they are the chief basis for the continuation olutionary workers for dictatorship. By this, the ma Finnish class struggle history had not occurred, it and the development of bourgeois legal action. It is for this reason that social democracy wishes to pro Looking back to it now, makes jority surely could have obtained its own purpose. would have been dammed up by the bourgeois demoseem more realistic cracy, yet this flow would have been a long stride in tect and guard then even against the revolutionary than at that time. It is apparent that the bourgeoisie advance for it would have broken up the huge layer It is true that in the teachings of social democracy revolution in order to save their chief advantages, until it would have been crushed. The procedure at references are made to Mars, explanations are also which were not threatened by the revolutionary move. the time of the breaking of the ice a stream is the given of results of organized action with the apparentment of the conservative Socialists. According to all quickest and most natural.
It was carried on in purpose of increasing and Preserving it; and also ex probability the November revolution in Finland Russia in this manner. It is the quickest way of getpressly the necessity and success of the proletarian rev would, in truth, have become a bourgeoisie democratic ting a start. large part of the resistance in a shackolution is kept in view. And assuredly, will not occur revolution. This most assuredely would have been led bourgeois state here becomes useless. On the conbecause of the efforis of the social democrats, but re followed by a split in the ranks of organised labor, trary, the breaking up of the How may last for weeks gardless of them. The bourgeois army, without the right side to defend the commonwealth would until the whole will suddenly give away.
doubt, will prove a great benefit to the proletarian rev join the bourgeoisie, the left would take a stand for We kind of checked the beginning of the drift by olution, contrary to the purpose of this army organiztrue revolutionary Socialism, or communism, and calling off the strike within a week and postponing ation. If the social democrats could direct the action of the workers according their wishes, it is very its forces.
would have risen against the bourgeoisie state and all the question of revolution until the party convention, Dissatisfaction and bitter anger because of these doings doubtful if the labor organisations ever would venture This is the proximate outcome of the revolution we, such an undertaking as a revolution, were very general amongst the workers. This dissatisany such aim the so called Marxian Democrates, had in mind as faction did not break out in open riot against the leadas Socialism; at least insofar that the bourgeoisie do early as on the week of the general strike. But we had ership of the party, but its effect may be very injurnot provoke revolution with weapons in their own two important reasons for not supporting the outset ious to the future class struggle for it broke the conhands. In this one incident you see the social demo o fa revolution. First we did not desire to aid the fidence of the workers in the leaders of the movement.
crat rise but it is not certain that this is a rise to Leadership which needed fire to struggle against the revolt for the defense and continuation of his bourenemy of labor, had only the cold coals of suspicion.
geois class struggle. This resembles our rising the lat Labor Defense Conference The suspicion and envy thus created has been a nightter part of January mare during the whole period of In In November we were about to withdraw from the will hold November it already predicted the disorganization of revolution, partly to protect our democratic achieveApril. The party convention, assemblying after some ments from dangers. partly because we hoped, through PROTEST weeks, at that time felt that the surge of general feciour parliamentary plans, to turn the whole historical ing for the revolution had passed, because of the cycle; and partly, also, fatalistically thinking, if the cross winds this surge was gradually disappearing.
revolution is to come now or later, it would come reThe representatives of the party convention were gardless of our position and thus it would prove itself selected already in the spring under different condireally powerful.
for release of political prisoners tions. Half of them seemed to suoport the revWhat is the outcome of this historical error! Did olution, the other half was against it. We of the cenwe prevent armed combats. No. It was only post Sunday, January 19, 1919 ter, wished by all means to keep our party together, poned to such a time when the bourgeoisie were armed and succeeded. The summarising resolution did not to the teeth, as in November. The bourgeoisie can at p.
contain a word for or against the revolution, but had bring about an armed combat with the workers at any considerable of the spirit of Independent class strug in.
time it wishes. The only danger to the workers is the gle: in addition it had a group of reformation demands fact that the bourgeoisie con specify the time of the from the bourgeoisie encouraging the wurkers beginning of this class war. When the proletariat to make armed preparation, not for offensive purpose, begins it, the bourgeoisie in all localities are not sufcor. Washington and Dover Sts.
but for purpose of self defense.
ficiently prepared for the revolution and to a greater Self defense became the greatest momentary breed or less degree are surprised by it; especially where the SPEAKERS: of the bourgeoisie. Seeing that they were temporarily conservative ruling power has made itself extensively free from dangers of revolution they commenced hated, here the revolution started by the workers can Jim Larkin to prepare consciously for the offensive. Publicly they sweep along the dissatisfied layers of society, or at carried on a fierce anti Socialistic chase, and in a less least can scatter and weaken the opposing lines. Where conscious manner developed their war plans; such conditions exist as exist in the warring countries, Dana gathered arms, organised and drilled the slaughter where even the proletariat has weapons in hands, guard and sent agents with rush business to foreign it is extremely important that a class countries. Locally unorganised revolutionary erupshould begin; the revolutionary power, within a very Edward Morgann tions burst forth automatically with their anarchistic brief period, could unarm large numbers, capture a side interests. One burst in Abo. Parliamentary progreat deal of supplies necessary for the revolution, Eadmonn MacAlpine cedure was now injurious to the affairs of the workers.
suitably arrange the most dependable troops for the It only employed unnecessarily the powers which defensive and offensive against the internal enemy, ADMISSION FREE might have been used in the preparation for the apalso to arrange all its strength into passive or active proaching revolution. It only blinded and led astray counter revolutionary action. It is certain that the Auspices Boston Socialist Party from seeing what is about to happen, what the bourgovernment at the beginning of a class war has atgeoisie prepared for and what the proletariat should tempted to arrange the outside Political conditions in a have prepared for. When the November revolution way most beneficial to itself, to arrange for foreign threatened, by majority action, the diet passed a rehelp when in greatest need, or at least to protect itself solution that in the parliament, no governmental clique, from the external enemy. In November it would have would have the greatest governmental power. This been more difficult for the bourgeoisie in Finland to sems a real, even though. a weak tep toward a real get assistance from Germany than after a large numWill Speak at faultless democracy. At a meeting of the ConstiBer of her troops were liberated on the eastern front.
tutional Committee we attempted to draft on paper a We could not have imagined this fact in November. Dudley Street Opera House plan for the construction of this beautiful state, we Secondly, we, middle Socialists, did not desire to also decided to give a prize for the grandest flag patunite with the bourgeois democracy in any govern113 Dudley St.
terned for the flagpole of Finnish Democracy.
mental alliance, which kind of an alliance was hoped Then we heard from the mouth of Sir Svinhufvud On for by the conservative Socialists that supported the (dictator of Finland) the Constitution of Capital reveolution and those that did not. Without this kind which has only one article: Iron hand regime!
of an alliance, the aim of the conservative Socialists, Sunday, January 19, 1919 This was a brutal and blond thirsty Constitution, who supported the revolution, could not fulfilled, At.
but it referred to the reality and violence of the history e. the bringing about of a democracy. This group, of class wars, when many social democrats were or at least a majority of them, advocated that the re Auspices James Connolly Literary Society dreaming of democratic constitution won through striction in the exploitation of food materials, and the a victory in election.
MASS MEETING Grand Opera House War Jim Larkin