Saturday, January 18, 1919 THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE Nothing Doing!
TV finishing itself suddenly and unexpectedly as it obsolete. The truth is that the Balance of Power, did, the war has shown no consideration for the By George Bernard Shaw now that it has to be struck between Democracy and politicians. They calculated that the history of The following article from the London Herald, Oligarchy, is a million times more important than the South African War would repeat itselt: that is, ieft wing Secialist orzar, is an interesting analysis of when it was only a balance between Willy and Nicky, that they would secure a khaki elction before the end the forces in Engia:d. George Bernard Shat has Charles and Peter, William and Louis, Frederick and of the war, and that this would enable them to do as maintained an attitude all his own during the last firc Marie Therese and Catharine. President Wilson is they pleased until the inevitable repetit. on of the 1936. rcars and although he has supported the prosecution the greatest power balancer that ever lived; and whoreaction, during which interval they would have time of the sur las cer surrendered his right to continever is Secretary oi State for Foreign Affairs under nally criticise the gogernment. guide our half sccialized industries safely back into the first Labour Government here will have to balance the hands of private Capitalism. That is the Capitalheavier weights on his little finger than Viscount Grey ist notion of successful demobilisation. But the war, smallest cbjection to a Trade Union literally exting. hall on his two shoulders.
instead of volpianing to a gentle landing in the spring tishing a man in charge of a public hall when he One would have thought that at least we should of 1919, suddenly crashed; and the possibility of a attempts to extinguish a political movement which he see the importance of the nationalization of the Air khaki election crashed with it. There was nothing for does not happen to fancy. admit that in the absence Service. That the home service should be left to the it then but to rush the election at once, so as to catch of any authority that really represents the whole comwhat was left, if not of the war peril. which was hope munity, social questions must be fought out between speculations of private adventurers is shallow enough in all conscience; but that irresponsible private perlessly over, at least of the terror that peril had insections in this crucle way. But it is obvious that sons should be equipped to cross frontiers on such spired, and to cke out that remnant with the gratitude when the conquest of the Government by the people little smuggling and invading raids as might be amusof the people to the Prime Minister in his character is complete, the censorship of public meetings will not be exercised by the Electricians, nor the censorship control which is the first condition of international ing or profitable to them, without the sort of national of the pilot who weathered the storm.
And now the exciting question is, how fast is that of travelling by the Seamen and Firemen. It is for that reason that have not suggested that the Elect control, could only occur to those people, just mentionterror and that gratitude evaporating? Is the election ed, who really believe that all the world is England, going to be a khaki one or is it going to repeat 1906, ricians should plunge Lord Sandhurst and Colonel Sir though her Continental playgrounds may be kept by as far as our own limited preparation admits, with a license my play, Mirs. Warren Professions.
Douglas Dawson into darkness until they consent to foreigners in quaint dresses, speaking queer dialects.
staggering rcaction against the tyranny that was a Imagine what a couple of big firms, one controlling necessary condition of war? We shall not be able to For the moment, however, we are all Pacifists. We the arcoplane industry and the other the high explosive guess until we know; but what we can say confidently do not seem to realize it yet: for instance, none of industry, could do with the assistance of a hundred is that, though neither Labour nor Liberalism, nor the electors of Hitchin have yet interrupted Lord young bloods of the Junker class as aces, and with even the two combined, can now oust the Coalition, Robert Cecil meetings with shouts of What Price cunning enough to take good care that their other yet the chances of spoiling the complete walk over the Peace Offensive now? But if any candidate were cmployees were well enough off to have neither disdemanded by Mr. Lloyd George are so good that no to raise the cry of Get on with the War at present contents of their own nor any sympathy with the dissincere Labour politician in his senses would dream he would run ten times the risk of lynching that ever contents of others!
of giving the Prime Minister any other answer than any conscientious objector ran. was very strongly And yet the opening of the air service between that which heads this article.
in favour of getting on with the war myself. but now London and Paris by a private firm is announced The Coalition is disconcerted not only by the colthat we have got off with it do not dwell on that side without protest or misgiving. Actually with delight my recent activities. As Mr. Lloyd George said at the prospect of getting back the old holidays in gay lapse of the war, but by the equally unexpected and the other day, after bragging gloriousiy of the great Parce!
far less welcome thoroughness with which it has achieved the aim which all the Allied Governments victory for fifteen minutes on end, This is not a time What a funny lot we are. for boasting. We are fed up; and we are no longer Had to profess: the overthrow of Autocracy and Oliafraid that if we say so the Kaiser may win.
garchy in Central Europe. Our oligarchs blazed away at Oligarchy with their tongues, just as they Yet the war is not over. Are we at war with the According to press reports England is going to use might have blazed away at De Brialmont fortifications Russian Revolution or no? Are we going to wait force to suppress the Sinn Feiners which is merely with field artillery, feeling quite sure that the fortifi until a British expedition perishes in the snow to pro another instance of the delights of democracy.
cations would stand. Well, they have not stood. The vide a Christmas sensation for us before we pay any Oligarchs and Dynasts had been living in a fools attention to this question. see everywhere the most However, seventy five per cent of the people of paradise, serenely unconscious of the fact that Social alarming signs of a hazy belief that because the war any country will require qu te a lot of forcing and the ism had been undermining those fortifications for is over, foreign policy no longer matters, even if it seven per cent. of the British electorate that didn fifty years and gradually bringing them to a condition exists. People actually Socialists ask me why vote for Lloyd George may require some force also in which the explosion of a champagne cork would have such a ridiculous prejudice against poor dear before they agree to a war on Ireland. Fotce is a be dangerous to them. Even those of us who have Viscount Grey. have no personal prejudice against very bad weapon when it doesn work quite smothly.
spent our lives at the undermining had come to feel Viscount Grey: think he is a very nice man for a so hopeless before the apparent strength and depth small tea party, as they say in my native Dublin. It is computed by statisticians that there are up to of the foundations, that we were as much taken aback do not even press the point that though he asks to be the present 40 plans for a League of Nations and as anyone when the walls came thundering down in called Grey of Fallodon, history will call him Grey writers, politicians and preachers still going strong.
Russia, and, more amazing still, when, before we of Denshawai. But do press the point, and press it Why not every man his own League of Nations?
could discern anything clearly, through the dust cloud hard, that his foreign policy was the cultivation of that that followed, a still more appalling crash was heard alliance with the Russian Tsardom which was the Much of the surprise and annoyance of the Liberals in Germany, and Potsdam went down to Potsdamn blackest disgrace, and, is proved, the worst peril of the sessions of the Peace Conference are going to be ation in the twinkling of an eye, at what some of us the war. In pursuit of this abominable crime against held behind closed doors. Open covenants of peace, hope may prove to have been the last war trumpet. democracy Sir Edward Grey swallowed every infamy openly arrived at, has gone the way of all the fine As to that, am not sanguine. The oligarchs and it involved; and he turned his back pointedly on the phrases. But, after all, when we sit still for a mo the democrats differ on that subject; and it is pretty obvious democratic alternative now proved to be nent or two and think of some of the things that will certain that both of them will have trouble with the the right alternative of an alliance with the United to put over at the Peace Conference we are filled anarchists. And there is a sort of civil war like the States of America. In this Mr. Asquith was his ac with a feeling of thankfulness that at least the Eurolate skirmish between the Electricians and the Albert complice; and they both, to avoid stampeding their pean diplomats have retained a sense of shame.
Hall manager, which may develop finally into a very Liberal non interventionist majority, deliberately and sharp struggle between the Socialists and the Syndi repeatedly deccived the country as to our moral obli.
calists. But we need not be in a hurry to bid the devit gation to throw ourselves into the war on the side of good morning. If we have a reactionary Government, Russia and France when der Tag dawned at last. The Revolutionary Age as at present, then public sympathy will be with any It was not until Russia revolted and overthrew her villainous despotism that our Imperialists suddenly insurgent force that sets itself against the State. If Red Week Conference we have a popular Government, insurgency will have cooled in their clevotion to Russia and began to feel meets every Friday evening at P. Room a worse time than any autocratic or oligarchic Govern their way towarels war on the Russian Revolution.
1, Dudley Street Opera House, 113 Dudley ment dare give it. Moral, for those who do not wish And yet people ask good humouredly, What wrong with Grey? What wrong with Asquith? Why are Street, Roxbury, Mass. Al organtsa tiny minority of ihe nation to have the power of leaving all the rest where Moses was when he put out happened, can put such questions, must be simply unyou so down on them? Those who, after what has tions of Boston and vicinity are invited to join the Conference by sending two delegates the candle, strengthen Labour in Parliament.
conscious of the existence of Europe. They use the to the earliest meeting. had better, perhaps, explain that have not the word as a geographical expression denoting a place ROBERT ZELMS, to spend a hoiday in occasionally; but it can mean Secretary of the Conference.
The Albert Hall, the largest hall in London, refused to let be held. The Electricians Union threatened to plunge the tuated people who say that the King has no power meeting demanding the withdrawal of troops from Russia, nothing to the politically. They are the same infacity in darkness if the management persisted in its refusal.
The hall was given for the meeting.
nowadays, and that the Balance of Power is quite