THE REVOLUTIONARY AGB Saturday, January 18, 1919 The Revolutionary Age MR the tabject of attack by other bourgeois papers.
bloody and disorderly tyranny of the Bolsheviki and nasty, so Mr. Spargo wants a sane unionism, no to reconstitute a regular government by themselves. thing like Russia, that will step by step realize the Indeed the French Government need make no cont full measure of the democracy we have been fighting Chronicle and Interpretation of Events in Europe.
ract with crime for it is already contracted to the for. In other words he wants a safety valve, someLouis FRAINA. Editor crime of Capitalism. contract which made possible thing that will keep the workers quiet without really EADMONN MACALPINE Associate Editor the loans which the Czar utilized to crush in blood the changing the present system of society. And Mr.
Contributing Editors aspirations of the Russian people in 1905 and which Spargo is a Socialist!
necessitated the invasion of Russian territory in 1918 LUDWIG LORE The movement to create a Labor Party in America SCOTT NEARING JOEN REED to terrorize the Russian people into paying the money is a healthy sign, a sign of the awakening of the workSEN KATAYAMA loaned to crush them. WEINSTEIN ers to the realization of their real position in society. HOURWICH But it would be folly to suppose that because France But it is only a sign, so far. At this stage of the ISSUED EVERY SATURDAY is the mouthpiece for the refusal to allow the Soviet world development the creation of a Labor Party By Local Boston, Socialist Party Government to participate in the Peace Conference with a platform of reform, even though it is very Steiner, Business Manager a conference which Russia more than any other single liberal reform, is not a thing to be hailed with enthu885 Washington St. Boston, Mass. agency brought about the other capitalist govern siastic delight. The day of reform is fast passing Bundle orders 2c a copy, Subscription 00 for ments are willing to recognize Russia. France is mer away, and a new party that will aim to placate the six months (26 issues)
ely the foolish spokesman for the more astute forces workers and lull them into a sense of false security of the Great Powers. England makes a plea for a may well prove a step backward. On the other hand Saturday, January 18, 1919 policy of conciliation in Russia, and France refuses. a small beginning may lead to a great end. It is cerSince when did England become the conciliator of tain, however, that any movement of labor which American Journalism disputes. Can capitalist England afford to have Bol does not recognize the existence of the class struggle, HEARST and his papers have recently been shevism triumph any more than capitalist France? aim at the abolition of the wage system and the estab Even our own bourgeois press shrieks loudly that lishment of industrial democracy, is out of touch with He has been denounced as disloyal, pro German and the United States, removed from Europe by three the march of the times and is destined to hold labor anti American and in turn he has denounced his acthousand miles of sea, can not tolerate the growth back, at least for a time.
of Bolshevism in the old hemisphere. And if capitalWe wish the new Labor Party well, that it will cusers as the enemies of the people. All this makes ist America opposes Bolshevism five thousand miles develop the class consciousness which its creation good newspaper copy and is highly edifying to the American workers, besides keeping their minds ocoff, how can capitalist England tolerate it when only indicates is beginning to make itself felt in the removed by a few hundred miles? Great Britain ranks of the workers. The surest way to such develcupied with unessent. als, but there is another aspect opment lies in having nothing whatever to do with of Hearst Journalism which it would be well for the proposal was a straw proposal, made to be refused.
England has a strong working class, a working Mr. Spargo or his brand of Socialism.
common people to consider.
class becoming increasingly impatient with war against For some time past the Hearst papers editorially Bolshevikjabs the Bolsheviki, and so she proposes conciliation in opposed the occupation of Russia by American Russia. And very much to her surprise France re The Peace Conference opens its sessions and all troops, said a good word for the Bolsheviki and fuses to be conciliatory! What a fine talking point is well with the world except in Russia, Germany, strongly denounced the misrepresentation of the Sovi for Lloyd George when he faces the British working Poland, Ireland, Montenegro, Argentina, Hungary, et Government by the American press. At the same class!
aly, Greece, Jugo Slavia, China and few other time as these editorials appear in his newspapers America has given Russia many fine words and now unimportant places.
another agency bearing Mr. Hearst name, the England also spins fine phrases about conciliation.
Hearst news service for the moving pictures, takes But actions speak louder than words. Alien troops In fact if the Conference had delayed its sittings quite a different attitude on the Bolsheviki. In one of are still in Archangel and Vladivostok.
for a few more weeks it would have had a much this series of news pictures an animated cartoon eneasier task because by that time there would be no titled The Menace is shown. scene of desolation Spargo ard the Labor Party peace to discuss.
and ruin is depicted and gradually as the film develop VV Party in New York, Chicago and several other VITH the formation of an Independent Labor the giant shadow. of a ferocious Russian peasant.
As Russia, China, Ireland and a few other countries with a villianous looking pistol in one hand and a large cities well under way The New York World are to be excluded frons the peace table it would seem blazing firebrand in the other, is seen gloating over publishes in last Sunday issue an interview with to be alright to call it a Selective Peace Conference.
the ruins. The shadow is labelled Bolshev. sm.
John Spargo. For some reasons or another The World Which is the true portrayal of the Bolsheviki? is seems to think that Mr. Spargo is an authority on Perhaps in view of the way things are going in it the word picture of the editorials, which show the such matters though The Tribune found out some Italy and elsewhere it will be best to call it a Piece Conference.
Polsheviki as a misrepresented, maligned people who time ago, when it sent him to Europe, that his inforare striving to establish order out of the chaos wrought mation regarding the labor movement was very scanty The life of a Bolshevik leader is at least an eventby four years of war ad centuries of Czardom; or to say the least and it accordingly gives his views ful one whatever else may be said about. Liebknecht is it the film picture, which pertrays the Bolsheviki quite a prominent position.
as an evil force, armed with the pistol of murder and After explaining that Mr. Spargo, although one has been killed, jailed. wounded, and exiled within of those Socialists who were forced to leave the Sothe last week according to press dispatches, while the torch of incendarism, seeking what it may dewithin almost the same period of time Trotzky has stroy. It would be well for the workers to ponder cialist Party on account of its attitude on the war, has not spent his time abusing his former comrades, fled from Russia, jailed Lenin, executed a thousand over this aspect of American journalism if they accomplished cothing else they would at least save de thinks they were wrong on some fundamental bourgeois officers, sent another wife away with sepoints, but he doesn think they are either fools or veral million dollars in gold and themselves from the ignominy of being treated as confined to bed with a bad cold. Lenin has not been so fortunate of mullible fools prepared to stva! low anything placed traitors The World allows him to plunge into the depths of Socialist philosophy. After wallowing ik troops thrown into jail in Moscow by Trotzky, late having been merely shot while leading Bolshefore then.
around, with the help of the interviewer, finally a They Are Still There! leading question is sprung and then Mr. Spargo closeted with von Ludendorff and overthrown by the smiled.
Russian Government at Stockholm.
The interviewer asks would the new Labor Party bourgeois democracy is furnished by France acThe New York Tribune in a headline tells us that be a strictly American party or would it be (here his tion rigarding representation for the Soviet Govern voice dropped to whisper) international in its aims the British Empire is a ininiature World League ment at the Pace Conference. France! Republican and attitude? Pausing to smile, Spargo rushes into which seems to us one the strongest arguments France! Who suffered during her revolution in ex explanations. After explaining that the Socialist against the League of Nations we have yet heard.
actly the same way as Russia is suffering today. The Party is nationalist. although calling itself internaGreat Powers of Europe united against her cry of tionalist, and that all the rest of America is violently It would appear from the press reports that unless Liberty, Equality, Fraternity. fearing that behind internationalist, though believing itself nationalist. they may take all they need.
a little food is given to the starving workers of Europe that cry stalked the terrible menace of the awakenand that nationalism and internationalism are one and ing of the conuinon people. The best proof of their the same thing except in fundamental differences, General von Ludendorff is reported to be busy success in crushing the spirit of the revolution is he delivers himself: It is quite possible then that writing a book which will be in the nature of a deFrance answer to Great Britain proposals regard the new labor Party will not think of itself as interfense of his part in the war. It would be a good idea ing the Soviets.
national: but if it is a genuine Labor Party it will for an enterprising publisher to issue all these books. The French Government, so far as it is con not only be a Socialist Party in fact, whatever its now being written by former rulers, generals, adcerned, will make no contract with erintc, says name, but inevitably must participate in the inter mirals and diplomats, in a series under the title Pichon, the French Foreign Minister. By agreeing national Socialist movement.
defense of failure.
to recognize the Bolshevist Government we should But despite the confusin of terms that Mr. Spargo give the lie to the policy chick the Allics have stot sces ahead of the new Labor Party he is very much It looks as if one of the first little countries to be ceased to sustain in oursement of furnishing at all in favor of it and down at the end of the interview visited with self determination is Luxemburg. And accessible points of Russia all the aid and succor pos he gives his reasons for his attitude. Labor it appears it serves her right for not resisting the Germans!
sible to give to the healthy, honest, faithful elements is beginning to wake up and if things don go as it of ussia in order to help them to escape from the wants thein to, there is a danger that it may he very Why is Italy like Oliver Twist?