THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE Saturday, January 11, 1919 The Struggle of the Ages NEVER in all human history have the toiling peoBy Maurice Malone and a demon so bad that it destroyed its real purple who have done the work of the world received shops full of slaves, the gleaming city of Athens was pose. parallel of this is to be seen in our late war the product of their toil. The product of the labor one of the greatest slave markets of the ancient world. where 55, 000, 000 of people were engaged in makof the people has been perpetually filched from them, Mommsen says that, compared with the sufferings of ing life destroying implements, 5, 000, 000 of lives and they themselves subordinated and cowed in their the Roman slaves, the sum of all negro sufferings is Jost, and 155, 000, 000, 000 of wealth wasted. Were slavery and penury. The great masses of the people but a drop. Capitalists of that day speculated on this same energy and skill used in a construchave ever been held in helpless servitude to the power slaves, as many as 10, 000 being sold in a day. tive way what a blessing it would be to the human ful and privileged classs. The history of man Modern slavery and this record of ancient history race. Now look at the situation: In less than two humanity to man through economic ustice is one finds its modified continuance through medieval seri months after the our boys, coming home, long, terrible tale of cruelty, brutal oppressios. and dom. Down to the French Revolution we find the find the Government arsenals on short time and thouunforgivable outrage upon the bodies and minds and horrible parallel in the slavish toils of the mill work sands are discharged. Is this fighting for Democsouls of the teeming millions that have populated the ers of England up to 1825 and over into the chattel racy? Not much! While we are holloing for De1ations.
slavery of America to 1863, when in the black codemocracy for foreign nations and their people, we are The masses of the people come here by the natura! of South Carolina death was the penalty for him who threatened with labor troubles galore.
operation of procreation; but the earth and its prod dared to aid any slave in running away or departing The whole world today faces the tremendous issue ucts, and equipment for labor, these new millions find from his master or employer service. In the of reconstruction. We are confronted with the folalready in private possession. The resources of the memory of men now living it was a crime punishablclowing state of affairs: earth are entrenched by law and sanctioned by re by imprisonment for a white man to teach a negro to Ist. Munition factories closing down will throw ligion.
read or write; it was left for the slavery in Christian iany out of work.
But these millions must live, and rather than leap Nations to do what pagan slavery never did, prohibit 2dn. Millions of soldiers and sailors, returning into fire or water, or over the rocks, or perish by instruction of the slave, but the sad story does not end home from the war, will render insecure the jobs of hunger or poison, and mastered by the love of life there. The present chapters of the long drawn out those at work.
these millions may live only on one condition: of affliction of the enslaved working class may now be 3rd. Women will work for less wages than mren fering their labor for whatever it will bring, as the read in the daily records of twentieth century Capi in order to retain their jobs.
slaves, serfs, hirelings, or wage earners of the few talism, with its sweating and unemployment and labor 4th. The loss of war business will compel firms to who control the earth and the fullness thereof. wars, exiled from the face of nature and beseiged economize, especially in regard to wages, hours, etc.
Rather than die, they have chosen to live a living by necessity in the unwholesome and filthy streets and 5th. The cost of living will not be lowered to the death under the domination and at the mercy of those alleys of our great industrial centers.
pre war standard.
who controlled the only sources by which men can In daily papers we read of a Senator leaving The above are facts, not theories. These facts live. 30, 000, 000 to his family, and a railroad king leaving must be met in a common sense way. It will be no Ancient slavery, this economic and social injustice, 60, 000, 000, and an oil king worth hundreds of mil. use passing pious nesolutions, because paper resoluis the supreme unrighteousness of the ages of history. lions, while one half of the producing classes are prop tions never did solve any problems. Something has The Assyrian kings, back in the dim past, boasted ofertyless and millions live on the verge of deepest want. got to be done.
the horde of human beings that they captured and Just the other day Mr. Frick, the steel magnate gave In the first place, there has got to be solidarity.
forced into exhausting labor. The empires of Baby as wedding presents to his son and the bride checks We have got to be united, and this is the time for lon, Persia and Egypt and the Republic of Greece for 14, 000, 000. At this very moment, this very day, unity, but before we can have unity we must have and Rothe were all built upon the bleeding backs of millions of human brothers and sisters, old and young unity of purpose. We must understand the purpose millions and millions of baffled, degraded and terror: not in heathendom, but of our own religion, lan. of our coming together, and upon what basis. There stricken children of men.
guage and kin, and millions more in all Western must be co operation, everybody will admit, but it Alexander the Great on one occasion sold into Christendom, are eking out the miserable lives of un must be intelligent co operation.
slavery 30, 000 inhabitants of the one city of Thebes owned slaves in the poverty, degradation and Hell of How can these people meet the high cost of living?
at 16. 00 per head. The Roman General, Aemilius our modern industrial centers. At times hundreds of Name Capital Income Paulus, put up for auction on a battlefield 150, 000 hu thousands cannot sell themselves by the day at any John Rockefeller. 500, 000, 000 50, 000, 000 man beings. Even Great Caesar took thousands of price to the masters of the machine and the market; Andrew Carnegie. 300, 000, 000 15, 000, 000 Gauls to Rome and sold them like beasts of burden to nien, women and little children consume their lives William Rockefeller. 200, 000, 000 20, 000, 000 the noble patricians.
away in a bitter struggle merely to exist, while Estate Marshall Field. 120, 000, 000 6, 000, 000 paragraph from the pages of a recent archaeolo wealth sits a monster gorged midst starving popula George Barker. 100, 000, 000 5, 000, 000 gist gives an account of the almost universal indus tions.
Henry Phipps. 100, 000, 000 5, 000, 000 trial oppression of the working classes: Up to this moment the people who have made the Henry Frick.
100, 000, 000 5, 000, 000 Here in Egypt are the tombs of kings, stupendous bread of the world have never received the bread their William Clark. 80, 000, 000 4, 000, 000 monuments, not alone of monarchial glory and pride, hands have made. They have hungered, and hunger Estate Morgan. 75, 000, 000 500, 000 but of the reckless waste of human lives, deep in today, in the presence of the wealth their own hands Estate Harriman. 68, 000, 000 3, 400, 000 sands dug a myriad slaves ignorant of everything have created. Mrs. Shelly, in her famous book, en Estate Russell Sage. 64, 000, 000 3, 200, 000 save the stern necessity of yielding up every bit oi titled Frankenstine, published 1817, pictured Vand 50, 000, 000 2, 500, 000 strength in their bodies and every last gleam of intel Frankenstine as the most perfect being. Having Estate John Kennedy. 65, 000, 000 3, 250, 000 ligence in their minds, to the demands of the King. completed a most marvelous piece of mechanism, all Estate John Astor. 70, 000, 000 3, 500, 000 In the quarries on the roads, and on the walls for at once, to his surprise, it turned out to be a monster Astor.
70, 000, 000 3, 600, 000 scores of years, there toiled these thousands of men, Hill.
70, 000, 000 3, 500, 000 wageless and half fed, overworked and scourged.
Isaac Stephenson. 74, 000, 000 500, 000 Sick, dizzy and exhausted, the only hospital they knew Estate Mrs. Green. 60, 000, 000 3, 500, 000 was the taskmaster whip, which stimulated into one Jay Gould.
70, 000, 000 3, 500, 000 last, agonized effort the exhausted muscles of a usedCornelius Vanderbilt.
50, 000, 000 2, 500, 000 up body or the frenzied movement of a reeling brain.
The aims and objects of the Wm. Weightman. 50, 000, 000 2, 500, 000 Whether the glory of monarchs demanded the speedy Spartacus Group Ogden Goelet.
60, 000, 000 3, 000, 000 completion of some expression of his selfish pride or Moore.
50, 000, 000 will be explained at a 2, 500, 000 a too rapidly growing race must be reduced to manArthur James. 50, 000, 000 2, 500, 000 ageable proportions without massacre, the whole picRobert Goelet.
60, 000, 000 3, 000, 000 ture of that useless grinding toil testifies to an ugly, Guggenheim 50, 000, 000 2, 500, 000 wicked contempt for human life, that is the picture Thomas Ryan. 50, 000, 000. in.
2, 500, 000 of Babylon, Assyria, Egypt, Greece and Rome. RoEdward Morris.
45, 000, 000 2, 500, 000 maine Patterson said of Babylon, there was justice, House Armour.
45, 000, 000 2, 500, 000 but it belonged to a few and had never penetrated the Socialism is the only remedy for this great evil.
great dumb laboring population Babylon was great cor. Washington and Dover Sts.
What is Socialism? It is the public ownership of all She used science and she used art, but she abused huat p.
the wealth, the mills, the mines, the factories, the manity. She could calculate a star eclipse, but not Sunday, January 12, 1919 railroads and land. Things that are used in common, her own. No state has been more guilty of the waste must be owned in common, by the people and for the of human life, and when we see her ruins lying like a Prominent New York and Boston Speakers people under democratic management by the people, vast, mysterious autograph scrawled over the desert, instead of the present system of private ownership for her history appears to be full of warning. Of Greece profits then humanity will be free from want and he tells us: The truth is that behind her splendid ADMISSION FREE the fear of want. Workers of the world unite then, facade of art, and literature, and philosophy, and elAuspices Boston Socialist Party and not until then, will you be free. Read and study oquence, we discover an industrial tyranny and workSocialism and think for yourself.
Mass Meeting Grand Opera