Saturday, January 11, 1919 THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE middle classes or petty bourgeoisie, have played the the workers recognized them it would mean the end Bolshevikjabs dominant role. Now it is the proletariat, the property of the present system of society and so those who iess workers, who are the instrument of the change benefit by things as they are attempt to misrepresent CIELD MARSHAL VON HINDENBURG is rewhich is at present taking place in society. It there the issue. They lie about the progress of the proleported as marching on Berlin. He always was headstrong, and if he insists, why, we suppose he fore behooves the propertyless workers to prepare tarian revolution in Russia, represent all the actions themselves that they may fulfill their function. of the Soviet government as destructive, picture Rusmust have his own way, but we hope no soldier will be so unfortunate as to mention the name of KorniThe rise of labor is a new movement. The trade sia in a state of chaos.
lov while the Field Marshal is within hearing.
vnion is a comparatively new weapon, though it is When some news about the workers of Russia gets an old weapon of the new movement which is the through the capitalist press perverts it. One of the It seems like a good idea to make Paderewski presirise of labor. In its upward struggle labor, like every best evidences of this perversion is supplied in the dent of the Polish Republic. Music hath charms to thing else, has had to learn from experience both in comments of the newspapers and weekly magazines soothe the savage beast, and perhaps he will be able its conceptions and its practices. But the rise of labor on the pamphlet by Nicholas Lenin entitled The Soto charm away the pangs of hunger which gnaw at iias been so swift that its conquest of power in one viets at Work, which the Post Office authorities rethe vitals of the working class by getting out on the section finds it still clinging to its old conceptions of cently suppressed. In this pamphlet Lenin deals with balcony of the state house and playing nocturnes its functions in other sections of the world. Thus the difficulty experienced by the workers when they and sonatas.
we have the workers of Russia and Germany march took over industry owing to the shortage of engineers ing on triumphantly to the conquest of their historic and other highly skilled men. The press immediately The idea has at least novelty to commend it and, mission while in other countries labor is still arguing hailed this as an admission that capitalism was neces as we are living in the era of democracy, once the and fighting for petty concessions.
sary to the preservation of society. But Lenin did thing gets under way we will, doubtless, be able to In America particularly labor is still in the grip not mention the owners of the factories, but the skilled forsake the refined atmosphere of the concert platof middle class ideas. This is due to a variety of employes, the men who under capitalism really direct form for the more democratic boards of the vaudecauses, that the country is a comparatively a new one, industry.
ville stage when we look for rulers. In the near futhat immigration has been so great that the workers The average worker is in the habit of looking upon ture we may expect to see Frank Tinney, Harry are split into different factions, that the country has the engineers, shop experts, executive heads, etc. as Lauder, Bert Williams, Gaby Deslys, Mary Pickford, cnly recently arrived at complete development and the bosses, the capitalists. In reality these men are or even the inimitable Charlie, put on diplomatic that hitherto its working class was not a permanent members of the working class although they class robes.
working class but was interchangeable with the other themselves and think alike with their masters. The classes. Up until very recently the American worker owners of the industries also own the men who en Personally we are of the opinion that any governhad the chance of amassing wealth constantly before force their dictates and it is one of the tricks of Capi ment would find it a very difficult matter to declare his eyes, or if he did remain in the ranks of the work talism that these men are removed from the ranks war on the republic of which Charlie Chaplin was er his son might rise to the employing class. This of the workers.
president. The entire youth of the world would be stage of American life is already passed, however, and a definite working class is established, but it Take for example the captain of a ship. He is certain to be pro whatever country it happened to be.
still retains its middle class ideas. The skilled worker necessary to the ship, but no more necessary than is a fireman. Under considers himself a property owner insofar as he apitalism the captain is given The latest sensation from Russia is that Lenin has owns his skill but the day of the skilled worker is tremendous powers and privileges. He holds the been jailed by Trotzky. The Hearst papers carry the also rapidly passing away.
power of life and death in his hands, fre is the arbiter news in a headline appropriately colored red. We of all the affairs of the ship, he and his officers sleep await with interest the thrilling details of Lenin As a result of these and similar conditions the trade in fine quarters, eat fine food, wear fine clothes while escape and his victorious march upon Moscow where union movement has confined itself specifically to the crew are treated like brute beasts. Soviet Russia he will jail Trotzky.
reform programs. It has not, as yet, recognized the ecognizes that the captain of a ship performs a usefact that the mission of the workers of the world is ful function. He is the navigator and as such he has Owing to some oversight Trotzky is not credited to own and control all they produce and that this his duties to perform, part of those daties is to direct with jailing Lenin with the object of satisfying his accomplished they are the rulers of the world. The the work of the ship but outside of this he has no personal ambitions and occupying Lenin position in average union man today wants more pay, shorter more authority than any fireman. The administration the Soviet government. It appears his thirst for hours, better working conditions. He does not dream of the ship is carried out by a comniittee elected by blood got the better of him and when Lenin refused of owning the tools of his industry, except in the the whole ship. Every member of the crew sleeps, to quaff anymore at the expense of the bourgeoisie same manner as his boss owns them so that he might cats and drinks of the best that is available. Au are Trotzky promptly jailed him and is now running exploit his fellowshe does not see that as long as workers, each performs his task and all together they amuck among the unfortunate Russian middle classes.
someone else owns the means whereby he and his bring the ship to port.
family live, his life will be orre long struggle for reWhat is done in the ship is done in industry and telling, quoting some guy in a New York garret as We must protest at these tales the newspapers are forms. He is convinced that his boss gives him a job, that without a boss to provide a job he would what is done in industry is also done in the adminitheir authority. In the first place, Bolshevik agents starve. He has a vague idea that his boss amassed stration of the affairs of the country. During the don live in New York garrets; only artists and poets enough money to buy the industry that he directs its transition period the Soviets found it necessary to can afford them. We have always had to be content operation and that he is entitled to the money he gets employ the skilled men until they could train men with cellars when we lived in the great city. Befrom his enterprise. The boss recognizes that the from their own ranks, but they have never denied the worker thinks in way and so it is a common an right of these skilled men to accept the Soviet form sides, cellars are so much more appropriate for plotswer of the employers to the demand for more wages of government and take their places in the life of the ting, don you think?
or shorter hours that they cannot afford to make the community as part of and contributers to the welfare of the community.
However, that a detail; what really annoys us is required concessions.
this talk about 500, 000. According to the papers But with the march of events the worker must revCapitalism purposely keeps men apart, Bolshevism, there are 500, 000 agents, so it only works out at a olutionize his ideas. He must study the conditions which is merely another name for Socialism in action, dollar apiece, and when we think of all the wives that under which he lives and he must watch the progress brings men together so that all may work for the Trotzky has sent to the different European capitals of his brothers in Europe who are overthrowing the good of all.
with millions of dollars in gold tucked away in their bosses and operating industry themselves for the be The new era has already dawned. The day of the stockings it make one mad to be put off with a misernefit of the community as a whole.
workers of the world is at hand. The propertyless, able dollar.
What do the owners of industry do? What use the world, a world wherein every one that works for the earth disinherited, are the coming masters of are they? What do they contribute to the operation the benefit of society shall be benefitted by society. at least supposed to be liberal. But these Bolsheviki When the Kaiser was giving away money he was of the world work that entities them to control the But in the period of transition many perils face the lives of thousands of families? Not one in every five advancing proletariat, many mistakes will be made are a lot of pikers.
hundred of the capitalists could operate the machines unless the workers prepare themselves for their new which make their fortunes. Few of them understand destiny. Socialism is no longer a theory, it is a living papers who have been good enough to give this paper While we are on the subject, we would ask these anything about the actual operation of industry. Few fact working out its problems in the face of tremend publicity in connection with the affair that the next of them could rivet a bolt, feed a furnace, drive an engine, run a lathe, or perform any of the thousand order to take their place they must understand the also mention our address, so that those wishing to ous odds. The future lies with the workers but in time they wish to credit us with anything they would jobs that go to run industry.
nature of the problems they will have to face. They subscribe may know where to apply.
Nor are they capable of performing the executive must think for themselves, organize for the benefit work of their own plants. If all the owners of in of all and act as reason dictates.
According to The New York Tribune the Bolshedustry in America were to take a year vacation toviki have been in the habit of giving the peasants to morrow morning not one wheel would stop as a result.
Divided you are helpless, united you are invincible.
cents for every military officer killed. It, however, But if all the workers in industry would take a day The great slogan of the dawning day is: Workers omits to tell how the peasant can collect the money, vacation the nation would be at a standstill. These of the world unite, you have nothing to lose but your but we suppose a Bureau of Scalps has been appointed are simple truths and they are irrefutable. But if chains, you have a world to gain.
to attend to this matter.