Bolshevikjabs Saturday, January 1919 THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE the logical actions of internationalists, supporting the Belgian social patriot and pre war secretary of the picked on the old slate? Does the American Socialist Bolsheviki and refusing to make their acts square with Second International, has sent a cablegram asking movement desire to participate in a congress convened their words. While these men were adopting this the American Socialist Party to appoint three dele by Huysmans, and of which it knows nothing? The vacillating policy their opponents were standing gates.
National Executive Committee of the American Sostrongly on their program; they were insistent on To put it mildly, it is astonishing that the holding cialist Party has been unable to meet since the armisthe fact that Germany must be crushed; that she must of this congress should be of such immediate im tice was signed. Although several branches and lo be made to pay to the fullest extent of her capacity: portance as to render it necessary to fix such a date cals have urged the convocation of an emergency conthat revenge is sweet. And in the first flush of for its opening that prevents the members of the So vention nothing has been done regarding it, no prepavictory the country rallies to their policies.
cialist parties of the various countries from electing ration has been made for the election of delegates And the tories the world over are unable to under their delegates, or from instructing those delegates as to attend an International Socialist Conference, nor stand the limitations of their victory. Already the to what stand they shall take on the various moment tias the membership been given an opportunity of sayBritish elections have borne fruit in France. Clemenous questions now facing humanity. All the more is ing under what conditions it would agree to particiceau comes out flatly for a victory of conquest and, this haste astonishing when we remember that dur pate in such a conference. It is true that we are comnot satisfied with the military defeat of Germany, he ing the month of July, 1914, it was not thought necesmitted to the Zimmerwald International and have turns his eyes to the conquest of the workers of Rus sary to call the International together. During that thus, in a limited measure, declared ourselves, and sia. Lloyd George hand will also be forced and the crisis the time was too short!
certainly the St. Louis Majority Report, which is the peace conference will reflect the result. Out of the deSince the last Internationalist Socialist Congress last considered expression of the membership, would mands that the tories will insist upon as a result of was held many changes have taken place, many men not give any grounds for the supposition that we favor their victories, the intervention of the proletariat will and women whom the Socialist movement, the world a yellow International.
develop over, was wont to trust have long since betrayed that The Second International is dead, killed by these This new government of England will not retain trust. Have these people, who kept silent during the very people who would now resurrect it, and the its present form for any length of time. After the bloody years since August, 1914, when the workers, Zimmerwald International stands as the only expres Boer war election the reaction was swift; after this misled and betrayed, writhed in the agony of inter sion of the movement. Upon the framework of the war it will be swifter and stronger in proportion as national war, suddenly got a message of such import Zimmerwald Conference the new international must the sacrifices were heavier. British Socialism must that they can wait a month or so longer, until the be built if the Socialist movement of the world is to recognize the fact that it has for the moment faced de membership of the International Socialist movement remain true to itself. The only International that can feat. It is useless to count the vote all over the country and prove by figures that the election was really voices its desires? Are these men and women going ride the crest of the wave sweeping over Russia, Gerto meet in the name of Socialism and again betray many and on westward is the Red Third International a victory because a fow more labor men have been and Camille Huysmans is not the man to call it.
elected. The labor men in the new parliament will the revolutionary proletarian of the world?
Are they suddenly going to attend an International have no power. The division of the house is not such congress, who a short time ago refused to sit with the as to enable them to influence its acts; in fact, the delegates from certain other countries, because, fo: ALL this discussion regarding the future of the GerBritish working class has no voice in the new governsooth, their particular capitalist masters were at war man colonies seems very strange when we have ment. Reaction holds sway and indications are not heard so much about self determination, with the capitalists of those countries; who, a few But perlacking that it is going to make the most of its adshort weeks ago, were denying the existence of the haps the determination depends on who the particuvantage. big navy is to be forced on the people, a lar self refers to.
large army will be retained and the offensive against International? Are these men and women, who bethe Bolsheviki will be continued on larger lines.
trayed the International and practically forced the Still judging by the recent action of the Irish there The retention of the German colonies is assured and workers into the holocaust of fratricidal slaughter, appears to be something in this self determination such retention by Britain means the giving of conces going to again be allowed to disgrace the name of socialism?
after all, although we are sure that Lloyd George will sions to Italy and France at the expense of some other peoples. As the revolutionary proletariat of Germany Has Huysmans the insolence to address the movefeel very much annoyed at the translation of his words into action.
gains the ascendency the cry will be raised in England ment to which Debs, Lenin, Liebknecht, Trotzky, for the suppression of Bolshevism and Lloyd Jaures, Merrheim, Connolly, Luxemburg, Roland We would like very much to extend our congratuGeorge will probably be forced to act against Ger. Host, Fritz Adler, Larkin, Hardie, MacLean, LazLations to Mr. Asquith on his defeat. Although the many. All these actions will add to the discontent that zari and the thousands of martyred, jailed, exiled men newspapers have not yet awakened to the fact, Henry is gradually becoming apparent among the British and women have given their lives and their energies? Herbert is in a very strong position. What with the masses. Unrest at home and dissatisfaction with the Are the social patriots of the various governments, Bolsheviki, the Irish, the tories, the coming unemattitude of the government abroad, met by a policy of who have taken office and by their presence in those ployment in England and the consequent awakening repression, which is the tories only answer to the dis governments, sanctioned the invasion of Russia, going of the workers to the realization of the truth of the content of the people, will tend to strengthen the rev to meet in an International Socialist Congress with old proverb, All is not gold that glitters, Lloydolutionary proletariat.
the representatives of Russia, are they going to George is in for a very awkward time, to say the very Western Europe is afire with revolution and when stretch out their blood stained hands to the Russian the British workers see their real condition it will be delegates and call them comrade. Or are they, like to the papers explaining exactly where David made least. And Henry Herbert can always write a letter surprising if some of the sparks from the European the Inter Allied Labor Conference, going to foist the mistake and adding a postscript to the effect that, fire do not burst into open flame. The Irish situation Kerensky or some other Russian reactionary such as of course, one could hardly expect anything better will also contribute to the general discontent. Tory Mastov or Axelrod on the congress? Perhaps this from the present government.
governments are notorious for their inability to han hastily called International Socialist Congress is dle the Irish question, even in the slipshod manner of going to frame up Russia and Germany after the It is reported that General von Ludendorff has gone the liberals, and Ireland is in no mood to be trifled manner of the English and French Socialist dele 10 Russia and has been in conference there with Lenin.
with. Taking into consideration the recent actions of gations who tried to push Russia back in the war, or the workers in Australia and the present temper of the Although it has not yet been officially reported, we as Schiedemann tried to force Italy in on the side of Canadian people it is evident that all the artifices of have the best reasons for believing that Admiral Kol Germany.
the best liberal statesmen will be necessary to stave off chack has gone to Germany for the purpose of conThe Socialist movement has had enough of inter ferring with Liebknecht. The purposes of such conBolshevism. But the liberal statesmen have just met national congresses dominated by such as these. No ferences are not yet very clear, but it is assumed in defeat. Even if Asquith and Henderson succeed in wonder Huysmans, Vandervelde Co. call an In responsible quarters that Ludendorff is an applicant obtaining seats at a By election, they will have no power. Reaction rules, the tories, booted and spurred, the rank and file of the Socialist movement will have ternational Socialist Congress in such a hurry that for the position of doorman at the Bolshevik headare in the saddle. Liberalism no longer interquarters and that in view of the fact that he is the no voice in the selection of the delegates.
venes between the tories and the workers. The revopossessor of a fine collection of uniforms and declution is brewing.
Are these valiant apostles of democracy going to orations he will in all probability get the job.
confer with Scheidemana or are they going to repudiThe International Socialist ate him? He was partly responsible for the war, ac Samuel Gompers is going to represent American cording to their own statements; he is at this very Labor at the Labor Conference, which is merely anothCongress moment threatening to bring fresh war upon those er instance of self determination.
workers of Germany who will not forget that they THE New York Call of December 31 carries a dispatch from its Paris correspondent to the effect are Socialists; he acquiesced in the Brest Litovsk Pichon, the French Foreign Minister, is rethat a high American official had intimated that peace of violence. If they confer with ported as saying that the Czar and his family were passports would be granted to American Labor So Scheidemann how are they going to condone his ac put in a small room and jabbed with bayonets al!
cialist delegates in order that they may attend the tions in supporting Imperial Germany, if they are night long and then shot in the morning. Which International Socialist Congress, scheduled to meet going to repudiate him how are they going to explain merely goes to show that royalties are like cats they in Lausanne, Switzerland, on January their own actions in supporting their respective im have many lives. Pichon informant is Prince What the makeup of this International Socialist perialisms?
Lvoff, which, doubtless, accounts for the fact that Congress will be is at the moment shrouded in mys Does the International know these people who, a the late Czar family is still alive, and although in retery. All that appears to be known about it on this few months ago, knew not the International? Does duced circumstances, from a financial and social side of the Atlantic is that Camille Huysmans, the the International Socialist movement desire a congress standpoint, yet in good health.