THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE Saturday, January 4, 1919 The Revolutionary Age the world, a large section of the people have not yet can be only one reason for intervention. The Soviet arrived at the stage where they are ready to embrace government menaces the rule of Capitalism everyA Chronicle and Interpretation of Events in Europe. the real solution of the problems that trouble man where; it is the personification of the new ideals of the kind, the labor party withdrew from the fight in order workers. Are the peoples of the world willing that Louis FRAINA Editor that the people might declare themselves on the ques their brothers in Russia should be crushed because EADMONN MACALPINE Associate Editor tion of political independence. Seventy per cent of they stand for the emancipation of the world disinContributing Editors the voters have decided in favor of a republic. herited? Are the common people going to allow themSoort NEARING LUDWIG LORE Having been given such a clear mandate by the selves to be made the tools of the capitalist interests?
JOEN RED SEN KATAYAMA people it was only logical that the Sinn Fein party Since it has become clear that the Allies are not HOURWICH WEINSTEIN should immediately translate that mandate into action wanted by the majority of the Russian people, since ISSUED EVERY SATURDAY and call into being the republic created in Easter the fall of the German autocracy it is plain that the By Local Boston, Socialist Party Week, 1916. The men who will assemble in DubBolsheviki are not pro Kaiser, and new excuses have Steiner, Business Manager lin as the representatives of the new republic have a to be manufactured to explain the presence of foreign 885 Washington St. Boston, Mass. tremendous task ahead of them, but, as McDonough troops. The press has started to wage a new campaign said in his speech to the English court martial after of misrepresentation in order to strengthen the interSaturday, January 4, 1919 he had been sentenced to death, There is always a ventionists: it now develops that the Allies have prochance for brave men who challenge fortune.
mised to aid the Czecho Slovaks, that this aid has not French Syndicalism If these 72 men and one woman, with the example been forthcoming and as a result the poor CzechoOrenethe syndicalists. It is a program of petty sufficient Clearness of vision to see that the day of the another page we publish of of Russia and Germany before them, are gifted with they are trying to get out of Russia but are unable to Slovaks are in imminent danger of destruction, that bourgeois paltering. It faces none of the real issues workers has already dawned, and have the courage move unless the Allies help them and that the Allies arising out of the war and the march of the Socialist to act accordingly, then they will rally round them, must fulfill their promise to these poor people.
moveinent in Russia and Germany. It attempts to nafeguard labor by all sorts and sizes of legislation; also the victims of the sweatshops and factories of countries. The Russians are and have been all along This story is in line with all the stories that the not only the workers of the east, south and west, but bourgeois press has given to the people of the Allied it throws phrases about like a liberal politician; it ap the industrialized north cast of Ulster and banish desirous that the Czecho Slovaks leave Russia. The proaches the vital questions of the hour, makes a bow and then veers off again, leaving them as it found misunderstandings, that have kept asunder the work Czecho Slovaks, they have offered to allow them to før all time the religious bigotry, based on lies and Soviet government has no desire to wage war on the them.
ers of Ulster from their brothers in the rest of Ire depart in peace many imes, but the Czecho Slovaks After fighting for democracy, the best the French Jand. Jim Larkin, with not one tenth of the oppor. have allowed themselves to be made the backbone of Syndicalist movement, the one time red, revolutionary terror of the moderate Socialists, can do is sol funity, united the two sections in the great industrial the counter revolution. They fought against the Rushatile of Belfast in 1997 and on that foundation can emnly mect through its Federal Committee and desians but if they wish to they may depart to their mand the eight hour day, a living wage, compulsory be raised the structure of Irish working class unity. own country. Why don they go? Why don all the But there is a still greater opportunity lying before foreign troors leave Russia. Russia wants to be left education and old age pensions. No wonder the capitalists tremble their shoes! No wonder the Tiger the Sinn Feners, if they adopt a fearless policy and in peace. The workers of the Allied countries have institute the rule of the workers in Ireland they can of France boldly declares his program of reaction!
nn quarrel with the Russians. But alien troops are swing behind them the broad masses of the industriai still in Archangel and Vladivostok.
All through its wordy pronouncement we find not one word that would give an inkling that any of the proletariat of England, Scotland and Wales and once representatives of French Labor ever heard of Capi this is accomplished the English government is powThe British Elections erless.
talism. On every issue it discusses it declares for coTHE result of the British elections is a clear victory operation between the workers and their masters. It If, however, they adopt a policy of petty bourgeois for reaction. Disguise it under what sophistry it resupposes that the French soldier returning from republicanism, if they waste their efforts on reforms, may, the British Labor Party was soundly thrashed.
the suffering of the battlefied is worth nothing more if they pander to the property owners, the industrial Lloyd George supported by a tremendous tory mathan a life of eight hours daily toil in the mine, fac masters, the slum landlords, the small landowners then jority has swept the country and the landed gentry tory and the field for the benefit of the few who own they will fail and the struggle will continue until and the industrial barons are in the saddle as a result industry, that his child shall be entitled to go to school such time as either the Irish or British workers awake of the recent victory for democracy. All the so called until the age of fourteen and that it shall go to the to the real ties of the situation and, freeing them leaders of the British working class went down to igfactory when its brain is just reaching the best stage selves, help free the world.
nominious defeat. Arthur Henderson, the idol of the of development, that his womenkind shall work in liberal bourgeoisie of the Allied countries, was beaten the factory by day, but, in deference to his having won They Are Still There!
and the British Labor Party is left leaderless. Asdemocracy, they will be prohibited from swelling the AFTER the announcement, more or less unofficial, quith, who declared war, also met defeat, and the ofprofits o the capitalists at night also. that the Allies would not send any more troops ficial Liberal Party, that raised Lloyd George to promiThe high cost of living shall be reduced, so that the to Russia, the moventent of French troops was re nence, is leaderless. Even the coalition Liberals will French workers may not starve to death, sick benefits ported near Odessa, and the British fleet. after bomb have to eat humble pie. only the tories, the aristocrats must be paid him when he falls a victim to some hor arding the coast of the Baltic Provinces. landed of the aristocrats, have gained a victory and Lloydrible disease contracted that his masters may live in troops in Riga.
George must henceforth toe the mark, even in utterluxury, old age pensions shall be dangled before his Immediately upon the result of the British elections ance, as he has so long toed it in action.
eyes, though he will never suffer long enough to re becoming known France announces her intentions of The result is a clear mandate for the crushing of ceive them, and if through the graciousness of French continuing the offensive against Russia. None of the Germany, the invasion of Russia and the stifling of imperialism a brother worker from another country allied countries have declared war on Russia, yet from Ireland. The Khaki election of the Boer war days shall be permitted to increase the wealth of the French all sides the troops of the Great Powers war on the was a liberal victory in comparison with the recent capitalists, why that fortunate member of the human people of Russia. From all sides they advance on the halloting. But the result is not so discouraging as race will also work eight hours a day, get enough to Soviet Republic of the workers and the people of the would appear at first sight. The election of a literal live on, and be allowed to long for an old age pension! allied countries know nothing of their movements ex. rarliament, with a strong Labor minority would have It is an admirable program for the capitalists and cept from vague reports in the newspapers. heen a safety valve for the unrest that will develop in they are indeed foolish and lacking in foresight if Are these people who fought to make the world England as unemployment increases, wages drop and they do not immediately institute it all over the world. safe for democracy not to have any voice in what their hours lengthen. Reaction is the scion of victory, but The French syndicalists are indeed the friends of their governments are doing in Russia? The common peo revolution is the daughter of defeat. And the defeat masters and they use their knowledge of the workers ple of the world have no cause to fight with Russia. of the British workers is not yet apparent, but it will to the best interests of those masters. We wait with she is not menacing any country; she desires to send develop much more clearly under the present condiinterest that day when they will be rewarded for their no armies into foreign territory to bring destitution in tions than if the liberals had succeeded. The issue good offices.
their wake. She is not looking for a place in the sun. will become sharper as a result of the election. LloydThe Situation in Ireland she merely wishes to conduct her own affairs after George and the tories have been swept into power on a the manner of the wishes of the majority of her false conception of the situation, and when the illuWHATEVER else may be left in doubt by the re people.
sions of victory have passed the reaction will swing sult of the recent elections in Ireland, one thing There can be no question that the Russian people, farther to the left as a result of the tory ascendency.
stands out clearly: the Irish people by an overwhelqı as a whole, are overwhelmingly behind the Soviets. There is, however, another aspect of the question.
ing majority have declared for independence. The The Bolsheviki have remained in power over a year in the fact that none of the liberal labor leaders of the election was fought primarily on the issue of self the face of tremendous opposition, both from within Henderson type were successful merely shows that determination, the Irish Labor Party withdrawing and without. Counter revolution has employed every the attempt to hold the middle of the road is futile.
their candidates at the eleventh hour in order to let weapon it is capable of using against the government None of the so called strong men of Britain adopted the people declare themselves squarely on the ques of the workers, foreign troops have supported Czar a fearless policy. They were continually compromis.
titon. Irish Labor stands for a republic, not merely istic and reactionary dictators, but still the Russian ing with both sides. Declaring for labor and acquiescfor political independence, but for a Workers Repub workers support the Soviets, support them with their ing with the government that was jailing the fearlic, and as in Ireland, as is unfortunately the case at lives. It is absurd to suppose that the presence of the less advocates of labor cause, declaring for the Inthe present moment in the majority of the nations of Allies in Russia is for the benefit of Russia. There ternational and at the same time refusing to accept