AnarchismBolshevismCommunismFranceGermanyImperialismRussian RevolutionSocialismSovietViolenceWorking Class

aber 28, 1918 KEVOLUTION. Concerning the Russian Revolution DO NOT think it necessary for me to explain again By Romain Rolland Mr. Eugene Pictet, referring to Bolshevism, speaks my ethical position in time of war. It is neither of the bloody governmental anarchy. How, then, political nor social. It is human. am absolutely op enemy of the Bolsheviki, the Menshevik leader, Lom will he qualify the social state which has led Europe, posed to violence, from whatever side it comes. More onosoff, head of the Russian mission to the United during four years, to twenty or thirty millions of over, have said and repeated twenty times that States, appointed by the Kerensky government. wounded, without counting the abyss of suffering anu belong to no party. One has no more right to connect understand the antipathy of the European bour demoralization over which the official press judiciousme with Bolshevism, as the newspaper La France geoisie to the Social revolution achieved in Russia, ly throws a veil? Bolshevism has not disorganized, Libre recently attempted to do, than with militarism. whose influence threatens to spread to the West. The it has tried in an unformed way to organize disorder; am not a Bolshevik, but can not tolerate lying revolution is disquieting to the big interests who feel in the midst of the spiritual and material ruin of or wilful error. Now have established beyond a themselves menaced, and at the same time, it exas Europe, it has endeavored to bring forward new doubt that the greater part of the news of the Russian perates the exalted ideology of the conservatives. But social forms. The value of the result we are not disrevolution is unblushingly false in almost the entire the opponents of the revolution are indeed blind if cussing here; but in order to have either sympathy or range of the leading papers (with the exception of they do not see that the social revolution is the daugh antipathy for this work, one is forced, if sincere, certain French and English papers who are trying to ter of war, and that in order to stop one, it is neces to recognize in it the spirit of the proconsuls of the find out the truth. Mearts of information are not sary to stop the other.
convention. And, indeed, it is to this lineage that the wanting. But it is only derived from sources hostile In my article To the Peoples Assassinated (No. leaders of Bolshevism are related; and they are the to the revolutionaries. have more than once pointed vember, 1916) said of the people of Europe sacri object of the same hatred and the same wrongs.
out the fact, with details, to some of the leading ficed by millions upon the field of battle: Swiss papers.
As for myself, do not take my stand with thein Have you at last reached the depth of the tragedy?
They did not deny it, but no change was made in any more than with the bloody heroes of the ConNo, see that in the future, after all this suffering, their behavior, and one never hears anything but the dread that fatal day when in the disillusionment of vention. am not on the side of violence whether of war or of revolution. But recognize energy and cry of one side. Audi alterem parteu. Inasmuch betrayed hopes, in the recognized futility of vain sacas the two sides will not be heard before the bar of crifices, the people worn out with misery shall blindly intelligence wherever find them. have not the the świss press, deny to the readers of that press Then they also will fall into injustice and will be deseek upon what and upon whom to avenge themselves. gift to see or not to see according as it pleases or displeases me. Free of every party and of all prejudice, the right to judge of the affairs in Russia. see what is before my eyes and say what see. deplore the attitude which the Allied governments spoiled by a riot of disaster just in the funeral glory have persistently maintained toward the Russian rev.
of their sacrifices. And from top to bottom of the The interview of Wissen and Leben, reproduced by Mr. Herman Fernan with perfect fidelity (although olution from its beginning. They have done every scale all will become equal participants in calamity at certain points insufficiently shaded) has on the last thing possible to add to its difficulties, to provoke yiand error.
These lines were written in November, 1916. Since page outlined what con olence on its part and in short to force it into the arms to be my intellectual duty: of Germany, their worst enemy. That is what Capthen the world has made long strides towards this tain Sadoul has said, it is what the French Socialist plunging of all sides alike in violence. To accuse the My position in this war is that of an observer who delegates said on their return from Russia. It is what revolutionary movement of this is as absurd as to forsees and who warns. Above all, am the servitor is said by the English and American correspondents blame the wall against which one throws a ball for of truth. My highest duty is to oppose hate, in the of the Manchester Guardian, and of the Independent sending it back again. The revolution exists as a name of liberty and humanity. For the future of huReview, The Liberator of New York. It was even product of war, and war as a product of the abomin man civilization rests only in mutual love and mutual publicly declared recently in New York by a political able social system of Europe.
Questions the Allies in case they clear from the troops the parts All comrade Socialists having to do with art and of Russian territory occupied by them.
with the education and instruction of children who Italike manalo tening the reciclare that the basis is generally known that President Wilson had Will the Allies take into consideration this state are willing to participate in the creation of a prolement? Doubtful. Indeed as they interpret, they do tarian culture are requested to address themselves to of the coming peace should be the principle of jus not wage war against Russia, and therefore, there can the Central Committee (Petrograda, Fontanka, Tchertice and an equal non partisan attitude towards all be no talk in this case about an armistice.
nysheff Square, House of the Commissariat of Pubpeoples big and small, strong and weak and he has But if the Allies do not wage war against Russia, lic Instruction) on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri.
found the most complete and bright expression in the then, what, are their troops doing there? Have they days, from to P. on Tuesdays and Thursfamous formula proclaimed by the Russian Revolu gone there for a jolly good time. And, furthermore, days from 30 to P.
tion: peace with no annexations or contributions what is the explanation of the fact that the Ameri Honorary Chairman of the Central Comunittee, and on the basis of self determination of peoples. can and Allied press print official reports regarding LUNACHARSKY.
We don know how President Wilson understands war operations on the Murman and Far East fronts. Chairman of the recutive Bureau, the principle of justice. But, there can be no doubt, And another question: What sort of an enemy is KALINN.
that the demand put forward by him to the Central spoken of right along in the official reports from the Powers regarding the evacuation by the latter of for above fronts Against whom are the French, British, To the American Workers eign lands seized by their troops, at least, technically Japanese, American, Italian, Serbian. Checho Slovaks (Continued from page speaking, is in accord with that part of the Russian and other Allied troops fighting? Not against ghosts, meet with a number of serious setbacks and overformula which speaks about peace without annexasurely.
tions. In connection with this a question arises: Does It means, then, that war is being waged, and a war, And yet we are certain that we are inivincible, for if this demand of evacuation apply also to Russian prov evidently of a regular character. Why can there be humanity will not emerge from this imperialistic masinces which are at the present moment in the hands no question in this case about an armistice. sacre broken in spirit, it will triumph. Ours was the of the Central Powers? And furthermore, another first country to break the chains of imperialistic warjuestion: Does not the principle of justice and equal Education in Russia fare. We broke them with the greatest sacrifice, but attitude towards all without exception nations, pro(Continued from page they are broken. We stand outside of imperialistic claired by President Wilson, dictate also the evacu Demonstrative Arts: 7, Musical Vocal: Artistic duties and considerations, we have raised the banner ition of the Russian provinces by the Allies? Ethnographical: Cinematographical.
of the fight for the complete overthrow of imperialism These questions are especially important because These sections are proceeding to create in Petro for the world.
We are in a beleaguered fortress, so long as 10 of the coming peace negotiations. They excite and grad: fill with alarm the heart of every citizen of the RusA central Socialist Theatre.
other initernational Socialist revolution comes to our sian Soviet Republic. And the Soviet Government is theatre of the Socialist youth.
assistance with its annies. But these armies exist, facing these questions, the government which, as the garden for the children and the youth of the they are stronger than ours, they grow, they strive. ewspapers report, only the other day sent a com proletariat with a permanent theatre. games and sci they become more invincible the longer imperialism nunication to President Wilson asking, in effect, when entific sportive occupations.
with its brutalities continues. Workingmen the e intends to withdraw his troops from the Murman central Socialist Club.
world over are breaking with their betrayers, with cgion. Archangel and Siberia. Socialist theatrical school with special their Gompers and their Sclieidemanns. Inevitably courses for actors of the revolutionary stage. labor is approaching communistic Bolshevist tactics, What can President Wilson answer to that? What bureau of lectures.
i: preparing for the proletarian revolution that alone can the Allies answer? bureau of proletarian stage performers. is capable of preserving culture and humanity from The Soviet Government, in its communication, bureau of theatre plays.
states that it accepts the Wilson condition regarding central literature store.
We are invincible, for invincible is the Proletarian evacuation and is ready to conclude an armistice with centralSocialist library.