BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismDemocracyGermanySocialismSocialist PartySovietWorkers MovementWorking Class

A AYOLUTIONARY AGE Sturday, December The Constituent Assembly The shop for o constituent Assembly has become WHE By Hourwich shameless behavior during the war at one time drew an incernational slogan of all those forces sorts of sentimental dreams about co operation be the masses away from them. But, being shrewd poliwho are united by a common hatred towards tween the classes.
ticians, they succeeded in the period immediately folthe proletarian revolutionary conquests, towards the Tlfe same struggle is developing before our eyes lowing the revolution; by a few adroit manoeuvres, to coming final victory of the working class, its final now in Germany: strengthen their position already shattered by the peoemancipation from the yoke of capitalism.
The German Junkers the yesterday spokesmen ple mistrust. Frightening the masses of the peoReactionaries and obscurants in all countries are and preachers of the divine right of kings absople by telling them that excessive revolutionism striving to cover up their counter revolutionary aims lutism; the German bourgeoisie only the other day, might result in Allied intervention and famine, they and innermost hopes with this so democratically.
reluctant to concede a trifle of their class privileges, managed to keep themselves in power and now at sounding slogan; the slogan of a Constituent Asand who furiously fought against equal franchise re the congress they have the majority on their side.
sembly has been advanced by international capiform, all of them, suddenly conceived a great faith But it is not difficult to foretell that this is merely talism protecting its rights and sanctities from proiin the people, demonstrating unusual sympathies a temporary victory, that the same causes which deetarian aggressions; under the cover of this slogan, for the Constituent Assembly! They, as was also the stroyed the illusions of the Russian workers and finally, have taken refuge all had beens from the case in Russia, have been joined, of course by the Kaiforced the latter finally to go over to the Bolsheviki camp of the social traitors and social patriots, who ser lackeys and bourgeois hirelings, social patriots, and to support them will play an analogous role in have gone over to serve capitalism.
Scheidemanns. In them, in those his majesty SoGermany, too. Already Germany has her own KorniThe slogan: Constituent Assembly has, indeed, cialists the German junkers and the bourgeoisie, who lovs, in the persons of Hindenburgs, Mackenses and become the battle cry of the aggressive international had finally and forever discredited themselves in the other generals, former associates of the Kaiser. Alcapitalism, of the world reaction.
eyes of the people masses, have found deserved ready the German bourgeoisie in their desire to crust And this is very signficant, since it symbolizes a and in honor faithful fighters for their ideals and the revolutionary hydra, calls for help her yester new epoch in world history which humanity en aspirations.
day foreign foe the Allied troops.
tered upon an era of proletarian self definition At the other side of the pole around the slogan of And the Allies, on their part, very hastily removed and era of Socialist revolution, or to be more cor all power to the Soviets have united the revolutiontheir democratic armot and spoke to the German rect, of one great world Socialist revolution, in conary Socialist elements of Germany, the Bolshevist peoplö in a language far from being democratic. Ali tradistinction to the bourgeois revolution of the past, group Spartacus, headed by Karl Liebknecht.
this cannot but influence the working masses in the whose chief task was the destruction of feudalism. Thus, as in Russia, this struggle between the bour sense of sobering them to a large extent.
as it vere, a paving the way for an urobstructed geoisie and proletariat has assumed in Germany the And the indications of such a change are already march of triumphant capitalism.
ustentations aspect of a struggle between two facon the surface.
This entering the new era of the revolutionary war tions of the Socialist Party between social patriots Rather significant is the report of the Berlin cor of the proletariat against the bourgeoisic is characand revolutionary Socialists (Bolsheviki. respondent of the Times, whose sympathies are, o terized first of all by a complete breaking away of the And, as in Russia, this struggle between two fac course, wholly on the side of Scheidemann, telling working class from bourgeois and their tions at first brings victory to the social patriots, about the success of the latter within the halls of the hirelings. The slogan of the past revolutions Conopportunist elements in the labor movement. Judging congress sessions. This correspondent adds melan stituent Assembly, which is intended to unite the from the newspaper reports, the predominant ma.
cholically: Liebknecht cominands the streets and ha: bourgeoisie and the working class, is set aga ast jority in the All German Congress of Soviets of his agents in the congress who may easily break another slogan dictatorship of the proletariat. all Workmen and Soldiers Deputies, having its sessions up.
And further: The minority Socialists have Rower to the Soviets of warkmen deputies a slogan in Berlin at present appeared to be on the side of the given fresh evidence that they are not as powerles which draws a sharp demarkation line between these Ebert Scheidemann party. Liebknecht has not sucas Vorwaerts would have us believe. However classes, in fact, creating between them an impassable ceeded in attending the congress. The congress reject even this organ of the majority begins to doubt th gulf.
ed a resolution recommending to bar the bourgeoisie success of elections to the National Assembly.
The struggle between these two slogans and the so from participation in the political life, e. plainly The same pessimistic tone can also be detected cial forces rallying around each of them, represented speaking, deprive the bourgeoiste of its political rights. the speech of one of the industrial kings of Ger in fact, the substance of all that colossal, in truth, his The preponderate majority has expressed itself for many, the head of the General Electric Companytorical, struggle which was going on in Russia during the calling of the Constituent Assembly.
a period of eight months, from the moment of the Socialist opportunists during decades, were in Ger All evidence goes to show that the victory of th March revolution up to the victorious proletarian rev many the official leaders of the labor movement, the social patriotic majority is not more than a Pyrr olution of November, 1917, which put an end to all intellectual masters of the proletarian masses. Their victory. The Blind Leading the Blind U leaders have failed us.
By Scott Nearing among battle hosts that had been preparing for mai The educated, trained, responsible men and tion and terror over the face of the earth, in order a century. The preparedness of Europe brought on. wome. whose duty it was to show the way to to pay a profit of six per cent or better on the invest war more fearful than any of which history bears their fellows; lost the way themselves. They were arents of our Nl gotten gains while we slapped Jus record.
blind guides. When the great test came they proved tice and Brotherhood in the face, they continually told Then the shepherds betrayed their flocks.
by their own actions that as shepherds of the flock us that God was on our side.
All through the years the bitter years of exploita they were unworthy of trust.
Can it be possible that they did not understand that tion and outrage they had preached brotherhood an Our leaders did not tell us the truth. Their mouths civilization is built upon the united action of men? Did talked democracy. God was the father of us ah ar were full of words and phrases, but the words and they deceive themselves so completely as to imagine we, as brethren, must dwell together in peace up phrases were lies.
that a system of society would last which shelters the the earth. They, told us to loye one another and They told us that we should let well enough alone. noble and crushes the poor. Could they not see the overcome evil with good. They commanded us to Things were not so bad. little patience and they whirlwind of human sighs and groans and the tor to others as we would have others do to us.
would improve and they were to do the improving rent of human tears that the ferocious system of ex The preachers, teachers, editors and lawyers by sharing profits, building shower baths in the base ploitation and cut throat living was gathering about not know about economic determinism. They did ment: regulating railroad rates, contributing to the them? No! Their education, their experience, their understand that when convictions are placed on o Children lid Society, and praying to God on Sun daily surroundings had blinded them to the realities side of the balance, and income, social position, a cay. We have things well in hand, they said. Foi of life. Living in a fool paradise of imaginary reputation for respectability are placed on the oth low tis. We know!
safety they twittered their song of contentment as the great majority of men and women will forg They toll us that the system of society under which ignorant as the blind earth worm of the coming storm. conviction and stick to income.
These many yes we live could eacure, with its monstrosities of poverty, They cven wc:t so far as to tell us that we could they had taken their living from the hands of prostitution, cl:ild labor, unemployment and monoton keep peace among the nations of the world by build plutocracy the wealth power of the United Stat cus, endless, grinding toil. It was possible, they said. ing battleships if we only built enough of them. When the great hour came, the plutocracy, gavet to continue a scheme that enabled the few who were Preparedness, said they, will prevent war. Ev well known call and they responded.
booted and spurred to ſide the many, who were sad. cry great nation of the West, acting upon this advice, They were blind these leaders of ours. They dled and bridled gcuging us for our coal and wheat; L! ed itself, year after year, of its hundreds of mil not understand life. They mixed up the true and 1obbing us for the rent and plundering us for the lions of dollars to squip an army and construct a false unable to tell them apart. They played dividends on watered stocks. Such a society, they ravy, to devise engines of death, and to mobilize its game for the plutocráts leading us to a precip ir sister, would hoid together even if the hand of resources for conflict. Europe was for forty years. and then standing aside to watch, with horror a every man was raised against his neighbor.
an armed camp, with the common people sweating anguish, while even their own children were ci While we plundered and enslaved the weaker peo Llood to pay the bills, and then then the storm broke. ried over the brink. We trusted them to lead ples. backward. races: while we raided those too This war was war. It was no child play, no flash They did not understand. They were blind, and weak to resist our assaults; while we spread desola in the pan; no game among amateurs but a struggle the blind lead the blind both shall fall into the ditet