JUNIONARY AGE Saturday, December 910 The Revolutionary Age large and growing section of the people of th volutionary judgment of the past in the nanie of the Allied countries are opposed to interference in Russia right future.
AC Jeronicle and Interpretation of Events in Europe, but intervention is a grim fact. The reported decision And this formidable and unshaken resolution of the against sending further troops is an indication that the peoples masses brings fear into the hearts of the exLOUIS FRAINA. Editor fecling of the people is having an effect, but the size EADMOŘN MACALPINE Associate Editor of the Allied forces operating in Russia is a detail and ploiters and oppressors not yet brought to accc int.
In desperation they try to stave off from themsel es Contributing Editors is lccided by circumstances. Intervention in Russia is the people wrath, to direct it into another channel.
Scorr NLARING LUDWIG LORE a fact. Vien troops are still at Archangel and VladiJOHN REED SEN KATAYAMA Vostok, and an alien flect is operating in the Baltic.
Into the stormy waters of the people wrath they throw down Wilhelm in an attempt to appease, with HOURWICH WEINSTEIN this offeirng, the god of the revolution and to save ISSUED EVERY SATURDAY And Who are the Judges? their sinking capitalist ship.
By Local Boston, Socialist Party AT tive present time the newspapers are devoting With the cunning of a petty thief who is being Steiner, Business Manager much sicer to the question of fixing responsi overtaken by his pursucrs they cry out, louder than 885 Washington St. Boston, Mass.
bility ra the ex Kaiser, the forner German Crown everybody else: Stop thief! pointing with trembling Saturday, December 28, 1918 rines and the entire German court for the war just fingers in the direction of Wilhelm.
ended. And the states:non are keeping in step with Thiey are atteinpting to turn the great Socialist revthe newspapers olution into the proper channels and cramp it intu They Are Still There. the procrustean bed of bourgeois capitalist revoluNewspaper columns and political speeches are out 1:011 of the succeping away the remnants of feuRE DEPORTS from Paris state that the Allies have de deing each other ia laziag out the question of an in dalism, to introduce enlightened capitalism in place cided against sending a large force to Russia but ternational tribunal to try the guilty of this war of feudal monarchy.
these accounts of the reported future policy of the with all its sufferings and violence. And of course Dut they shall not succeed in that! The revolutionAssociated Powers with regard to Russia are so vague it goes without saying that in all these discussions the and contradictory that little confidence can be placed only ones who are invariably found guilty for the war bloody Wilhelm, as it has already struck bloody ary proletariat will strike a well deserved blow at in them. The same papers that carry the reported are Willelm and his hirelings.
Nicholas. And to the oracles of capitalist society who decision of the Allies also carry the story that General Skoropadski, the deposed pro German hetman of esides the general aspect of the questions the are trying to put on themselves the judicial robes, the the Ukraine, is advancing from Odessa re enforced by details are not lacking. The degree of guilt fastened proletariat will contemptuously cry out: We are the French troops while the French foreign minister is upon cach of the responsible persons is being carejudges!
And tearing from them the judicial robes will put quoted as urging that support be given to the gov fully weighed and discussed: a great deal of atten.
ernments which have sprung up at various noints on tion is being devoted to the discussion of the questh:se self appointed judges in the prisoner dock.
Russian and Siberian territory.
tion of whether the Allics can, in the light of preceBolshevikjabs dants. and tracts of international law demand WilLengthy interviews are daily given prominence in the American press with such notables as Prince Lvoff helm surrender: not forgotten either is the question THE New York World says: Russia does not need to send out instructors. She is herself an objectand Paul Milukoff. Both of these gentlemen sing hearing on the exemplary punishment which the the same song: the necessity of intervention against iormer Kaiser shoulr! be subjected to: some share lesson for the world. Wherein The World proves the Soviets, with an appropriate accompaniment about the view that lie as in the case of Sapoleon, should the truth of the old proverb that many a true word regeneration of Russia, restoration of order, and be sent 19 some lonely island (here follows a detaileci is spoken in jest. will of the Russian people. The latter of these comparative geographical analysis of all islands worthies has been expelled from France, so notorious suitable for this purpose. others insist on the necesThe appointment of a washerwoman as Minister of has been his dealings with the late German Imperial sity of imposing upon him a sentence of life impris. ducation in the former Duchy of Brunswick is being ism, and is reported as having gone to England. Still onment, while recentiy newspapers printed a retreated as quite a joke by the bourgeois press but one the fact that the French government has expelled him port to the effect that the British Minister of Am thing is certain she can make a worse job of it does not deter our own press from giving his views munition, Geddes, resolutely and unambigiously statthan have many of the old women who have funcon Russia great prominence, such great prominence eci that the only exemplary form of punishinent for tioned in this capacity in the governments of the world.
indeed that the reader is given the impression that the guilty monarch is a death sentence.
these papers are in complete accord with Mr. Milukoff. these high suudling discussions, all these decYoung 1919 is in for a tougher job than many people Meanwhile a new front has been opened up against lawatis from people whose hands are far from imaginc.
the Bolsheviki, British warships are reported as bomb being clean. all these recitations about the real crimiarding the Bolshevik positions in the Baltic and a nals of this war and about the necessity of an exfurther report adds that an American ship has been emplary punishment for then, are in theirselves very correct color for the year wear.
And his hardest job is going to be to choose the sent on the same mission. But none of the Allies have significant.
declared war on Russia although every newspaper We are passing throu a great epoch, a threatencarries accounts of severe fighting at widely scattered Spain wants Gibraltar. This is taking the Allied idea points in Russian territory. None of the Allied states ing of a eople juigm:nt on all thcir centuries lors of returning territory, previously annexed altogether men have made any statement regarding the policy be oppressors, on all guilty of causing the people mistoo seriously.
ing pursued in Russia. Although nominally we are cry. sutterings ani tears, over all those who had committed to open diplomacy, the peoples of the Allied plunged them into the present world war. Country We suppose that Spain after hearing so much about countries are completely in the dark as regards what after country, people after people, risc now, and de the war for no annexations thought that the only is happening in Russia. All attempts by responsible mand an account of the deeds of their former masters. way to get territory was to keep out of the war.
members of the various governments of the Allies to And the revolution which we are witnessing does obtain light on the situation have failed. Senator rot merely concern itself with crowned masters. No. Senate asks for copies of Creel Bureau matter, Johnson questions regarding the American policy re The rising proletarian masses introcluce szceping says a headline. If we were asked we would venture main unanswered and the American people are left to Ieasures, they attrapt to deal a blow at the very lieart the opinion that the Senate has quite enough misinirresponsible newspaper rumors for information as to of cery form of exploitation and czery form of op förmation already.
what is being done in Russia in their name.
pression. Getting rid of the crown heads they go The English people are also completely in the dark still farther: deposing the rulers blessed by divine When we watch the dawn of 1919 break we will not about what they are doing in Russia. It is generally power they reach out for the rulers of the Golden forget that sonie few thousand men and women can supposed that only a small force of foreign troops are Call (annointed by the Golden Calf) for capital only see it through bars.
in Russia but news is cropping out that would ists, manufacturers. merchants and estate owners.
strengthen the belief that troops are still being trans. They sage war against the entire capitalist syster. And we will then know that the speeches about the ported there. few days ago the news came li vain are the assurances and prayers of various dawn of freedom, which will inevitably be made, from Canada that a number of Canadian troops have charlatans of the Menstrevist science. magicians and will simply be so much cant.
refused to sail for Russia, and are being held on the jugglers who are capable of combining evey Czarisin charge of insubordination. The report goes on to state witl: fighting for deinocracy. in vain are their tearThe city council of Atlanta, Georgia has created a that they attended a meeting addressed by Haw ful zurances that such Carele:s lästiness of the thornthwaite, Labor Party member of the British working wasse: viclates all their calculations and ex municipal art commission. It will be interesting to know Columbia Legislature, and cheered expressions of pectations comingly devised in the silence of the what the commission will do with the remarkably fine sympathy with the Bolsheviki. If these troops had sterly rooms, expectations which prove with mathe collection of photographs of negro lynchings that have not taken action no one would have known that Cana matical certainty the prematuren:ss of the Socialist l:cen made possible through the activity of some of the dians were being sent to Russia and the feeling ex revolution at the present moment.
state pressed in the Dominion since the news has been made known points to the fact that the Canadian people do The proletaries masses contemptuously pass by all Xeutrals place in peace conference settled says a not want to intervene in Russia, but on the contrary this leisherist scudo scientific nonsense, continu headline and when we read down the column we find want the Russian people to decide their own affairs. ing ti peiorm their revolutionary task. their severe that it is outside.