German RevolutionGermanyInvasionSocialism

The Revolutionary Age Chronicle and Interpretation of Events in Europe Vol. I, No. 11 Saturday, December 28, 1918 Price, Cents The Story of the First Days of the German Revolution Told in Proclamations In its issue of November 5, four days before the Freedom of the press and the right of assemblage Our troops who for weeks have been in hard fightPevolution. The Vorwaerts, the official organ of the have been guaranteed.
ing must be relieved and given rest. Only to this end majority Socialists, printed the following proclamation Yet much remains to be done. The conversion of and for no other reason has the recent requisitioning of rom the government which was then made up of Germany into a People State, which in political free fresh troops taken place.
ince Max von Baden, Von Payer, Dr. Solf, Philip dom and social care shall be inferior to no state in the To the troops of the land army and the fleet and eidemann, etc. world, will be determinedly carried out.
also to their leaders are our especial thanks due.
To the German People!
The new administration can exercise its freeing and Through their death defying courage and their disThe trouble of the times lies heavy on the world healing effect, when it finds in the civil and military cipline have they saved the Fatherland.
and on the German people. We must overcome these authorities a spirit which recognizes and helps its The more important and immediate tasks are: hard days and their consequences. Already we must purposes. We expect from our comrades, who in The building up again of our agriculture in order begin to work for happier times. The new govern official positions are called to serve the commonwealth, that the returning soldiers and sailors now at the front. nent has undertaken steps to bring about this resuk.
that they will be willing co workers.
may find in regulated conditions the assurance of a Important things have been accomplished.
safe existence for themselves and their families. All We need in all portions of the state and kingdom Equal franchise in Prussia is established.
large associations have declared their readiness to rethe maintenance of public safety by the people themA new government has been formed from the selves. We have confidence in the German people.
engage their former workers.
najority parties in parliament.
The assistance of those out of work, care for housThey have through fearful years of war brilliantly The Chancellor and his co workers in order to made good, and they will not allow themselves through ing conditions and other measures in this direction are insure the success of their work need the confidence of senseless and useless fantasies to be driven into new partly in preparation, partly already carried out.
carliament and of the people.
With the conclusion of peace, a betterment together Fundamental rights have been taken over from misery and ruin.
with all around improvement of living conditions che person of the Emperor and placed in the hands of There is great need of discipline and order. Every will soon take place.
the people representatives.
act of license will endanger most surely the conGerman Men and Women! The declaration of war and the concluding of cluding of peace.
Combat and peace are our common task.
peace are at the disposition of parliament (the ReichsThe government and with it the administration of State and kingdom are our common future.
tag. the army and the fleet want peace. We want it honest Your confidence which is indispensible in the hour The subordination of the Military Act minis ly and we want it soon.
of danger is in truth nothing more than the confidence tration to the responsible Chancellor has been effected. Until then we must protect our boundaries from of the German people in themselves and their future. far reaching amnesty has been issued.
invasion by the enemy.
The assured future of Germany is our guiding star.
The Volkstimme (The People Voice) Chemnits, reached their 18th year or have army service, are en Die Internationale, formerly Die Norddeutsche Sarony, November 9, carries the following manifesto titled to vote.
The aim of the Workers and Soldiers Councils of the followering proclamation: Allgemcine Zeitung, Sunday, November 10, prints in a special edition issued at 1.
Germany is thic erection of a Gerus. On with the struggle for Freedom, Bread and public.
Workers! Soldiers! Comrades! Brothers!
Long live the Brotherly Commonwealth of Soldiers and Workers. The great, long expected day has appeared. Since Workers and Soldiers in the industrial district of Chemnitz!
Long live the Revolutionary Discipline!
Novenber the German people have the power in Long live the World Revolution. their hands.
The undersigned Council of the Workers and Sol Long live the people freeing Socialism!
Since November 9, Germany is a Republic: a Socialdiers of Chemnitz has this night taken in its hands the Long live Peace!
military and political power in the same manner as ist Republic of the Workers and Soldiers.
The Council of Workers and Soldiers in the inthis has already been done in the important strategic dustrial district of Chemnits.
Our hearts are full of pride.
districts of Germany.
Frits Heckert, But we have no time to give way to our joy. Now The Council of Workers and Soldiers guarantees Mar Mueller, it is necessary to erect the organized foundation for the the upholding of order and public safety.
Corporal Mar Stein new Conimonwealth. Enormous tasks lie ahead of The stopping of work may only take place at the Executive Council in Power.
us. Before all we must form a new government which command of the Workers and Soldiers Council.
Therefore each one must go to his place of work will express our ideals and which will be equal to the until he receives further directions. The means of days before the National Congress of Workers and Proclamation of the Spartacus Group issued a few vital problenis before us.
communication and all official business must be con Soldiers Councils made the following demands: The foundation upon which the new government tinued until orders to the contrary are received from the Workers and Soldiers Councils.
Disarmament of all police officers, non proletarian and judicial power lies entirely in the hands of the rests is that the entire lawgiving, directing, managing He who leaves his post without permission will imsoldiers and all members of the ruling class.
mediately be called to account, as will each official who Confiscation by the Soldiers and Workmen Coun representatives of the workers and soldiers.
attempts sabotage or who, through carlessness in serv.
To elect these representatives is your first practical cils of arms, munitions and armament works.
ice, harms the public wefare.
Arming of all adult male proletarians and the formThe military commanding power lies in the hands ation of a Workers Militia.
Therefore, Soldiers. Brothers. meet together today of the Council of Workers and Soldiers. All commands The formation of a proletarian Red Guard, abolition at 10 o clock in the barracks and hospitals and choose from other sources are to be ignored. For the nourishment of the people the Council will take the necessary of the ranks of officers and non commissioned officers, your representatives on the basis of one delegate to steps so that no stoppage in the distribution of food removal of all military officers from the Soldiers and cach battalion, one to each smaller independent formshall occur. Therefore each one be unafraid.
W::en Councils.
ation and one to each hospital.
Today at 12, noon, in the Zentral Theater in the Abolition of all parliaments, and municipal and Workmen! Working women! Brothers! Sisters!
meet together today at 10 o clock in your workshops.
Kaufmannischen Vereinshaus and in the Neten other councils.
Stadt Theater assemblages of workers and soldiers The election of a General Council which will elect Each 1, 000 employed men or women will elect one will meet at which an account of the situation win and control the Executive Council of the Soldiers and delegate. Small trades are to join together and elect Workers.
on the same basis be given.
Repudiation of all state and other public debts, in Sunday at o clock the selected delegates will The Provisional Workers and Soldiers Council cluding war loans, down to a certain fixed limit of meet in the Zirkus Busch. one of the largest halls will be elected, and will be given the authority to direct all necessary action.
in Berlin.
The taking over of all business will follow through Exprüpriation of all landed estates, banks, coal Workers. Soldiers. care for the fulfillment of these a definite Workers Council after its election. This mines and large industrial works.
orders. Keep order and quiet.
election will take place in the course of the next week.
Confiscation of all fortunes above a certain amount. The Provisional Council of Workers and Soldiers All citizens of Chemnitz of both sexes who have of Rerlin.