BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismFranceGerman RevolutionGermanyItalyRosa LuxemburgRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartySovietSyndicalismWorkers MovementWorking Class

THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE Saturday, December The International Movement THE Pro justice.
Russia Greets the German Activities in France This memoarndum, it continues, speuna in to Proletariat In its issue of October 15, Populaire, the organ of name of the Socialists who have accepted the Unio THE last Soviet Congress, after reviewing the the Centre Socialists, now the French majority party, Sacre, who stand behind their governments, and 19 of the different forces sent the following resolu Longuet, leader of the Centerists, Finished his een spective bourgeoise. It is the sidney Webbe spent tion by wireless to the Council of Workers, Soldiers dress by sending the salutations of French Socialism ing to the Scheidemanns. Such Socialists natural and Sailors: to all those who are suffering in the cause of interturn to the Socialists in the enemy camp who hav national Socialism. Each of the names he mentionel taken a similar stand, and deal Soldiers, Sailors and Workers: Do not drop the mies, only a little more graciously than rulers an weapons from your hands. The safety of the revolu with greeted with tremendous applause. Lazzari and generals. But obviously this is not our positiin. tion demands that weapons in hand you take over have never wished anything.
in common with th ors povernment under the leadership of Liebknecht. ing, in Germany, and Friedrich Adler, in Austria. To this glorious list, said Longuet, for their must add the policies. We consider Karl Liebknecht Don be betrayed by promises of a Constitutional AsFritz Adler our comrades, who think and feel as oui an heroic combatants of the Russian Revolution.
selves, and we have, therefore, no need to present thay longed acclamation, mingled with cries of Long live with memoranda of war aims, and ask them, lik Rosa Luxemburg Program the Soviet Republic, greeted the mention of Russia.
merchants at a fair, for theirs in exchange.
Rosa Luxemburg, in an article published in Die Morgari, the Italian Socialist Deputy, speaking at Rote Fane, the organ of the Spartacus Group, advo the same meeting on the question of Alsace Lorraine, Industrial Unionism in Australia cated the following program: said: Bismarck took it away from you, having The re building and re election of the local Work stabbed you with the murderer knife. Do not imi At the congress of Victorian unions held to discus tate him, but settle the question by an appeal to the formation of One Bie Union, the proposal to a ers and Soldiers Councils.
firm the necessity of one big union for the whole cour The constant session of these representatives of the In the same issue of Populaire we find the folity, was overwhelmingly carried by a vote of ove masses and the transmission of the real political powthrée to one. The older craft unions, many of whic er from the small committee of the Executive Coun lowing editorial comment on the situation as it was then: are controlled by Great Britain, were opposed to th cil to the broader base of the Workers and Soldiers new idea, but they were completely swept aside by th Councils. The fall of the Hohenzollern and Hapsburg dynas big Australian unions, such as the Railway Worker The immediate ce vocation of a state parliament ties is now predicted, but if so, the Republics that will Building Trades and the Australian Workers Union of workers and soldiers for the purpose of organiz rise at Berlin and Vienna will surely deserve the epiing the proletariat of all Germany as a class; in this thet Socialist, for it is the Socialists who will found The vote on the question took place amid scene class the rural proletariat must be immediately or them. Those men are wrong, who still believe that of tremendous enthusiasm. When it was found the the newer unionism had scored its initial victory, tt ganized, not as peasants, who as a group have so far ouf being accange can take place in the world with stood aloof from the revolution, but as the rural secdelegates rose cheering and singing song by a social upheaval. Hencetion of the The galleries were packed with members of the proletariat.
forth, kings and emperors will not fall without the The formation of a Red Guard of the proletariat propertied classes being involved in their collapse, cialist Party, who joined in the jubiliating.
and this is a conclusion of which certain people do for the protection of the revolution and also the cre.
It was announced by the advocates of the newe ation of a Workers militia, in order to prevent the not seize the finer points.
unionism that their purpose will be to abolish the af absolutist and militarist organ of the police state from italist system and establish the Co operative Commor The Trend in Italy wealth.
administering the affairs of the courts and the army.
This obiect, they maintain, will be achieve by repeated assaults on the citadels of Capitalism.
Direct confiscation of land, especially the great In its issue of September 28, Avanti, the or landed estates, as a provisional first step in securing gan of the Italian Socialist Party, comments on the and maintaining the food supply of the people.
One Aspect of American Labor Longuet resolution, which comes out Unfavorably To immediately summon a Workers World Con towards Allied intervention in Russia, The following resolution was passed by the Cor gress in Germany for the purpose of letting the So the uselessness of such a resolution pointing out militar nolly Club of New York:cialist and International character of the revolution ists will trouble themselves mightily about one disbe revealed in a clear light, because only in the In approval more or less! They have their press, Whereas on Nov. 15, 1918, at the Pan Americ ternational, in the world revolution of the proletariat, real weapon with which to crush any liberal ideas, and Labor Conference held at Laredo, Texas, a resoluti can quickly neutralize our disapproval. What, after was submitted by the Mexican Delegates which pr.
vided for the reaching of: Belgian View of the International declaration. As regards action, nothing less than An agreement as to the best way for finding hor An article in the Socialiste Belge, entitled The nothing. manoeuvre to gain time, or, if you like, a orable means to exert influence so that justice and pre narcotic program.
International Is Dead Long Live the International.
tection will be imparted to those workingmen wh comments on the attempts of the bourgeois press of In its issue of September 25, the same paper critifor various reasons are deprived of their liberty all countries to deceive the workers into the belief that the international solidarity of the thinking prole ference and calls it essentially callaborationist, puresizes the memorandum of the Inter Allied Labor Con the jails of the United States.
tariat is a myth, as follows: Whereas, according to the New York Times re ly Jingoistic and an absolute negation of Socialism. port of th: proceedings which appeared on page CO It is amusing to see how the Chauvinist press, both 2, of te Nov. 16th issue of above newspaper. Cha of the neutral and the belligerent countries continues Moyer, President of the Mine, Mill and Smelte to larp on its favorite them. The International is Workers, took the floor and bitterly denounced War dead! If this press is to be believed, it died in August, 1914: and yet this same press is continually beD. Haywood, as a disorganizing, disloyal, unerate rating the corpse. Strange! Generally one leaves a ful force in the labor movement and warned Mexi corpse in peace.
Daniel Tohin the Radical. Treasurer o can workers, especially miners against him. Als The International is immortal, since it personifies under the auspises of the the of and president of the Teamsters Ir the Socialist ideal. Its vital, ving force grows day ternational Union took the opportunity to denoun by day, so that is stronger than ever. The governRussian Workers Council the as a force disruptive of the Labor Mon ment of the belligerent nations, such as, for example, ment. disinval to the Nation in its time of crisis, dis the English. use the shabbiest means to prevent the OF BOSTON ruptive of progress and a menace to industry.
Red International from carrying through its historic mission. Troelstra is refused a passport on the preWhereas at this same Conférence, Samuel Gompers text that he is pro German.
Pesident of the American Federation of Labor in. Is it this one acts towards the dead? What an speech made clear the unalterable opposition of th awakening it will be when the International throws all at P. of to Bolshevism. ism and all tr its weight and power into the balance to realize the forces of dissolution and discontent.
program. the aspirations, the ideals of the international brotherhood of Therefor be it resolved by the Connolly Club o the workers the world.
of Liberty Hall New York, that the attack upon the an And this from a Belgian newspaper, printed in Belgium, read by the workers of Belgium. Not a 2181 WASHINGTON STREET Bolshevism by these Labor Leaders is a confessior yelp for blood! Truly the International is immortal.
Near Dudley Street Station on their part that they are not in touch with the spiri when it can stand against the bloody holocaust that dominating the workers in these organizations, be: for four years has deluged the world in blood, when Speakers: further resolved that this club looks with horror upo from the little nation that suffered most a voice cries an condemns in unmeasured terms, the action of the its immortality to the world, and protests against Nicholas Hourwich spokesmen for labor in condemning men who are ser the machinations of the English bourgeoisic the selfstyled defenders of Belgium Associate Editor of Novy Minh ing long sentences in Leavenworth and other pris The First International vanished. An inglorious no other reasons than loyalty to their class.
death met the second International. But the InterLouis Fraina Be it further resolved that copies of this resolut national still lives, still is the personification of the great watchword: Workers of all countries, unite. be sent to Wm. Haywood and other impriso The first and second Internationals have gone, but workers connected with the and that now comes the third to once more sound the clarion ADMISSION FREE resolution be placed upon the minutes of the Cont call, the revolutionary red Third International!
Mass Meeting Sunday, December 22 in