THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE Saturday, December avad Capitalistically Undeveloped Countries and Socialism remove By Altschuler OME of the so called Marxists are fond of laborground, in cellars, in basements, in stables, the worl ing under the delusion that Socialism is not pos the general process of human progress; it simply ers of Russia assembled and were instructed in th sible in any country which has not undergone a points out how far humanity has evoluted.
highest social sciences and imbued with intellectu: thorough process of capitalist development. They Feudalisin was an inevitable state in the history of vision and ideals by the returned European exile are also on the alert to quote disconnected phrases the human race, Capitalism was an unavoidable link The intelligenzia of Russia have been systematical from Marx and Engels tending to prove the substantiality of their thesis. But upon careful examination in the chain of human progression, but neither of organizing campaigns of education, despite all o these stages are essential to the perpetuation of every pression and suppression and this remarkable ou of their arguments we are bound to to the conburst on the part of the proletariat is a logical sequeno clusion that both their arguments and the quotations istic or capitalistic eras. Feudalism is merely a symnation forming a component member of the feudalof the underground propaganda and agitation carrit torn from the original context are deceptive.
bol of a particular era, likewise, Capitalism is a symon unceasingly by the cultured idealists for the la Marx and Engels have never, either in verbal or bol of another historical era, but an era may be capi40 or 50 years.
written form, committeil themselves to the idea that talist historically and yet the era as an entity may not Xo other workers of Europe, with the exception Socialism is not possible in a capitalistically unde be entirely capitalistic.
ihe German, have been trained in the fundament veloped country. What Marx and Engles insisted tenets of Socialism and other kindred sciences as h: In other words, although the capitalistic mode of upon is that society is undergoing a gradual evoluthe Russian moujik, the despicable character in th tionary process, that society is bound to pass through production and distribution may characterize the gen eyes of the superior European.
certain incomplete economic epochs in order to attain eral nature of the present epoch, yet it does not preclude the existence of states in the same era which, in The Russian Revolution is a complete success, th a socialized, co operative form of economy. And by society Marx and Engels did not mean a particular their nature, are either characteristic of antiquarian initial Socialist Republic is a positive triumph, bo from an economic and a moral standpoint provide sountry, but the entire human race; the uncivilized times or of a system of society distinguished by its adthe Russians are left alone to mold their own destir as well as the civilized regions of the globe, which vanded co operation and economic harmony.
and the advanced proletariat of the developed cap are directly or indirectly involved in the process of And this is precisely the quintessence of Marxism talis: countries will assist the Russians by supplyir capitalist development.
and of the Marxian Historical Conception of Histhem with material means and food.
Of course, backward savage tribes like the Hot tory. What Marx attempted to prove is that the tentots or Bushmen are not suitable material for a human race, and not a specific nation, is bound in The Russian Revolution, if it fails though no pass, in its onward and forward procession, certain when the German Revolution seems to have becon co operative form of government (although good enough for capitalistic exploitation. as first, the con historic epochs each of which is distinguished by its an accomplished fact it is hardly possible that it wi situation of their brains has not reached the level of peculiar modes of production and distribution of the fail will fail either because of foreign interventi or the denial of economic help on the part of means of livelihood.
thinking rationally, and universally, prerequisite menneighbors.
tal conditions for a complex form of government, and Having this historical outlook, we are able to unsecond, being situated in such regions as derstand the so called mysteries, the anomalies of There is a bright star on the hitherto cloud them from civilizing influences and traditions. But a history which so much perturb and stupefy many a rizon: the workers of Europe are rising; one ca country which is situated on the very edge of Civiliz thinker and so called Marxist.
already the onward tread of the awakened gian, u ation possesses in its organism the potentiality of proletariat of Europe. Stirred by the clarion call of th being developed and transformed into a form of gove Utilizing this historical compass in our valuation magnificent Russian Socialist Republic, the worke: ernment that is widely prevalent in the adjacent of history, we are enabled to see the causes that of Europe are taking possession of the economic fun make possible the occurrence of the phenomenal Rus tions of their countries thus ascertaining their ow countries.
sian Revolution which in its later phase has assumed rights and assuring the successes of the Russian ar Karl Marx has established a fundamental truth, the nature of Social Revolution.
German Republics.
equal in its importance to the doctrine of the origin How is it possible for a feudal, semi civilized coun Socialism is the symbol of the future, and th: of species as formulated by Darwin; that society is going through a process of historical stages, try like Russia to leap over Capitalism and establish country which is most susceptible by its peculiar el Socialism? How is it feasible for an illiterate, semi vironment to receive revolutionary principles an Savagery, Barbarism, Medievalism, Feudalism, Capitalism, and that the latest will be Socialism. Upon barbaric moujik to rise to such a height of mental and ideals, is ripe for the epoch making task of establist inoral development, essential to the process of revoing the initial Co operative Commonwealth.
analyzing the history of the human race we are bound to realize the validity of this almost axiomatic truth, lutionary, epoch making changes? How is it conceivThe German working class was long ready for th able for the Russian nation to manage a Socialist as we find that almost every great modern nation has Social Revolution, but owing to the insurmountab undergone this process of development or is in a regime, a regime which presupposes the complex de odds it had to contend with, on the one hand, with state of such development. However, this process velopment of a capitalist state, cry the pseudo powerful bureaucratic, militaristic regime, on the othe is to be understood as a general, and not as a partic: Marxists? And they eagerly prophesy that the initial hand, with the traitorous, discordant tendencies in it ular or individual, one affecting every country under Socialist Republic is bound to fail, offering the Paris own ranks, the advent of the Social Revolutio Commune as their favorable illustration. Poor, sothe sun. This process is strikingly noticeable in the was greatly prolonged. In Russia the majority of th primordial, primitive societies which, owing to pe phisticated Marxists!
people were equally ready for the Social Revolutio culiar geographic and climatic forces, were driven to True, Russia has been governed by a feudal, mili the main obstacle in the way being the colossal, ir abandon the rude, rustic notions, ideas and imple taristic regime, so reactionary in its nature that it competent hierarchy of Czarism, and once that bu ments and seek better, more cultivated means of pro even impeded the normal growth of capitalist induswark of reaction was crushed the road lei duction. Likewise, in the modern era, it is these trics. The Capitalists, or the Bourgeoisie, of Russia clear for the masses.
countries that are at first overwhelmed with a spirit were revolting against the damnable, reactionary pol The elements of opposition in Russia are very it of restlessness and activity, imbued with the desire to icies of the Czar, just as the oppressed and the down significant in numbers, and even their combined force overthrow the antiquarian shackles of thinking and trodden peasants and workers did. And it is pre can be easily kept in check by the proletariat, whic yearn for a happier future, which are situated in most cisely because Capitalism was impeded in Russia, has the military power ander its command.
favorable climatic and geographic regions.
that the power of the capitalistic class was abortive, that the downfall of Czarism and the ultimate triumph in the process of human society, is not nece Capitalism, therefore, although an inevitable Having this view in mind we come to understand why the races which occupy the most distant of the oppressed was possible.
an cssential condition to every country for portions of the globe, are still living in a state of Russia may not be entirely ready for Socialism in component member of the Capitalist cra.
culure characteristic of the era of Barbarism, why the an economic sense, but she was certainly ready for it Spanish people are still lagging behind the normal morally and mentally even in the 19th century. Being subject to unifersal capitalist oppression, have ne The Russian proletariat and peasantry, althoug course of Civilization, why the Chinese are just mere on the very edge of European civilization, she has aily beginning to arise from the lethargy of helpless ways been the hive of European advanced thought by the experience at home and abroad, and by theless, learned the bitter lessons of Capitalism, ness which riveted them for centuries.
and ideals. The works of Marx, Engels, Liebknecht, lectual training. The lure of capitalist civiliza Kausky, Lassal, Bebel, and of other revolutionary Hence it is geographic, climatic, and like fundacannot bamboozle a people whose intellect and mental conditions which are instrumental in either luminaries have always found an enthusiastic response have seen a grander and more harmonious era.
on the part of the semi civilized Russians: in fact, accelerating or impeding progress.
revolutionary literature was more widely read in the Therefore, this historical process of evolution of land of the knout than in classical England, the which Marx and Engels are sponsors, is affecting land of the civilized, class conscious worker; and It would appear that the peace Conference is to those nations and countries which are most favorable the pinnacle of capitalist development.
a non essential industry. The New York Ti: to further progression. The era of Feudalism or The Russian worker and peasant, denied all pub tells us in a headline Roosevelt drafts League of Capitalism is merely a compass, a symbol indicating lic education, have been yearning for light; under tions, so we may consider the matter closed.