THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE Saturday, December 21, The Russian Soviet Republic Speaks to President Wilson and do they our country.
ranmassContinued from Page your brothers, thrown at each others throats by the the Government of the Czar the oppressor of American capital, which has not at all suffered from battlefields, and the capitalist leaders bourgeoisie of all countries, are still perishing on the sia and the enemy of his own people? And you, this war and has even made many millions in profit ing to come to an understanding for the purpose of that even if you and your Allies should succeed already try: President, as well as your French Allies, surely out of it, will do its part to help these peoples.
suppressing with united forces those that remain alive, slaving and covering with blood the whole terr Put the League of Nations should not only liquidate when they call to account the criminals who caused of Russia which will not be allowed by our the present war, but also make impossible any wars ir revolutionary Red Army that even in that case the future. You must be aware, Mr. President, that the However, Mr. President, since we do not at all de Russian people, worn out by the war and not ha capitalists of your country are planning to apply in the sire to wage war against the United States, even had sufficient time to take advantage of the ben future the same policies of encroachment and of super though your Government has not yet been replaced by of the Soviet rule to elevate their national como profits in China and Sibeira and that, fearing com a Council of People Commissaires and your post tribute for the billions that were used by the Gove petition from Japanese capitalists, they are preparing is not yet taken by Eugene Debs, whom you have ima military force to overcome the resistance which prisoned; since we do not at all desire to wage war ment of the Czar for purposes injurious to the peo they may meet from Japan. You are no doubt aware against England, even though the cabinet of Mr. Do your French Allies demand that a part of ti of similar plans of the capitalist ruling circles of other Lloyd George has not yet been replaced by a Countribute be paid in installments, and if so what pe countries with regard to other territories and other cil of People Commissaires with MacLean at its anticipate that their claims will result peoples. Knowing this, you will have to agree with head; since we have no desire to wage war against similar claims by other creditors of the infam us that the factories, mines and banks must not be left France, even though the capitalist Government of government of the Czar which has been overthro in the hands of private persons, who have always Clemenceau has not yet been replaced by a the Russian people? We can hardly think made use of the vast means of production created by Government of Merrheim, just as we have concluded your Government and your Allies are without a res peace with the imnerialistic government of Germany, answer, when your and their troops are trying to a ital to foreign countries in order to reap super profits with Emeperor William at its head, whom you, Mr.
return for the benefits forced on them, their strug President, hold in no greater esteem than we, the seizing and enslatory with the evident Object vance on our The Russian gle for spoils resulting in imperialistic wars. We pro Workmen and Peasants Revolutionary Govern ple through the People Red Army are guarding th of Nations be based on the expropriation of the capitalists dent, that you take up with your Allies the following your Government and the Government of the ot ment, hold you. we finally propose to you. Mr. Presi territory and are bravely fighting against your of all countries. In your country, Mr. President. the questions and give us precise and business like resmall group of capitalists that, as your personal friend, and and France intend to coase demanding the blood pared plans, for the sake of which you are shedd Colonel Robbins, assured us, the arrest of twenty of the Russian people and the lives of Russian citizens, the blood of your soldiers. We expect that you heads of ranitalistic cliques and the transfer of the if the Russian people will agree to pay them state your demands very clearly and definitely. Shmu control, which by characteristic capitalistic methods som, such as a man who has heen suddenly attacked we, however, be disappointed, should you fail to they have come to possess, into the hands of the pays to the one who attacked him? If so, just what ply to our quite, definite and precise questions, we es of the people is all that would be required to de tribute do the governments of the Unitedi Sates, Eng. draw the only possible conclusion that we are jus stroy the principal source of new, wars. If you land and France demand of the Russian peonle? Do fied in the assumption that your government and ture wars will thus be destroyed, then there can be gold deposits, etc. shall be handed over to them on no doubt that it would be easy to remove all economic certain condit Russian people a tribute both in money and in na or do they ral resources of Russia, and territorial concessions barriers and that all peoples, controlling their mans cessions, some part of Siberia or Caucasia, or per well. We will tell this to the Russian people as of production, will be vitally interested in exchanging haps the Murmansk coast We expect from you, as to the toiling masses of other countries, and the things they do not need for the things the need. Mr. President, that you will definitely state just what abence of a reply from you will serve for us a sile It will then be a question of an exchange of products you and your Allies demand, and also whether the reply. The Russian people will then understand th between nations, each of which produces what it can alliance hetween your povernment and the pouren the demand of your Government and of the Gover best prorlice, and the league of Nations will be a ments of the other Entente powers is in the nature of ments of your Allies are so severe and vast that yo les rue. of mutual aid of the toiling masses. It will a combination which could be compared with a cor do not even want to communicate them to the Russia then he easy to reduce the armed forces to the limit poration for drawing dividends from Russia. or dong Government.
necessary for the maintenance of internal safety.
vor government and the other governments of the We know very well that the selfish capitalist class Entonte powers have each separate and special dePeople Commissaire of Foreign Afairs, Tschitscherin.
will attempt to create this internal menace, just as the mands, and what are they? Particularly are we inRussian landlords and capitalists are now attempting terested to know the demands, and what are they?
with the aid of American, English and French armed articularly are we interested to know the demands report from Stockholm states that the Bolshevil forras to take the factories from the workers and the of your French Ally with regard to the three bil government is evacuating Petrograd and plans to take land from the neasants. But if the American work. lions of rubles which the Paris bankers loaned to refuge at Nijni Novgorod, which is six hundred miles ers, inspired by your idea of a League of Nations, will southeast of Petrograd.
tush the sistance of the American capitalists as we It not a bit of wonder that the great powers inter have crushed the resistance of the Russian canitalists.
vene in Russia when the government carries on then neither the German nor any other capitalists will ORDER BUNDLE!
this, evacuating Petrograd when everyone thot he a sorinis menare to the victorious working class, they were in Moscow. Lenin and Trotzky must and it will then suffice, if every member of the comwasting the money of the Russian people in a sha monwealth, working six hours in the factory, snerds The Revolutionary Age must reach the masses; ful manner running all round th country like a co two hours daily for several months in Inarning the use it is a vital and a necessary thing.
of tourists. The last report we had said that they of arms, so that the whole people will know how to Aleeing to the Finnish border from Moscow and overcome the internal menace.
Get subscribers; the subscription rate is 00 they are running south from Petrograd.
And so, Mr. President, though we have had experience with your promises, we nevertheless. accept as for three months (27 issues. Prepaid subscripOur old friend Superior Brains has cropped a hasis vour proposals about peace and about a League tion cards can be secured in quantity upon re again in the bourgeois press as follows: of Nations. We have tried to develop them in order Three hundred and fifty thousand workmen to avoid results which would contradict your promceipt of the price.
on strike in Berlin. And the Liebknecht platf ises, as was the case with your promise of assistance mapped out on Bolshevist lines, demands confiscs to Russia. We have tried to formulate with precision Particularly good work can be done by means of great fortunes.
VONS rosale on the League of Nations in order that the League of Nations should not turn out to be a of bundles. Get your local or your union to order You may confiscate the great fortunes; it has league of canitalists against the nations. Should you clone a thousand times. The great fortunes wi a bundle; crder a bundle yourself for sale or distnot agree with us, we have no objection to an onen piled up again. Superior intelligence does wh discussion of your peace terms, as your first point ribution among your fellow workers in the shops.
chonses with inferior intelligence.
Which we think of your near program demands. If vou will accept very nice Bundle orders are coming in splendidly, from our proposals as a basis, we will easily agree on the tion who is now using the superior into consir intelligence.
New York, Chicago, Cleveland and other cities.
Dr. Karl Liebknecht, we learn from the New But there is another possibility. We have had deal Everywhere the paper has reached enthusiasm Sun. is Self centered, self willed, blind to all ings with the president of the Archangel attack and the Sibarian invasion, and we have also had dealings and orders! We want to dispose of one hundred impervious to all reason, incapable of logical tho or sober judgement, he runs amok against civiliza with thie president of the cague of Nations Peace thousand copies an issue it can be done in the Program. Is not the first of these the real presiSuspicion, delusion of greatness, impossible proj dent, atually irretin the policies of the American next month!
and reckless methods class him like them in the capitalist Government? Is not the American Governmait rather a Government of the American corporaof mental pathology. He is not only the latest Prices in bundles of ten or more: 2c. a copy, tions of the Anerican indtistral, commercial and perhaps the greatest of his country misfortunes.
railroad trusts, of the American banks. in short, a all charges prepaid. Send that order now!
All of which proves that the Junkers weright in putting him in jail, though we have Government of th American capitalists? And is it thought that the Junkers were always in the nnt nossible that the proposals of this Government Address Well, one never knows.
about the creation of a League of Nations will result in new chains for the peoples, in the organization Manager Steinert of an intonational trust for the exploitation of the Mr. Walter Long, British Colonial Secre wa kers and the suonression of weak nations? In 885 Washington Street, Boston, Mass.
very much concerned about the welfare of the this latter case. Mr. President, you will not be in a poof West Africa and urges the abolition of ti sitios to reply to our questions, and we will say to traffic. Maybe Lipton has given him a cc the workers of all countries. Beware! Millions of on all sales of tea to the benighted heather