2 THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE Saturday, December. The Revolutionary Age the does known earth, by representatives of every race inhab. nor are these victims mercifully killed, the Kerensky stage of the German revolution Chronicle and Interpretation of Events in Europe. ideals of a strong minority has it ever been interfered tures, they die the victims of slow disease brc with by governments. So long as only a weak few by starvation diet and the foul stench of the di Louts FRAINA.
Editor felt the throb of the red blood of international bro corpses of the earlier martyrs.
EADMONN MACALPINE Associate Editor therhood in their veins, the Red Flag was left unContributing Editors disturbed. But now that the Red Flag floats over And not one word of protest is heard from the Sort NEARING LUDWIG LORE ernments of the world, tot a voice is lifted to the palaces of two mighty autocrats, now that the JOHN REED SEN KATAYANA fierce resurgent throb of the blood of the Internation this vicious slaughter that has no longore plea of the heat of civil war to excuse its exc. HOURWICH WEINSTEIN al is pulsing in the hearts of millions, the autocrats No wonder the Russian Soviet Republic replied to ISSUED EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY who still flourish take council together and banish By Local Boston, Socialist Party this symbol of the coming era.
hypocritical protest of the neutral powers against th so called Red Terror of the workers, with bitin Steiner, Business Manager After the fashion of the ostrich, who hides its head words scorn. If they so desired the powers in th 885 Washington St. Boston, Mass.
in the sand that it may not see what it knows exists, world, even the neutral powers alone, could end over Three months, 00; bundles, 26 a copy they bury their faces in musty statutes that they may night this debauch of slaughter by the Finnish bou Saturday, December 21, 1918 not look on the advancing army of the awakened geoisie. But no word will be spoken because no workers of the world.
tion has an interest in speaking. The slaughter They Are Still There. The symbol of the international solidarity of the being carried out against the workers, in the intere: proletariat is banished while the spirit of internation of the continuance of the present system of societ dispatch to the New York Times from Irkutskalism rises strong and triumphant out of the holo. and so the world holds its peace.
of December 9, refers to General Janin, head of caust of fratricial war. Our salvation will come. Reads one brave letres the French army in Siberia, as believing that the It lies in the lap of the world revolution. And fo Bolsheviki are the paid agents of Germany. Appar New Move by Labor that we live. Send our greeting to the proletariat ently the worthy general has not heard of the recent changes that have taken place in Berlin and is labor HE Boston Central Labor Union at its last meetthe world and convey to it that within us faith a ing voted to instruct its secretary to write to office fighting spirit are not dead. Long live the Zimm wald International. Alone, unfriended, these countries are still swallowing this old story. ers of the American Federation of Labor and of affiliated international unions, asking their support in an nish workers ever keep their faith firm in the men a It is very necessary that generals should be informed of just what is transpiring, and what story effort to induce the workers of the country to prepare women of their own class throughout the world. St.
the workers be false to this faith? The blood of th is being circulated for general consumption, as they for a one day general strike as a protest against the writing of a prohibition amendment into the Federal industry, the cries of their hungry children, dema forefathers, their present daily sweat in the agony are liable to let the cat out of the bag by just such slips as this one of General Janin Doubtless the Constitution. This is a step forward for labor, an that the workers of all lands stand by their Finn French government will correct this mistake and awakening to the consciousness of their power to brethern the next time we hear from the general he will have force the hand of the political government of the Speak, workers of the world, and demand that yo the correct reason for his presence in Russia such country, it is a step towards the creation of a workas preventing the slaughter of the bourgeoisie by the ers government. It would however be foolish to governments cry halt to the Calvary of Finland!
Bolsheviki or whatever is the current excuse.
suppose that any of those responsible for this action were conscious of its import. They would be the The Passing of Ebert Anyhow things are not going so well in Russia. It first to indignantly refute the suggestion that they would appear that the various governments are not were practising a form of Bolshevism, as a matter of ITH the fall of the Ebert Government bringing the satisfaction to the people, that was at fact it is evident that the suggestion came from the first reported. Even the Czecho Slovaks, in whose reactionary forces, probably from some under the passed. With the example and the advice interest the forces of democracy have invaded the influence of the brewers. If memory serves us rightly Revolutionary Russia to guide them the German wo: territory of a country with whom they are not at war, this very body voted against a one day general strike ers have accomplished in six weeks what took th have turned ingrates and refuse to support Admiral in the Mooney case. However reactionary these Russian brothers six months. The Congress of Wo Kolchak government, while at Vladivostok, the central labor unions may be, the fact that they have men and Soldier delegates, which was to save situation is becoming tense owing to the activities of awakened to the utility of direct action on the indust tottering conglomeration of moderate Socialists, Dou some of these generals who have sprang into such rial field as a means of influencng legislation, is a geoisie and a few aristocrats known as the Ebes prominence since the landing of the Allied troops. distinct step forward and it is certain that once the government, has vindicated its revolutionary integri What is the real object of the Allies in Russia? average unionist becomes accustomed to this method and that government is no more.
Whom do they wish to set up as the governors of of enforcing his desires he will not always confine his Russia in place of the Bolsheviki? If the Bolsheviki ettorts to the petty affairs of life.
It is significant that the fall of the right Sc cialists was brought about over the very means are not representatives of the people of Russia how It is a singular commentary on American Labor was providing for its own perpetuation the reten is it that the Allied troops, in conjunction with the that its first direct attempt to apply its economic tion of the army in its old form, more or less und majority of the Russian people, cannot overthrow might to problems hitherto commonly supposed to its old masters, and very much for its old purpo: these few ursupers, who, if we are to believe all. re be purely political, should spring from the desire of the suppression of the will of the workers. An ports, represent nobody?
the worker to protect his beer and we are forced to through the proclamations of the bourgeois Socialis Another dispatch chronicles the meeting of the admit that this action is typical of the narrow, selfish, government during the last six weeks ran the cover. four ambassadors of the revolutionary regime in petty ninded of delegate. When thousands threat of the use of the loyal troops to supp!
Russia at Paris for the purpose of having representof workers lie in jail all over the country, when re anarchy, and it was as a result of the charges pressive measures are being passed against the spokes. Georges Ledebour and Richard Barth, that the ation for Russia at the Peace Conference. Bak.
men the militant, clear visioned section the meteff, Maklakoff, Stakhovich, and Giers four amfusal of the government to demobilize the army working class, when the United States Supreme Court inspired by counter revolutionary desires, that bassadors of the counter revolution who dare not can nullify legislation restricting the employment of Congress bolted to the left. That the Ebert Ha: appear in Russia meet in Paris regarding the Peace child labor, this delegated body of organized labor Conference. But there is no peace in Russia, there can only think of its beer. Nevertheless this action length of time was a foregone conclusion, it plea: Scheidemann government could not last for is no peace for the workers and peasants who have places within reach of the progressive section of the neither the bourgeoisie nor the workers and remair thrown off their chains. Alien troops are still in of a weapon which may be used for very Archangel and Vladivostok.
different ends than those who fashion it ever dreamed opening, which naturally takes place during the per in power only due to the lull. the sparring for of, and in the not far distant future.
The Red Flag when the alignment of forces is still indistinct.
While Congress moves to bar the Red flag labor, fall subsequent to only a few verbal attacks unconscious though it may be of the significance of quarters that have not. as yet. proven to be defini ENATOR New has introduced a bill in the Senate to prevent the display of the Red Flag anyits action, threatens to move to bar Congress.
of the left wing, merely shows its inherent weak where in the United States and a simliar bill has The White Terror the absolute lack of confidence reposed in it by also been laid before the House of Representatives by the moderate section of the masses.
filling that a representative of the State which has Oinan inhandlas here, for an time the bourgeoisie its Ashes will be definitely Bolshevise it is hard at supirrely acquisced in, aye even welcomed, the athave succeeded in gaining the upper hand. Even in tempt to lynch Tom Mooney, should stand sponsor moment to say, but it is easy to see that the Bolsiu the most exaggerated stories of the Red Terror of the or Spartacus group, as they are known in Ger for such a bill, a bill at once the symbol of bourgeois French Revolution, Madam Guillotine never drank so must conquer power within the next few month tyranny and the expression of bourgeois fear.
deep nor so often of the blood of the aristocrats, as independent Socialsts are in the nature of. The Red Flag has waved, undisturbed by statutes do the insatiable bourgeoisie drink of the blood of the known quantity. Their actions, when they brok or acts of Congress, for many years in this country. working class. In one prison camp alone a letter tells from the majority Socialists early in 1916, wer It has been raised in every country on the face of the that the average daily toll is nearly seventy victims, of moderate Socialism as opposed to the