8 THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE Wednesday, December 18, 1918 Withdraw from Russia!
There is was initiated parallels, in a measure, the THE news coning out of Russia since amed interII them without even reading the text; they do not ma The Pretexis for Intervention ter: the German revolution will come and destroy news from Belgium during the early days of the imperialistic plans of Germany.
of Warsaw. inposed by nieans of crushing the revwar, when Germany invaded that nation, disavowing The Revolution did come; German Imperialism interference in the internal affairs of the Belgian peo be restored to the imperialistic bourgeoisie and the olutionary masscs with alien bayonets? Is Russia to dead. But alien troops are still in Archangel ar ple and imposing an alien dominion upon the people.
Vladivostok. Czarist bloc? Is Russia to be restored by crushing The invasion of a peaceful nation against the proSocialism. These are the inevitable consequences of Another argument made in favor of interventic test of its government, de jure or de facto, is a violasuccessful intervention: the revolutionary masses are was that the castern front should be restored. tion of the laws of nations, and of all the avowed pur. resisting intervention and invasion to the death.
September, Secretary of State Lansing announce poses of the Allies. It is an expression, fundamentalThe imperialistic press prints all sorts of lying that it was not America intention to restore the eas ly, of Imperialism and militarisin. It is the crime of stories about terrorism in Russia. But did this press crn front; but American troops stayed in Vladivosto imposing an alien will upon the peoples by means of Xow there is no necessity of restoring the caster cver propose intervention in Russia against the terthe hayonct. Is this what the Allies mean loy thic rorism of Czarism? This is a stupid pretext. Capifront; but alien troops are still in Archangel ar freedom of nations and the inviolability of internaVladivostok!
talism itself is terrorisni; a never ceasing terror. Captional law?
Let us consider this restoration of the caster italist industry is a terror. Capitalist government is a The immediate objective of intervention, that the Cecho Slovaks might act as the centre for the counterterrow. Capitalism is an organized terror against the front, that Russia should be dragged back into tt war. Let us dismiss the propriety, the decency an proletariat. It is because revolutionary Russia strugrevolutionary overthrow of the Sovict Government, or, in the words of Lloyd George, that intervention gles 10 end this bourgcois terror and that bourgeois justice, of forcing a nation into war against its wil hirulings everywhere insist upon the crushing of the this procedure was a crime only when perpetrated might create a centre for the clements opposed to Rolshevism, has collapsed miserably and completely. Torism in Russia would mean the initiation of a new Soviet Republic to end terrorism! This end of ter Imperial Germany. There is a much more convincin answer. These four and a half years of war hav under the domination of a few unscrupulous individ civilization.
The theory was that the Russian people were helpless international terror against the proletariat, against proven that war today is largely a problem of produs tive capacity. The military machine, depends abse quals, that the Soviet Government was not representative of the masses. Intervene, was the theory of inIs the use of troops and police during strikes not lutely upon a properly functioning industrial machir terror? Was thic massacre of women and children at behind the front. Industry determines the capacity tervention, and the Russian people will itself sweep a nation to fight; industrial collapse inevitably incar aside the Soviet autocracy. But more than five months Ludlow not terror? This is terrorism against the have passed since intervention was initiated, and thic Russia is for the proletariat and civilization.
military collapsc. Now, what was the situation proletariat anul civilization; what terrorism there is in Russia? Industrial disintegration was general, a dis Soviets are still supreme. More than five months integration produced by the regime of the Czar an have passed, and the counter revolution from within Bourgeois morality admits the necessity of war has not materialized, and its petty, isolated expres terrorism. Was the recent war a pink tea affair, with Kerensky. The heritage of the Soviet Republic wa under certain conditions. and war is a giant, organized completed by the bourgeois Socialist regime o sions have been casily crushed. More than five industrial chaos. Under these conditions, to have con months have passed, mionths of enormous pressure, olution is a form of war a civil war. Every rev.
its tens of millions dead and maimed? So be it: rev.
tinued the war would have been sheer suicide, th and it has been proven that the strength of the Sovicts end of the Revolution. Russia could resume the mili olution Narcs up into civil war the French Revoluis the strength of the revolutionary masses. What tion, the American Revolution, the Russian and the tary war against Germany, either an imperialistic now?
Shall one million, shall we million; AmeriGerman Revolution. Terrorism was used in all these a rivolutionary war, only after industry had been re can, British Japanese troops march against the revolutions; and it was justified. Civil war rages in stored. The political, the social, the military prob russian people? Shall the Soviet Republic be crushed lems of Russia all resolve into one central problemRussia. in our own civil war, was the fight waged by the overwhelming might of alien military power?
with bon bons and sprays of perfume? Progress pro developinent of industrial power out of which alon the restoration of normal conditions of production, th All that this preliminary intervention accomplished ceeds in the shadow of the valley of death.
was to multiply the agony of the Russian people. The Complaints of terrorism in Russia are sheer hypoc.
rises military power.
Czecho Slovaks disorganized the food supply of the risy. There is terrorism in Russia, the necessary terMoreover, Soviet Russia was not thinking in term country, increasing starvation, interfering with inrorism of cvery revolution; but it is vilely exaggerof war, but in terms of the class war, of the revolu dustrial and social reconstruction. The Allies are ated by the imperialistic press: there is no need for tionary war. Soviet Russia policy was deterninei blockading Russh, increasing starvation. And one of much terrorism in Russia since the masses of the buyile necessity of arousing the proletarian revolutio the purposes of intervention was to relieve the starvapeople are for the Soviet Republic and the counterit: Giermany, as a preliminary to the proletarian revo tion of the Russian people!
revolution within has been dispersed.
lution in all Europe. In urging ratification of the We are familiar in this country with the hypocriti Rut the Bolsheviki arc pro Germans! Are they?
Brest treaty. Lenin argued. This is an infamous peac cal methods used by the sinister interests of ImperialWas their revolutionary agitation against the Kaiser against the Revolution, but it will fail, precisely as th ism to force intervention in a country in which they ism, tircir co operation with revolutionary Socialism more onerous Tilsit treaty of Napoicon failed to crusi have brutal purposes to promote. When American in Germany, pro German. Prussia. then only a few bourgeois intellectuals made interests intrigued for intervention in Mexico, the This argument never had a shred of validity: that history; now the masses are in motion, and history press teemed with heart rending stories about mass is now apparent: but alien troops are still in Archmores with the speed of a locomotive; if we try simul starvation in Mexico; enough crocodile tears were angel and Vladivostok. tancously to carry on a war against our own Imperial shed to convince the sentimental and the gullible. Lettis consider the pro German argument.
ism and foreign Imperialism, we shall lose both wars But after intervention became impossible, the Ameri The usual form of this argument was that the Bol Capitalism and reaction will come back to power it can press did not any longer concern itself with Russia, and the revolution in Germany will be post slicviki. Lenin and Trotzky, were agents of German mass starvation in Mexico. But if Russia is Imperialism. This was obviously silly; not even the poned indefinitely, but if we, through peace, however starving why not ship food? Is the proper means forgeel documents offered as evidence by the Creel oncrous, can concentrate on the inner problems of om of relieving starvation bread or bullets?
Committee could make one believe this stupid fatry Revolution, and crush forever Russian Imperialisn The Russian people do not beg for food, they lo tale.
and the counter revolution, then later will inevitably not ask for charity that is a bourgeois characteristic: come our victory against international Imperialism More appropriate was the argument that the Brestthe bourgeois is either a hully or a beggar.
Litovsk treaty had to be revised. But this revision our acc will not end the war or insure (crman riet The Russian people do not want charity. They has now been accomplished by military disaster and ory: the war will fiare up more intense and violen want all alien troops to leave Russia, so that they can ithic proletarian revolution in Germany; but alien thar: ever; the economic and social crisis will lc fever.
proceed in their own way with the tasks of reconislily acceleratel, will inevitably produce the Revolutroops are still in Archangel and Vladivostok!
struction. They want the blockade of Russia ended. The necessity for the revision of the Brest Litovsk tio:and then Soviet Russia will come into her own a blockade which gives the lie direct to all claims of treaty was indisputable; but the problem was: acho It was a sober analysis of the facts, a hrilliant forinRevolu.
being interested in relieving starvation in Russia; they shall do the revising, and in the interests of schommation of revolutionary Socialist tactics.
want free and equal access to the markets of the should this revision be accomplished by crushing the timnary Russia did conquer. When the revoluworld. The Russian people do not plead they lc Soviets and the Revolution, the revision would be more tion started in Germany, Soviet Russia offercil thic mand: they demand that the international proletariat infamous and disastrous than the original treaty itself. icrman proletariat help and a million troops. shall insist upon justice for Russia.
TI would liave licen an imperial. stic revision, promot. The journalistic hirclings of Imperialism pretend We must restore Russia. clamor the hypocritical ing international Imperialism.
surprise that the Russian people are resisting the counrepresentatives of Imperialism, who also want to re Revolutionary Russia realized the enormity of the ter revolutionary invaders. Apparently, the Russian store Russia in what way and for whom Is Rus Prest Litovsk peace, and used all its energy to bring workers and peasants should without a protest and store Russia in what way and off whom? Is Rus about its revision in the only Socialist way by dewithout resistance allow their own revolution to be sia to be restored by intensifying her disorganization cloping the proletarian revolution in Germany. In crushed, a revolution that they have accomplished by through invasion, preventing the recovery of the September the Bolshevik Zinoviev, speaking in Petro means of unparalleled struggles, in blood and tears country, and multiplying the factors making for grad, said: Don worry about the supplementary and agony. And now that their hopes are being restarvation? Is Russia to be restored through a Peace clauses in the Brest treaty; Comrade Lenin signs (Continued on Page 6)