Wednesday, December 18, 1918 THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE The Bolsheviki will catch you if you don watch out NDER the present Capitalist system of society By Julia Hill the present system of society, and its methods, in the it seems that fear is the predominant factor in work of building the new society, follow the same keeping people good. Always some bogey, Lapers, the spokesmen of Capitalisn, seized upon it scientific lines, augumented by the knowledge gained some horrible exaniple, is being paraded before the with avidity.
public eye. No matter what the object the powers The Bolsheviki became, over night almost, fiends through the actual operation of destroying the old that be have in mind, the people are never appealed incarnate. Tales began to filter through the columns structure of society.
to because of the inherent virtue of the objective calendar was charged to their account. As a matter of tire press of their excesses. Every crime in the As opposed to the section of the Russian people who are called Mensheviki, Social Revolutionists and itself. The fearful consequence accruing if any other course is pursued forms the chief line of argument, countries. and Allied agents in the Central European Society to temporarily suit the needs of the moment, of course they became German agents in the Allied a variety of other names, the Bolsheviki, refuse to be content with simply repairing the old system of the horrible alternative is always stressed.
states. Vague accounts of slaughter fests in the The populace becomes restive under conditions as but insist on rebuilding the whole structure on a new streets of the Russian cities became an every day they are, some upheaval stirs the sluggish inass into foundation. In the course of the actual work of aboloccurrence. Discriptions of the appearance and mantinquiry, a bogey is immediately produced and the ner of these Bolsheviki were so vivid that the average ishing the old system it developed that a minority of mind is terrified with may be into forgetting what is, the Socialist theorists became afraid of the success newspaper reader got a confused idea of a Bolshevik in the same manner as an ignorant parent forces a as an animal, somewhat resembling a man, with a of their own principles, wanted to call a halt and enchild into obedience, by scaring it with tales of the large bushy beard, wild uncombed hair, uncouth deavor to affect a compromise between the old and appearance of a bogey man consequent upon disobe.
dience. This method of conducting society is based ways of speech, small beady eyes and an unquench the new. The Bolsheviki took the stand that only by on fear and ignorance. The fear of the capitalists section of the Russian people known as the Bourgeable thirst for the blood of a very harmless and good thoroughgoing methods could the new structure be made to withstand the storms and refused to compas to what would be the result of an inquiry into romise on any fundamental principle. They mainoisie.
present day conditions by those who suffer under Russian nobility were slaughtered out of hand by tained that the old system of society must be eradithese conditions, and ignorance as to the actual result these wild people, but nobody could work up a cated root and branch, that the two systems could of such an inquiry, on the one hand; the fear of the not exist together but that one or the other must very righteous rage about the death of the Czar or masses of the appearance of the bogey and the ignorance that allows the existence of such a bogey to go the members of his court, unless the details of the finally prevail, and they threw themselves uncompromisingly on the side of the new society.
execution were particularly horrible. So the newsunchallenged, on the other.
They declare that the continuation of various classes papers killed the Czar about once a week, each time Capitalism hirelings so far understand their masgiving him a different form of death. First he was in society works detriment to the world as a whole ters methods as to know that bogeys are necessary, and know the psychology of the inasses sufficiently hanged, most people seemed to agree that he could and they propose to do away with classes by estabto understand that the logeys must change from time scarcely have expected to escape anything else, then lishing one class in society and one only the working class to the end that every person in society must he was shot without a trial on a very cold and stormy to tine, consequently tliey are ever on the lookout for morning just before daybreak, then he was slowly contribute to the maintenance of Society anything that can be dressed in bogey clothes. Thus The Bolsheviki recognize that, in order to carry done to death by starvation, then trampled by the the French Revolution became the Reign of Terror mol. then he was tortured in prison, then given a out this program, it is necessary that the people of and the restive masses all over the world were for a all countries should cooperate, that the world instead slow and very painful poison and finally he was boiled long tiinc awed into submission with stories of its of being divided into various and antagonistic groups in oil to the accompaniment of delighted yells from horror. But people are now becoming convinced must become one organic whote, having only one a mob of Bolsheviki.
the French Revolution was not the terrible orgy of fundamental interest; the maintenance and well beThe Czar, however, had few friends in the world, blood it has been depicted, they are beginning to trace even amongst the most tender hearted, so the newsing of society as a whole.
its Leneficial effects upon the world at large, to see These ideas necessarily meet with opposition from that what bloodshed actually did take place was a papers left him alone and turned their attention to the class which profits from the present system the the Bourgeoisie. The bourgeoisie were described as tiny rivulet compared to the sea of blood that accomthat section of the population who were always enCapitalistic class; and this opposition must, in its very panied the regime of the French aristocracy.
nature, also be unrompromising because it recognizes gaged in performing useful work, except while they Accordingly Capitalism has discovered that the that either society must he constituted among the were bathing or putting on clean collars. Sob stories French Revolution, in its bourgeois aspects at least, lines laid down by lie Bolsheviki, or it must continue about the beauty of their homes, the cleanliness of was a glorious thing, its slogans are now the acme their babies, the gentleness of their voices, their spot by the exploitation of the rest. This opposition takes along the present lines the existence of one group of bourgeois ideology. The thinking workers have less linen and the culture and refinment of their progressed beyond the reforms of the French Rev.
the form of open war in Russia, and the creation of womenfolk, filled the pages of the press. Then one olution, are turning their altention to other things, morning a horrified world learned that the Bolsheviki the Bolsheviki bogey elsewhere. Capitalism recognizes so a new bogey must be found. And where would had decided to massacre the Bourgeoisie; everyone that where Bolshevism is strong it must be fought it suit Capitalism better to find this bogey than in these and exterminated by means of killing sufficient of its with a white collar, a beautiful home, a clean baby new ideas of the workers?
advocates, and that, where it has not yet captured the or a refined look was to be immediately done to death So the Bolsheviki becomes the modern bogey. The without trial.
minds of the masses it must be prevented from doing Bolsheviki hold the key to the solution of the world Now whenever the news from Russia is scanty so by preventing its principles and practices problem, once the workers grasp the import of their into something that will repell the majority of the an account of a massacre of the bourgeoisie by the doctrines Capitalism is lost. Therefore the workers Bolsheviki is published with full details.
workers. Only by preventino the spread of Bolshevmust not turn a sympathetic ear to their words and ism can Capitalism save itself from destruction, beBut who are these Bolsheviki and what is Bolshev.
the best way to keep the workers deaf is to create, cause under the present system, the few dominate ism if we take away the bogey clothes?
out of this new evangel, a bogey thus killing two The Rolsheviki ard revolutionary Socialists and the many, and once the masses realize this, Capitalism birds with the one stone; terrorizing the people Boishevism is Socialist theories and principles transwill vanish like an evil dream.
into submission with the instrument of their own So the bogey is paraded before the puhlic are in lated into action. Bolshevism is not peculiar to Russia salvation.
all its trappings, and the people are warned: The nor is it peculiarly Russian. It is simply Socialism It is obviously impossible to terrorize people with applied to Russian conditions. The Bolsheviki are Bolsheviki will get you if you don watch out.
something with which they are familiar. It is the the people: the workers, the farmers and the soldiers.
unknown that is dreadful, that puzzles the will and They are that section of the Russians who under the The Berlin workers by their action in suspending makes us rather cherish ills we have than fly to those zaristic regime felt the lash of the knout, the pangs the issues of the newspapers show that if they can we know not of. Consequently the bogey must be of funger, the bitter frost of winter. They are exactcreated out of the unknown. Socialism for a time have the truth they are at least determined that they ly the same type and class of people who form the shall have no lies.
became the prospective hogey free love, breaking up largu mass of the population of any country, the the home. the idle dividing up with the industrious. sinherited, the large and respectable class of no but Socialismı bucame more or less familiar to the property, the men and women wiro perform the Samuel Gompers is very much annoyed that alaverage man, he became accustomed to the sound of World work and who bear the world miseries. The though he has taken a decided stand against the the word, at least, and he knew that some of his own only diffcrence between the Russian Bolsheviki and formation of a Labor Party the movement is getting neighbors had embraced its tenents, thus it lost some the mass of the people anywhere is that the Bolshe extensive support, but he should take consolation from of its most spectacular terrors.
viki are class conscious, intelligent students of con the fact that though the Kaiser was fired, he has not When the Social Revolution becaune. fact in Russia ditions as they exist under Capitalism and as they even been asked to resign his jobyet.
and, as the struggle developed, it was found that a will exist Socialismi section of the Socialists, those who insisted in applying The Bolsheviki are the architects of the new struc Mr. Bonar Law gives advise to Labor, runs a the full measures of Socialist principles to the proh. titre of society, the seers and heralds of the new age. headline, but then nobody ever takes advice.
lems confronting them, were called in the Russian Rolshevism is the instrument of the workers in abollanguage, Bolsheviki, the new beger was found. Xo ishing the old order and establishing the new. Its We wonder did Senators Sherman and Knox Dody scenied to know who or what the Bolsheviki tactics, in the work of abolition, follow the scientific ever hear of an old copy book line beginning with were. It was a chance in a lifetime and the news lines laid down hy those who forsaw the breakdown of something about the cat being away?