Wednesday, December 18, 1918 THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE of Hughes, and more radical currents are developing veloping a new pulse in international Socialism ideas and Italian movements, who cares what the wops do?
it the Australian Labor Party under pressure of the which alone represent Socialism and Marxism. Note: On November 7th some Socialists had a industrial proletariat and revolutionary Socialism, but The Socialist Party would have to irrevocably and pamphlet printed to celebrate the first anniversary of the tendency still remains characteristic of a Labor uncompromisingly separate itself from a Labor Party the founding of the Soviet Government. When they Party.
end wage war upon it. Wage war how? Not by went to get it at the binder s, a member of the TypoWhen the transport workers, miners and unorgan promising more reforms than the Labor Party, but graphical Union said, don know whether ll give ized workers in New Zealand in 1913 determined upon by a propaganda of revolutionary Socialism and in you this stuff or not. It all about the Bolsheviks.
general strike, the skilled labor unions refused to Custrial unionism, by awakening and directing the You guys ought to be arrested strike and scabbed, while the Labor Party issued a action of the great unorganized masses of the indus With the exception of the Jewish workers, other manifesto against the strike. The struggle between trial proletariat. This would mean a broadening of foreigners, and a devoted sprinkling of Americans, the unions of the aristocracy of labor and the indus. the conception and practice of politicsma broadening the Socialist party is made up largely of petty bourtrial proletariat became so keen that a new party was fully in accord with Marxism and fundamental So geois, for the most part occupied in electing Alderorganized represe the industrial masses, the Socialism.
men and Assemblymen to office, where they turn into cial Democratic Federation.
The of does not represent the elements of time serving politicians, and in explaining that SoThe Irish Labor Party is the only labor party that the real proletariat the industrial proletariat massed cialism does not mean Free Love. The composition does not express the full policy of laborism. It ac in the basic larger industry. The of except the English speaking branches is: little shopkeepquired a proletarian class policy after the Dublin in the case of anachronisms such as the miners repre ers, clerks, doctors, lawyers, farmers (in the Middle strike in 1912 13 and cooperates with the unskilled sents the skilled workers, the aristocracy of labor, men West. a few teachers, some skilled workers, and a workers. During the war, it adopted a radical op who have skill and consider this skill property. liandful of intellectuals.
positional attitude, but its recent decision to withdraw Their ideology is a petty bourgeois ideology, and their Nothing is farther from the normal desires of the its parliamentary candidates in favor of the Sinn Fein doinination of Socialism and the industrial proletariat American Socialist party than a Revolution. It is candidates indicates an abandonment of the straight would prove a calamity. The answer to the of really the refuge of almost all intelligent humble pcopath of proletarian action for the tortuous ways of compromise and petty bourgeois policy is to awaken ple who believe in the principles on which the Americompromise with the Irish bourgeoisie.
the industrial proletariat, and pull out of the of can Republic was founded. It has never altogether The tendency of laborism, of a Labor Party, is the unions, such as the Miners, who belong with the approved of the Bolsheviki. It applauds the German petty bourgeois tendency of compromise, of concilia industrial proletariat.
Revolution largely because it thinks that the Gertion with Capitalism, of securing advantages for it Socialist must have an economic basis industrial mans will be more orderly.
self by betraying the masses of the industrial prole power. But this will not be provided by the There is no well defined Left or Revolutionary tariat and accepting social Imperialism.
of or the policy of Laborism did the British La wing in tlre Socialist party. This fact has driven An American Labor Party will express precisely bor Party use industrial power to secure for its dele many workers, dissatisfied with industrial conditions the tendency and purposes of the of These gates access to international conferences held outside and disillusioned with politics, to join the purposes and tendency are notoriously reactionary. of England? The industrial power of Socialism must a revolutionary organization dominated by Syndicalist The of is not interested in the great indus come out of the militant proletariat in the larger in ideas. As in France and Denmark, the Syndicalist trial proletariat of unorganized, unskilled labor the dustry, from the propaganda and practice of indus philosophy has captured the imagination of the revobulk of the working class; in fact, the of has trial unionism and industrial mass action.
lutionary proletariat; although in the United States repeatedly acted against and betrayed its strikes, par Should the Labor Party eventuate, this reconstruc there is a very small revolutionary proletariat.
ticularly when directed by the The tion of the Socialist Party policy becomes imperative: This is just another proof that in America the of is largely an organization of job trusts of the thus reconstruction is equally necessary should the Socialist movement is divorced from the great mass aristocracy of labor, which strives simply for petty Labor Party not eventuate. The Socialist Party must of the working class. The main differences between Dimtages, and which has again and again united attune itself to the rhythm of new ideas in internation this country and Europe is that in Europe the Labor with Capitalism against Socialism and the proletariat. al Socialism.
Unions were organized by the Socialists, on classThe of L, moreover, through its bureaucracy, There is no magic in labor, it depends upon conscious lines; while in America Organized Labor has during the war been even more reactionary than what labor represents, its tendency and action. is in theory a defensive group of citizens with similar the most reactionary elements of Capitalism, smugly There is no magic in Socialism, either. Both may interests in a theoretical democracy where all men satisfied that the war was bringing steady employ prove reactionary and counter revolutionary. The are equal.
ment and high wages, and this bureaucracy, through great task of international Socialism at this moment is In the United States the Socialists have some Samuel Gompers Co. directly united with Impeial its own reconstruction the final sruggle against Cap power. They can swing a million votes. The official ism in Europe against Socialism and the awakening italism and Imperialism is on!
majority in the Socalist party is more interested in of the proletariat even the British Labor Party was swinging these votes than in Socialism. But they too radical for Gompers Co. Gompers developed Bolshevism in America cannot compete with bourgeois reform groups like the into an instrument of Lloyd George and Clemenceau By John Reed Progressives, or the Democrats under Wilson.
against the working class. Nothing teaches the American working class should the reactionary tendency and purposes of the of That is scarceRevolution in the United States within the next two coming, ly anything to jubilate about.
weeks, we wish to settle the quesion once for all.
In America for a long time there has been no free land, nor opportunity for workers to become millionBut, then, would a Labor Party be simply an evil? The American working class is politically and aires. The working class does not yet know this.
Not at all; it might indirectly promote progress by economically the most uneducated working class in The very fact that for the next decade America demonstrating on the larger field of politics the weak, the world. It believes what it reads in the capitalist promises to be the most reactionary quarter of the petty policy of the of L, might in that way prove press. It believes that the wage system is ordained by globe is sure to have its effect.
an educational force, and clarify the situation in a God. It believes that Charley Schwab is a great man, If Tom Mooney stays in jail, if wages go down, large degree. That is, providing that Socialism would because he can make money. It believes that Samuel if Socialists are arrested and the red Aag suppressed, adapt itself to the new conditions and would not be compers and the American Federation of Labor will there will be a revolutionary movement in this country come a cat paw for the Labor Party.
protect it as much as it can be protected. It believes in five years. Bismarck couldn stop it in Germany.
There are eleme. in the Socialist Party whose that under our system of Government the Millenium policy is not at all Socialist, but the policy of reactionis possible. When the Democrats are in power, it The War Trade Board has laid plans for reopenary trades unionism and laborism, and who would believes the promises of the Republicans, and vice ing trade relations with those sections of Russia not welcome a Labor Party. These elements would inversa. It believes that Labor laws mean what they controlled by the Bolsheviki. We wonder is this sist that the Socialist Party identify itself in some say. It is prejudiced against Socialism.
another way of saying that business is to be continued way with the Labor Party, either become absorbed Note: Organized Labor candidate for Governor with Stockholm.
in the new party or a part of it, such as the Independ of California, Mayor Rolfe, was a very ordinary type ent Labor Party in England. This would be disas of bourgeois politician. Through a technicality his Perhaps the new Russian Government recently trous to revolutionary Socialism, identifying Social namic mas removed from the ballot. This meant his organized in the Swedish capital has placed an order ism with laborism. The Socialist Party should maincertain defeat. Labor was asked why it didn throw its for writing materials with which to carry on its tain its independence and Socialist identity.
weight solidly behind the Socialist ticket? Oh, anfunctions.
But it must be admitted that the official majority swered Labor, the Socialists will never get elected.
policy of the Socialist Party is largely the policy of a What the use of throwing away your vote? am It looks very like Italian determination for the Labor Party; and should the party retain this policy, told that Labor wrote Rolfe name on the ballot, and Jugo Slavs.
it would stagnate and the Labor Party conquer. The Stephens won.
organization of a Labor Party, accordingly, would be American Labor disapproves of the Russian Speaking at Nottingham, England, the other day, call to the Socialist Party to recognize itself to Soviets, the German Revolution, and other manifesta Clynes, ex laborite, frankly admitted that he adopt a policy representing the tendency and require tions of anarchy. To the American working class shared the views of the premier. says a press ments of the industrial proletariat, to reconstruct it the British Labor Party is going a little too far. it despatch. If its confession was voluntarily it ought self with the new tevolutionary Socialist ideas bow do seems to be dominated by auts. As for the French to be considered in his favor, The tendency and purposes of the Libor Party In acquaintances as to the danger of a Bolshevik cserepe hard times and repression. Hard times are