THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE December 14, 1918 Withdraw from Russia!
was 18 a public never made food peoples brought, was in THE story of intervention in Russia is the story of American government intention to send troops to an unjustifiable assault upon a nation, decided The Story of Intervention Vladivostok, the American State Department on Ariupon because the people of this nation determined to rust issued a statement, which said: organize a new Socialist society, Immediately upon his arrival in Berlin, the Bol Military intervention in Russia would be more likely The story of intervention is the story of the detershevik ambassador, Joce, became the centre of revoto add to the present and confusion there than to cure it mination of international Capitalism to crush the Soand would injure Russia rather than help her out of her lutionary propaganda against the Kaiser govern distress. Such mhitary intervention u has been most cialist Soviet Republic, by means of starvation and mçnt. Joffe refused to meet the Kaiser, as was the waging war upon its people, in order to crush interainbassadorial custom (repeatedly, after August 4, its immediate object of dellvaring an attack upon Ger.
national Socialism.
1914, and before the United States entered the war, many from the east, would in its (the American governThe war was a war between two rival groups of American ment Judgment be more likely to turn out to be mereAmbassador Gerard met the Kaiser. and ly a method of making um of Russia than to be a method belligerents, determined to crush each other and seinstead of serving her.
cure all power. Each group plumed itself upon being German revolutionary Socialists. Rosa Luxemburg, This was an excellent evaluation of the situation.
superior to the other, each declared that the other just out of prison for agitation against the German and true. President Wilson is a master of words.
was an enemy of humanity, yet both groups acted in government.
of honor; Franz Mehring, But in the same statement it was declared that the precisely the same way alvolutionary Soviet icbknecht Socialist, was toastmaster, while the In purpose of landing American troops in Vladivostok used the tere dependent Socialist Haase acted as chairman. The waged war upon rible suffering of the Russian people to accomplish rewas to assist the westward moring Caecko Slovaks.
Westward moving Crecho Slovaks but this was arrey acitonary purposes of their own. The form of expresman revolutionary Socialists speaking freely and fully, from Vladivostok, back into the heart of Russia!
were identical: preserve Capitalism against Socialisten since the embassy was neutral soil and they could not Surely this was not assisting the Czecho Slovaks to be prosecuted.
Let us trace the story of intervention in Russia. In. And the next day the bourgeois get out of Russia. and it was interpreted by the press press, in reporting the affair, wailed at the outrage of as a declaration of war against the Soviet government.
an address to Congress, January 4, 1918. President an amhassador associating thus with the enemies of State Department officials have privately declared Woodrow Wilson said: the Empire. Peculiar fellows these Bolshevik that westward misprint for eastward. then The treatment accorded Russia by her sister nations in agents of the Kaiser.
why was a correction the months to come will be the acid test of their good will, it in the meantime. the Allied press, and often of their comprehension of her needs us distinct from their The offensive against the Soviet Government was own interests, and of their intelligent and unselfish sym government of pathy.
pro Germanives, accused the Bolsheviki time when the Bolsheviki rush the revolution! At Vladivostok British and Japanese troops had dispersed the Soviet and are Golden words, and true. The character of each nanew war (and, as we see now, a vicwere waging rested its officials, making the world safe for denoc, tion and of its ideals have been tested by revolutioni torinus war) against German Imperialism. The Aláry Russia: Each and every bourgeois nation has lics blockaded Russia, isolated her from the world, refuscil to allow Russia to purchase officials elected were overwhelmingly Bolshevik but acted against revolutionary Russia. The ideals of and machin.
bourgeois society are miserable, lying cry in the markets of of the world: the Allies consciously er, and placed a counter revolutionary administration Imperial Germany, the Germany of Capitalism and adoptert the policy of starving the Russian people as a in power the right of the Soviet Government. Repto Imperialism, revealed its predatory characıyer at the self government!
inte alltich ein Russia, moreover, plotted vited by the Russiae people here to receive interesa of Intervention, the Allics declared, was inBrest Litovsk Peace Conference. The Bolsheviki resentatives came to Brest Litovsk to negotiate a general como and engaged in counter revolutionary moves against of Vladivostok, afte cratic Peace; the Austro German imperialistic delethe Government. In fates accepted, in words, the formula of no annexa bassador Joffe through diplomatic Couriers, Xaviki tom offices on the se velming elbise Bella tions and no indemnities, and then fact repudiated millions of into Germany, troops of the Allies, not the Russian revolutionary Desblution urging the the formula, insisted upon an indemnity and the an2 people.
people to make a against Imperi Allied troops from Archangel and Vladivostok nexation of Galicia and the Baltic Provinces. The alism and the government.
marched into Russia, the Czecho Slovaks assumed the Rolsheviki refused to accept this While the All Russian Soviet Congress in March offensive. On August 6, 1918, Soviet Commissaire dre save traders, abandoned the con perence within in session at Moscow, President Wilson cabled a of Foreign Affairs Tchicherin issued the following out signing the treaty. Then the troops of imperial: message of encouragement. The campaign statement, in the form of a note to tire American istic Germany and Austria marched into undefended against the Soviet Republic flared up again. Government through Consul General Poole: Russia in the name of civiliation; and certain in The Allies, it is clear, imagined that the Soviet We request you to inform your Government and peoAuential personages and newspapers representing ImGovernment could not last, that it was not represen ple abroad that completely, unjustifiable attack and.
perialism among the Allies declared that it was a tative of the Russian people, and that by starving Rus pronounced act of violence is being committed against us. Our people want nothing but to live in peace and sia the process of the Bolshevik thing for Germany to invade Russia! Revolupomary Russia, stone, was compelled friendship with the masses and workers of all nations.
celerated. But the Russian collapse would be acin spite of coun Despite the existing state of peace, Anglo French armed of violence and shameless robbery. Imperialistic Gerfrom within and without, re forces have invaded our territory, taken our towns and its ravenous appetite.
to overthrow government. The Soviet villages by force, dissolved our Workers organizations, imAnd the Allies? In the name of civilization, they Republike new day of its existence.
instead of weakening, was strengthened by prisoned their mombers, and driven them from their homes without any reason possibly warranting these refused revolutionary Russia appeal to enter general predatory acts. Without a declaration of war and with The peace negotiations, compelled the Bolsheviki to holl a Allies realized this fact, the campaign for out the existence of state of war, hostilities are opened the armed intervention in Russia ass enormous proagainst us and our national property pillaged. Toward time, however, insisted upon a peace basis for general portions intervention to rescue the us no justice is observed and no laws acknowledged by Russian people those who sent these invading troops against us, for we are the first to establish a Government for the oppressed It is folshevik. The ideals of capitalism and management pour le bare scod robbery hela prema so bile porn move prostrate Russia in the name of civilization, Allies did not lift finger to help their ally. cqualism, in the test, are revealed like these invaders. Our retaliation against those who as maggots. 1, in the name of civilization. In fact, the imperial The Czecho Slovak adventure provided the oppor shoot tho members of our Soviets does not take the shapo istic press of the Allies violently and of similar acts against the representatives of these gov.
viciously attacked lunity. Czecho Slovak prisoners from Austria had, Russia, at a crnments. We intern the nationals of invading alone, was waging met lichte Germany and Austria for the independence mary measures only against the members of the proper into independent units powers in concentration campa. We apply there precaudesperate but glorious struggle against German imperialism. While the Bolsheviki were waging this of of Bohemia. Reactionary officers were put in command. When the representatives of the Allies in Russia are taken gainst our natural allies, the workingmen of was signed with these same countries, who happen to be here. The workrigued against the Soviet Government, worked for Germany, arrangements were made for the Czechoin restoration of reaction and the bourgeois gesin of Viladivostok. On the march, ing classes of the whole world are our friends. Precisely ern Slovaks to leave Russia for the western front by way At this moment we say thix to the countries whone Armies the ront by way proceed with open violence against us, and we call out the Allies did not offer any help whatever. Indeed, tionary Russian officers and other counter revolution to their people: Peace be to the homes of the poor.
at this time, the Soviet Go ment asked the gov.
ary elements instigated the Czecho Slovaks against the This impassioned and just protest met with no offikernments of France. Great Britain and the United Russian people, against the Soviets; and fighting de cial answer, and was reviled by the hourgeois press. The Soviets asked the Allies to state their grievances, States whether, if Russia carried on the war, they veloped. In order to stop this counter revolutionary would assist with munitions and food. The govern activity, which was demoralizing the railways and and negotiate, saying they would he only ton glad to of the Allies did not answer. Russia made food transportation. Trotzky demanded that the get the Czecho Slovaks out of Russia, but thic Allies eace. International Imperialism chuckled: Socialism Czecho Slovaks yield up their arms. This met with did not answer.
a refusal, and the Czechs began a regular war against Why? Solemn promises and pledges had been Germany directly and the Allies indirectly acted the Soviets and the Russian people brutal war, a made not to interfere in the internal affairs of the against the Soviet Republic, against Sócialism.
Touch counter revolutionary war, upon the instigation of reRussian people: but the British Government stated, ing unanimity. It is the class struggle. actionary elements.
through Lloyd George, that the purpose of interven But Soviet Russia in abandoning the military war Then the imperialistic press of the Allies yelled in tion was to create a centre for the clements opposed immediately opened a unison. Armed Austrian and German prisoners in to Bolshevism. Solemn promises and pledges! They new war war of against German letariat for the revolupropaganda within Russia are massacring the Czecho Slovaks.
are the camouflage of Capitalism, means for the deGermany to awaken the fact that, upon Trotzky request, an Allied military ception of the proletariat.
tionary overthrow of the German government. When mission had investigated the charge of arming Aus It was war upon the Russian people, it was war Soviet Russia made its offer of an armistice on all tro German fol against Socialism, it was Capitalism against Socialism.
fronts, it developed the Austro German powerful propaganda among The Russian people did not rise in revolt against millions of leaflets, fact that the only man ser els interesting campaicos The the Bolsheviki, instead they rose in revolt against the pamphlets and other languages, being distributed, the imperialistic press in its lying campaign.
and daily newspapers, printed in German, Russian people by the Czecho Slovaks did not dauntinvading troops. com The futility and counter revolutionary character of and revolutionary fraternizing among the troops be After much diplomatic palaver, armed intervention intervention is now clear; it is clear that the Allics are ing developed. After the ratification of peace, this in Russia was decided upon. British and French starving the Russian people. But alien troops propaganda was continued in Germany and Austria, troops were already in Archangel, British and French are still at Archangel ant Vladivostok! The intervenBolshevik agitators placing life and liberty in jeop and Japanese troops in Vladivostok. The American tion of the proletariat is necessary: Withdraw from ardy for the cause of the Revolution.
government decided to ipin. But in announcing the Russia. accepito peace ter revolutionary fused to plots their many sated its was a time of the old ments peace conquered!
daunt the imperialistic prend found it