December 14, 1918 THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE upon their necks Before nent.
The British Fleet and the Baltic Provinces HE imperialistic press states that England By Klawa vonia suffered terribly, like Belgium and Alsace.
has sent he fleet to the Baltic shores to Lorraine. Hundreds of thousands were driven prevent Bolshevik anarchy in the Baltic the provinces. In addition to the estates enu from the country by the approaching Germans, provinces and also that the provinces are calling merated there are large tracts of land belonging but the landlords welcomed the Kaiser army as or help.
to the priests who are usually the barons sons they were always striving for German protection.
An examination of the facts should reveal the in law.
Cruth. As former resident of the Baltic Proinces Besides watching out for the souls of the pea Baltic unoccupied by the German army rose with know something about conditions there. sants, the chiet duty of the priests is to keep the the rest of Russia and the But the Geo eet sailed the same way to bring help to reve the church hymn books, approved by the Baltic army marched into the country and wherever it lutionary Russia. The Allied diplomats pro Consistory the highest church council appears penetrated the rule of the barons was restored.
ested then and stigmatized Germany as an in the following: The ideals of liberty cherished by the Baltic ader and oppressor of peoples. They emphatic ll obey my masters with all my heart peoples was again destroyed and once more the ully protested against Germany actions in BelAnd to the best of my ability yoke of the barons was placed cium and the Balkan peninsula and led the peoples the world to believe that none of the Allied To magnify their wealth.
When the Allies signed the armistice with Gerovernments would ever attempt anything along These lines express the program of the church and Alsace Lorraine but on the contrary they many they demanded the evacuation of Belgium he same lines. But today it is a fact the Bri. in the Baltic.
demanded that the German army stay in the ish fleet with troops aboard approaches the Bal:ic coast.
In ism, revolted against this divine right of the to do? They were deserted by the great Western it is possible to understand the real barons which had existed for over 700 years, and democracies. not only deserted but a fleet is neaning he shores of the Baltic it is necessary to under the Russian Czar sent General Orloff, the same vent Bolshevism spreading as the New York stand something about conditions in the Baltic Orloft whose forefather secretly killed Peter the Times says.
of the inhabitants of the Baltic ProvinBaltic states: two will suffice. Courland and Lit Escadrons, under the direction of the priests, ces believed the Allied diplomats when they sta vonia but what is true of these two is true of raided the he others especially Esthonia and Lithuania. of Courland and Livonia are the home of the sant homes, jailed thousands and transported But when the Allies demanded that the German set fire to more than 600 pea territory and the self determination of nations.
Lettish or Lettic people. who are today playing thousands more to Siberia. Thus the revolution army stay in the Baltic states then the people uch prominent role in the Russian Socialist was suppressed for a time.
began to think that there was no difference be Republic, adhering to the Soviet form of govern Then came the world war. Courland and Li tween the Allies and the Baltic junkers.
All the Baltic Provinces, but especially CourToday the people are rising, again determined land and Livonia, have been invaded by foreign to wipe out for ever the domination of the Baltic.:rmies time and time again. At one time they Chapters from My Diary barons. But the British fleet is on the Baltic shores. vere under the domination of Prussin. then of weeden and at last they passed into the hands (Continued from Page Six. The strucgle waged in the Baltic todav is not, the Russian Czars. Everything was constantly of the court madams of Potsdam, as occured 80 As some nationalists are saving a struggle for an hanging in these provinces, the government, the recently in Tsarskoe Selo.
inderendent state. The Baltic Provinces want to olicies, the economic life. except one thing and the speeches and remain part of the Russian Socialist Republic. as vileges of the German landlords who have held would have to change, in his article only the prohat was static the political and economic pri; articles would again be unpacked. Renaudel resolved by the Lettish Social Democracy in their Congress in The Lettish Democracy a part ime the Lettish people have borne the yoke of and abilities would doubtless Huffice. But we will way for more than 700 years, and during this per names, a task for which his mental faculties of the Russian Comm. Docial. oni a cultural nu.
Party, the Bolsheviki.
he old Prussian junker regime. What held the remain the outspoken, sworn enemies, of GerBaron Vexcel, one of the murderers of the Es Yeonle in this state of subjection?
There is no need to turn to the general history many rulers that we are today, for we hate Ger. thonian workmen who fled from Esthonig to of Courland and Livonin. The history of the man reaction with the same revolutionary hatred Stockholm, testifies that the Baltic inhabitants German landlords furnishes the answer and at that we have sworn against Czarism and against are all Bolsheviki, and that if the Rritish fleet the French moneyed aristocracy.
does not immediately arrive in Reval the cause of the same time reveals the true character of those the Baltic barons is lost.
who call for aid when the existing conditions When you dare, you and your newspaper lack This is quite true. The inhabitants, exrinding a the junkerssome bourgeois and typical counterhanehoueh lately the Baltic Provinces have emburg, a Zetkin, as the inflexible enemies of the revolucionit, me burnevica not online counters veen officially under the Russian government, the Hohenzollernas, dare you deny that they are ours. But in derechos real governors were the German landlords. They. We are united with them against you and against cially of Courland and Livonia, whoever they may The enemies of the Baltic peoples, and espeare a particular type and race of junkers, speak your chiefs, with the unalterable unity of revo be and no matter what banner they may carry ing their own language and having little in common with their brothers in Germany. They have lutionary warfare.
Perhaps you console yourselves with the tionists in Russia. The Lettish Social Democracy are faced with some of the bent trained revoluof the members of the ex Czar cabinet were thought that we are few in number? We are which has trained all the workers of both Cour.
trampling of the peonle by the Baltic junkers who grade believe. In your official myopia you do not hand and Livonia to be fighters for the revolution, sce the ghost of rebellion that is arising from all spite of the terrible persecution of the old Czar.
The Landtag (landlords political institution) the places of suffering and martyrdom; you do The funny Peters. as the capitalist press says, during the rule of the ex Czar had no legal title rot see it spreading through France, through who in the Moscow cabinet siens the death war: to exist but secretly it was the real political maEurope in the suburbs, in the workmen dwell rentar is typical of the men from these provinces, ings, in the country places, in the shops and in chine in the provinces.
of counter revolutionists until his hand is rough estimate of the ownership of these the trenches.
You imprisoned Louise Soumonenu in one of now the Red Guards) were the first to me out of are 740 estates, of which 600 are owned by 162 your jails: but have you thereby diminished the Petrograd to meet Kornilov; it was they who junker families. There 700 estates represent despair and the despondency of this land? You assisted in the overthrow of Kerensky, cuarded 65 per cent of all the land. Count von Wolf alone can arrest hundreds of Zimmerwaldists, after the Smolny Institute, and the Kremlin and 82 ner owned 36 estates of about 200, 000 desyatins (i having ordered your press agents to besmirch cent of the Baltic Provinces are people of the desyatina is about 21. acres. them again and again with police suspicions; but same The majority of the Lettish people are pensants, In Courland there are 640 estates comprising can you return the husbands to their suffer but they were driven out of their homes by the about 52 per cent of the whole province. Some wives? Can restore the sons to a ne. estates such as, for instance. Dondangen ing mothers, the fathers to their children, strength war and now they are the soldiers of the revoluand or Massachusetts.
return, to a betrayed, exsanguinated people, the tionary spirit, with ideals for the welfare of the Against these 700 estates in Livonia and this trust in those who have deceived them? peoples, not only of the Baltic Provinces but of by priemeister here are so moon farmd Averaging and mobile comme on outilded Yonge mini tanich the your military auto the whole world.
The physical strength of the peasant, his high desyatink each and a million peonle who have capitalist state has imprisoned you. Look about! literary education, his revolutionary spirit tinged no land at all.
land there are 32. 000 farms averaging 42 desya. upon your enfeeble tragical old age, and let you lief in the cause of the workers, are the basis of tins each. 000 averaging to 25 deryatins and hear once more the dull noise of approaching his revolutionary action.
about 800 soldiers homes. Two fifths of all the events. We expect them, we cause them, we pre Neither anarchy nor chaos reigns now in the privately owned land is in the hands of 25 Ger pare them! The fate of France would be too ter Baltic, but the new regime set up by the oppres.
man junker families.
rible, if the via dolorosa of its working masses red masses. The cries for aid that ring through Practically the whole population is entirely de. did not lead to revenge, to our revenge, where the bourgeois press are not the people cries but pendent on the landlords. Woods, waters, the there will be no room for you. Jules Guesde, and the whimper of 200 German ex barons who owned right of hunting and Ashing, even on the lands for yours. Expelled by you, leave France with 69 per cent of the wealth of the provinces and owned by the farmern, all belong to the barons. the deep certainty of your triumph. Over and want to be restored to power. If the British navy They control the establishment of industries but above your head send brotherly greetings to the is going to prevent Bolshevik anarchy or in in addition to all this the common people bear all French proletariat, that is preparing for great other words, crush the will of the people, they the expense such as repairing the roads, the build actions. Long live, without you and against you. are going to assist the Baltic barons to once more ing of schools, the upkeep of the schools, etc. Jules Guesde, Socialist France!
set the yoke of slavery on the neck of the Baltic the barons pay nothing towards the upkeep of Leon Trotzky. peoplos.
you their half a