THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE Doctober 14, 1918 the kitchen.
duction On the Eve of Disaster MORE and more often, more and more insistent, By Hourwich its place. And capitalist society faces the fatal the alarming question of what will be to tries have been forced to limit, and in some cases questions: how to act, what to do? How return morrow presents itself to capitalist society, the to peace without any risk of upheavals, adapt queston of social reconstruction when the glamour to discontinue their usual production, and substi. ing itself, however, to the new conditions which of the war has passed. And as the final peace set Industry has drawn to itself elements which in have been created and provoked by the war?
Will Capitalism succeed in solving this all abciety discuss this question in the pages of the the past had taken relatively little part in its sorbing question. bourgeois preus.
process women, children and old people. Even Even a superficial analysis forces a negative This is quite natural. The war itself, coming times disqualify them have been in one form or people with infirmities that would in normal reply.
ma logical product of the contradictions of capi another made useful talist society, the anarchy of capitalist producfor It must not be forgotten, immediately followcertain won ing the conclusion of peace, capitalist society will the same time has extremely sharpened, those capitalist society in its efforts to make opposed to that just described the gradual pro contradictions and this anarchy. Showing, in its both ends meet has been forced to introduce the concrete form, the whole organic inability of capie principle of state control and accounting, which itself to the needs of the war. It will become neces talist society to manage its economics, the war contradicts all its principles and best traditions.
sary to adapt again to labor the millions of work has also extremely increased the difficulties can control of the state, or have been declared state the same time, come la horietan oinat in ers who will return from the battlefield, and, at heard of and hitherto non existent demands.
nonopolies, little bl little the state gun individ during four years have taken the places of the While millions of the best workers have been ual. The citizen has been told what to do and absent workers will refuse to return to a primihas extended over the private life of the torn away from the benches and machines torn what not to do, what labors he shall pursue and tive existence. that women, for instance, now away from participation in productive life, and what he shall leave alone; followng his productive sent to the battlefields for work the very antith activity, his personal activity has also been placed being engaged in industry will refuse to return sis of productive, the work of mutual killing and under control the watchful eye of the admin ber of industries, whole industrial sections which On the other hand, a numdestruction, the demand for productive labor has istration has even entered his kitchen, peeped in. have been busy with war production, will be increased to gigantic proportions. While the number of productive workers has decreased, to his soup bowl.
inthrown out of work.
dustry has been faced with the demand to duce, not only for the consumption of human difficulties from which Capitalism is trying these the eternal companion of Capitalism, will reach all these extra measures lessened the All this will create an industrial economic to exbut also for the destruction of humanity, crisis unparalleled in history. Unemployment, tricate itself? Of course not! For, to duce tenfold, at the expense of the energy and naturally could not be introduced in any but the dustrial and financial institutions will burst in procontrol and accounting.
unheard of proportions. The seemingly big inproductive capacity of future generations. This caricature form which does not violate the se knowing no limit production for destruction, pro cred the air as soap bubbles.
for the center of all production and all productive the difficulties not not only have not become lens, but being a locomotives of history, as Marx phrased All this has compelled Capitalism to brace up, problem Capitalism was facing into something it. At lightning speed it drives the capitalist to mend some of the holes which so glaringly very much resembling the fable of the trishkin ötrain against the barriers of class contradichave appeared in the shabby clothes that cover coat cut off one part to mend another. tions which stand threateningly ahead! There is its uninviting nakedness.
Now capitalist society nears the end of the war no salvation! To move backward is impossible.
In the very heart of industry gigantic grouping it produced, not voluntarily, but under pressure The train is facing inevitable, unavoidable wreck.
has been introduced the re distribution of pro of iron necessity, under the pressure of new so Little wonder, then, that the engineers and ductive forces. number of new branches of cial forces, awakened to life by the very existence conductors are alarmed, and that their hearts industry have been formed. The ordinary indus of Capitalism, and which are now arising to take are shrinking with alarm.
The Siberian Soviets Protest Agaist Intervention THE Central Executive Committee of the Au. Resolution adopted, shortly after the landing the government of Ukrainian land owners, and Siberian Soviets appeals to the toiling masses of Allied troops in Vladivostok, by the Central their hatred of Austria, which has played the role of the whole world and in the name of millions Executive Committee of the Soviets of Work of restorer of reaction and the gendarme of the of the toilers of Siberia, in the name of all work men s, Peasants. Cossacks and Red Guard Do Revolution, a role now threatened to be assumed ers, peasants and Cossacks declares its indigna legates of AU Siberia.
by their governments. We remind them about tion and resolute protest against the plan of seithe disgraceful role played by the German soldiers of Siberia which is the aim of the istic governments of Japan, Frane England al were forced to offer, armed resistance against during the Paris Commune of 1871, and we deand these troops. But, evidently, the Czecho Slovak mand of them that they refuse to carry out the America. For some months there has been in forces were too weak for the carrying out of the role of hangmen of the Revolution now, in 1918, those countries an agitations. The chief pretext and Japanese troops have been rushed, once more for intervention in task they had on hand; to their aid British, French in and the internal affairs of masses of Japan, France, England between Russia and Germany, which peace was Czecho Slovaks against the Germanguding the and America ought to make clear to their impefor such intervention was the conclusion of peace under the imaginary pretex of rialistic governments that they will not tolerate falsely German inproclaimed as strengthen. ocative reports ralists will always be able to invent sufficient workers, peasants, Cossacks; that they will not We declare that the reptile press of the impe shooting, gallows and prisons for the Russian in Russia, the lying prisoners in Siberia, and finally the seizure imperialists, and we are not inclined to prove the crushed. They must rise against the attempt by by the war prisoners of the government in Siberia. absurdity of all these inventions. We repeat again their governments to chain the Russian proletaThe reptile press shamelessly invented all sorts that all the provocative information concerning riat.
tee the success of the agitation. The counter se tye eneo la trening of the war prisoners, the seizur. In the name of the workers, peasants and Cosvolutionists banished from Russia came to the the by the official representatives ti me sacked, the Central Executive Committee of the aid of the foreign imperialists. Being driven out and England, and that at any moment the Czecho stand for foreign domination in Siberia and will of Russia by the mighty wave of the revolu Slovaks would be given permission to pass through throw off the yoke which is being prepared for tion, they abroad appealed to foreign Powers to Siberia, should they desire so. But we must em them by foreign imperialists in co operation with intervene in Russia and Siberia for the purpose phatically protest against the intentions of Japan, the Russian counter revolutionists. Russian workof crushing the Soviet Government and the estab France, England and America to occupy Siberia ers, peasants and Cossacks will fight arms in Hishment of their anti people government.
Everything was done to realize intervention in of Russian counter revolutionists who appeal to ed foreign invasion in Russia and Siberia, in or. most convenient manner through the Czechom the Allies to intervene in Siberian affairs.
Slovakien te were presented through Siberia. will inevitably homes alive and liter vereinigtehenfiberia Portaria empleet met een enorme ham user people smiling set armed Czecho Slovaks against the Soviet gov. German influence in Russia against the will of the wading through the rivers of blood of Russian workers and peasants will the imperialistic counthe Czecho Slovaks and satisty their demands, mean in fact a division of Russia und Siberia be. ter revolutionists be able to erect again the throne end the conflict at the beginntween the Allies and Germany.
of reaction.
ing, were resolutely Czecho Slovaks.
We declare that the plotting of the Russian Czecho Slovaks The counter revolutionists in appealing for Allied in. The story of intervention is a story that reveals the in Vladivostok continued to remain there, and tervention provokes the wrath and indignation of sinister character of Capitalism, reveals the fact that also arraved themselves against the Soviet the workers and peasants any government in Siberia and Russia that might be estab develops the class struggle, on an international scale.
in Siberia. It has become clear to us.
Siberia, that lish The story of intervention in Russia reveals the revthe Czecho Slovaks instead of following their repugnant to the masses of the Russian people olutionary integrity of the Soviet Rjepublic and the former purpose, to move toward France, had an than the absolutism of Nicholas Romanov de shameless breaking of solemn pledges by the govern.
other task to establish the domination of foreign stroyed by the Revolution, and therefore is doom. ments of the Allies waging a war to make the world powers in Siberia. We are in possession of docu ed to the same fate as the absolutism of Nicholas safe for democracy. recals: crime against ments which show definitely that the foreign Romanov. Let the governments of Japan, Franca, civilization the new civilisation of Socialism and powers utilize the Czecho Slovaks as an element England and America not forget the armed strug the claw unity of international Capitalem and Immost suitable for purposes of occupation. We gle of workers and peasants in the Ukraine against perialiens.
zure Siberia The tolling Russia.
fluence in of war and thus peacefully Russian