December 14, 1918 THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE Detty bour.
Bernstein, Independent Socialist member of the Ministry of Finance, who says: Words and Deeds will be collected accurately, the navy and armaments buitding program will be put through. Socialization cannot come over night. It can from The Norry Mir Therefore the anxiety of the American impeonly be carried out gradually, but it is bound to rialists in unfounded.
come for the people are now sovereign Our ON Doc2. President Wilson delivered a specch Bolshevikjabs now a fact. It will completely reconstruct society culations of diplomats, political statesmen and and eventually Icad to state control of important press representatives, was to play the role of an An English worker we know has figured out that industries.
But his share of the 40, 000, 000, 000 England is The issue is not whether the situation in Ger that specch was perhaps that part of it, which, going to collect from Germany is about 800, but many affords an opportunity of immediate Social. satisfying neither the adherents nor opponents willing to realize for about two bits.
he adds that as he is very hard up just now he is ist measures of reconstruction. That is a false of President Wilson, has become the presentation of the problems. That Socialist of history. True, people still talk about the measures of reconstruction cannot now be intro speech, but the comment is weak and Nabby. Even We cull the following from an editorial in the duced in Germany is clcar, since Capitalism still the criticism of President Wilson opponents bourgeois press: ment. The issue is whether the proletariat shani are smiling up their sleeves at its emptiness and men like them who have vision, are the ones who use the revolutionary pituation for the conquest hollowness while his partisans, if they do praise create confidence in the hearts of men and wom of power, or allow the revolutionary crisis to his speech at all, praise it exclusively as a men in all walks of life. They can speak for die away in a restoration of the normal con good example of Presidential rhetoric.
ditions of bourgeois and Ilowever, the critics of President Wilson tion by both sides. Fairness to both capital and geois parliamentary reconstruction.
centre So. rome valuable elements. And one valuable ele and will prevent the breaking a cut actor disorders cialism generally) is right: Socialism cannot ment is that it once more has shown the com such as make, some of the European countries come overnight.
The introduction Will you walk into my parlor? said the is u process, truly; but not a process on the basis ally to grapple with those great problems, which the conclusion of the war has brought forward spider to the fly.
basis of a new proletarian state, which alone pro before the peoples. It the prettiest little parlor that ever you motes Socialism. The Bolsheviki, in Germany and did While the war was going on and the keeping spy.
in Russia, never proposed the immediate in up of the spirit of the belligerent peoples was the troduction of Socialism, but the introduction immediate concern, one could resort to high And then we run right into this: of proletarian dictatorshp. of the political expro sounding phrases and beautiful words about the They have some forward looking people out in Flint, Michigan. The business men out there cialist reconstruction and the gradual introduc which the struggle was alleged to be waged. These have resolved to keep their employes at work at tion of Socialism may really begin.
words and phrases aimed to hypnotize the masses, their old jobs at their old wages. Not content The struggle for proletarian power, by means to divert their attention from the hard and sor with this, they are workng to effect a substanof revolutionary action, that is the policy of did rcality. And President Wilson used them in price reduction in the necessities of life. They Spartacus Socialism in Germany.
abundance in his speeches on war matters. He have already reduced the price of milk by ono Herr Bernstein says: was generous in pouring water on the wheels of conta quart, the price of shoes by ten per cent. the imperialist Allied mill, and the imperialists the price of coal by some three to five per cent. Our present situation is most critical more so than most of us realize. We are lacking in from the Allied camp hysterically applauded him. reduction of rental for ninety days.
raw products, foodstuffs and other commodities, Also he was applauded by the opportunists from Oh, yes, they ve heard of the Bolsheviki in Flint.
the labor camp who supported the war and, consto procure which we shall require immense amounts of money. We cannot seize the wealth ciously or unconsciously, played traitor to the cause of the international proletariat.
The English delegates to the Peace Conference of the rich people, for then the whole system of production would become paralyzed.
have been appointed: Lloyd George, representing But the war is ended and the deep wounds These black conditions are another argument mankind has received are not yet healed. There big business; Balfour, representing the artstoc in favor of the proletarian conquest of power, since Capitalism aggravates these conditions and radical and merciless operation is needed which racy: Faith, hope and charity.
would use them in its own interests, against the would do away with all the diseases of conproletariat. Immense amounts of money are temporary society and would once for all destroy Finding that The League to Enforce Peace has these easier to secure while paying profit tribute the causes that bring them about.
become somewhat of a fizzle, Mr. Taft becomes to capital, or without paying profit tribute? It But, are the present day statesmen capable of very bloodthirsty. Speaking to a group of bankis not a question of seizing the wealth of the such a step? Arc the hirclings of the decaying ers in Atlantic City, the other day, he is reported rich people that is a characteristically petty order of things capable of solving the contradic as knying: The only thing to do in dealng wth bourgeois proposal; but of expropr. banks the cap tions that are tearing society apart?
italist politically, expropriating the No, and no! Their personal interests and the for the umpires that he didn get that baseball proletarian Socialist control over production and interests of their class dictate to them either the job.
and control that, by means of the new proletarian modern society, or the policy of repression of Philip Scheidemann is quoted as advocating the state of the organized producers, would gradually thosc forces under whose pressure these clothes establishment of a State tribunal to try all peremerge into complete communist Socialism. The are now falling apart.
sons responsible for the war. Which seems to conquest of power and a new proletarian state But the forner as well as the latter is a policy us to be treading on rather dangerous grounds if that constitutes the first requirement.
of impotence and weakness.
the records of the Reichstag are looked up.
The bourgeois Socialist Government, the moderate Socialism equally of the majority and in Wilson historical speech. In it reappears time seems to be towards a raprochement bePrecisely this weakness has been demonstrated The whole tendency in the press at the present the Haase Bernstein Independents, is hesitant, every prase uttered by the President and still tween Capital and Labor, a sort of lying down of afraid to act sternly toward the bourgeoisie and more brings into relief the emptiness and hollow the lion and the lamb. The only difference being itself in the policy toward the Allies. The Ber bursts of the President fail to correct the impres down and trust entirely to luck as to what the Capitalism. This miserable attitude expresses ness of the speech: Even the usual lyrical out that apparently the lamb is to do all the lying gische Arbeiter Stimme, an Independent So sion.
lion may decide to do.
cialişt organ, says. The same people who two months ago could President Wilson critics reprimand him benot find anything more proper than to represent Europe. But could the President speak about the Russian Imperial army, has been reported cause he has not given his motives for going to Grand Duke Nicholas, former commander of in its rosiest light, now paint it blacker day by them openly? Could he tell the country that the dead quite a number of times, but it now appears reiteration of the professional beggar in a definite themselves upon ench other since they cannot di quarters that the Grand Duke had often wished day. The talk is directed with the mechanise yesterday friends are ready now to throw in southern Russia. It is assumed in responsible racy and readiness for pcące scorn was for years terests of the American bourgeoisie is being enterprising correspondent overhearing the wish uttered, but which country is now begged and whimpered to in the most pitiful manner by threatened with serious danger from her deark translated it into fact.
of the government Socialists, has reached the Critics of Wilson are dissatisfied that the Russian ex nobility seem to have put the cats standpoint that communism and Socialism must President failed to give a plan of reconstruction quite in the shade.
by Rummoning the enemy into the country. Solf. nomic system to reace conditions. But shall we new Russian government has been formed Erzberger, Scheidemann, Ebert and others would look for such plan from a representative of a at Stockholm. It is reported that at least two not oppose foreigners coming here for the pur system of society based on relentless competition, Russians have acknowledged allegiance to the pose of abolishing the red flag.
on anarchy in production, on oppression and ex. new government by wireless and that General Semenoff has repudiated it by postal card.
Miserable hesitation and compromise, the aban ploitation of one class by another. donment of the revolutionary task, nationally and The President has said everything that he internationally, and promoting counter revolu could have said; he promised everything that he Some enterprising person is insisting on the tion that is the tendency of moderate Socialism. could promise. And in this regard the American establishment of a chair of international affairs The problems of reconstruction in Germany, and imperialists should feel no anxiety; he will at one of the universities. The chair will need all other problems, are soluble only by means of carry out his promises. Their interests at the to be well provided with telephonic connections revolutionary action. Au problems are immedi. Peace Conference, he will protect. And within the if it aspires to be within at least two governately reducible to one problem the conquest of land, he will protect them. The railroads will be ments of the actual government functioning, ev.
power by the revolutionary Socialist proletariat. returned to the owners, the milliards of taxes ery time it makes a pronouncement and the