THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE December 14 The Revolutionary Age ry.
tic Provinces of Russia, who represent a very Reconstruction in Germar.
small minority of the people and who united with Chronicle and Interpretation of Events in Europe.
German autocracy during the war against the HE problem of power in Germany, whic masses, are urging allied intervention against the the decisive problem of the Resolution, Louis FRAINA Bolsheviki which means aganst the majority of. Editor the people, the workers and peasants. The Bri reconstruction proceed on a capitalist basis, equally a problem of reconstruction: sh EADMONN MACALPINE Associate Editor tish fleet is reported at Libau, upon invitation of shall it proceed on the basis of Socialism?
Contributing Editors the reactionary government.
Germany, much more than any other natio Scort NEARING LUDWIG LORE The Ukrainian landowners and bourgeoisie, except Russia, has suffered from the war. TI JOHN REED SEN KATAYAMA who united with the Austro German autocracy marvellous organization of the governmen HOURWICH WEINSTEIN against the workers and poorest peasante, are, while averting disaster temporarily, multipli now that German bayonets are withrawn, help the factors of disintegration. The financial sy ISSUED EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY less against the wrath and might of the workers tem is verging on collapse; industry is in proces By Local Boston, Socialist Party and peasants that they oppressed, and are calling of disorganization; foreign trade destroyed, ol Steiner, Business Manager for the bayonets of the Allies.
markets now in the control of rivals, Imperialist 885 Washington St. Boston, Mass.
At Stockholm, a new Russian Government twisted awry and compelled to adapt itself no longer an instrument the old Capitalist Three months, 00; bundles, 2c a copy Czarist Premier, Trepoff, one of the bloodiest ficted by the war upon the German people, ar The wounds ir Saturday, December 14, 1918 and most implacable of the instruments of auto cracy. It is declared that the Entente will support ruction is a process of healing these wounds. all belligerent peoples, are terrific; and recon: Annexations and Indemnities this new government while it temporarily rules the determining issue is whether the proce Russia in Stocholm, Sweden!
shall be Capitalist or Socialst. was said, during the war, that the Allies ac Is this the answer to Senator Johnson? Are cepted President Wilson 14 points and that American troops to restore autocracy in Russia. There is, moreover, the question of indemnitie these repudiated annexations and indemnities.
As it is, and at its best. Germany problem.
This was never a fact. Responsible ministers of the The press teems with reports of starvation in reconstruction is enormous; and if indemnitie Allies accepted, in words, the 14 points and the blockading her ports, by preventing Russia buy payments proposed by some of its representi Russia. But the Allies are starving Russia, by are exacted, if the Allies are to demand the hug precisely as Germany accepted this formula, and ing food and agricultural machinery in the mark tives, then reconstruction becomes hopelessl then at Brest Litovsk interpreted it in the sense ets of the world. Instead of shedding hypocrit complicated. Without indemnities, reconstructio of annexations and indemnities, so now represenical tears over Russia starvation and blaming in Germany will mean that the proletariat wi tatives of the Allies are urging annexations and the Soviets, end the blockade of Russia, let the pay tribute to the German capitalist class! witi indemnities. Disguised these demands may be Russian people determine their destiny in their indemnities, reconstruction will mean that the own way.
they are yet brutally apparent. Moreover, Presiproletariat will have to pay tribute to the German dent Wilson 14 points were interpreted as capitalist class and the capitalist class of th: Alien troops are still at Archangel and Vladi Allies.
a repudiation of the secret treaty agreements con vostok! Are more alien troops to go into Russia, cluded among the Allies. But the governments of provoke war, produce starvation on a larger scale, spect, but of which is the more hopeless: It is not a question of which is the better pro the Allies have never repudiated these secret intensify the sufferings of the Russian people?
agreements, exposed by the Bolsheviki as infa.
The problem of reconstruction which the Germously imperialistic; in fact, some months ago, man proletariat must tackle is the same as the How Much Longer, Karl?
British Minister of Foreign Affairs Balfour de problem of the proletariat of France, Belgium clared publicly that Great Britain was in honor the Berlin Tageblatt, addressing Karl Lieb by military disaster and the collapse of the Great Britain and Italy, enormously complicater pow her Allies. These monstrous secret agreements, claims: How much longer, Karl, will you abuse istic competition.
knecht and the Spartacides, Theodor Wolff ex of German Capitalism for successful imperia.
accordingly, in spite of all the idealistic camouflage, are still considered as in force. Does this our patience. Until you and your class can no Revolutionary Socialism in Germany insiste make for a democratic and lasting peace, for maklonger abuse the patience of the proletariat, that real reconstruction is possible only through ing the world safe for democracy? The inTheodor! Until the counter revolution is crushed, Socialism, by means of conquest of power by the tervention of the Socialist proletariat is necessaand the proletariat conquers all power. Until the proletariat. The whole system of Capitalism and Capitalist class can no longer have its patience Imperialism comprised in old German syste abused, since it will have been completely annihi must be destroyed; reconstruction must procee Soviets and Allies lated by Socialism. Patience? The proletariat without paying the tribute of profit to the cap, has long been patient, too long, in fact; and now italist class, without reconstruction being limited THE bourgeois Socialist Government of Schei that it is in action, it will consider not at all the and stultified by the profit system. The recondemann, Ebert. Haase Co. has sent a message patience of you and your class, Theodor, and struction of a new society, the real healing of the to the Russian Government asking it not to send deprive you of all the privileges and power com wounds of the war, the protection of the proleta delegation to the German National Congress prised in ruling over the proletariat. For four riat against oppression and new wars, is not posof Soviets, on December 16, because of the pre and a half years the proletariat patience has sible while Capitalism and Imperialism persist in sent situation in Germany. The invitation to been abused by the most bloody war in all history; Germany.
the Russian Soviets was issued by the Executive and now its day has come, it, is ready for the Revolutionary Socialism in Germany, moreover, Committee of the German Soviets of Workmen reckoning, which is the overthrow of Capitalism. realizes that indemnities would complicate the and Soldiers.
Karl will abuse your patience, Theodor, until problem of reconstructon in Germany, and would Simultaneously, the press prints a Copenhagen you and your class are turned into relics of an not measurably ease the burdens and facilitate infamous age.
report, which says: According to reports from. And Philip Scheidemann, the process of real reconstruction for the proletaBerlin, the Entente Governments intend to refuse who intrigued against the Russian Revolution, riat of Belgium, Great Britain, France and Italy.
to send foodstuffs to Germany until a demand ard then piously washed his hands of all respon Revolutionary Socialism, accordingly, struggles thev have made for the dissolution of the Soldiers sibility for the Brest Litovsk infamy, this Pon. for the proletarian revolution in Germany as the and Workers Councils is carried out. The Allies, tius Pilate Scheidemann exclaims: will not put climax of the proletarian revolution in Russin the renorts add, will reserve the right to march up with these conditions another week. will and equally struggles for the proletarian revolt into Germany.
get out. And describes Liebknecht as a person tion in the of Europe, since the gent who lacks every sense of responsibility. Get ral overthrow of Capitalism and the general dicIs this actually the decision of the Allies, or is it propaganda of the counter revoluton in Ger letariat wants! Responsibility? Did you have a out, Philip; that exactly what the German pro tatorship of the proletariat can reconstruction proceed a basis of Socialism, of healing the to frighten the masses? The bourgeois sense of responsibility when you supported an wounds of labor, and not of capital. Revolution infamous imperialistic war, betrayed Socialism ary Socialism strives for an alliance with Sovie of thing, by retaining Dr. Solf and Dr. Erzberger and the proletariat? Keep the revolution Russia and with revolutionary Socialism in al in the government, and using Erzberger as an ary fires burning, Karl! They will yet set the European countries.
armistice plenipotentiary. Scheidemann actually world afire.
This is not an attempt to shift the burdentells the masses: behave, or the Americans will that is the policy of Capitalism in Germany, no make you. It is either the Soviets or the Allies, Waging the Class Struggle of revolutionary Socialism since the overthron revolutionary co operation with the one or mercy of Capitalism will facilitate real reconstructior from the other, either bourgeois peace or peace THE other day, a delegation of the French So and benefit equally the proletariat everywhere with Revolution. The revolutionary policy Liebcialist representatives in the Chamber of De Moderate Socialism in Germany, in policy and knecht is the only proletarian policy.
puties, of social patriots and including the as represented in the bourgeoig Socialist Gov.
They Are Still There. centre compromiser Jean Longuet, had an in ernment, refuses to accept the overthrow of terview with Premier Clemenceau. They pro italist supremacy as the necessary prelimin.
SENATOR Hiram Johnson has introduced tested against the campaign for an imperialistic to real reconstruction. The Berlin Bourse, sa resolution seeking information from the State peace Clemenceau declared he had nothing to do a press report, and banking and industrial circl Department as to the activity of American sol with it; they asked him if he cherished imperial do not expect the immediate enactment of radice diers in Russia: Are we fighting Russia. It istic ams Clemenceau made a vgorous denial; measures. The impression prevails that th we are not, whv are we keening American soldiers thev asked him if he would consent to an inter Ebert Haase Government is convinced that thi in Siberia and in Vladivostok. What is America pellation in the Chamber on peace terms cle present political and economic situation is inaus intention as to Russa. such thing Then the delegation, having gloriously In the meanwhile, Senator Hitchcock, of the This is confirmed by Majority Socialist Pau and successfuly waged the class struggle, de Hirsch, Prussian Minister of the Interior, who Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, is in communication with Prince Lvov and Colonel Le parted to prepare new questions and arrange opposes a dictatorship of the proletariat, and. bedeft, representng the counter revolution, who warns of a tremendous deficit in the state finan the lexitimate policy of the social patriots and be urge that more American troops shall be sent to ces; by Emil von Strauss. one of the leading dir travers of Socialism; but Jean Longuet? Or is it ectors of the Deutsche Bank, who declares his Russia to crush Socialism.
a fact, after all, that centre Socialism in sub opinion that the Ebert Haase Government would The German Barons and the bourgeoisie of Li stance is indentical with the social patriotic poli make haste slowly in carrying out its program vonia, Esthonia and Courland, formerly the Bal cy of petty bourgeois Socialism?
for economic radicalization; and by Eduar