December 11, 1918 TIIE REVOLUTIONARY AGE of complete the job by crushing the Socialist gov. Are all these reports evidence of the Allies anarchy and horror. No; the proposals are a co.
ernment after its function of proletarian decep intentions to intervene in Germany to crush the sequence of the determination that Socialism shall tion is unnecessary. In this process, the counter dragon of Bolshevism. The reports are not at not conquer in Germany, as it did in Russia, since revolution must not alone annihilate the Sparta all conclusive. Yet the press jumps ahead of the that would mean the end of Capitalism cvery cides, but equally the actual facts: is this simply propagunda or is it where within the coming ten or twenty years.
campaign de prejudgment of the government intentions? These proposals of the reactionary press are Russia, the counter Telutionary Decisely as, in veloped from a campaign against the extreme The press paints a beautiful, idyllic picture of class proposals, to conserve the interests of Cup Bolsheviki into a campaign ngninst the Soviets. the former enemics uniting against italism. There is, indeed, a tendency noticeable The only answer to this campaign, if the revolu the revolutionary proletariat. Dense and brutal. in the German bourgeoisie to ask the Allies to tionary masses are not to surrender uncondition the press docs not realize that, were this a fact, come in should the workers really seize all power, ally, is All power to the Soviets. the new So it would be a criminal enormity an enormity realize Socialism Precisely as the Russi. alibur paralleled only by the alliance of the Prussin of wisie. through Milyukov and others, for oposant The Ebert IInnse Government is reactionary. Bismarck and the Franer or the incomos thirrn That Blic (irrmans wholl nuruh into Kuzuia 10 and consciously and incom:viously promote the mainst the aris Comm in 1871, when there the surroul rights of gorivalo promrix.
counter orvolution. do not net grain:1 the savagery previously exporcel :1:2018: weer It is the car struggle: it is capitalizmit Turgeni: reartion, while ita policy soul itt very contentrated in the terrifie. 11 lal ney. wili; it proud to wait the criminal were comrngest router volutionary art. riley the devoted brand of the nw n, omreler: turn of the unity of re nu in the model arian mars. The incwl Inen hel rilleet of the US, wher trained the commune.
rul San inliit: in the imperament, willy willy, ar Here in stropes.
criminal participants in this rewari At the real of the termen stiluri Bolshevikjals The net is Iwing your intel ly many Inde Who are the murde: They are the con uwialist. whe, together with the ulatuves of Imral tommy, Iloy. ent more and more furning to The Spartacus teen houted to them Poi! Burlesoni: Alisin il. Haases attitude as bitterly alriadory, wh for our au. a ball scallolen.
Turkcell boy budowndent Sixialist organs, and this Wagoal war against civilizados, 11 criticism in developing new strength since the fortlu murder of Wouden in children, med Alfowlay the workers of Leonid pole mielnya ingat penting menor de esta ciulists and we should be extirpated and punished for their till in the city, but the ownery did not like the tulok a meeting in the Allert Hall, the last maire representa piependene som er forment grans. baca crimesur Were these statements of the press rentiments et problem ocenter melho e liberikali German authoritics true or false? ir false, why ing was not mennt for the common herd and, in the Spartacus Group is construed here as show the war, why all the talk of punishing the guilty strict accordance with cnpitalist ethies, they inand preserving civilization? And il truc, how timated that they would brenk their comtraci nu proaching a break. The Vorwaerts (organ of comes it that the press making these statements call the meeting off. The electricians union the Ebert Scheidemann Socialists) spiritedly at now wants an alliance with these very murderer s, cided that in such an event they would shut off tacks the Haase party organ defense of the Huns, enemies of civilization?
the lights from the next ball scheduled at the hill Spartacus Group and Liebknecht and for its on What the press actually proposes is unity and the taxi drivers union also. hreatened to boy slaught on the Ebert Scheidemann faction, and of the makers of democracy with the raper cut the building. The meeting was accordingly asks whether the Independents have no sense of democracy held. Yox, just the same sort of tactics as will their responsibility when they endenvor to ex But, then, the former cnmity between the two free Mooncy.
cuse Liebknecht vile activities.
must have been simply a misunderstanding, The decisive struggle for power is coming to a which is immediately made up when danger Mr. Walter Long, British Secretary of State head. Revolutions cannot temporize on this is looms from Socialism and the revolutionary pro for the Colonies, speaking at Bristol is reported sue: it is either power to the bourgeois Provision lctariat.
as saying that although England did not desire to al Government or power to the Councils of Work The war, then, must have been an imperialistic enlarge her empire he saw no alternative to the men Delegates power to Capitalism, ar Socinl. war, a capitalist war: that is the only conclusion solution of the problem of the German colonics ism. The Ebert Haase Government will be an. deducible from the proposals and the logic of the unve by their inclusion in the empire and, benring nihilated either by the bourgcoixic or by the press. But to say, and this is precisely what the the principle of self determination wel mind, proletariat. There can be no middle pf the road press does say, in fact, that the war was impe he antinued where the natives had been cnn.
policy in government during a revolution. Nor rialistic and capitalistic, is a violation of the Ex sulter they overwhelmingly favored that course.
can there be any middle road policy for the Sovi pionage Act, for saying which a Socinlist would This touching example of England willingness ets, or for Socialism. The Independent Socialists be heavily punished. Will the Post be to have the odds and ends of the earth thraxt upon must decide: either accept the Spartacus program indicted for violation of the Espionage Act? her is merely another proof of the clennsing powof proletarian dictatorship or accept the counter The German autocracy, which consisted not er of democracy. If England had not become onarevolution. Compromise promotes reaction. Life simply of the Kaiser but of the whole system moured of that magic word we might expect itself determines the issue, and the wecessary rev comprised in the German authorities, was in another war, along the lines of the Boer War, in olutionary action.
dicted, and indicted justly, for being irrespon which the old lion would valiantly resist all atsible to the will of the people, for not represent tempts to thrust frosh territory upon him.
Sinister Proposals ing the people.
But these authorities The National Security League is out to fight THE press reports that fivo American oficers in the minority have not become representatives with the Burgomaster, the local German comman the and if overnight: they are still old usur Bolshevism. This is a good sign, but we hore arrived at Coblenz Thursday, and conferred pers; they do call in alien troops to crush they won be too hard on Root.
proletarian revolution, they will conclusively der, and the railway nuthyrities.
prove Xobody can or will doubt the President sinThe press reports that the premature occupa pelled to call in alien aid to maintain their power.
cere desire to represent American thought at tion of Coblenz by Anrerican troops is due to But if the Allies should, as the press proposes, Paris. The trouble is. says The New York the request of the German authorities, who are do this very thing, they will fight and shed the Times editorially and then proceeds in a full cola apprehensive of the conditions that might pre blood of men to maintain that autocratic minor umn to demonstrate the fact that it is nobody.
vail there, after the withdrawal of the German ity power which they previously declared must Open confession is good for the soul.
be warred against and annihilated precisely he The press reports that British troops have cause it was an autocratic minority. What, then, Jerome Jerome, the well known English been hurried to Cologne to maintain order, but becomes of the war to make the the world safe humorist, becomes very serious in an article to the nature of the tmuhle, or how scrious it is, for democracy?
the London Daily News under the title Wilson is not stated in the brief unofficial announcement. It is clear that the proposals of the American or Tenin? He apparently knows that the world It is reported that Red forces and their opponents press are actually seditious, even border is feeling sick but make scrious mixtako have been rioting and that the situation demands in his diamosis of the case when he takes the armed British forces.
The press is in a peculiar pickle. When the rer. liberal attitude that the disense is too much caThe occupation of Cologne and Coblenz by the Olutionary Socialists are reported as losing in. pitalism.
Allied troops is in falallment of the armistice fluence in Germany, the press declares that the IIe gets very angry with the British, French terms.
The associated governments have not German people must pay up to the hilt, that they and American capitalists for becoming autorrats declared any other purpose. But the Boston must be shown no mercy, that they deserve to in much the same manner as an amateur doctor Post in its issue of December 9, in black face suffer. But when the revolutionary Socialists might become incensed at grippe bacilli for de type at the head of its front maps, screams: loom up threateningly, appear on the verge of veloping into germs. American troops have hurried farther into scizing power and organizing a pneumonia After bernting the capitalists, Mr. Jerome holds German territory, at the request of the authori. Republic, becomes sympathetic, declares Russia un as the awful exampple of what hannens ties, to protect the German that the German from themselves. The are now in check the dragon conquero Bolshevism which threa must be fully expiated, but civilization also hones with into full grown cutocrats, and, in common kaviors, holding themselves, that pe crimes ustching to the time heticom morimad intele capitalist germs who insist on device of quncks, he advocates the tens to make chaos of monce mighty In the horror of anarchy may be spared Ger. cation of palliatives that will stop their growth.
reconstruction lies the one hore of the many: The real disease is capitalism, not too much Teutonic peoples. Crimes against civilization is punctuated by rnd remarks about the capitalism. and the only trentment that will save r:ust be fully expiated, but civilization also hones chaos of a ance mighty Empire: does the cap the patient is an operation. Wilson is a physician; that the horror of Anarchy may be spared Ger italist press really regret the death of this Em Lenin is pire? Surely not, if it means Socialism!
And the American. in its issue of December The shameless, counter revolutionary proposals Frederick William Hohenzollern is quoted as reports that the French General Dupont apare not consequence of love of the German saying have not renounced anything.
peared suddenly in the streets of Berlin in an people: these must pay. They are not the con. In other words Having no. hing to renounce, renutomobile at the height of the street fighting Requence of love of democracy: the cause of real rounce rothing which reema to us to be a very Friday night. And adds: The arrival of General democracy is lost in Germany unless the prole fair position from a philcophical standpoint.
Dupont in Berlin is regarded here as significant tarian revolution conquers. They are not a con of the Allies intentions to interfere to restore sequence of horror of anarchy: Capitalism itself It looks very much as if Chili was going to give order in Germany.
is one long horror of anarchy, the war itself was the lie to all this talk about the last war.
on treason. nobiconic empire.
that orderly an surgeon.