2 THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE December 11, 1918 pour The Revolutionary Age Surely seat Socialist laok in an epoch when The opportunity for provoking this clash came on Friday. detachment of reactionary troops Chronicle and Interpretation of Events in Europe. George and Clemenceau became fearful of the Committee and arrests the members, the officer Capitalism was verging on collapse! When Lloyd appears at the building of the Soviet Executive awakening of the workers, they invited over a Louis FRAINA. Editor abor mission of the EADMONN MACALPINE. Associate Editor of which tried these orders by telephone. Simultaneousls, other Contributing Editors of the Sociel Democratic mission of cellor place and offer Ebert the presidency of Scott NEARING LUDWIG LORE Simons, Spargo Co. An Italian Socialist mis the German Republic, which he graciously refuse SEN KATAYAMA sion is now Joux REED in nur midst, approved, but not politie country.
es, calling for three cheers for our German HOURWICH. WEINSTEIN Secialists are discredited in their own cially, by the Italian royal Government. These by the Spartacidca to demand immediate demobil1 6LED EVERY, WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY inn By Loch Boston, Socialist Party aspirations and a small clique of renegade Social. tariat, where it is announced that the Executive Steiner, Business Manager ists. They are men who have been corrupted by Committee of the Sovints is under arrest. With 884 Vashington St. Boston, Mass. nationalism and social Imperialism, betrayers of cries of Iet hang Ebert, down with the coun.
the proletarint. One of them, Ambris, was a ter revolution. down with Hindenburg and all Wednesday, December 11, 1918 former Syndicalist, who urged Italy to war before reactionary officers, the meeting forms a parade, she made the decision. And it is characteristic proceeding from the Chaussee Strasse to the The Coming Era of Strikes that Amhris should now talk of the territorial corner of the Invalidenstrasse, where a furious TIIE War Labor Board, through its joint chair Slavs, insistinc uron Italy full gcovraphical, tionary troons were apparently rlanted at the sourblilny between Italy and the Croats and Jugo. machine gun fire opens upon them. These reacformed the Bethlehem Steel Company, which prions. Surely an inspiring activity, for one who men. Taft and Basil Manly, have in historical and ethnical rights in the Adriatic re. strategic point proof of a formidable counter.
asked to have full freedom in dealing with cmrevolutionary conspiracy. desperate strert formerly insisted that Revolution was the only battle ensues and the marchers are disperseri, plovers, that the Board power to make wace awards and its jurisdiction over disputes continue conecrn of the proletarint! The proletariat will with sixteen killed and over fifty injured. The until a nence treaty is ratifed. And then? With hilnie its betrayers.
tri fii! class consciousness, will yet anni offices of Liebknecht paner, The Red Fing.
the end of the war and the peculiar industrial are rnided. Having heard of the arrest of the Soviets officials, the Government denies having conditions it created, will come rendjustment: ard mith rendivatment will come an era nf great in The Struggle Starts issued an order for their arrest; they are freed dustrial struggles, greater than any this country and the officer in charge of their captors is himhas ruer seen. That will be the onnortunity of THIE decisive struggle of the Revolution is on self placed under arrest. Is this a resemblance The characteristic of revolutionary in Cormanrthe struggle for state power.
to Krreneky repudintion of Kornilov in SeptemSnialism is that it study the alignment of social The comparing nttnck upon the boureenis. ber, 1917) Then the masacs rise in all their Serinlist Provisional Government has started.
ginnt strength and crush the reactionary Coun.
forers, the characteristic of cach period in social development, and adart itself and these charac in the preliminary form of on nttack of teristics to the task of developing the final string the reactionary forces nuainst the Sovints and mificant features. It was an aitark, not xinpls This counter revolutionnry coup has many sir.
gele. The characteristic of the situation in the mini 114 Surtous Serialisix. The first won the Smurlacidex, but in the Soviets. siner wited States during the coming two or thre of the storie has ended in a victory for the Swirts existence are a uaranty that ultiy will be great industrial xirikes. This will routinnity Sewillism.
mately revolutionary ideas will sure control: cthor Silistlarly. If we are simply to Troferenda online in the first phare fer of the presidency to lurt loy the counter This site in the Soviet coincides with all of strikes to make political capital, we shall be tre reveal the conter revolutionary mize. y real worlunily; but if we alvorber the Irrizionalernent. counter Pretion of of the room chat ir fulle mine lay the f:ut that of the Berit Gewernment and that this ve in the. trike, preciate that in industry lies the power of the proletariat, luand il. thi thi. Seriali. everontent is a mille Termentatitude: the bulwark of poetin ml::il: ir, pihently liveloping rolin in::tead of the revolutionary. line. functi. Somali:um low strikes to shop timer imelu: trii arganizations and moral indu: terrution are in the final tot heerily Tel. Hy eerie Trouver than ever, the r.
trial artist of the workers, out of which one is the proletari: revolution.
visit: invernment, which alone would provit The chess awer for the final struggle, then the in rule of the elemarul for the resivnation of rm the sterul. completa elit.
Sawialist Party will measure to the apportunity. Selim Wrzrer. these two representawn it and in it away while preparing it: 10 a new and more vital Socialism come intos tives of the yerime still remain in the sovby tot demobilizing any more trops.
being ere. Kurt Firner. Premier of the Bavarian reaction was instant and nggressive. Instend of The answer of the revolutionary manse to the Roublic, ceases his radical talk. Accepts comWhy This Reserve, Pray?
promise and derides upon a molerate program dispersing, the masses ncted. Huge demonstraTN the New York Call of December 6, there of socialization. Amerliner nt Cologne under tions were held on the following two or three day s, is letter from Joseph Shnplen, which defends the auspires of the Catholic Centre Party repudi at which Liebknecht spoke, urging the people to crect barricndes and put down the counter revosembly in Russin against the Bolsheviki and the theoretion of an inderendent state of Rhine. lutionary government by force of arms, to de Soviets, saying that if defense of the Constituent Westphalia under the German Em posc thc povernment and place all government cratic and Social Revolutionist parties of Russia ridice conference at Spa intimate that the Scheidemann! was the general cry of the demonstrators, with the Government! Re.
ore reactionist, and likewise are Ebert, Tansa. tento foule demand the clissolution of the Lirnstein, Kautsky, Ierlebur and the entire host Soldiers Councilx. these olli alizing the desperate character of the counterof Gierman Socialists. And the only revolution is winter by the Socialist povernment revolution, the proletariat is arming, preparing its are the Rolsheviki and the Spartacus (roup. in representatives of the old regime and the for battle at each of their meetings. The day On the Constituent Assembly. The Gl. in its croisic, and probably having disussed with after the counter revolutionary allick, an enorreply. sus: We can not enter an argument on the Entente representatives action against the Tiergarten: mounted on a statue of the loben.
mous meeting of the Spartacides was held at the the lative merits of Constituent Assemblies the Revolution.
Soviets. But this is precisely the vital issue, the The wounter revolutionary movement assumes zollerus, Liebknecht urgel tetion against the counter revolution, stigmatized the government real argument, the dividing force of Seirlismille form of support of the rovisional Govern is counter revolutimuary, and urged the proletari.
in Germany and Russia. Why does the. med action ainst the Soviets and the at to seize all power. he semi circle of the meet.
dulere on this issue? Is it because its ideo and Spiracides Merywhere the counter revolution its Sinialism rre, after all. pretty bourgeois Ax iny: was launked on all sidex loy revolutionary nilser lwhind the sireen of the Sixialto the Bolsheviki and the Spartacus Group They il fornment of Mert. Tartse Co. and the troops with machine guns and armored trucks are the only revolutionists expressing the reil pless morts declarations of the bourgeois commanding all approxiches, and prepare for any counter revolutionary attacks.
tendency of revolutionary Socialism. The Cipresentatives that they support the governcompletely ignores this phase of Shaplen chal ment because Socialism is necessary as a tem The counter revolutionary coup in Berlin on lonec. Why this reserve? Shouting about Soc porary instrument to use against the massCs. December 6, resembles, in a way, the July 16 17 ialism and the Revolution, making concessions to Rut. simultaneously with this counter revolu uprising in Petrograd. The Russian massis merty opinion, while suppressing or camouflaging tionary trend, the fundamental issues is the policy of moderate, cinlism, acquiros influence and power at terrific Provisional Government; counter revolutionary petty bourrcois Socialism, a policy ngainst Social stocul, and the attack centres upon them. In gangs and reactionary government troops attack and that promotes disaster. It is a policy Dresden, the Spartacides secure control of the the marchers; street fighting for two days, the thrt, in the final test, becomes counter revolu Soviet. in ithineland and Westpahlia their agitn dispersal of the masses, the arrest of Bolsheviki.
tors are extraordinarily active, their domination including Trotzky, and an order for the arrest of in Colorne sletermining the bourgeois officials, it Lenin. The purpose was annihilate the masses The Italian Socialist Mission morire. to call in the British troons of occuby means of a premature clash; and it was a tem.
ration before the stipulated time; while in Berlin porary success. But the counter revolutionary THE irresistible necessity of Socialism is now learly apparent necesary both to the capital. The contrib olutely cortain strategic sections coup in Berlin immedintely strengthens the masses: a fundamental difference, and it will iri. masters of the world and to the proletarian of the city. The immediate task of The Sparta master of the coming workl. Having plungent side: is pranda, out of which will ullimately rebrale rormously the march of revolutionary into the penis, irreltimmary clion for the size of war, xovernment. Seriali:m. dexo, 1:1 Thange of reconciling the proletariat But the deviler prvolution determines to What the lower with deceptive in io llor. mnufacturing an ideology for the prob. immediate clau, Presive of the trainers, altor that from dimidity, described war Wellus portarinn revolution caw. Irength of troubory Samialim.
riol. 10:ehr, he rally constitutes. in cermunny, capital demarly hin this class, olidly. er of in role for the turned to a traitor Swinlin prekrve the lliery from this is one The pure of the center le del order, y no the proletarial turmell. The realita pre Hry was lo mihilate the most by doner: ruttury Skinlim luerentes the law orler. to. aming of the proletariat, and the le iny thief. place all wir in the misliti tru: bave ll Metaling Inter Til the potent of tobiliz certain roversial Covertul. restore orter in inlist MIN to other anons. all in the real ropes which had eviously agreed to Thes, buving imquered the revolutionary ma.