AnarchismBolshevismBourgeoisieCivil WarGermanyImperialismLeninSocialismSovietTrotsky

The Revolutionary Age Chronicle and Interpretation of Events in Europe VOLI, No. Wednesday, December 11, 1918 Price, Cents They Are Still There!
By John Reed AT the present time the Allied armies in Russia various so called Governments which have been American troops among them are supprovinces. But the defeat of Germany has mere set up and supported by Allied troops. These porting three Governments at Archangel, Via ly strengthened the Russian Soviet Government. Governments the Government of the North, at divostok and Omsk. These Governments, which Only the most credulous will be able to swallow Archangel, the All Russian Provisional Governare said to be supported by the majority of the the accusation of the capitalist press that the ments at Ufa and at Omsk, and the Siberian Gov.
Russian people (whoever they may be. have Kaiser, defeated in Germany, is still ruler of ernment at Irkutsk, centered about certain rcone characteristic in common; they stand for the Russin!
actionary delegates to the Constituent Assembly return of Czardom. So that the Allies, who start One of the armstice terms imposed upon Ger Tschaikovsky, Avksentiev, Zenzinov and others; ed out with the scarcely disguised intention of many requires that the indemnity paid by Russia men who were too conservative even for the mo restoring the Constituent Assembly, and thus to Germany must be surrendered to the Allies derate Socialist parties to which they belonged setting up a bourgeois Republic, now find them to hold in trust for some future Russian Govern under Kerensky regime.
selves in the position of gendarmes of the Coun ment. This Government, of course, must be acIt is a proof of the power of the Bolsheviki ter Revolution.
ceptable to the Allies. There remains in Russia over the masses of the people, and a justification According to official statements of the Ameri no force with any power except the force of the of the dispersal of the Constituent Assembly, can and Japanese Governments, the objects of Black Hundreds the Dark Forces against which that these liberals and Socialists were forced intervention in Russia were, protection of milita the Russian people revolted in March, 1917, to ry supplies in Archangel and Vladivostok against the applause of the liberal world; any other Gov. Cossacks and Chinese mercenaries under outcast: to depend for their fighting forces upon renegade German and Austrian war prisoners, and assist ernment set up in Russia must immediately fall, like General Semionov, Horvath and Gurko, and ance to the Czecho Slovaks, who were presumably for the Russian moderates and liberals have Admiral Kolchak. upon the Czecho Slovaks, the trying to leave Russia. The most Bolemn and no following whatever.
Japanese, and the Allies. And no was naturpublic promises were given by both Governments This is clearly shown by the history of the al in such a situation, even the Allied and Amethat they had no intention of interfering in the rican troops could not save these governments internal affairs of Russia. But the British Gov.
Famine in Russia from being overthrown by the Russinn riff raff ernment, which was associnted with the Amerithey had evoked to fight their battles.
cans and Japanese, stated through Lloyd George striking light is thrown on the cause of food diffithat the purpose of the intervention was to creculties which are experienced by Soviet Russia, by a The pressure upon the Russian Soviets has ate a center for the elements opposed to Bolsheletter written on September 4th by Rene Marchand, been terrible. The Allied diplomatic representathe well known Figaro correspondent in Russia, to vism. And the French Government, whose aima tives in Moscow, it seems, made use of their di. Poincare, the original of which has been discovered in Russia can least bear the light of liberal scru during a search made in his house by the agent of the julomatic privileges to plot counter revolution and tiny, did not Jeign to publish them.
Extraordinary Commission for Fighting the Counter evch the blowin up of bridger and munition Revolution, and which is now published by the Mos. work, after the pattern of the Kaiser hirelings As soon as foreign troops landed on Russian soil Cow Isvestia. In the course of his letter, March in this country. Armed attacks having failed, the Commissaire for Foreign Affairs, Tchitche and deplores the fact that of late we have allowed deliberate and concerted efforts are being made rin, addressed a note to the Allied and American tirselves to be drawn exclusively into a fight against Governments, asking why no notice of intervenBolshevism thus engaging, without any advantage to starve the Russian people into submission. In tion had ever been given to the Government, and whatsoever to the interests of the Ententc, in a policy Answer to this the Russian Soviet Government, which can have no other result than intensifying unwhile Allied troops were actually shooting down demanding a bill of complaint.
necessarily the sufferings and despair of the Russian Russian pensants by the thousand in the North If the Allied and American Governments have people, to aggravate the existing anarchy and to ac. and on the East, treated subjects and citizens any cause for complaint against the conduct of centuate the fainine and civil war as well as the party of the Allied nations and the United States with the Government of the Russian Republic, he said the grentest consideration. And in all this time in effect, we respectfully ask why it has not Marchand then reports a secret conference at been called to our attention, that we may satisfy the American Consulate General at the end of August they have left no stone unturned to make peace it.
last, which was attendedi, in addition to the American even, according to dispatches offering reparaConsul Gieneral loole, lry all the other representatives tion for property confiscated or clestroyed. in When the armistice with Germany was signed of the Allied Governments and by himself.
Russin, and for repudiated debts.
by the Allied and American Governments, Tchithen learnt that the British Agent was preparing tcherin asked for an armstice with the Soviet Shall the United States be a party to what, the destruction of the railway bridge over the river Government also.
Vulkhoff. glance at the map will show that the deafter all, has inevitably taken on the significance Both these communications were ignored. It struction of this bridge would be equivalent to the of an attempt to restore the Russian Czar?
may be urged that neither the Allies nor the delivery of Petrograd to death by starvation. The United States recognized or now recognize the British Agent added the information that he had alMr. Lloyd George, speaking in London the Russian Government. But for months all these ready made an attempt to blow up the duct which would have had the same disastrous effect other day, came out very strongly against miliGovernments carried on semi official relations on the food Petrograd. The conversation tarism. Gigantic armies must not be permitted with Russia, have made demands on it again and then turned on the subject of the destruction of the in the future, he said. Of course, being only again; and in March, President Wilson publicly various railway lincs. One thie agents mentioned tyros in the game, we very naturally were making that lie had secured the valuable assistance of the railaddressed the Fourth Congress of Soviets as remental enquiries as to how and by whom was presentatives of the Russian people. Is the way cuployees, who, however, were opposed to de the forbidding to be done if some nation took it struction on a only conclusion possible from all this that the a large scalc; the corrupted employees into its head to have a lot of soldiers, but when were only prepared to assist in the blowing up of aims of intervention are so frankly imperialistic trains carrying war materials. do not want to dwell we scanned the pages of our newspaper a little that any statement of them would be extremely upon details but am profoundly convinced that these more thoroughly we found that on the same day compromising. were not isolated acts on the part of individual agents. that Lloyd George made his speech Winston But even if they were isolated acts their effect would Even those persons who were persuaded by the be cqually pernicious; they are calculated to draw RusChurchill had written an article advocating a giSisson documents and other forgeries, and the sia into an endless and even bloodier political fight and gantic British navy.
subsidized propaganda of Miliukov Ambassador it to inhuman sufferings by death and starva So it really quite simple, after all. The giran.
in Washington, Mr. Bakhmetiev, that Lenin and tion. Moreover, the sufferings would affect almost entic navy will not permit any gigantic armies. Thus Trotzky were German agents, must now be con lircly the poor and the middle classes of the populasiderably puzzled. If it were true that the Bolis peace made secure.
tion, while the richer people and the bourgeoisie would shevili in Russia were a tyrannical minority supalways be able to find the means of escaping to the Ukrainc or abroad.
ported by German gold and German bayonets, There seems to be quite a storm about whether Marchand notes that throughout the conference, the collapse of Imperial Germany would necessaor not the Kaiser letter of resignation is explicit not a single word w:s uttered about fighting Germany rily entail the collapse of the Bolsheviki just and expresses his profound conviction that the Soviet enough, but this would appear to be an unimportmit entailed the collapse of the Ukrainean dictaGorernment would ndt call in Germany to its assistance. ant detail in view of the fact he was fired quite torship, and the National Council of the Baltic definitely.
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