December 7, 1918 THE REVOLUTIONARY AGE The of capital.
lic opinion, supplemented by occasional use of ary proletariat: it annihilates bourgeois democra revolutionary bourgeoisie and agrarian aristoarmed force during strikes, Capitalism maintains cy and the parliamentary system. The concepts cracy, in Germany as in Russia.
itself as a government of one class.
of bourgeois democracy in Russia were a fetter But as the success of Socialism in Prussia de The dictatorship of the proletariat is a recog upon the action and emancipation of the proleta velops a separatist tendency among the Bavarian nition of the fact that only one class in society riat; they are equally a fetter upon the revolu and Silesian bourgeoisie and agrarian aristocracy, counts, the working class; that it is the mission tionary proletariat in Germany. Revolutionary it simultaneously develops a unifying tendency of this class to end class rule by annihilating the Socialism there opposes the Constituent Assemb among the Bavarian workers and peasants, who, basis of class rule the bourgeois control of in ly because it is an expression of bourgeois de under the pressure of events, will see their intedustry. In the reconstruction of society on a mocracy, the organ of the Capitalist republic, rests realized in a unified Socialist Germany as a Socialist basis, the proletariat alone is the dyna assuring the supremacy of Capitalism and Impe preliminary to a unified Socialist United States of mic force; all other classes are necessarily opposed rialism. In annihilating Capitalism, Socialism in Europe.
to Socialism, and counter revolutionary. Con Germany must equally annihilate the democra separatist tendency in Bavaria and Silesia, stituent Assembly, accordingly, by instituting a cy of Capitalism.
the tendency for national independence in Austria government of all the classes. acts against the Either Constituent Assembly or dictatorship Hungary and the Slav races, all are expressions coming of Socialism; and while in this government of the proletariat, either Capitalism or Socialism of the developing class struggle. Clearly, the in Socialist influence may be strong or even pre. that is the issue of the revolution in Germany, terests of the workers and peasants of Germany, dominant, the government will gradually become the decisive issue.
of Austria, of Bohemia, of Poland, of Galicia are more and more bourgeois, since the retention of not promoted by national independence natidustry, of parliamentary and other institu Revolutions and Separatism anal independence for small states is a mockery tions of Capitalism will baffle proletarian action, of federation in a Socialist Republic. The bourwill strengthen the control of the bourgeoisie, THE Socialist Republic in Bavaria has threatened to break diplomatic relations with the geois cry of national independence in South eastand the government of all classes becomes a government of one class the predatory class rest of Germany unless the government grants ern Europe is directly counter revolutionary; the certain measures, the dismissal of Dr. Solf and workers and peasants must unite with Soviet The proletarian revolution marks a complete olutionary elements. Concerning this threat of Ba; Erzberger, and the crushing of all counter rev. Russia, with the oncoming Socialist Germany. revolution lets loose two sets of forces, one break with the relations, social institutions and ideology of the past. It is a revolution that must Flag says: varian Premier Eisner, Liebknecht in The Red centripetal, the other centrifugal, one scatters, the other unifies. The proletarian revolution in penetrate deep into the basis of society and the ideology of the masses before it can conquer and will probably have a result that Eisner never in His threat of breaking off diplomatic relations Germany necessarily, at first, scatters, disintergrates the old national unity: the impact of the assure the coming of Socialism. The bourgeois tended. The reactionary elements in Bavaria and class struggle produces disintergration of the old, revolution was a small affair in comparison, since the rest of South Germany will find it easy to use an apparent end of all things, anarchic disorder.
it produced no fundamental changes, social or eco his threat for counter revolutionary purposes.
But as under conditions of revolution the forces nomic; it was a political revolution, annihilating the class rule of Feudalism in order to establish tendency in Bavaria. The Bavarian bourgeoisie Eisner is de facto encouraging the separatist of the bourgeoisie are centripetal, so the forces of the proletariat are centrifugal. The proletathe class rule of Capitalism. The ease with which is trying to absolve itself of all blame for causing new and higher basis. The separatist tendency rian revolution conquers, and unifies again, on a the bourgeoisie adapted itself to a restoration of the war, and is eager to make a separate peace monarchy, in France and in England, or to the is incidental a temporary instrument of counterretention of monarchy as in Germany, proves the terms. This is one phase of the movement to de revolution.
comparatively superficial transformations accom: cclare Bavaria an independent Republic. But the Bolshevikjabs geois revolution requires no fundamental ideolo in spite of Eisner immediately radical purpose, a gical revolution: the ideology of master and slave Liebknecht Haase Government, is that separatism Now that peace is declared Mr. Gompers again geois revolution have to be drastic, make a com olutionary Socialism to Bavaria. The reaction and a jubilee meeting of the American Alliance for remnants of the old order, or rather make these the counter revolution in Bavaria, Silesia and the Labor and Democracy, though what that unforturemnants adapt themselves to the new: and the letarian dictation persists in Berlin. Eisner is nat organization has got to be jubilant about is are threatening secession if pro Shrouded in mystery, the redoubtable Sammy compromise is made, assuring the supremacy of playing with fire. By publishing documents proy lated to give the bloated plutocrats the shivers breathes fire and devastation in a manner calcuCapitalism.
But the proletarian revolution cannot compro Berlin conspired for war, Eisner promotes the ing that the counter revolutionary elements in until he announces that he has no intention of mise with the past: compromise means the inevi revolution; by threatening a severance of diplo turning to any patented panacea for all the ills of table coming into power of Capitalism again. matic relations, he indirectly assists the bourgeois human kind, and then our friend the capitalist Compromise fatal. Either the bourgeoisie is reaction. revolutionary overthrow of the resettles back comfortably in his seat assured once completely annihilated, or it will gather its for actionary government that is the tactic necesmore that all right with the world.
ces anew and annihilate Socialism and the pro sary.
letariat. The proletarian revolution must con Immediately upon the development of revolu We are indebted to our old and trusted friend, quer the bourgeoisie politically, expropriate it tion in Austria Hungary, Hungary, that is to the bourgeois press, for the latest confidential ineconomically, create new social and industrial re say, the Hungarian ruling class, declared itself side information regarding affairs in the poor old lations and a new ideology: it is a giant task. The antagonisms, the hatreds and the counter revoan independent republic, a measure calculated to Emerald Isle. It appears that the Kaiser is to stem the tide of Social Revolution by misdirect. be offered a haven of refuge in Ireland. When lutionary activity aroused by the proletarian reing the energy of the masses into the sterile chan we search our memory there appears only one volution are consequently enormous: and enornels of national independence.
place in Ireland that could fittingly be set apart mous is the task of crushing the old order, a task requiring dictatorial and drastic methods, the full In Russia during the Revolution, the landownto receive such a distinguished visitor from the measure of the energy, the initiative and the ers, bourgeoisie and petty bourgeois Socialists of number of English Lords that have, from time to power of the proletariat. The introduction of Soc vent the Bolsheviki from conquering in the center cal associations, Dublin Castle seems to be just ialism is the task of the Revolution in Germany; Socialism is realizable only through the class raine and get easier peace terms. Wherever the place for Mr. Hohenzollern.
action of the proletariat: the real revebilietarián immediately organizes an independent republic counter revolution raises its head in Russia, it Ex Kaiser Blames Russia for the War, says dictatorship as the only means of realizing its newspaper headline. Well, taking everything inideals.
to consideration, it is more than we expected of In this separatist tendency, the bourgeoisie The peculiar thing about this dictatorship of arouses old racial antagonisms which have long Wilhelm that he would be so considerate as to blame somebody that couldn be punished, but, the proletariat, however, is that it functions dem since lost all meaning, and tries by this method ocratically. Soviet government the most to create antagonism against the Socialist Repub still, in fairness to the late ex Czar, we would say democratic form of government conceivable, based lic, split the proletariat and misdirect its energy. that if he did start the war he never intended that it should go so far.
directly upon the producers in the factory and the This is precisely the tendency of bourgeois sepafield, a government that can be changed every ratism in Bavaria.
three months, or within less time by the votes In Russia there was a reason for the separatist Field Marshal Von Hindenburg has issued an Republic are active agents of government. It is alities, not as yet assimilated because of the brut with eagerness for the German Socialists to tenole its constituents. The citizens of the Soviet tendency. Russia was a conglomeration of nation order in which he states that no offense will be trial democracy, that ends the private ownership licy, accordingly, was to grant these nationalities his kindly consideration.
der a vote of thanks to the doughty soldier for of the means of life, that destroys the old system the full right of secession, depending upon the the worker was an industrial sert, and proletarian class struggle to conquer and unite makes the workers the conscious masters of in the Russian nationalities on a new basis that of Who would ever have thought that Hindendustry and of their own life and destiny. a federated Socialist Republic. Socialist Russia burg would outdo our mayors in the matter of The use of force is incidental, and is character would have a powerful attraction for the proleta toleration? Human nature wonderful!
istic of every revolution. The counter revolution riat in Finland, in Poland, in the Ukraine; and by in Russia, and perhaps soon in Germany, resorts means of this the different nationalities would be Dutch to decide Wilhelm status, says to force to crush the new Socialist state: force is amalgamated into one news item. Might we offer the suggestion that answered by force. The dictatorship of the proBut in Germany there is no such reason. Gerthe unknown quantity is decidedly letariat, however, is dynamic, not static; its every many has long since been unified into one nation, act is not to preserve itself as dictatorship, but except in Prussian Poland, Schleswig, subject ter Congress Cool to President says the headto bring about those new relations of society in ritory. But as the bourgeoisie favored national lines. From the fact that none of the much which dictatorship disappears. It is indeed a per unity to accomplish its manifest destiny of heralded Republican heckling materialized it culiar dictatorship that strives to transform itself becoming powerful and predatory, so now this would not be unfair to assume that the coolness into a superfluity!
bourgeoisie in Bavaria and Silesia would break was chiefly of the pedal extremities.
The dictatorship of the proletariat, moreover, the unity of Germany if Socialism conquers, in realizes that the forms of bourgeois democracy order to protect its manifest destiny. Separat King Nicholas of Montenegro has been deposare incompatible with the task of the revolution ism is necessarily an instrument of the counter ed. Another ad in the situations wanted column where republic.